下坂 智恵 下村 道子 寺井 稔
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.47, no.12, pp.1213-1218, 1996

近年, 日本では, 骨粗鬆症の原因ともなるカルシウムの摂取量の不足が問題となっている.日本人は, 昔から魚を多く摂取しており, 骨ごと食べられる小魚は, 重要なカルシウム供給源の一つといえる.そこで本研究では, 魚の骨を利用するための基礎的な研究として, 魚の骨を水中で加熱したときの物性および成分の変化について調べようとした.マアジの骨を, 水中で数時間加熱し, レオメーターを用いて破断強度を測定した.魚骨の無機成分は, 高周波誘導結合プラズマ (ICP) 発光分析法により測定した.マアジの骨の厚さの80%まで圧縮するのに要する最大荷重は, 30分間で急激に低下し, その後も加熱時間が長くなるにつれて徐々に低下した.加熱時間が長くなるとともに, 魚骨のタンパク質は減少し, 加熱液中のタンパク質は増加した.マアジの骨は, 加熱時間が長くなるとともに軟化したが, カルシウムの大部分は, 魚骨に残っていた.水中で加熱したマアジの骨が軟化したのは, 骨のタンパク質の一部が加熱液中に溶出し, 骨の構造が変化したことによるのではないかと考えられる.
高畑 彩友美 冨田 圭子 饗庭 照美 大谷 貴美子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.5, pp.287-299, 2006-05-15
3 1

關戸 啓子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.53, no.7, pp.649-657, 2002-07-10

The purpose of this study is to examine the educational significance of the communication the pre-school children maintain with elder citizens. The study was conducted at the nursing care centers for the elderly that also provide day care survice for pre-school children. Chosen were the centers that maintained constant contacts between the elderlies and the pre-school children, and the situations involving communication between the two parties were observed, while the staff at the centers were interviewd. The data gathered were qualitatively analyzed. The results describe four aspects of the pre-school children's experiences: verification of one's own value, acceptance by elders, recognition of one's own self through communication with adults, and cultural education. The elderlies played a role similar to that of their grandparents, suggesting that the children felt at ease with them. In addition, children seemed to have mini-experience of the real world by communicating with the elderlies. Furthermore, the results of our interview suggest that the environment in which the children's activities are taking place in the presence of elderlies with disability may very well provide them with a basic understanding of normalization on a daily basis. in other words, exposure to such an environment may help the pre-school children to be easily accepting people with disability while preparing them to be adaptable to society.
間瀬 清美 原田 妙子 小町谷 寿子 石原 久代
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.3, pp.219-228, 2003

超高齢化社会に向かおうとしている今, 若年から高齢に至る男性の衣服着用の実態や習慣を理解しておくことは, 重要であると考える.男性の快適な衣生活に向けた基礎資料を得るため, 男性の衣服着用の現状についてアンケート調査を13歳~94歳の男性1,165名に対して実施し, 以下の結果を得た.<BR>(1) 着用衣服として下着類は, どの年代においてもブリーフよりトランクスを着用する人が多かったが, 若年層程トランクスの着用率が高かった.<BR>(2) 就寝時の服種は, 若年層はTシャツの着用が多いのに対して, 40~60歳以上では大半がパジャマの着用をしている.なお, 60歳以上では寝巻きを好む人も増え, 年層による差が大きい事が判明した.<BR>(3) 着用日数については, シャツ, ブリーフ, トランクス, ソックス類は, 夏季は殆どの人が1日, 冬季でも1日~2日で替えていたのに対し, パジャマの日数は, 1~3日の人が夏で83.2%を占め, 冬で64.4%と多く, 4日~1週間着用する人もかなり出現した.パジャマは1日の着用時間が比較的長いにも関わらず, 着用日数は長いことが判明した.<BR>(4) 衣服に対する意見として, 上着類は色, 柄, 形, ブランドなど人から見られるイメージを重視する意見が多かったのに対し, 下着類や就寝時の着衣に対しては, 着心地に対するこだわりが多かった.<BR>(5) 衣服選択については, 上着類は67.5%の人が自分で購入するのに対し, 下着類の購入は妻, あるいは女性の家族に任せる傾向が強かった.下着のコーディネートについても, 外出着, 普段着と比較して女性に任せる傾向があり, 年齢が上がるとともに多くなっている。また, 衣服の購入時に, 若年層は色・柄を重視し, 高齢者では, 着心地, 素材を重視していた.<BR>(6) トランクス着用者は上着類選びについて, 色・柄を最も重視するのに対して, ブリーフ着用者はサイズを最も重視している.また, 下着類はどちらもサイズを最も重視するが, その他の項目としてはブリーフ着用者が着心地, 素材と着装感を重視するのに対してトランクス着用者は色・柄を重視していることが判明した.
緑川 知子 登倉 尋実
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.5, pp.421-427, 1992-05-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

