西永 頌 HUO C. GE P. NIE Y. 成塚 重弥 田中 雅明 NIE Yuxin GE Peiwen HUO Chongru HUO C GE P NIE Y

マーハ ジョン C
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.189-202, 2002-03

童謡(nursery rhymes:ナースリーライム)とは子供向けの短い詩歌のことで,通常,一つのストーリーを示すものである.童謡は,反復や言葉遊びを使ったり,風刺的だったり,特に意味のない音を使うなどの特徴をもつ,確立した言語類型である.文体的には,子守唄,指や手を使った遊び歌,なぞなぞ,数え歌や何かを覚えるための歌,早口言葉,言葉を重ねていく歌など,異なった種類の文体が存在する.音声構成についても,童謡ならではの特徴があり,例えば,形容詞はほとんど使われず動詞が多く用いられたり,強弱格や跳ねるようなリズムを持ったりする.子守唄には,わざと子供には発音しにくい音を用いたりするなど音声学上の「トリック」も使われている.童謡はまた,親と子供の会話も促す.童謡の歌詞には,パラドックスがあったり意味的に矛盾していたりするものもある.そしてさらに,例えば「牛が月を飛びこえた」など,通常の観念で理解できる「言葉と世界」とのつながりでは成立しないような,ぶつかり合いを含んだ言葉の世界観へ子供達を誘うのである.また,童謡は,様々な差異や同一性を含み,これによって,子供は,時間,場所,社会関係などの構造を理解していく.童謡の世界では,「なにか言う価値のある事を言うために発話する」という通常の言語行動の前提は成立しない.一つの世代から次の世代への電報ともいえる童謡は,独特の子供の文化を産み出すための言語や伝承的知識を含むものである.口頭伝承の童謡がもつ一つの重要な要素は,それがしばしばすでに絶滅してしまった言語の残存例を含んでいるということである.(例えば南アフリカのKukasiなど).童謡には方言の違いが反映されていることもある.また「子守り」文化の中には,童謡の形を借りて,辛いしかしユーモラスな部分も含んだ,あざけりに近い歌が歌われることがあるが,これは,社会批判を含む一つのディスコースである.すなわち,童謡が文盲や社会的弱者にとっての抵抗の武器となるのである.本論では英語,日本語,アイヌ語,フランス語,そしてドイツ語の童謡を例にとり,童謡は社会言語学的に研究されるべき,独立した言語の一類型であることを論ずる.
平野 弥生 C. D. Trowbridge 平野 義明
Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan) (ISSN:13482955)
vol.71, no.3-4, pp.212-216, 2013-10-31 (Released:2016-05-31)

餌海藻の細胞内に入り,内側から摂餌を行う嚢舌目ウミウシが少なくとも3種,沖縄に生息している。すべてアリモウミウシ属 Ercolaniaに分類され,1種はオーストラリアやグアムから報告されているE. kencolesi Grzymbowski et al., 2007と同定されたが,他の2種は未記載種であると思われる。これら3種には,海藻の細胞内に侵入するための独特な穴開け行動が共通して見られ,藻体内食は固有の行動適応を伴う新しい摂餌様式と見なすことができる。
Yuka Shichijo Ko Harada Stephen C. Ward Nikolas Harbord
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.1415-22, (Released:2023-03-15)

A 58-year-old man with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection presented with a week-long history of gross hematuria, nephrotic proteinuria, and acute kidney injury. The patient was non-adherent with combination antiretroviral therapy. A kidney biopsy showed cellular crescents with disruption of Bowman's capsule, C3-dominant immune complex deposition, consistent with HIV-associated immune complex kidney disease (HIVICK). During the course, his worsening kidney function warranted initiation of hemodialysis. This case highlights the fact that HIV patients are at an increased risk of developing HIVICK, especially in the setting of non-adherence. A greater understanding of HIVICK among HIV patients should promote additional investigation into its etiology and viable treatments.
Barrios Arroyave A. Freddy Rodríguez Velásquez O. Javier Prieto Bohórquez E. Signed Grisales E. Carlos Correa Herrera C. Sandra Jattin Balcázar J. Jairo Soracipa Muñoz Ribka Ruiz Morales J. Jhon
The Japanese Society of Strategies for Cancer Research and Therapy
Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy (ISSN:13446835)
vol.31, no.1, pp.7-12, 2023-02-14 (Released:2023-02-14)

