松浦 達也 安森 亮雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.731, pp.31-39, 2017 (Released:2017-01-30)
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In university campuses, there exists buildings with the common space to the public such as museum and library, which we call the open buildings to the public. There are a wide variety of open buildings to the public from those proactively disclosed to those used mainly by internal users but also by the public, and they are located at various areas in university campus. Disclosure of each open building to the public may be contributing to the formation of openness in the university campus. Since universities are required to contribute to their societies in recent years, the openness of campus is necessary to promote campus opening to their communities. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to clarify the openness of national university campus in Japan in relationship to layout of open buildings to the public. Firstly, the characteristics of open buildings to the public are analyzed based on openness by the use of buildings and their layout in university campus. It was found that open buildings to the public were classified into three types of openness by the use of buildings : active use by the public (Rank A), possible use by specific external users (Rank B), and use mainly internal users but also by the public (Rank C). It was additionally discovered that most of those buildings belong to Rank C. It was also found that open buildings to the public tended to form the open unit by assembling each other or locating next to a square. In addition, it was clarified that open buildings to the public were placed on the campus in accordance with their openness such that buildings and open units actively used by the public (Rank A) were located near the main gate and open units mainly used by internal users (Rank C) were placed at the center of the campus site. Secondly, openness of university campus are clarified through characteristic of open buildings to the public and campus environs. As a result, we found characteristics of openness of university campus from the viewpoint of the layout of open buildings to the public. In a campus that has buildings with relatively high openness (Rank A or B), area near the gate is used by external users. In a campus that has buildings with lower openness (Rank C), the central area of the campus is disclosed mainly to internal users. In a campus with both of their types, openness is gradually higher from gates to the center of the campus. It is found that the relationship between openness of university campus and campus environs. In campus near the gates were used by external users is nearby the station. In campus the central area of the campus is disclosed mainly to internal users is provided with a square and green spaces on the site boundary so as to connect with campus environs. Moreover we found that there were 2 type of formation processes in university campus with gradual openness from its main gate to its center: in one campus, its main gate was firstly disclosed and the open part was gradually extended to the center of the campus, and in another campus, its center is disclosed before the open part was expanded to its main gate. Based on the above results, this provides a viewpoint to understand the openness in a university campus based on its buildings and significant as a basis of recognition to design campus openness in future campus maintenance based on its current openness through the construction of new open buildings to the public and utilization of existing buildings for public use.
松浦 由生子 浦辺 幸夫 前田 慶明 藤井 絵里 芝 俊紀 國田 泰弘 河野 愛史
vol.2012, pp.48100356, 2013

