長野 宏子 大森 正司 庄司 善哉
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.38, no.10, pp.865-869, 1987-10-20 (Released:2010-03-10)

小麦粉製品の膨化に関して昔から, 伝統的に酵母以外の微生物と考えられるものが, 日本の一部で用いられてきた.このように蒸し物として中国料理で用いられ, また秘伝とされている発麺 (スターター) を聴聞により調製することを検討し, 饅頭をつくることが可能となった.1) 発麺発酵条件を検討した結果, 水を用いるよりも, リンゴ浸漬水を用いるほうが, スターター (発麺) を調製するのに適していた.また, 発麺の調製条件は, 30℃で4時間を要した.2) 発麺を用いて饅頭を作るための, 2次発酵時間は, 30℃で4時間を要し, また発麺の小麦粉に対する割合は, 5~10%でよかった.3) 発麺とパン酵母を用いて饅頭を作り, 官能検査をした結果, 有意差はなかった.とくに発麺を用いた饅頭は酵母臭がないものであった.4) 発酵ドウ中の微生物を光学顕微鏡で観察した結果, 桿菌のみが存在し酵母は存在しなかった.
小原 章裕 平松 直子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.48, no.7, pp.637-642, 1997-07-15 (Released:2010-03-09)

Most plant foods such as vegetables, fruit, seaweed and mushrooms contain antimutagenic or anticarcinogenic compounds. These compounds may be altered or lost during processing and cooking. Therefore, it is very important to investigate the change in antimutagenicity of a food due to processing and cooking. The objective of the first stage of this study was to examine the antimutagenicity of water-soluble and fat-soluble substances in plant foods. Food samples were selected from popular seasonal vegetables that are commonly available. The water-soluble fraction and fat-soluble fraction were extracted from each freeze-dried plant food with a 0.1 M phosphate buffer and methyl alcohol, respectively. The antimutagenic activity was evaluated by the Ames method to examine the mutagenicity of Trp-P-1, Trp-P-2 and 2-hydroxy- (1-N-nitrosoindolyl) propionic acid (NIHP) toward Salmonella typhimurium TA 98.Twenty percent of the forty plant juices tested reduced the mutagenicity of Trp-P-1 by more than 50 %, and 35% of the extracts from the other 29 vegetables reduced mutagenicity of NIHP by more than 50 %. Eighty three percent of the water-soluble fractions extracted from 24 freeze-dried plant foods showed antimutagenic activity toward Trp-P-2. On the other hand, only 25% of the fat-soluble fractions from the freeze-dried plant foods showed antimutagenicity, although a few of them demonstrated very strong activity. Seventeen percent of the tested plant foods had antimutagenicity in both the water-soluble and fat-soluble fractions. Most of the plant foods tested contained antimutagens in their water-soluble fractions.
下坂 智恵 下村 道子 近藤 四郎
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.45, no.12, pp.1103-1114, 1994-12-15

A questionnaire survey was conducted in 1991 on 339 female college students to reveal the relationship between dietary consciousness of young women and their attitude to housekeeping. Data were analyzed by a correlation analysis and Hayashi's quantification II method. Those respondents who have not regularly prepared daily meals, but done light work expressed their desire to make cakes, bread, cushions, etc. by themselves. Many of them have learned food preparation and serving from their mothers, and making cakes from cookery books or magazines. The respondents who feel happy to dine together with their family usually attend to daily household duties and make traditional dishes at home. It is concluded that the inclination toward dining with family, which is important factor in the family bond, has been encouraged by the preparation of special dishes for the year's events at home or for the celebrations of family birthday.
大鶴 勝
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.39, no.1, pp.p67-70, 1988-01
中西 正恵 丹羽 雅子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.3, pp.251-264, 2001-03-15

