藤原 鎮男 荒田 洋治 渡部 徳子 石塚 英弘 磯谷 順一 古田 直紀 山崎 昶
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.23, no.13, pp.88R-111R, 1974

本進歩総説は前回に続き, 1972年初めから1973年末 (一部1974年のものも含む) までの文献を採用した.磁気共鳴に関する論文は近年その数を著しく増し (1973年にはNMR約8000件, ESR約4000件), しかもきわめて広い範囲にわたっている.したがってこれらの文献を漏れなく集録することはもはや不可能であり, また単に測定法のごく一部として磁気共鳴を利用したものまで含めて網らすることは意義があるとは考えられない.この点を考慮し, 本総説では重要と考えられる項目にっいて重点的に文献を集録する.なお, 合成高分子については別に項目があるのでここでは省略する.
石塚 宏紀 上坂 大輔 黒川 茂莉 渡邉 孝文 村松 茂樹 小野 智弘
研究報告モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信(MBL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2014, no.21, pp.1-6, 2014-05-08

低消費電力で動作する Bluetooth の規格である BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) の登場により安価でのセンサ環境構築の可能性が広がってきた.また,各種既製スマートフォンにおいて BLE 規格の通信プロトコルが実装されつつあり,電池消費を実用可能な範囲にて既製のスマートフォンと通信可能な点も大いに注目されている.屋内位置測位の分野においても屋内環境に設置された複数 BLE デバイスから発せられるシグナルをスマートフオンが受信することによって屋内における端末の位置を同定可能であることから期待を集めている.しなしながら,BLE デバイスによる測位技術は,実機の登場から間もないこともあり実環境における特性を十分に検証する実験や性能評価に関する情報がなく,人体の電波吸収による減衰,障害物による電波の反射,近接に設置された BLE デバイス同士の電波干渉の影響について未だ未開拓の部分が多々あり,実用化に向けた検証が急がれている.そこで我々は,BLE シグナルによる屋内測位における基礎実験を自社施設内で実施した.さらに OBFT(Open Beacon Field Trial) によって開催された BLE デバイスの実証実験に参加し,展示会場に密に設置された BLE デバイスにおいて約 50 名の被験者に BLE シグナルの受信状況を測定する実験を行った.本稿では,各種実験から明らかとなった BLE シグナルの屋内測位利用における課題について実験結果を踏まえて述べた後に,BLE シグナルによる測位と端末センサを利用した相対位置測位技術である PDR(Pedestrian Dead Reckoning) を組み合わせたのハイブリッド屋内側位手法の基礎検討について述べる.An appearance of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) raises expectations of realizing sensor environments with low cost. A release of a few BLE compatible smartphones increases the feasibility. Especially in fields of indoor localization, measuring signals from BLE devices is expected to assist indoor localization. However, characteristics of the signals in real fields have not been evaluated enough. Therefore, we conducted experimental trials in real fields (an in-house trial and Open Beacon Field Trial). We show problems we found in the experiments and discuss a hybrid localization with PDR (Pedestrian Dead Reckoning).
石塚 晴通 池田 証寿 高田 智和 岡墻 裕剛 斎木 正直
vol.2011, no.8, pp.339-346, 2011-12-03

漢字字体の各時代・各地域の標準と,その変遷を見る上では,漢字字体規範でデータベース(略称HNG)は有用な資料である。HNG は,初唐標準字体に至る中国南北朝・隋文献における標準字体の存在と中国周辺民族の漢字文献における標準字体を示し,また日本上代から近世初期に至る漢字文献における漢字字体を示す。HNGはそれ自体としては確固たる結論には結びつかないが,発展性のあるテーマの観点を示し得ることを,親鸞の著作と明恵の著作との対比を例として述べる。
石塚 徹 江川 遼 梅田 桂子 東海林 亙 八尾 寛
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.55, no.6, pp.311-316, 2015 (Released:2015-11-28)

Since the discovery of channelrhodopsins in 2002-2003, the light is now engineered to manipulate physiological states of a cell, a tissue or a body with the progress of three kinds of researches: (1) molecular biology of photoreceptive proteins, (2) cause-effect relationships in the biological system and (3) fabrication of opto-electronics or nanodevices. The near-infrared light, which conveys energy deep into the tissues, is expected to be used for optogenetics with the creation of proteins that change their conformations with such energy or the improvement of nanodevices that transfer the energy to photoreceptive proteins.
石塚 良次
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.48, no.2, pp.6-16, 2011