【はじめに、目的】 ストリームライン姿勢(streamline;SL)とは、競泳競技においてスタートやターン後に水の抵抗をできるだけ軽減するために水中で水平に近い状態をとる姿勢で、泳速度に重要な影響を及ぼしている。さらに、SL時の過度な腰椎前彎が腰部障害の原因になると報告されており(松本、1992)、腰椎の前彎が小さいSLをとることは競技力向上だけでなく、障害予防の面においても重要であると考えられる。現場では立位でSLを評価することが多く、先行研究においても、立位と水中SLの腰椎前彎角(以下、腰椎角)の関係は示されているが、水中姿勢と類似した陸上での腹臥位SLと水中SLとの関係を示した研究はない。本研究では、合屋ら(2008)の報告を参考に、水中SLの評価指標となるけのび到達距離(以下、けのび距離)を用い、立位、腹臥位SL時の腰椎角がけのび距離に及ぼす影響を明確にすることを目的とした。仮説は、けのび距離が長い選手は、立位SLおよび腹臥位SLで腰椎角が小さいとした。【方法】 対象は現在腰部に整形外科疾患のない3年以上の水泳経験者27名(男性15名:21.1±1.7歳、女性12名:20.5±1.0歳)とした。脊柱計測分析器Spinal Mouse(Index社)を用いて安静立位、立位SL、安静腹臥位、腹臥位SLの計4姿勢における矢状面の脊柱アライメントを3回ずつ測定し、平均値を求めた。Th12~S1の椎体角度の総和を腰椎角とした。水中SLの評価として、壁を蹴りSLを保持し続けるけのび距離を用いた。けのび距離は、プールの壁からけのび動作で止まった時点の頭頂の位置とし、3回測定し平均値を求め、結果から身長を引くことで統一した。統計学的解析には、SPSS Ver.20.0 for Windows(IBM社)を用い、立位SL、腹臥位SLでの腰椎角とけのび距離との相関をPearsonの相関係数により男女別に分析した。また、けのび距離が全対象の平均値よりも長いL群(男性6名、女性6名)と短いS群(男性9名、女性6名)に分け、各群で男女別に安静とSLの比較を対応のあるt検定を用いて行った。さらに、4姿勢でのL群とS群の比較を対応のないt検定を用いて行った。危険率5%未満を有意とした。【倫理的配慮、説明と同意】 全対象に本研究の趣旨を十分に説明し、書面にて同意を得た。なお、本研究は広島大学大学院保健学研究科心身機能生活制御科学講座倫理委員会の承認を得て実施した(承認番号1232)。【結果】 けのび距離は男性で8.8±2.0m、女性で9.7±1.5mであった。腰椎角とけのび距離との間には、腹臥位SLで男女ともに有意な負の相関を認めた(男性r=-0.69、p<0.01、女性r=-0.82、p<0.01)。立位SLでは女性のみ有意な負の相関を認めた(r=-0.61、 p<0.05)。けのび距離で2群に分けた結果、L群のけのび距離は男性で11.0±1.2m、女性で10.8±0.7mとなり、S群は男性で7.6m±1.0m、女性で8.2±0.6mとなった。腹臥位での腰椎角は安静、SLの順に男性L群が20.2±10.0°、19.5±9.3°、S群23.9±7.0°、29.9±4.2°、女性L群が29.8±7.8°、33.0±8.0°、S群38.5±7.6°、44.5±5.4°となり、男女ともS群のみSL時に有意な増加を認めた(男性<0.05、女性<0.01)。また、腹臥位SL時の腰椎角はL群がS群と比較し有意に小さかった(男性p<0.05、女性p<0.01)。立位では群内、群間ともに有意差を認めなかった。【考察】 本研究より陸上でのSLの腰椎角がけのび距離に影響を及ぼし、特に腹臥位SLで腰椎角が小さい選手は、けのび距離が延長する傾向にあることが示唆された。腹臥位は水中SLと脊柱に加わる重力方向が等しく、立位と比較し、より水中での姿勢が反映されやすかったと考えられる。先行研究では、一流選手ほど立位、水中SLともに腰椎前彎が小さく、水中でも陸上と同等の角度を保つことができる一方で、一般の選手は立位と比較し水中SLで腰椎角が増強すると報告されている(金岡ら、2007)。本研究においてもけのび距離が延長した選手は腹臥位SL時の腰椎角が小さく、水中でも小さな腰椎角を保つことで、抵抗の少ないSL保持が可能であったと考えられる。【理学療法学研究としての意義】 本研究では、特に腹臥位SLの腰椎角がけのび距離に影響を及ぼすという新しい知見が得られた。これまでの研究や現場の評価では立位SLが水中SLの指標となることが多かったが、本研究から腹臥位でSL評価を行うことの意義が示された。また、SL時の過度な腰椎前彎が腰部障害の原因とされることから、SL時に小さな腰椎角を保持できることは、競技力向上のみならず、障害予防にもつながると考える。
松浦 常夫
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-10, 2003-08-06 (Released:2017-01-13)

Both field observations of passengers in cars and accident analyse were conducted to clarify the influences of passengers on automobile accidents. Items investigated in both studies included the age and gender of both driver and passenger, and the number of passengers. We used data on accidents occurring in the Tsukuba area (N=957), where observational studies were conducted (N=2682). An accident case study (N=206) was also done to examine the types of passenger-related effects. Log-linear analysis indicated that accident risk was higher when carrying two or more passengers or when driving alone than when carrying only one passenger, and risk was also higher when males or children were passengers. These passenger effects were discussed in terms of communication, distraction, and conformity to passenger norms.
松浦 熙忠
芝草研究 (ISSN:02858800)
vol.20, no.1, pp.78-86, 1991-11-30 (Released:2010-06-08)
松浦 章
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
vol.1, pp.143-157, 2008-03-31