暑熱放射熱存在下での帽子の防暑効果について明らかにし, それが温熱生理反応に与える影響を調べることを目的に, 環境温28℃においてコントロール値をとったのちに, 人工気候室の環境温を約15分かけて35℃に上昇させるとともに, 400Wの陽光ランプ2個を用いて, 被験者の後ろ上方50cmの位置から, ランプが後頭部表面に直角にあたるように (Fig.1参照) 60分照射した.これと同時に着帽時には着帽した、鼓膜温・直腸温・皮膚温・心拍数・発汗速度・帽子表面温度・衣服内気候を測定し, 着帽時と無帽時について比較した.得られた主な知見は次のとおりである.(1) 鼓膜温ならびに直腸温のレベルと上昇度は, 着帽時に比べ無帽時に有意に高くなった.(2) 頭部表面温は無帽時には着帽時に比べ, 上昇速度が速く有意に高いレベルになった.(3) 着帽時に比して無帽時に, 発汗が速く始まり発汗量も多かった.熱が頭部に流入した結果, 帽子表面温と頭部表面温が上昇した (Fig.3) が, 着帽により熱の流入を防ぐ効果が現れて, そのレベルは着帽時に低い値になった.その効果は, 鼓膜温, 直腸温にも同様の変化をもたらし, 着帽時においてこれらの値は低くなった (Fig.2).無帽時の鼓膜温が37℃にほぼ達したとき (15分目), 鼓膜温のレベルに有意差が現れたとともに発汗が認められた.発汗開始は, 無帽時に15.3±2.3分で, 着帽時の22.2±3.4分より有意に速かった (Fig.4).鼓膜温が37℃に上昇すると, いずれの条件においても発汗が観察された.そして, 無帽時に鼓膜温のレベルが高かったために, 発汗中枢の活動が高くなり, 発汗量はすべての被験者において無帽時に多い値が得られた (Fig.4).本実験において無帽時には熱流入が多かったが, これに対して放射, 対流, 伝導による熱放散だけで熱平衡を保つことができなくなったために, 蒸発による熱放散を増加させるために発汗が生じて蒸発による熱放散を行った.発汗が速く始まって蒸発による熱放散が増加したので直腸温に差が現れるのが遅れた (25分目) と考えられる.鼓膜温のレベルと上昇度が着帽時に比べ無帽時に有意に高くなったのは, 無帽時に頭部表面温の上昇速度が速くレベルが有意に高く保たれたことと関係している.放射熱が後頭部上方50cmから加えられたために頭部表面温が上昇し, 上矢状静脈洞・横静脈洞・海綿静脈洞から流入した静脈血が加温されて, 鼓室近くを上行する内頸動脈血が内頸静脈血液と対向流熱交換により加温されたために, 鼓膜温が上昇したと考察した.
徳井 淑子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.55, no.6, pp.499-506, 2004-06-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

A boom in historical literature, which occurred from the activities of Romanticism in Paris during the 1830's made medieval-like attire fashionable among the young. Their medieval style was either copies of attire depicted in paintings of the past or was taken from theatrical costume. And the latter also was created from paintings of the past. This thesis examines the correlation among the historical fashion, theatre and arts in terms of records and fiction of that era in order to clarify the characteristics of the transmission of fashion information during the Romantic era. Going to the theatre was the greatest pleasure for the young of that era, and thus the number of people attending the theatre was equivalent to being number one on the bestseller list. Meanwhile, young painters copied paintings by great masters in museums as part of their training, but this also met the demand of the “petit-bourgeois.” Copied paintings created a market and contributed to the dissemination of knowledge about paintings, and it became a medium of information transmission of good examples of historical costume for the young.
阿部 芳子 市川 朝子 下村 道子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.7, pp.461-467, 2006-07-15