Introduction: fractal geometry has been implemented to study natures’ irregular objects with diverse applications in medicine, from characterizations of human structures such as the division of bronchial or arterial trees to the diagnosis of abnormal cells, as it has been evidenced in the study of neoplasms. In this investigation, a characterization of the degree of irregularity of histologic samples of normal and thyroid gland neoplasms was developed in the context of fractal and Euclidean geometry.Methods: photographs of normal and neoplastic thyroid histologic samples obtained as surgical pieces were processed by a software that allows to delimit the borders of cellular structures. Then, grids of 5 and 10 pixels were superimposed over the images in order to measure their surfaces and occupation spaces through the Box-Counting method.Results: For nucleus measures values between 14 to 34 in the 5 pixels grid and values between 7 to 16 in the 10 pixels grid suggest normality.Conclusions: The surface of the nucleus and the cytoplasm measured by grids of 5 and 10 pixels, allow to carry out a more objective characterizations of both normal and abnormal thyroid cells.
Shinji C. Nagasaki Tomonori D. Fukuda Mayumi Yamada Yusuke III Suzuki Ryo Kakutani Adam T. Guy Itaru Imayoshi
Japan Society for Cell Biology
Cell Structure and Function (ISSN:03867196)
pp.22074, (Released:2022-12-16)

The Gal4/UAS system is a versatile tool to manipulate exogenous gene expression of cells spatially and temporally in many model organisms. Many variations of light-controllable Gal4/UAS system are now available, following the development of photo-activatable (PA) molecular switches and integration of these tools. However, many PA-Gal4 transcription factors have undesired background transcription activities even in dark conditions, and this severely attenuates reliable light-controlled gene expression. Therefore, it is important to develop reliable PA-Gal4 transcription factors with robust light-induced gene expression and limited background activity. By optimization of synthetic PA-Gal4 transcription factors, we have validated configurations of Gal4 DNA biding domain, transcription activation domain and blue light-dependent dimer formation molecule Vivid (VVD), and applied types of transcription activation domains to develop a new PA-Gal4 transcription factor we have named eGAV (enhanced Gal4-VVD transcription factor). Background activity of eGAV in dark conditions was significantly lower than that of hGAVPO, a commonly used PA-Gal4 transcription factor, and maximum light-induced gene expression levels were also improved. Light-controlled gene expression was verified in cultured HEK293T cells with plasmid-transient transfections, and in mouse EpH4 cells with lentivirus vector-mediated transduction. Furthermore, light-controlled eGAV-mediated transcription was confirmed in transfected neural stem cells and progenitors in developing and adult mouse brain and chick spinal cord, and in adult mouse hepatocytes, demonstrating that eGAV can be applied to a wide range of experimental systems and model organisms.Key words: optogenetics, Gal4/UAS system, transcription, gene expression, Vivid
黒瀬 大介 古屋 成人 Djeddour D. H. Evans H. C. 對馬 誠也 土屋 健一
九州病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:03856410)
vol.59, pp.31-37, 2013-11-29 (Released:2015-10-14)
3 3

Fallopia japonica(Japanese knotweed, Polygonaceae), native to Japan, has been a serious invasive perennial weed in North America and large parts of Europe, especially in the UK, where there is an urgent need for a classical biological control strategy. Surveys have confirmed the presence of specialized plant pathogens in the native range of Japan. The results of the surveys showed that three fungal diseases of two rusts and a leaf-spot disease were predominantly common and widespread in the field. These rusts were identified as Puccinia polygoni-amphibii var. tovariae and Aecidium polygoni-cuspidati. Furthermore, a leaf-spot fungus morphologically identified as Mycosphaerella polygoni-cuspidati is also distributed widely in Japan. In the field, P. polygoni-amphibii var. tovariae and M. polygonicuspidati were confirmed to have severe infectivity to F. japonica. Thus, it is suggested that these two pathogens have high potential to become classical biological control agents for F. japonica.
Qidi Ying Mikaël Croyal Dick C Chan Valentin Blanchard Jing Pang Michel Krempf Gerald F Watts
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.63587, (Released:2022-06-08)

