間瀬 清美 原田 妙子 小町谷 寿子 石原 久代
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.3, pp.219-228, 2003-03-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

超高齢化社会に向かおうとしている今, 若年から高齢に至る男性の衣服着用の実態や習慣を理解しておくことは, 重要であると考える.男性の快適な衣生活に向けた基礎資料を得るため, 男性の衣服着用の現状についてアンケート調査を13歳~94歳の男性1,165名に対して実施し, 以下の結果を得た.(1) 着用衣服として下着類は, どの年代においてもブリーフよりトランクスを着用する人が多かったが, 若年層程トランクスの着用率が高かった.(2) 就寝時の服種は, 若年層はTシャツの着用が多いのに対して, 40~60歳以上では大半がパジャマの着用をしている.なお, 60歳以上では寝巻きを好む人も増え, 年層による差が大きい事が判明した.(3) 着用日数については, シャツ, ブリーフ, トランクス, ソックス類は, 夏季は殆どの人が1日, 冬季でも1日~2日で替えていたのに対し, パジャマの日数は, 1~3日の人が夏で83.2%を占め, 冬で64.4%と多く, 4日~1週間着用する人もかなり出現した.パジャマは1日の着用時間が比較的長いにも関わらず, 着用日数は長いことが判明した.(4) 衣服に対する意見として, 上着類は色, 柄, 形, ブランドなど人から見られるイメージを重視する意見が多かったのに対し, 下着類や就寝時の着衣に対しては, 着心地に対するこだわりが多かった.(5) 衣服選択については, 上着類は67.5%の人が自分で購入するのに対し, 下着類の購入は妻, あるいは女性の家族に任せる傾向が強かった.下着のコーディネートについても, 外出着, 普段着と比較して女性に任せる傾向があり, 年齢が上がるとともに多くなっている。また, 衣服の購入時に, 若年層は色・柄を重視し, 高齢者では, 着心地, 素材を重視していた.(6) トランクス着用者は上着類選びについて, 色・柄を最も重視するのに対して, ブリーフ着用者はサイズを最も重視している.また, 下着類はどちらもサイズを最も重視するが, その他の項目としてはブリーフ着用者が着心地, 素材と着装感を重視するのに対してトランクス着用者は色・柄を重視していることが判明した.
加藤 みゆき 長野 宏子 大森 正司
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.61, no.11, pp.737-740, 2010-11-15 (Released:2013-07-01)

The distribution method and consumption of tea products (except green tea) in Vietnam were studied. Fresh tea leaves are distributed in bundles like vegetables in South Vietnam, while in Hanoi, North Vietnam, fresh tea leaves are put into baskets and sold. Che xanh fresh tea leaves are infused by hot water together with ginger to serve for drinking. It presents a cool feel, although having some grassy smell.
岡田 宣子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.55, no.1, pp.31-40, 2004-01-15

To help the elderly and physically disabled put on and take off clothes unaided, it is important to consider the way clothes are made. In a trial, thirty-five elderly women aged 64 to 90 years and thirtythree younger women aged 21 to 29 years wore six experimental versions of clothing chosen at random. The comfort level was determined by adjusting the arm hole line in relation to the bust line (B.L.), using two fixed underarm sizes and three levels of looseness. In each case the following data was recorded : 1) the amount of time the subjects needed to put on and take off the garments ; 2) the degree of movement the subjects had as they dressed and undressed from a sitting position. Analysis of the above data led to the following conclusions : 1) It took the subjects significantly longer to get dressed than to get undressed ; 2) Regarding the looseness factor for the elderly subjects, women with standard body types required 28 cm, those with thick body types (shoulder breadth/bust girth<0.44) required 24 cm and those with slender body types (shoulder breadth/bust girth>0.48) needed between 28 cm and 32 cm. These figures were, on average, 12 cm greater than those for the younger subjects ; 3) Regarding the distance from the B. L. to the arm hole, the elderly subjects needed an additional 2 cm when the looseness was insufficient. This was not required by the younger subjects. The above data suggests that, for elderly people, there is a direct correlation between the way clothes are designed and the ease with which they may be used.
任 喜敬 今井 範子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.9, pp.849-860, 1995