1) Theory of alienation and concept of subject The purpose of this paper is to discuss on how Wataru Hiromatsu's theory of reification contributes development of economics. He conceptualized transition from the early to the late Marx as 'from the theory of alienation to the theory of reification'. This transition isn't just in wording but the change in paradigm. The alienation theory presupposes the subject-object schema, because alienation originally meant the process in which human essence spilled out into object (objectification), and the object turning against the subject as a hostile and alien force (alienation). The whole alienation theory had to be abandoned once the subject-object schema was abandoned, and got relationalist worldview in which the relation is given ontological priority. According to Hiromatsu, Marx's Labor Theory of Value does not presuppose subject/object schema, but reification theory. Traditional Marxian economists insist that each commodity have inherent value because worker (subject) embodied or materialized his abstract labor, substance of value, to commodity (object). But substance of value is not prior to exchange relations, but reification of relationship between persons and things. Value is not just relations (or idea) but reificated relations. Commodity producers treat as if value is something substantial inherent to individual commodity. It is not just illusion, but social fact (Emile Durkheim) with sozialen Macht (Marx). We need to sublate (aufheben) both the 'society substantialism'-'individual substantialism'. 2) The game theoretic approach to Marxian theory of alienation Tadasu Matsuo attempts to reconstruct Marx's theoretical system as the alienation theory, which, in turn, interpreted in terms of game theory, neoclassical framework. Game theory provides a model for social institutions and cooperation between individuals. It assumes that people are rational actors. But we don't think this theoretical framework does explain social norm as it really is. Social norm is not something rationally selected. Rational actors are not real agent but theoretical fictions. Matsuo stand on the side of 'individual substantialism', we mentioned above. 3) Criminal liability and rational agent Criminal law refers a theoretical person in the society who shows average judgment, because only rational person can be liable. If he or she does not intend to do it, he or she is not guilty. Crime is not just a bodily movement but must be voluntary act droved by inherent motivation, criminal intent. But this kind of view is very modern, not historically universal. The reason why criminal law require fictional agent is very similar to economics. One of the basic facts of modern psychology is that ultimate driving force behind human behavior is not free will but involuntary unconsciousness. 4) Economics and evaluational agent Assumption of homoeconomicus received a lot of criticism, because of its unreality. Actually, it is not empirical notion but axiom of neoclassical microeconomics. Economics is not only empirical science but also normative science, making economic policy. So you need theoretical benchmark to judge its adequacy. Subject in the theory of alienation is equivalent of homoeconomics in neoclassical microeconomics. Both theory adopt methodological individualism, so benchmark must be individual, rational agent. 5) Unalienated society? Matsuo considers unalienated society, depending each other with mutual consent, is desirable. But it is not feasible and desirable. We should rather accept minimum level reification.
石塚 伸夫 外崎 好洋 鈴木 千晶 別所 芙美子 伊藤 和彦 島 香端 巧 好雄 山岡 真二 中島 俊一 永井 修 笈沼 正子 大石 正広 山下 俊明 山田 薫 塚原 等 永友 秀樹 竹内 智 白柳 雅義
健康医学 (ISSN:09140328)
vol.12, no.2, pp.119-124, 1997

石塚 悠一 岩沼 宏治
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. AI, 人工知能と知識処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.99, no.718, pp.1-8, 2000-03-22

横手 健一 ボレガラ ダヌシカ 石塚 満
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.28, no.2, pp.220-229, 2013 (Released:2013-02-15)
1 2

Predicting entailment between two given texts is an important task on which the performance of numerous NLP tasks such as question answering, text summarization, and information extraction depend.The degree to which two texts are similar has been used extensively as a key feature in much previous work in predicting entailment. However, using similarity scores directly, without proper transformations, results in suboptimal performance. Given a set of lexical similarity measures, we propose a method that jointly learns both (a) a set of non-linear transformation functions for those similarity measures and, (b) the optimal non-linear combination of those transformation functions to predict textual entailment. Our method consistently outperforms numerous baselines, reporting a micro-averaged F-score of 46.48 on the RTE-7 benchmark dataset. The proposed method is ranked 2-nd among 33 entailment systems participated in RTE-7, demonstrating its competitiveness over numerous other entailment approaches. Although our method is statistically comparable to the current state-of-the-art, we require less external knowledge resources.
松本 健郎 梅田 宗紀 西林 秀郎 石塚 繁廣 高橋 慎一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.51, no.4, pp.261-267, 2013-08-10 (Released:2013-12-11)