The relationship between Qing Dynasty China and Japan continued over an extended period of time through Chinese ships sailing to Nagasaki. Representative of the ports of departure for these Chinese sailing ships was, in the early stages, Ningbo in Zhejiang Province, with Zhapu, also in Zhejiang Province, also focused on from around the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century. Later, from the end of the first half of the 18th century to the 1860s, Zhapu can in fact be considered the Chinese port that was the main base of trade with Japan. The function of Zhapu as a port of trade with Japan in this way is emphasized in conventional research, but its important function as a port for coastal trade within China has been overlooked. Therefore, this paper begins the discussion of the relation between Zhapu and Japan starting from the Middle Age era of the Japanese pirates. It describes the fact of Zhapu not only functioning as a trade port with Japan during the Qing Dynasty but also that it was an important port for coastal trade in China, and, as one example of this, illustrates the relation between Zhapu and Chinese coastal trade as a method of clarifying why typical China-made sugar exported to Japan was stockpiled in Zhapu.
松浦 李恵 岡部 大介 渡辺 ゆうか
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.44, no.3, pp.325-333, 2021-03-10 (Released:2021-03-15)

本論文では,高等学校のコンピュータルームに3D プリンタやレーザーカッターといったデジタル工作機械を取り入れ,「情報科」の授業カリキュラムを実施した事例を報告する.授業を受けた生徒は182人である.本授業実践において,生徒らはアイデアを発想し,形にする方法を学んだ.制作過程は生徒らによってドキュメント化された.調査者は,実践者として授業に関わりながら,授業の動画撮影,生徒への質問紙調査と,生徒と教員への半構造化インタビュー,フィールドノートへの記述を行った.本論文では,学習者の成果や学習者の振り返りに関するデータを示すことを通して,デジタル工作機械を用いたSTE(A)M 教育について議論を深める.
松浦 章
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
vol.3, pp.335-357, 2010-03-31

During the Edo period (1603–1868), Japan steadfastly maintained its national seclusion policy. Japan's constant cultural interaction with foreign countries, therefore, took place mainly in the following ways: direct contacts with China and the Netherlands, centering on trade in Nagasaki; contacts with Korea through the So clan on Tsushima Island; and indirect contacts with China via the Kingdom of Ryukyu under the control of the Satsuma clan. Quantitatively, the largest number of direct contacts were made through trade by Chinese junks, called karafune in the Edo period, sailing to Nagasaki almost every year. Japan imported sugar made in China in large quantities through trade by Chinese junks almost annually. Much of the sugar imported from China was produced in coastal areas, such as Chaozhou in the eastern part of Guangdong Province, Xiamen and Quanzhou in southern Fujian Province, as well as in Taiwan. In the early part of the Edo period, China-made sugar was imported by Chinese junks sailing directly from these production areas to Japan. In the mid- and late-Edo period, however, sugar produced in China was not directly transported to Japan; it was first carried by coastal merchant vessels to Zhapu in Zhejiang Province, where the sugar was loaded onto Chinese junks sailing from Zhapu to Japan, and then transported to Nagasaki. Most of the sugar landing in Nagasaki was transported by domestic routes, mainly by Japanese-style wooden ships to Osaka, and then distributed nationwide. Meanwhile, in the early 18th century after the Kyoho era (1716–1736), cane sugar production was encouraged in Japan, following the instruction of the then shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune( 1684–1751). This enabled Japan to increase its number of sugarproducing districts and amount of sugar production, also improving the quality of the sugar. In an attempt to determine how to establish cultural interaction studies as a field of historical research, this paper reports on sugar imports through Sino-Japan trade and on the expansion of domestic sugar consumption in the Edo period, as a way of considering the issue of cultural interaction from the perspective of physical distribution in East Asia.
松浦 章
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.3, pp.335-357, 2010-03-31

During the Edo period (1603–1868), Japan steadfastly maintained its national seclusion policy. Japan’s constant cultural interaction with foreign countries, therefore, took place mainly in the following ways: direct contacts with China and the Netherlands, centering on trade in Nagasaki; contacts with Korea through the So clan on Tsushima Island; and indirect contacts with China via the Kingdom of Ryukyu under the control of the Satsuma clan. Quantitatively, the largest number of direct contacts were made through trade by Chinese junks, called karafune in the Edo period, sailing to Nagasaki almost every year. Japan imported sugar made in China in large quantities through trade by Chinese junks almost annually. Much of the sugar imported from China was produced in coastal areas, such as Chaozhou in the eastern part of Guangdong Province, Xiamen and Quanzhou in southern Fujian Province, as well as in Taiwan. In the early part of the Edo period, China-made sugar was imported by Chinese junks sailing directly from these production areas to Japan. In the mid- and late-Edo period, however, sugar produced in China was not directly transported to Japan; it was first carried by coastal merchant vessels to Zhapu in Zhejiang Province, where the sugar was loaded onto Chinese junks sailing from Zhapu to Japan, and then transported to Nagasaki. Most of the sugar landing in Nagasaki was transported by domestic routes, mainly by Japanese-style wooden ships to Osaka, and then distributed nationwide. Meanwhile, in the early 18th century after the Kyoho era (1716–1736), cane sugar production was encouraged in Japan, following the instruction of the then shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune( 1684–1751). This enabled Japan to increase its number of sugarproducing districts and amount of sugar production, also improving the quality of the sugar. In an attempt to determine how to establish cultural interaction studies as a field of historical research, this paper reports on sugar imports through Sino-Japan trade and on the expansion of domestic sugar consumption in the Edo period, as a way of considering the issue of cultural interaction from the perspective of physical distribution in East Asia.
矢部 志津 松尾 尚子 込山 立人 藤平 耕一 古賀 勝 八幡 忠良 宮下 直樹 有川 善久 松浦 直人
一般社団法人 日本写真測量学会
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.53, no.6, pp.262-268, 2015 (Released:2016-01-01)

