青柳 健隆 鈴木 郁弥 荒井 弘和 岡 浩一朗
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.28, no.3, pp.265-273, 2018 (Released:2018-08-02)

School-based extracurricular sports activity (SBECSA) has widely spread in Japan as a means for youth to play sports or exercise. Especially in junior high school and high school, SBECSA is actively conducted with a high participation rate of students. There have also been reports that elementary schools in some Japanese municipalities also have SBECSA. However, there has been little information about which municipalities conducted SBECSA in elementary schools. Therefore, the present study aimed to clarify the existence of SBECSA in elementary schools in each municipality, and to create a municipal map of implementation status. A complete enumeration questionnaire survey was conducted with all 1741 municipalities’ educational boards. Question items were in regard to the existence of elementary schools’ SBECSA in their municipalities. Answerers were requested to choose one response from the items; “almost all elementary schools have SBECSA”, “some elementary schools have SBECSA”, “there were SBECSA (about 10 years ago), but now there is no SBECSA”, “there weren’ t any SBECSA before 10 years ago”, “we don’ t know”, and “we don’ t answer” . To increase the response rate, a second survey was conducted with Sports Associations or similar sports related organizations in each municipality. Additionally, a third survey was conducted with educational boards again at the same time as the feedback of results was given. As results, 88.0% of all municipalities’ implementation status was identified (response rate = 92.5%). And 23.0% of all municipalities were shown to have SBECSA in elementary schools, although 64.9% did not have it. More than half of the municipalities in Aomori prefecture, Chiba prefecture, Aichi prefecture, and Kumamoto prefecture have SBECSA in elementary school. Based on the results of the present study, it is suggested that further development of the youth sport environment should be discussed. In addition, means to decrease the burdens on teachers who coach and manage SBECSA must be considered.
小柳 健一 野田 堅太郎 大島 徹 増田 寛之 塚越 拓哉 桒子 嘉美 木谷 尚美
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.89, no.927, pp.23-00128, 2023 (Released:2023-11-25)

When mascot suits or plush fabrics are used to cover a human-friendly robot, frequent sterilization may be required, depending on the use of the robot. However, the effects of such sterilization are not sufficiently understood. In this study, variations in the strength and color values of plush fabrics were measured and quantitatively evaluated following 50 cycles of sterilization by ethylene oxide gas (EOG). The fabrics were composed of boa fabric, which is commonly used in mascot suits and plush dolls, and cloth reinforced with polyurethane foam. The tensile strength and the elongation were measured by the tensile strength test for clothes or clothing seams, in accordance with the standard JISL1096. In terms of appearance, red-green-blue (RGB) color values were obtained from photographs taken under the same light conditions to evaluate the color tone. A friction test was used to evaluate the tactile sensation. These results showed that EOG sterilization did not notably affect the properties of the fabrics; however, a single cycle of autoclave sterilization degraded the fabrics. Notably, the boa fabric shrunk and hardened. Thus, EOG sterilization, which does not feature elevated temperatures, may be an effective sterilization approach for these materials.
高柳 健次郎
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン (ISSN:18849644)
vol.14, no.3, pp.111-137, 1960-03-01 (Released:2011-03-14)

昨年春, アメリカPolaroid会社社長のEdwinH.Land博士によって, カラーに関する驚くべき発見が発表された.これは従来, われわれが信仰的にまで信じていたNewton以来のカラーに関する学説を根本的に覆すものである.この発見は今後カラー再現技術, 特に世界的の難問題となっているカラー・テレビに対して, 簡略にしてよりよき方式を提供する貴重な基石となるであろう.
日比野 幹生 舟橋 弘晃 青柳 健隆 間野 義之
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1_13-1_28, 2016 (Released:2016-04-26)

Although studies conducted to understand why athletes do not use Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) are becoming more common, little is known about the problem from the “elite” athlete’s perspective. This study qualitatively identified the factors that had influenced the decisions not to dope of twelve retired Japanese elite athletes (six males and six females) who won Olympic medals after the Athens Games in 2004. Thematic analysis was used to extract meaning from the semi-structured interview data using MAXQDA11. Personal and socio-environmental factors underpinning their decisions not to dope were identified in the accounts. Personal factors included: (1) personal moral stance; (2) judgment from a wide perspective; (3) intrinsic motivation; (4) task orientation; and (5) resilience. Socio-environmental factors were: (1) education from parents; (2) education from coaches; (3) social pressure; (4) fair play culture in Japan; (5) secure elite sport climate; (6) monetary benefit from winning a medal; (7) access to and knowledge of PEDs. The above-mentioned factors might be useful for developing future anti-doping strategies under a situation where there is a growing social need for actively engaging in promoting elite sports as a national strategy in order to generate success in the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, and in view of the fact that the pressure for athletes to engage in doping may be increased.