中華麺の独特のテクスチャー発現に対する, かん水の作用を調べるために, 強力粉に1%の粉末かん水を含む45%のかん水を加えて麺を作製し, かん水を加えない水麺と比較して, 次の結果を得た.<br>1) かん水麺と水麺では, ゆで加熱中の水分量および重量には, ほとんど差がみられなかったが, 食味評価ではかん水麺は水麺よりも硬く, 外観 (麺表面) がなめらかでないと判断された. また, 破断強度解析において, 加熱7分間まで, かん水麺は水麺より破断強度の最大荷重値が高く, 破断応力曲線の解析では破断開始値および歪率60%までの応力変化率が高かったことから表面近くが硬い麺であると判断された.<br>2) 糊化度はかん水麺, 水麺ともに内部より外部で高値を示した. かん水麺の糊化度は外部, 内部ともに水麺より低値を示した.<br>3) 異なるpHの緩衝液で湿麩を撹拌するとpH2からpH3, pH9からpH11でたんぱく質が溶出することが示され, また, かん水中では高い溶出率を示した麺の組織観察において, 水麺のグルテンが線状にみえるのに対し, かん水麺のグルテンは薄く広がっているのがPAS染色で確認できた.
富岡 典子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.10, pp.933-942, 2000-10-15

In order to clarify the formation of tranditional food on the offering dishes, a field survey was conducted on the edible burdock dishes handed down as the offering dishes of the festival in Nara Prefecture Sakurai City Area. The results were as follows: 1)Edible burdock was used as an offering of the New Year's Festival because of its nutritional and medicinal effect. 2)From the standpoint of folklore, it was thought that what was connected with "OX" was offered as the offering dishes for praying an abundant harvest. 3)The offering dishes of edible burdock were cooked with salt and soybean, which had the meaning of worship of ancestor souls and wish for longevity. It can be guessed that the offering dishes of edible burdock gradually changed to the cookery using miso and soy sauce from salt and soybean.
川崎 末美
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.10, pp.923-935, 2001-10-15

The writer studied the quality of diet, the frequency of co-eating, and the atmosphere at meal time respectively in order to clarify their effects on the mental health of junior high school students. Five hundred and seventy-three students responded my questionnaire, and the major findings are as follows : (1)As for the dietary quality, high quality of diet may be considered very effective in controlling low level of "lack of perseverance" as well (2)as their temperament such as "hot temper, " "irritation, " "unwillingness to go to school, " and "wish to commit suicide." It should be noted that peaceful atmosphere at the dining table is more effective on the above-mentioned four states of mind than high level of nutrition. (3)High frequency of co-eating is found effective in controlling their "wish to commit suicide" and "unwillingness to go to school" as long as they are pleased with the atmosphere at the dining table. (4)As far as the male students are concerned, talking with their family off the dining table seemed effective in controlling their "hot temper, " "irritation, " and "wish to commit suicide." So long as the female students are concerned, however, the warm meal time atmosphere seemed more effective than having a chat with their family off the dining table.
長野 宏子 大森 正司 庄司 善哉 飯渕 貞明 荒井 基夫
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.45, no.3, pp.219-226, 1994

中国等の多くの国の小麦粉発酵食品は自然発酵によっているところが多い.タイやインドネシアの伝統的な小麦粉発酵食品に関与している微生物の検索を行い, ガス発生する微生物を分離・同定し, その性質を明らかにした.パームジュースをスターターとする蒸し菓子 (khanom taan) のドウから<I>Enterobacter cloacae</I>を単離した.揚げパン (paathong koo) のドウからは, <I>Klebsiella planticola</I>および<I>Proteus mirabilis</I>を単離した.発酵性細菌の安全性は既に確認されている.単離した細菌である<I>E.cloacae, K.planticola</I>を用いて饅頭を製造した結果, 良好な膨化を示し, 十分にスターターとしての働きをもつものであった.
武田 紀久子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.8, pp.765-771, 1992-08-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