本論文では, ワンピースドレスの布の動きの美しさTAV(total appearance value)に及ぼす布の力学パラメータの影響を紹介する.歩行を模擬する動くマネキンに25種の布でつくったルーズなワンピースをランダムに着せ替えていって, 40人の女子学生がTAVを評価した.布の力学特性を, KES-FBシステムにより婦人薄手布用の標準化された条件で測定した.より密接にTAVを布の力学特性と結び合わせるためには, 測定条件を歩行中のドレスの布のかかる力レベルに近づけるよう見直すべきと考え, 我々は, 引張り・せん断測定用のKES-Labo modelを原型とした新しい測定装置を試作した.この装置を用いて, KES-FB1の条件よりも小さい力レベルでの引張り特性, および, 布に負荷する一定引張り荷重を着用時の布の自重とほぼ等価のより小さい値とし, 微小せん断ひずみ領域でのせん断特性を測定した.布の基本力学特性, 衣服の外観に関わる基本力学特性値から誘導されるパラメータのTAVへの寄与が, 重回帰分析により調べられた.これまでの婦人服の動きの美しさについての研究では, 曲げとせん断特性が主として議論されてきたが, TAVには布の引張り特性も密接に関連していることが示された.本研究での知見は, イメージした服づくりのための布の選別や新素材の開発などに応用できるだろう.
早川 文代 馬場 康維
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.53, no.5, pp.437-446, 2002-05-15

"Mattari," which is a term for describing food properties, was clarified by a questionnaire to 496 young people in the metropolitan area around Tokyo. The respondents were first asked when and how they had known the term, and the answers reveal that "mattari" is a vogue-word. Second, the association between "mattari" and 52 kinds of food was studied. The panel was asked how "mattari" an item is: very, a little, not at all, and "I've never eaten." The data were analyzed by quantification method III, and their item category values were obtained. Order was apparent among the data categories, showing that there was a common conception of "mattari." Order was also found among the evaluated items, meaning that scaling of "mattari" was possible, so that the intensity of "mattari" for each kind of food could be quantitatively obtained. Sweets or dairy products such as custard cream, fresh cream, butter cream and carbonara sauce were very "mattari." Third, the panel was asked whether 53 kinds of terms-for describing food properties were close to "mattari" or not. The terms close to "mattari" were "sticky," "mild," "spreading slowly in the mouth" and "rich."
朴 美愛 成瀬 信子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.6, pp.595-602, 1999-06-15

In order to construct a way of thinking for the design of check patterns and color combinations, we reported visual evaluations for three color systems (blue, red and yellow) of checks with two-color schemes combining deep and pale same-color systems, on a total of 12 samples. In addition, two-color combinations and three-color schemes combining pale, neutral and deep same-color (blue, red and yellow) systems, were made regularly, and their visual evaluations were compared and investigated. 1) As a result of a t-test for sensory evaluation which paired two- and three-color combination samples, the three-color combination samples were quiet in the blue system, while the two-color combination samples were quiet in the red and yellow systems. And the frequency distribution of items with significant differences was shown in the t-test for sensory evaluation values and the frequency distribution was different in each color system. 2) As a result of analyzing the variances, the two-color combination variances were quite large for the color systems, but the three-color combination variances were small. It is considered that the three-color combinations were affected by color and design. 3) As a result of analyzing the principal components of the two-color combinations and three-color combinations in the blue system, the cumulative proportion of three-color combinations was higher than that of the two-color combinations. The third component of the two-color combinations concerned color, the second and third components of the three-color combinations concerned design. The three-color combination was affected by color and design.
松尾 眞砂子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.58, no.1, pp.41-47, 2007-01-15