Aim: Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) is a low-density lipoprotein-like particle containing apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) that increases the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) in familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Postprandial redistribution of apo(a) protein from Lp(a) to triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs) may also increase the atherogenicity of TRL particles. Omega-3 fatty acid (ω3FA) supplementation improves postprandial TRL metabolism in FH subjects. However, its effect on postprandial apo(a) metabolism has yet to be investigated. Methods: We carried out an 8-week open-label, randomized, crossover trial to test the effect of ω3FA supplementation (4 g/day) on postprandial apo(a) responses in FH patients following ingestion of an oral fat load. Postprandial plasma total and TRL-apo(a) concentrations were measured by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, and the corresponding areas under the curve (AUCs) (0-10h) were determined using the trapezium rule. Results: Compared with no ω3FA treatment, ω3FA supplementation significantly lowered the concentrations of postprandial TRL-apo(a) at 0.5 (−17.9%), 1 (−18.7%), 2 (−32.6%), and 3 h (−19.2%) (P<0.05 for all). Postprandial TRL-apo(a) AUC was significantly reduced with ω3FA by 14.8% (P<0.05). By contrast, ω3FA had no significant effect on the total AUCs of apo(a), apoC-III, and apoE (P>0.05 for all). The decrease in postprandial TRL-apo(a) AUC was significantly associated with changes in the AUC of triglycerides (r=0.600; P <0.01) and apoB-48 (r=0.616; P<0.01). Conclusions: Supplementation with ω3FA reduces postprandial TRL-apo(a) response to a fat meal in FH patients; this novel metabolic effect of ω3FA may have implications on decreasing the risk of ASCVD in patients with FH, especially in those with elevated plasma triglyceride and Lp(a) concentrations. However, the clinical implications of these metabolic findings require further evaluation in outcome or surrogate endpoint trials.
Bruno G. N. ANDRADE Rafael R. C. CUADRAT Fernanda Raya TONETTI Haruki KITAZAWA Julio VILLENA
BMFH Press
Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health (ISSN:21863342)
pp.2022-009, (Released:2022-03-29)

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic of coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and imposed the biggest public health challenge for our civilization, with unforeseen impacts in the subsequent years. Similar to other respiratory infections, COVID-19 is associated with significant changes in the composition of the upper respiratory tract microbiome. Studies have pointed to a significant reduction of diversity and richness of the respiratory microbiota in COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, it has been suggested that Prevotella, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus are associated with severe COVID-19 cases, while Dolosigranulum and Corynebacterium are significantly more abundant in asymptomatic subjects or with mild disease. These results have stimulated the search for new microorganisms from the respiratory microbiota with probiotic properties that could alleviate symptoms and even help in the fight against COVID-19. To date, the potential positive effects of probiotics in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 pandemics have been extrapolated from studies carried out with other viral pathogens, such as influenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus. However, scientific evidence has started to emerge demonstrating the capacity of immunomodulatory bacteria to beneficially influence the resistance against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Here we review the scientific knowledge regarding the role of the respiratory microbiota in viral infections in general and in the infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 in particular. In addition, the scientific work that supports the use of immunomodulatory probiotic microorganisms as beneficial tools to reduce the severity of respiratory viral infections is also reviewed. In particular, our recent studies that evaluated the role of immunomodulatory Dolosigranulum pigrum strains in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection are highlighted.
Ganesh C. Jagetia
Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition (ISSN:09120009)
vol.40, no.2, pp.74-81, 2007 (Released:2007-03-14)
139 181

Ionizing radiations produce deleterious effects in the living organisms and the rapid technological advancement has increased human exposure to ionizing radiations enormously. There is a need to protect humans against such effects of ionizing radiation. Attempts to protect against the deleterious effects of ionizing radiations by pharmacological intervention were made as early as 1949 and efforts are continued to search radioprotectors, which may be of great help for human application. This review mainly dwells on the radioprotective potential of plant and herbal extracts. The results obtained from in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that several botanicals such as Gingko biloba, Centella asiatica, Hippophae rhamnoides, Ocimum sanctum, Panax ginseng, Podophyllum hexandrum, Amaranthus paniculatus, Emblica officinalis, Phyllanthus amarus, Piper longum, Tinospora cordifoila, Mentha arvensis, Mentha piperita, Syzygium cumini, Zingiber officinale, Ageratum conyzoides, Aegle marmelos and Aphanamixis polystachya protect against radiation-induced lethality, lipid peroxidation and DNA damage. The fractionation-guided evaluation may help to develop new radioprotectors of desired activities.
Tim C. Norton Paul A. Oakley Deed E. Harrison
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.34, no.1, pp.71-75, 2022 (Released:2022-01-12)