This technical report introduces JAXA's recent activities on small satellites. The activities include hearing about needs from private sector, drafting business models and a plan of a small satellite constellation, providing launch service by the H-IIA rocket and the International Space Station, utilization of JAXA's small satellite, providing JAXA's test facilities for satellites, and etc.
松浦 誠
関西病虫害研究会報 (ISSN:03871002)
vol.18, pp.28-32, 1976-03-31 (Released:2012-10-29)

柑橘類の訪花害虫であるコアオハナムグリについて, 成虫の年間の発生消長, 成虫の越冬へ入る時期と越冬後の活動開始期, 越冬後の成虫の死亡時期および孵化時期の異なる幼虫の発育経過について調査を行なった.本種の成虫は4月下旬より11月上旬まで訪花活動が見られたが, 5月中旬と9月中旬に発生のピークがあり, これらの個体は世代を異にする. 越冬態は通常成虫で, 9月中旬より11月に土中に潜入し, 翌春4月下旬~5月下旬の間に再び地上に現われた. これらの成虫は, 繁殖活動ののち, 7~9月に死亡して, 新世代の成虫と交代する. 6月上旬~7月中旬に孵化した幼虫は3令を経過し, 同年8~10月の間に羽化したが, 室内飼育条件下で12% (5/41) の幼虫が4令に達し, 越冬に入った.
松浦 茂樹 藤井 三樹夫
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究 (ISSN:09167293)
vol.14, pp.61-76, 1994

1875 (明治8) 年、第1回地方官会議が開催され、ここで「堤防法案」が審議された。治水は河身改築・砂防工事等を主とした「預防ノエ」と、築堤を主とした「防禦ノエ」とからなり、地域で工事を行なうことが難しいときは、前者は内務省、後者は地方庁で行なうと政府から提案された。工事費については、地租の改正に従って新たな制度の整備を図るが、治水は一地域に限られたものであって、その地域で負担するのを原則とし、それが困難なとき国から補助すると規定された。しかし「堤防法案」は、政府原案を修正した上で成案をみたが、制定には至らなかった。ただし淀川では、太政官の指令によって土木寮分局が設置され、その事務規程中、成案をみた「堤防法案」の工事執行、費用分担と類似した規定が設けられた。<BR>1878 (明治11) 年、地方財政制度が確立され、治水事業は地方庁で行なうのが原則とされた。当初は下渡金という名の補助金があったが、1881年に打ち切られた。これ以降、大河川での「預防ノエ」以外は地方庁で行なわれることとなったが、地方庁の財政が逼迫し、容易に進まなかった。このため内務省は、補助制度の確立を目指し、1887 (明治20) 年頃には、一定の成果を得た。また、木曾川等では、国直轄の河身改修、県負担の築堤が合わさって大規模な事業が着手された。<BR>1896 (明治29) 年、「河川法」が制定されたが、それは「防禦ノエ」を国直轄で行なうものであった。それまで「預防ノエ」のみ直轄で行なっていたが、淀川流域を中心とし、地域からの「防禦ノエ」に対する国直轄施行の要望が強まり、いよいよ国として「防禦ノエ」に乗り出さざるを得なくなり、新しい制度が必要となったのである。
松浦 弘幸 野田 信雄 小井手 一晴 福田 吉治 今井 博久
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌 (ISSN:13451537)
vol.8, no.1, pp.159-165, 2006-10-20 (Released:2017-09-04)

松浦 亮太
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.125, pp.91-109, 2016-03-30

松浦 陽介 濱中 喜晴 三井 法真 平井 伸司
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.69, no.9, pp.2193-2197, 2008 (Released:2009-03-05)
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