Okara-tempeh (the okara fermented with Rhizopus oligosporus, O-tempeh) is a typical functional food, but its use has been limited for strong enzyme activities of R, oligosprus. To expand the use of O-tempeh as a high functional and high dietary fiber foodstuff, the utilization of O-tempeh inactivated enzymes with cooking and pasted (O-tempeh paste) for an ingredient of pancake and croquette was examined. Any significant differences were not found between ordinary pancakes and substituted pancakes substituted for 10% soft flour with okara or O-tempeh paste in volume, hardness, or cohesiveness. The sensory evaluation scores of pancake substituted for 10% soft flour with okara were lower in flavor, taste and overall than these of ordinary pancake. These of pancake substituted with 10% O-tempeh paste were lower in flavor and overall than those of ordinary pancake. The dietary fiber of the pancake made from flour substituted 10% O-tempeh paste was 2.4-fold that of ordinary pancake. The sensory evaluation score of croquettes substituted for 30% mashed potato with okara was lower than that of ordinary croquettes in overall, but no significant difference at sensory evaluation scores was detected between ordinary croquette and substituted croquette with O-tempeh paste for 30% mashed potato in flavor, taste, texture and overall. The dietary fiber of croquette substituted for 30% mashed potato with O-tempeh paste was about 3.5-fold that of ordinary croquette. Based on these results, it was suggested that O-tempeh paste was more useable than okara as a foodstuff, and could be used as a substituting ingredient for 10% soft wheat flour to pancake and 30% mashed potato to croquette. Furthermore, it was confirmed that O-tempeh paste was useful as a high dietary fiber stuff.
林 一也 鈴木 敦子 津久井 亜紀夫 高松 直 内藤 功一 岡田 亨 森 元幸 梅村 芳樹
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.48, no.7, pp.589-596, 1997-07-15

The characteristic anthocyanin, vitamin C, dietary fiber and sucrose contents of new types of colored potatoes were studied. The total dietary fiber level in the violet, red and yellow potatoes w[ere 0.75, 0.66 and 0.85o%, respectively. The total vitamin C contents of the violet, red and yellow potatoes were 25.3, 14.l and 31.5mg/100 g, respectively, while the anthocyanin contents of the violet, red and yellow potatoes were 142,148 and 17 mg/100 g, respectively. The main anthocyanin structures in the violet and red potatoes were determined to be petanin and pelanin by FAB-M S and ^1 H-NM R analysis. The red potato anthocyanin was very stable to heat and UV irradiation. Sucrose in the red and yellow potatoes increased during low-temperature storage.
バグム ナズニーン 横井川 久巳男 寺本 あい 磯部 由香 河合 弘康
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.7, pp.729-733, 1999-07-15

勝田 啓子 西村 彰夫 三浦 靖
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.44, no.4, pp.p255-261, 1993-04

The creep behaviours of "Dangos", which were prepared with various particle size of non-glutinous and glutinous rice powders and were stored at 25℃ for 50 hrs, were measured with different periods of storage time. The changes in creep compliance of "Dango" with storage time could be expressed by the first-order kinetic equation, hence the retrogradation process of "Dango" was regarded as monomorphic. The values of initial creep compliances, J_0, for "Dango" prepared with non-glutinous rice powder decreased, while the rate constants, k, increased with decreasing particle size of rice powder. In the case of "Dango" prepared with glutinous rice powder, the values of J_0 decreased with decreasing particle size of powder, while k showed the max imum value when "Dango" was prepared with 150-200 mesh powder. "Dango" prepared with glutinous rice powder was softer than that with non-glutinous one in the initial stage of storage. However, the rate constant of "Dango" prepared with glutinous rice powder showed the greater values than that with non-glutinous one. It may correspond that retrogradation process of glutinous "Dango" was facilitate compared with non-glutinous one.
江崎 由里香 別府 哲
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.63, no.9, pp.579-589, 2012-09-15 (Released:2013-10-21)

We investigated the correlation between parent-child relationships (mother-child relationships, father-child relationships) and the concept of eating family meals together at home, and the atmosphere that existed during these meals. We interviewed 338 elementary school children. The main results were as follows: (1) Children with unstable parent-child relationships selected “I feel best when I eat meals alone at home” far more than those with stable ones. (2) Children with unstable mother-child relationships showed a marked tendency to feel discomfort during family meals, whereas those with stable ones felt comfortable. (3) The more children answered “I feel best when eating breakfast alone”, the less they indicated having actual meals together as a family.
和田 淑子 倉賀野 妙子 木村 宏樹
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.8, pp.711-717, 1991-08-15