[Purpose] To present the case of a dramatic improvement in the cervical lordosis and relief from chronic headaches and neck pain in a pediatric having a recent neck trauma. [Participant and Methods] A 10 year old male presented with recent neck trauma, neck pain and pre-existing chronic headaches. Cervical range of motion was limited with pain. X-ray analysis showed dramatic loss of cervical lordosis and an acute atlantoaxial rotatory fixation. Chiropractic Biophysics technique methods incorporating spinal manual adjustments, cervical extension traction and corrective exercises were used to restore normal cervical lordosis. Treatments were performed intensively over 6.5-weeks, with a 17-month long-term follow-up. [Results] The pediatric patient responded well to treatment with near complete resolution of cranio-cervical complaints. The cervical lordosis was corrected to age-appropriate magnitude, the coronal symmetry was restored, and both were maintained after nearly 1.5 years. [Conclusion] Chiropractic Biophysics technique which includes the cervical extension traction using the pediatric Denneroll orthotic was effective in restoring lordosis in a pediatric patient with cervical kyphosis and chronic headaches presenting with recent neck pains from a traumatic origin. Routine X-ray of the cervical spine is recommended for patients presenting with craniocervical symptoms as spine alignment is often overlooked as pathognomonic for these conditions.
高橋 久光 セナン キャロル ハフフェイカ レイ C
Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture
熱帯農業 (ISSN:00215260)
vol.37, no.1, pp.22-27, 1993

培養液中の異なるZn濃度および遮光がトマトの生育, 窒素含有量および硝酸還元酵素の活性に及ぼす影響について検討した.Znの欠乏は, 草丈の伸長を抑制した.<BR>葉部の全窒素含有量はZn欠乏区, 微量区および標準区でほとんど差異が認められず, その傾向は茎部, 根部においても同様であった.しかし, 葉部の全窒素含有量に占める水溶性窒素含有量は, Zn.欠乏区で高かった.<BR>葉部の硝酸還元酵素の活性は, 標準区で高く, Zn微量および欠乏区で低かった.その傾向は茎部および根部でも同様であった.なお, 根部の硝酸還元酵素の活性は, 葉部や茎部と比較して, 低かった.<BR>Zn欠乏作物の遮光実験下での植物体各部位の生体重および乾物重は, 各生育期間とも無遮光区で最も大きい値を示した.<BR>Zn欠乏作物の遮光実験下での葉部の硝酸還元酵素の活性は, 遮光によって低下し, 無遮光区で最も高く, 70%遮光区で最も低かった.根部の硝酸還元酵素の活性は, 4月12日と4月19日には無遮光区で高かったが, 他の部位と比較して, 全処理区ともその活性は低かった.
吾妻 健 ウォン Z. ブレーラー D. ロー C.T. イトイ I. ウパタム S. 杉山 広 田口 尚弘 平井 啓久 川中 正憲 波部 重久 平田 瑞城 BLAIR David LO Chin-tson ITHOI Init UPATHAM Suchart WANG Zaihua