本報では, 韓国都市集合住宅の居住者 (主人・主婦) を対象とした入浴状況の調査を行い, 入浴慣習の実態と, それに関連する入浴意識を明らかにした.その結果は, 以下のとおりである.<BR>(1) 居住者の入浴状況を公衆浴場と住宅内浴室に分けてみた結果, まず公衆浴場が都市集合住宅の居住者にとって, 日常的な入浴空間として存在していることが認められた.<BR>公衆浴場の利用状況は季節別に差が著しく, 冬季に最も高い.なお, 入浴回数は週1回程度の定期的な利用が多い.入浴にかかる時間は「1時間以上」の割合が最も高く, 入浴時間が長いという特徴があげられる.公衆浴場において, 湯につかるために浴槽を利用する者は, 約8割と多く, 湯につかる入浴慣習が形成されている.利用理由としてはサウナの利用と, 住宅内浴室が寒いからという理由が多く占めている.以上の公衆浴場の利用状況を年齢階層, 調査地域別にみた結果, 若い世代, また大都市ソウルにおいてその利用の程度は低く, 住宅内浴室での入浴が多くなる傾向が指摘できる.<BR>(2) 公衆浴場の利用が多いことから, そこでの主婦の入浴意識を分析した結果, とりわけ「疲労回復」と「体の清潔」にその意義を強く感じると反応する居住者が最も多く, 入浴の2大目的になっている.サウナを目的とする居住者が多いことは, 「疲労回復」の意識が高いことに関係している.また「住宅内浴室が寒い」という理由が多いことは, 「体の清潔」のために垢をとるという生理衛生的な意識が高いことに関係している.入浴意識は入浴回数が多い者ほど, また入浴時間が長い者ほど, 「楽しみ」, 「体の清潔」, 「気分転換」, 「くつろぎ」, 「疲労回復」, 「美容」などの項目の平均値が高く, 多様な項目に対し感じると反応している.調査地域別にみた結果, 光州の居住者の入浴意識がソウルの居住者よりも積極的であるが, ソウルに比べてタイプIII (公衆浴場利用積極型) が多いことに関係している.<BR>(3) 住宅内浴室では主人, 主婦ともに「1日1回以上シャワー」をする入浴が夏季の入浴慣習として形成されていることが指摘できる.しかしながら, 冬季には乾燥した大陸的な気候風土により入浴回数が少なくなる.したがって公衆浴場と住宅内浴室の双方からみた居住者の入浴状況は, 夏季と冬季では大きく異なる.<BR>(4) 住宅内の主浴室においての浴槽利用状況から入浴方法をみた結果, 浴槽の中での入浴として「洗い場で洗い, 湯につかる」という日本式が6割, 「シャワー入浴」という方法が4割存在し, ζの2方法が主であることがわかった.シャワー入浴の場所は, 浴槽の中以外に, 浴槽の外の洗い場があり, 洗い場でシャワー入浴をする者を含めると「シャワー入浴」はさらに多く認められる.夏季にはシャワー入浴をする者は6割を超え, 多く存在し, 韓国の伝統的な行水式またはかけ湯式がシャワーにとってかわったと考えられる.<BR>(5) 居住者の入浴慣習は, 主人, 主婦ともに「タイプ1 (住宅内浴室・公衆浴場利用積極型) 」, 「タイプII (住宅内浴室利用積極型) 」, 「タイプIII (公衆浴場利用積極型) 」, 「タイプIV (住宅内浴室・公衆浴場利用消極型) 」の四つに類型化される.これらを年齢階層・調査対象地域別にみた結果, 若い世代ほど, また大都市ソウルの居住者ほど, 住宅内浴室の入浴に対し積極的なタイプII (住宅内浴室利用積極型) が多いことから, 住宅内浴室での入浴が多くなる動向が読み取れ, 今後の入浴空間として住宅内浴室が積極的に使われる傾向がうかがえる.<BR>住宅内浴室について, 主浴室と内房浴室に分け, その使われ方の現状と問題点等を, 第2報において展開する.
沢尾 絵
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.64, no.12, pp.759-778, 2013

The <i>Book of Sokan</i> (1683~1690, Tenna3~Jokyo2) is a private record written by Takayoshi Mitsui preserved by the public interest incorporated foundation, Mitsui Bunko. The <i>Book of Sokan</i> contains the names of types of textiles as well as the relevant prices in the early Edo period. <br>  The purpose of this report is to clarify how textiles were viewed among townspeople in the early Edo period. This report therefore analyzes all descriptions of clothes and textiles from Ihara Saikakus work in the late 17th-century literary genre of amorous fiction and townspeople, and compares the descriptions with the names and prices in the <i>Book of Sokan</i>. As a result, it is considered that some textiles such as wool, satin, fine spun, silk crepe, velvet and so on were both imported and domestically produced. Wealthy people used them.
三神 彩子 長尾 慶子 赤石 記子 久松 裕子 杉浦 淳吉 松葉口 玲子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.66, no.3, pp.102-112, 2015 (Released:2015-03-07)