小麦粉のケーキの膨化に対するエージング処理の影響を明らかにするために, 人工的にエージングさせた粉の脱脂・再構成粉を作製, 粉の特性およびスポンジケーキの品質を測定し, 次の結果を得た。(1) 小麦粉のエージングにより遊離脂質が減少し, その組成中遊離脂肪酸が増加した.粉一水懸濁液の室温時のかたさおよび粘度は粉のエージングにより大幅に増加した.(2) アミログラフによる最高粘度は, エージング粉をベースにした方が大きく, しかもエージング脂質を添加した方が大きかった.(3) エージング粉の冷却糊は, オリジナル粉よりもかたく付着性は小さかった.また, オリジナル脂質添加よりもエージング脂質添加の方が糊のかたさは柔らかく, 付着性は大であった.(4) 脱脂粉のケーキは最も比容積が小さいが, 脂質添加により比容積は大となった.また, オリジナル粉をベースとした場合, ケーキの膨化にエージング脂質の添加が有効であったが, エージング粉がベースの場合, 添加脂質の種類によらず, ケーキの比容積はオリジナル粉よりも大であった.(5) 以上より, ケーキの膨化に対する小麦粉のエージング効果は脱脂粉成分 (ベース) と遊離脂質の両方の変化に起因すると考えられた.
森 理恵
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.59, no.3, pp.155-164, 2008

濵口 郁枝 安達 智子 大喜 多祥子 福本 タミ子 前田 昭子 内田 勇人 北元 憲利 奥田 豊子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.61, no.1, pp.13-24, 2010-01-15 (Released:2013-06-13)

A disorder of dietary condition in recent years is concerned with the dietary habit of engorgement.We thus believe that dietary education is necessary for university students. This study examines the consciousness and behavior in the dietary condition, sense of taste, and daily life of university students.The influence of a student's family on this dietary behavior and consciousness is also assessed. An analysis was conducted of the results of a questionnaire survey taken from 229 university students.Structural equation modeling was applied to study the consciousness which influences the dietary behavior, living activities and influence of the family. This analysis shows the influence of the family on the consciousness of dietary condition, sense of taste, and daily activities related to a healthy life style.The results suggest the importance of university students having experience of cooking, promoting consciousness of their dietary behavior, and that the family recognizes its influence.
近藤 隆二郎 入江 紗恵子 樋口 幸永
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.4, pp.187-195, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

It is difficult to say why using household eco-account books, which are said to be very effective in reducing environmental impact, is not popular today. We believe that the reason for this lies in not only the design of the books, but also the attitude of the people who use them. In order to clarify this, we analyzed the background, the attitude, and the description of the books of twenty-one people who had been using the books for more than three years. The research showed that those who had been keeping these books were generally more than sixty years old and had a lot of free time. It also showed that they could be classified into four different groups. We named them as follows: “Nonbiri” are the members who use the books casually. “Kotsukotsu” use the books on a regular basis. “Waiwai” tend to work in groups, and “Takumi” thoroughly investigate the cause and are active in environmental investment. Of these groups, the people identified as members of Waiwai and Takumi had been using the books relatively longer than the other groups, and their books showed the effect of the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide. As a result of our research, we came to the following conclusions: (1) It is important to understand that there are two stages, reducing energy on a day to day basis and reducing CO2 by environmental investment. (2) Book-keepers who would like to be part of “Takumi” should be identified. (3)Creating groups like “Waiwai“ should be encouraged.
角田 久美子 大久保 みたみ 山本 学
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.10, pp.959-968, 1995

Nutritional survey was carried out for aged individuals who lived singly in Akishima City and received community meal service twice a week, and the results were compared with those of the individuals, who did not receive the meal service. Their food habits were correlated with their daily activities. Thus, the more active life they spent, the better food habits they had.<BR>Individuals, who received meal service, spent rather passive life and their food habits were poor and monotonous. On their nutrients intake, the estimated mean intake of protein was 41g/day and that of iron was 5.5 mg/day. These were significantly lower than those in the individuals who did not receivethe meal service (<I>p</I>< 0.01).<BR>With respect to service meals offered, these meals contained rich nutrients compared with the requirements of them. However, the evaluation of present meal service program revealed that twice service a week did not serve to improve their food habits, or to correct their nutrients intake.
林 隆子 川端 博子 石川 尚子 大久保 みたみ 大関 政康 大竹 美登利 唐沢 恵子 斉藤 浩子 高崎 禎子 武田 紀久子 山形 昭衛
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.5, pp.361-369, 1992-05-15