アジアに於ける日本住血吸虫類には、日本住血吸虫、メコン住血吸虫、マレー住血吸虫の3種が知られているが、具体的な相互の類縁関係については、未だ不明である。本研究では、これら3種の系統類縁関係を調べるため、1)ミトコンドリアDNAの塩基配列、2)染色体のC-バンドパターン、3)中間宿主貝の核型、4)中間宿主貝の感受性、5)終宿主の感受性、及び6)終宿主における肉芽腫形成反応、について分析実験を行なった。1)ミトコンドリアDNAの塩基配列:本研究ではチトクロームCオキシダーゼサブユニットI(COI)領域のPCR増幅を試みた。各サンプルはTEバッファーでホモジナイズし、フェノール/クロロフォルムで2回、クロロフォルムで1回、処理した後、エタノール沈殿により、DNAを回収した。回収したDNAはテンプレートとして、PCRを行なった。プライマーは、5'- TTT TTT GGG CAT CCT GAG GTT T -3'及び5'- TAA AGA AAG AAC ATA ATG AAA AT -3'である。PCRの条件は、95℃ 1分、50℃ 1分、72℃ 3分、30サイクルである。得られた増幅断片はTAベクターにクローニングして、ABIのオートシーケンサー(373A)を用いて塩基配列を調べた。ホモロジー検索及び系統樹作成はClustalV(近隣接合法)とPaup(最大節約法)を用いて行なった。その結果、2つの異なる方法とも同じ結論に達した。即ちマレー住血吸虫は日本住血吸虫よりは、メコン住血吸虫に近く、メコン住血吸虫とクラスターを形成することが分かった。比較のために用いたアフリカ産のマンソン住血吸虫とビルハルツ住血吸虫は一つのクラスターを形成し、アジア産の日本住血吸虫類から隔たっていることが分かった。2)染色体のC-バンドパターン:日本住血吸虫、メコン住血吸虫、マレー住血吸虫のC-バンド分析を行ったところ、日本産の日本住血吸虫では、W染色体長腕のC-バンド内だけに真性染色体質の挿入が認められたが、メコン住血吸虫及びマレー住血吸虫では、両腕のC-バンド内に真性染色体質の挿入が認められた。さらにC-バンドの量はメコン住血吸虫及びマレー住血吸虫において日本住血吸虫より増加していることが観察された。このことから、メコン住血吸虫とマレー住血吸虫がより近縁であると推定され、ミトコンドリアDNAの結果と一致した。3)中間の宿主貝の核型と感受性:これは、宿主-寄生虫関係の進化と寄生虫自身の種分化との関係を明らかにするために行われた。まず、宿主貝の染色体について核型分析を行ったところ、a)マレー住血吸虫の第一中間宿主貝Robertsiella gismaniでは2n=34で性染色体はXY型であるが、Y染色体は、点状であること、b)メコン住血吸虫の第一中間宿主貝Neotricula apertaでは2n=34であるが、Y染色体は存在せずXO型であること、c)日本住血吸虫の第一中間宿主貝Oncomelania nosophora(ミヤイリガイ)では、2n=34で、性染色体はまだ未分化であること、等が明らかになった。4)中間宿主貝への感受性:日本産の日本住血吸虫とマレー住血吸虫をOncomelania nosophora(ミヤイリガイ)、O.minima(ナタネミズツボ)、Bythinella nipponica(ミジンニナ)の3種の貝に感染させたところ、両住血吸虫ともOncomelania nosophora(ミヤイリガイ)に感染し、セルカリアまで発育することが明らかとなった。4)終宿主の感受性:メコン住血吸虫及びマレー住血吸虫のセルカリアをマウス(ddY)、ハムスター(シリアン)、スナネズミ(MGS)の3種の終宿主への感染実験を行なったところ、すべてにおいて感染が成立することが分かった。15EA07:終宿主における肉芽腫形成反応:日本住血吸虫、メコン住血吸虫、マレー住血吸虫のセルカリアをマウスとラットに感染させ、肉芽腫形成反応の程度を比較した。まず、マウスでは3種住血吸虫とも著明な細胞反応を示したが、3種に差は認められなかった。しかし、ラットでは各々異なる程度の反応を認めた。即ち、肉芽腫形成反応はメコン住血吸虫で最も弱く、マレー住血吸虫で、最も強い反応を示した。一方、肝内虫体に対する細胞反応は虫卵に対する反応と逆にメコン住血吸虫で最も強く、マレー住血吸虫で、最も弱い反応を示した。このことから、宿主細胞の認識は虫体と虫卵で大きく異なることが分かった。
紺野 勝弘 Picolo Gisele Gutierrez Vanessa Brigatte Patricia Zambelli Vanessa Camargo Antonio C.M. Cury Yara
no.50, pp.409-413, 2008-09-01

Snakebite accidents by the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus account for 10% of those occurred in Brazil. It induces severe neurological symptoms, but does not induce pain or severe tissue destruction at the site of inoculation, which is in contrast to the most other snakebites. Due to these properties, the crude venom of this snake used to be employed for controlling pain, for example, of cancer. Recent studies using the crude venom experimentally demonstrated that this venom shows antinociceptive effect more potent than morphine. This effect is orally active and long-lasting for 3-5 days, and despite mediated by opioid receptors, it dose not develop peripheral tolerance nor induce physical dependence unlike morphine. These remarkable properties prompted us to purify and chemically characterize the substance responsible for the analgesic effect. Bioassay-guided fractionation led to the isolation of a novel peptide, designated crotalphine, with a sequence of 14 amino acid residues having a single disulfide bond. We report herein the isolation, sequence determination and synthesis of crotalphine. Pharmacological evaluation using synthetic peptide will also be reported.