4 0 0 0 OA Televisionの實驗

高柳 健次郎
一般社団法人 電気学会
電氣學會雜誌 (ISSN:00202878)
vol.48, no.482, pp.932-942, 1928 (Released:2008-11-20)

論文は昭和二年十月より昭和三年四月までになしたTelevisionの實驗報告である。此のTelevision方式に於いては送像所にNipkow廻轉圓板を像の分解器として用ひ、受像所にブラウツ管を使用し兩所の同期運轉には特殊の同期裝置を用ひた。受像はブラウン管の螢光板上約4cm.平方の大きさに現れ其のPicture elementの數は約1600個である。結果は附加された寫眞により例示されて居るが、人の顏が、目、口、鼻と充分見分けられるも未だ誰人かは想像により辛じて知らるる程度であった。
青柳 健隆 Aoyagi Kenryu

青柳 健隆
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.31, no.3, pp.166-172, 2023-08-31 (Released:2023-09-17)

羽場 利博 得田 与夫 一柳 健次 木谷 栄一 森田 信人 山崎 信 中沼 安二 藤原 隆一 浜田 明 木藤 知佳志 山本 誠 藤田 博明 竹下 治生 山崎 義亀與 泉 彪之助
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.25, no.5, pp.615-623, 1982

症例は50歳女性で空腹時の口唇・舌のシビレ感と放心状態を主訴として来院した.空腹時血糖 (FBS) は30~59mg/d<I>l</I>, 血中インスリン値 (IRI) は7~16μU/m<I>l</I>で, Turnerらの"amended"インスリン・血糖比 {IRI/(FBS-30) ×100} が30~ ∞ と高く, 絶食試験陽性より, インスリノーマを疑ったが, インスリン分泌刺激試験は陰性で, 膵血管造影や逆行性膵管造影も異常所見を認めなかった.<BR>腹部CTスキャンにて膵尾部背側にやや突出した径1cmの腫瘍が疑われたが, この所見のみでははっきり確診できなかった.<BR>経皮経肝門脈カテーテル法により門脈および脾静脈各所のIRIを測定したところ, 腹部CTスキャンの腫瘍部位にほぼ一致して脾静脈の途中に58μU/m<I>l</I>と他の部位に比して明らかな上昇を認め, 開腹術にて膵尾部背側に4mm突出した径1cmの良性腺腫と思われるインスリノーマを発見した.<BR>現在までの本邦における経皮経肝門脈カテーテル法についての症例報告を小括して若干の考察を加え, その有用性を強調するとともに今後CTスキャンも有力な検査法になり得ると考えた.
日比 千里 青柳 健隆 荒井 弘和 守屋 志保 岡 浩一朗
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1_11-1_24, 2015

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In competitive sports, the enhancing of physical abilities, technical skills, and psychological states is vital for excelling in competition. A team&rsquo; s psychological wellbeing is often the deciding factor in team sport success. Nevertheless, few efficient strategies have been made for boosting teams&rsquo; psychological states, particularly during matches. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate practitioners&rsquo; perceptions of <I>Enjin</I> (forming a circle) strategies used to enhance a team&rsquo; s psychological acuity during matches. In addition, motivations to initiate <I>Enjin</I> strategies, content, and changes observed after implementing these strategies were emphasized. The study was conducted following three steps. First, a women&rsquo; s collegiate basketball team&rsquo; s <I>Enjin</I> strategies were observed and recorded during an official match. Second, a team coach and four players were interviewed concerning these strategies, after viewing a recording of the match. The participants were requested to provide (1) motivations to implement <I>Enjin</I> strategies; (2) <I>Enjin</I> content; and (3) changes experienced after implementing <I>Enjin</I> strategies. Third, the study results were analyzed following the KJ method. The analysis revealed seven motivations, including &ldquo;routine,&rdquo; &ldquo;desire to enhance team cohesion,&rdquo; and &ldquo;foul play.&rdquo; In addition, four types of <I>Enjin</I> content were identified, including &ldquo;encouragement,&rdquo; &ldquo;information on tactics,&rdquo; &ldquo;apologizing,&rdquo; and &ldquo;battle cries.&rdquo; Subsequently, eleven changes, including &ldquo;enhanced team cohesion&rdquo; , &ldquo;shared perspectives among team members,&rdquo; and &ldquo;improved excitement levels,&rdquo; were identified. It was inferred that <I>Enjin</I> strategies enhanced the teams&rsquo; psychological states, based on these results. However, additional studies involving several teams, games, events, and genders are required to complement these results.
柳 健 笹島 耕二 宮本 昌之 横山 正 丸山 弘 田尻 孝
pp.775-779, 2008-12-15