A novel apparatus for noninvasive measurement of pressure-cross-sectional area relationship, i. e., tube law, of brachial artery was developed. It is based on an oscillometric method in which a cuff is wrapped around the upper arm and pressurized to measure the oscillation in the cuff pressure. The oscillation of the cuff pressure is caused by the volume change in the brachial artery due to heartbeats. The volume change was obtained by multiplying the amplitude of the cuff pressure with cuff compliance that had been measured from the increase in the cuff pressure just after loading a precise amount of air into the cuff. Oscillation of the cuff pressure disappears when the artery is collapsed. By using this principle, an occluding pressure OP when the artery begins to collapse was measured. A modified transmural pressure mPt was introduced whose origin was taken at the point where the external pressure of the artery, i. e., the cuff pressure equals to OP. Relationship between mPt and cross-sectional area of the artery A was obtained as the tube law:The volumetric change of the brachial artery was obtained at each mPt and was fitted to the function $\displaystyle A=A_b \left\{ \frac{1}{b} \ln \left( \frac{ {}_mP_t - P_b } {a} +1 \right) +1 \right\}$ where Ab, Pb, a, and b are constants while assuming constant pulse pressure. Volume elastic modulus VE and in vivo cross-sectional area eA of the brachial artery were obtained from the tube law. Estimated tube law was very similar to that obtained by measuring the diameter of the brachial artery with ultrasound while changing the transmural pressure by pressurizing and depressurizing an airtight chamber that had been attached around the upper arm. Estimated eA correlated well with eA measured by ultrasound (R2=0.930, PVE obtained in the two methods was less than±3% (n=5). The present method is capable of obtaining pressure-cross sectional relationship of the brachial artery correctly with a simple process comparable to blood pressure measurement. Since it has been reported that in vivo brachial artery diameter correlates well with the severity of atherosclerosis, eA obtained in the present method might become a promising index for atherosclerosis.
松村 真宏 加藤 優 大澤 幸生 石塚 満
知能と情報 : 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 : journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics (ISSN:13477986)
vol.15, no.5, pp.554-564, 2003-10-15

田中 翔平 岡崎 直観 石塚 満
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.2, pp.366-375, 2011 (Released:2011-01-25)

This paper presents a novel method for acquiring a set of query patterns that are able to retrieve documents containing important information about an entity. Given an existing Wikipedia category that should contain the entity, we first extract all entities that are the subjects of the articles in the category. From these articles, we extract triplets of the form (subject-entity, query pattern, concept) that are expected to be in the search results of the query patterns. We then select a small set of query patterns so that when formulating search queries with these patterns, the overall precision and coverage of the returned information from the Web are optimized. We model this optimization problem as a Weighted Maximum Satisfiability (Weighted Max-SAT) problem. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperformed the methods based on statistical measures such as frequency and point-wise mutual information (PMI) being widely used in relation extraction.
河田 直樹 大久保 寛 田川 憲男 土屋 隆生 石塚 崇
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 A (ISSN:09135707)
vol.J94-A, no.11, pp.854-861, 2011-11-01

本研究では,CUDAとOpenGLを用いてGPUアーキテクチャによる三次元音響数値解析のリアルタイムの可視化(計算と同時に可視化を行う音響シミュレーション)について検討を行った.三次元音場の可視化法として,PMCCを提案し,その評価を行った.PMCCは従来の三次元空間中の複数断面を表示する(Multi Cross-section Contours)方法に不透過度を組み合わせた非常にシンプルな可視化方法である.また,PMCCは波動現象特有の干渉や散乱の把握もボリュームレンダリングに比べて分かりやすく,また,描画のための計算負荷も非常に少ない.平行な複数断面表示を行う場合もオクルージョンがほとんど発生せず,断面表示でありながら,三次元空間を一目で把握できる.まさに,擬似的三次元表示といえる.描画速度の評価より,CPUを用いる場合に比べて,GPUによって33倍程度の加速化が可能であることが分かった.GPU計算とPMCC描画の組合せにより,三次元音響数値解析のリアルタイムの可視化の実現可能性を明らかにした.