This research focuses on Eco-cooking, an environmentally-friendly way of cooking through shopping, cooking and cleaning. We analyze and quantify people's energy-saving behaviors, evaluate the effect of eco-cooking, and seek to clarify what kinds of energy-saving behaviors have or have not been promoted by energy-saving education. The three-year-research on third-year students in home economics teacher-training program shows reduction in gas, water usage and waste produced during cooking by 40% to 80%. CO2 emission amount also decreased by about 50%. Furthermore, survey shows people who sometimes or always perform energy-saving behaviors account for 75% of the total. In conclusion, Eco-cooking energy-saving education is generally effective in raising people's energy-saving awareness and inducing behavior change. In order to make limited energy-saving educational programs more effective, it is important to ponder upon the content that is suitable for such a program as well as what the program should focus on.
中村 久美 今井 範子 牧野 唯
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.62, no.11, pp.709-720, 2011-11-15 (Released:2013-09-05)

We investigated how closets, which are considered to play a key role in establishing storage styles, are currently being used in homes.The ownership ratio of closets is 83%, which is an extremely high percentage. Most closets have an area smaller than a four-tatami-mat room, with the majority being located in bedrooms. When there is only one closet, it is used for various purposes such as storing seasonal goods, less frequently used non-daily goods, expendable supplies and clothing. Closets that accommodate household goods and those that store both household goods and non-daily goods are especially popular. In homes with two closets, they are generally used in one of two ways: one in which both are used for storing non-daily goods, the other in which non-daily goods are stored in one and household goods are stored in the other.The key to whether closets can be properly managed as storing systems largely depends on whether they are suitably located according to the type of goods to be stored in them, their location in the home and regular management of the goods stored in them.
佐藤 裕紀子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.66, no.2, pp.54-64, 2015 (Released:2015-02-19)

This study reveals the conditions of teachers' pressure of work in terms of time use and time conflict, considering both their professional and family lives. The study illustrates future challenges in teachers' lives by examining the relationship between the pressure they are under and attitudes toward work. A daily life survey was administered to 342 public junior high school teachers in Mito City. The results were analyzed and the following findings were obtained.   Compared with employees in other sectors, teachers' working hours are extremely long, irrespective of gender, and teachers' free time and sleeping time are extremely short. Although most teachers felt that their jobs were worth the time they put in, they felt too busy. Female teachers with children at elementary school age or younger spend long hours on work and housework: approximately 60% of their free time at home is spent on housework. Although their family life is supported by their parents, who either live with them or nearby, they have a greater sense of pressure and lack of time than other groups and can be said to be in a “busy state of mind.” To improve educational quality, environments in which teachers preparing to form families can easily continue their jobs must be established.
浅井 由賀 福田 靖子 竹井 よう子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.45, no.4, pp.279-287, 1994-04-15

The desirable roasting condition of sesame seeds was examined at the points of odor, acceptability and antioxidant activity. Roasted sesame seeds which have three types of aromas were analyzed their head space volatiles by gas chromatography and their aroma concentrates were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Their acceptabilities were evaluated by sensory tests using riceballs and crackers. Antioxidant activity of roasted sesame seed oil was measured by the weighing method and peroxide value. The results were as follows ; 1) The roasted sesame seed with a nutty or sesame like aroma was preferable and the roasted sesame seed with a burnt odor was not preferable. 2) Antioxidant activity of roasted sesame seed oil with a nutty or sesame like aroma was as same as that with a burnt odor. 3) The desirable roasting condition of sesame seeds is to stop roasting just after the sesame seeds were expanded and a nutty or sesame like aroma was produced.
得丸 定子 小林 輝紀 平 和章 松岡 律
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.6, pp.411-419, 2006

「いのち教育」を展開するための基礎的知見を得るために, 大学生を対象に「死の不安に関する多次元的尺度 (MFODS)」を用いて, 「死と死後の不安」についての意識調査を行い, 結果として以下のことが得られた.<br>(1) 因子分析では「死と死後の不安」について5因子抽出された. この因子分析結果は, 因子数や因子の内容共に, MFODSが開発されたアメリカでの調査及び追試の結果とは異なった. 原因としては, 宗教や文化的慣習の相違が挙げられる. この相違は「いのち教育」を実践する場合, 宗教や慣習を考慮した展開が重要であることを示している.<br>(2) 信仰している宗教の有無については, 本調査でも約60%の学生が無宗教と回答していた. 「いのち教育」は宗教や慣習行事と深い関係があり, 実践に際しては宗教や慣習は考慮する必要がある. 日本の場合, 無宗教と信仰心がないこととは別のことであり, 初詣をする, おみくじを引く, お墓参りをするなどの宗教的慣習行動をとっている. このことは「いのち教育」展開の導入として, 意味は大きい.<br>(3) 「宗教観の低い」学生は「死後の自分の世界と肉体に対する不安」因子が低く, 「死体に対する不安」因子が高かった. 「宗教観が低い」学生は目に見えない世界やことについて価値を置かない結果と考えられる.<br>(4) 性別と「死と死後の不安」の関係では, 女子学生が男子学生に比べてすべての5因子で高い結果を示した. これは歴史的・文化的背景を含んだジェンダーバイアスとも考えられる. 男子学生には「死と死後の不安」が少ないことではなく, むしろ男子学生には無意識的に表現が抑圧されているだけに精神的ストレスが大きいことが考えられる.<br>(5) 抽出された「死と死後の不安」5因子は, 「いのち教育」を展開する際の内容の提示と考えられる. 今後「死と死後の不安」5因子を「いのち教育」の授業内容として具体的に展開する研究や実践がなされることが期待される.
森 由紀 大村 知子 大森 敏江 木岡 悦子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.9, pp.949-958, 1999-09-15