舩木 伸江 河田 惠昭 矢守 克也 川方 裕則 三柳 健一
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.24, no.4, pp.447-471, 2006

In Japan, there is concern that great earthquake disasters, in Tokai, Tonankai, Nankai and the Tokyo Metropolitan area, could occur within the next few decades. Once one of these disasters happens, a larger number of deaths than in the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster, which killed more than 6,000 people, could possibly occur. Therefore, it is necessary to find an early solution to the problem of mortuary care and cremation of deceased people after large-scale disasters. However, there has not yet been enough discussion about how to deal with, bury, and cremate dead bodies. This study first sorts out several problems related to mortuary care and cremation by examining 34 documents of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster. Next, it identifies remaining problems after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster. Third, it analyzes new issues related to the mortuary care and cremation when largescale disasters occur. Finally, several important findings are provided for improving present problems in the Japanese system of mortuary care and cremation.
六戸 敏昭 八木橋 義豊 遠藤 奎将 青柳 健二 斉藤 仁 大森 荘司
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society (ISSN:03854213)
vol.125, no.12, pp.1270-1277, 2005-12-01
13 7

SF<sub>6</sub> gas has excellent dielectric strength and interruption performance. For these reasons, it has been widely used for gas insulated switchgear (GIS). However, use of SF<sub>6</sub> gas has become regulated under agreements set at the 1997 COP3. So investigation and development for GIS with a lower amount of SF<sub>6</sub> gas are being carried out worldwide. Presently, SF<sub>6</sub> gas-free GIS has been commercialized for the 24kV class. Air or N<sub>2</sub> gas is used as insulation gas for this GIS. On the other hand, SF<sub>6</sub> gas-free GIS has not been commercialized for 72kV class GIS. Dielectric strengths of air and N<sub>2</sub> gas are approximately 1/3 that of SF<sub>6</sub> gas. So to enhance insulation performance of air and N<sub>2</sub>, we have investigated a hybrid gas insulation system which has the combined features of providing an insulation coating and suitable insulation gas. We have developed the world's first 72kV SF<sub>6</sub> gas-free GIS.<br>This paper deals with key technologies for SF<sub>6</sub> gas-free GIS such as the hybrid insulation structure, bellows for the high pressure vacuum circuit breaker, a newly designed disconnector and spacer and prevention of particle levitation. Test results of 72kV high pressure air-insulated GIS with the vacuum circuit breaker are described.
小柳 健 川上 光彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.662, pp.789-797, 2011-04-30 (Released:2011-07-29)
2 3

Reconstructing or repairing of damaged houses is the most important theme to revive the earthquake-damaged area, and the public support system fulfill important roll. The purpose of this study is to clarify how utilized public support system for reconstructing or repairing of damaged houses in a case of Noto Peninsula Earthquake. Repair of damaged houses was regarded as important reconstruction method for revitalization and the supporting system was formulated. Four out of ten damaged houses were repaired by utilizing the system, and they were fairy improved the quake-resistance level, barrier-free standard and other aspects. They also were repaired considered a local climate and townscape in a surrounding area.
遠藤 大哉 青柳 健隆 岡 浩一朗
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.25, no.2, pp.2_185-2_199, 2015 (Released:2015-11-12)

Outdoor education contributes to positive youth development. Existing outdoor education in Japan has been conducted only in an “episodic” manner with a “single activity” basis in “imitation nature”, although regular and various activities in “grand nature” have been considered more valuable for the growth of children. Therefore, the purposes of the present study were to develop and practice an outdoor education program that performed a “plural number” of experiences with “multiple activities” in “genuine nature”, and to clarify the availability of the program. For this purpose, the “Buddy Kids Adventure Challenge Program” was developed on the basis of 12 years of practice with the “Buddy Adventure Team (Non-Profit Organization)”. An inventory survey was conducted for 49 participants in the Buddy Kids Adventure Challenge Program and 26 participants′ parents to evaluate the program in 2013. Free descriptive answers for the questions with respect to experiences in the program were descriptively analyzed and a model of the growth of the participants in the Buddy Kids Adventure Challenge Program was generated. As results, self-esteem was increased by developing competence. Additionally, outdoor activities in the program and flow experience were associated. Strong relationship between adverse circumstances and flow experience were also demonstrated. The growth model of the present study showed that desiring pleasure in “grand nature” could allow participants to confront adverse circumstances. These adverse circumstances give participants flow experience and confidence by helping them to overcome adverse circumstances. Finally, self-esteem was increased and growth of participants was enhanced.