澱粉特性がクッキーの品質に及ぼす影響を調べるため, ワキシーコーンスターチ(WCS)とハイアミロースコーンスターチ(HACS)という, 糊化特性の異なる二種類の澱粉を用いて単純化した配合のモデルクッキーを調製し,これを物性測定と官能検査により評価した. WCSクッキーはHACSクッキーとくらべ,垂直方向に大きく膨化し,スプレッド(焼き広がいは小さくなった・物性測定と官能検査のいずれにおいても,WCSクッキーは硬く,HACSクッキーは顕著なショートネスを示した.走査電子顕微鏡で観察してみるど脱脂したWCSクッキーには連続的な構造が認められ,これが膨化や硬い物性の原因と考えられた. 両クッキーともに糊化度は非常に低かったが, WCSのはうがHACSクッキーよりわずかに糊化度が高かった.示差熱分析と電子顕微鏡観察から,WCSの粒子がクッキー中で一部糊化していることが示唆された. 澱粉の糊化による連続構造はクッキーを膨化させ,最終製品を硬いものにしてしまうことが推察された. したがって,ショートなもろい食感のクッキーを作るうえで,澱粉糊化の阻害は重要であると考えられる.
磯部 由香 阪 恵理子 松井 宏樹 成田 美代
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.62, no.10, pp.633-637, 2011-10-15 (Released:2013-09-02)

The chemical composition and bacterial community structure of konoshiro-narezushi were analyzed, the latter by the 16S ribosomal RNA gene clone library method. The respective moisture and the lactic acid concentrations were 62.4% and 1.8%. One hundred randomly selected clones from the clone library were sequenced and analyzed. There were six operational taxonomic units, and the Shannon-Wiener index was1.037. The sequence similarity of all the clones obtained was equal to or higher than 99.6% of the sequence of cultivated bacteria in the public database. Lactobacillus sakei constituted 61% of the clones, suggesting that this bacterium plays an important role in the fermentation of konoshiro-narezushi.
新井 貞子 永島 伸浩 澤山 茂 川端 晶子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.2, pp.141-149, 1991-02-15

The amylose content of each starch was approximately 20%, with the values for Nagaimo and Mukago being slightly higher. The X-ray diffractogram of the Ichoimo and Tsukuneimo starches indicated the C type, which is very similar to the B type, while Nagaimo and Mukago were of the C type. The granular size of the starches was from 15.5 to 19.5 μm. The starting temperature for gelatinization by photopastegraphy was 63.0℃ for Ichoimo, 63.2℃ for Tsukuneimo, 64.0℃ for Nagaimo and 63.5℃ for Mukago. The dissolution percentage of starch granules by pancreatin was generally low, being 13.5% in Ichoimo, 12.5% in Tsukuneimo, 10.0% in Nagaimo and 7.5% in Mukago. The dynamic viscoelasticity of each starch during the gelatinization process was measured for a 10% starch suspension, both the storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G") increasing in proportion to the increase in temperature. The increase of temperature for both G' and G" was 10℃ higher than the starting temperature of gelatinization by photopastegraphy. The gelatinization process started rapidly in Ichoimo and slowly in Mukago. The tan δ (tan δ= G"/G')value in each starch decreased with increasing temperature, being lowest (0.11) for Ichoimo and highest for Mukago. The static viscoelasticity was measured for a 10% starch gel and showed a creep curve, most of which indicated progressive change that could reduced to a dynamic model of 4 elements. The elasticity and viscosity percentages in each starch gel tended to decrease in proportion to an increase of temperature, the elasticity percentage of the Mukago starch gel being approximately twice that of the Yam (Ichoimo, Tsukuneimo and Nagaimo) starch gel. The percentage recovery against the whole strain after eliminating the loading weight was 50% in the Yam starch gel and 88% in the Mukago starch gel at a temperature of 10℃.