The survey of the daily clothes of 708 people, from ages 70 to 95,living in Ome City,Tokyo,was conducted from May though August, 1989. We investigated the sorts of daily clothes worn on the day surveyed and the details of each garment. The results were as follows:(1) The most typical ensemble of men's upper garments consisted of an undershirt, shirt and blazer or jacket while the lower one consisted of briefs or undershirt and a blouse and sweater with three-quarter sleeves that were button closing in front. The lower garments were mainly briefs, short or long underwear and trousers or a skirt. Trousers were preferred by elder women, compared to younger women.(3) Man-made fibers were often used for the outer wear of those surveyed.(4) An estimation of the thermal insulation and weight if the garments indicated that the elderly people surveyed wore more clothing than younger people.
勝田 啓子 高橋 洋子 佐藤 恵美子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.5, pp.431-437, 1995-05-15

The creep behaviors for "Dangos," which were prepared with various particle sizes of non-glutinous rice powder and were stored at 0 and 25℃ for 1 and 24h, were measured in the temperature range of 10 to 55℃. The apparent activation energies, ΔH_a, and fractional free volumes, f_0, were calculated, then these parameters were compared with those obtained from glutinous one. The values of ΔH_a for "Dangos" prepared with non-glutinous rice powders were smaller and the values of f_0 were larger than those with glutinous rice powders with any particle size. "Dango" prepared with 150-200 mesh of non-glutinous rice powder possessed the maximal ΔH_a and minimal f_0 ,it was independent of storage temperature (0℃, 25℃) and storage time (1h, 24h), as same as glutinous one stored at 0℃. These results suggested that "Dango" prepared with coarse powder possessed the porous structure resulted in the presence of clump of particulated aggregates. While, "Dango" prepared with 150-200 mesh powder had a fine packed structure. The structure of "Dango" prepared with glutinous rice powders was finer than that with non-glutinous one.
長尾 慶子 松本 幸雄
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.8, pp.623-631, 2003-08-15

今井 範子 中村 久美
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.6, pp.687-698, 1998-06-15

This study analyzed the changes brought about to consciousness of residents concerning dwelling and other life conditions after the latest Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and we then intend to consider what life style should be. The residents we observed live in apartments owned by the Housing and Urban Development Corporation at five places in Kobe and its adjacent cities, Nishinomiya, Takarazuka and Amagasaki which were all disaster stricken by the earthquake. In this first paper we are to clarify difficult living conditions suffered by the residents just after the earthquake. The results are as follows: People were busily engaged from just after the earthquake in supplying drinking water, food and other daily necessities which had not been stored for emergency use. The most difficult problems was the shortage of life sustaining water. There were also other difficulties such as the inconvenience arising from the stoppage of elevators and feelings of insecurity and stress on the part of the residents dwelling at higher floors of high-rise apartments. It is necessary to consider the solutions for these problems on planning urban high-rise dwelling. Most older couples, older sigle people and families having school-age children took refuge in regional public shelters or stayed at home as they were anxious to keep close to their neighbourhood communities. Most people were provided with drinking water, food and other daily necessities, living space by their relatives and friends. On the whole enough support was not given by government bodies and volunteer groups. It is necessary to try to augment government support and to keep ready an emergency volunteer support system. Neighbourhood community play important role at emergency, providing such support as rescue activities, transportation and distribution of water, delivery of information, etc.
岡田 みゆき
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.1, pp.3-15, 2003

The objective of this study is to clarify how the nature as well as the contents of a dinner time talk between parents and their children has changed over the years. The children under study are those in elementary school and junior high school. For this purpose, the junior high school students' perception of dinner conversation was surveyed and compared to the results obtained of elementary school children. The results are as follows : 1) Junior high school students have conversation with parents less frequently than when they were elementary school students. The percentage of the students who feel happy or useful about dinner conversation is becoming lower. 2) Overall, the conversation seems to be centered around their entrance examinations; more specifically, their academic achievement and future aspirations. The subjects such as their school life, episodes in their younger days, and political and economic issues are less frequently taken up. 3) Among those students who feel happy and useful about the dinner time talk with parents, the junior high school students would want to talk more about subjects such as their academic achievement in connection with their future, social issues, and things about their parents. 4) There is more significant relevance between the children's image of their parents and the contents of conversation than when they were elementary school students.