We made a study of the on-the-back carrying system for primary school children as part of our series of studies on age-related practices and physical effects of carrying methods. In our previous report, we referred to the advantage of free-hand carrying for aged persons. We investigated school bags at 30 primary schools in the Kinki and Tokai districts, using 2,945 children as subjects. It was determined that the stiff bag Randoseru is the most popular among first graders, while the higher the grade, the less the Randoseru is used. In addition, we found that the lower the grade, the bigger the ratio of burden weight to body weight. We selected six subjects from among lower gladers to measure burden pressure upon their shoulder center and lumbar vertebra while carrying a fixed-weight-contained Randoseru, either in standing or walking position. As a result, they showed forward-inclined posture, the inclination increasing with the adding of Randoseru weight. Hereby, we bring to light the necessity of reducing the school goods that children carry daily between home and school to only those which are essential in order for these growing children to keep constant upright postures.
田中 謙
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.8, pp.405-414, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

I used a questionnaire to find out the nature and problems of the support system for young children with disabilities in centers for early childhood education.   The questionnaire was distributed to 762 centers for early childhood education throughout Japan in October and November 2011, and 255 were collected (33.4%).   ① There is a difference in the support system between the kindergartens and nursery schools.   ② It is likely that the geographical distance between kindergartens and nurseries may be the cause of the difference in the support system.   ③ Only a few kindergartens and nurseries introduced the new support system after they changed to centers for early childhood education, and some centers for early childhood education are still using the conventional support system.   ④ Those who have been appointed as special needs coordinators include nursery teachers.   ⑤ There are some centers for early childhood education which adopt good points from kindergartens and nurseries. And they feel that these will help them to provide more support for young children with disabilities.
吉村 美紀 粂野 恵子 赤羽 ひろ 中濱 信子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.45, no.5, pp.385-391, 1994-05-15

Effects of addition of pumpkin paste on the physical properties of pumpkin jellies by using three kinds of gel agents which were κ-carrageenan, agar, and gelatin were investigated by measuring texture properties, rupture properties, dynamic viscoelasticity, melting points, syneresises, friction coefficients. Sensory evaluation was also performed to clarify the palatability of pumpkin jellies. 1) Addition of pumpkin paste resulted in the increase of rupture stress on carrageenan jellies, the slight decrease of agar jellies, no effect on gelatin jellies. 2) Addition of pumpkin paste resulted in the increase of dynamic viscoelasticities and melting temperatures, and the suppression of syneresises on the three kinds of jellies. 3) The results of sensory evaluation indicated which the youth panel showed that carrageenan jellies were more tasty, but gelatin jellies were not, and elder panel were not showed significant difference between three kinds of jellies.
小原 章裕 松久 次雄 森 一雄
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.8, pp.725-729, 2000-08-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

10種類の薬味として用いられる香辛料 (白コショウ, 黒コショウ, サンショウ, トウガラシ, ネギ, タマネギ, ショウガ, ニンニク, 黒ゴマ, 白ゴマ) の抗変異原性を調べた.抗変異原性の測定は変異原物質としてTrp-P1, 1-ニトロピレン (1-NP), 薬物代謝酵素群により活性化されたact.Trp-P1及びact.Trp-P2に対する変異原性の抑制分を Salmonella typhimuriumTA98菌株を用いるAmestestで行った.また, これら試料の各種変異原物質に対する抗変異原性の強弱から活性発現メカニズムについても検討した.薬味10種類のメタノール抽出物の内, 黒コショウ, サンショウ, トウガラシ, ネギ, タマネギ, ショウガの6種類の試料に1-NPに対する抗変異原1生が認められた.一方, Trp-P1に対しても白コショウ, トウガラシ, タマネギ, ネギ, ショウガ, ニンニクの6種類が活性を示した.さらに, それぞれの薬味のメタノール抽出物をヘキサン画分, ベンゼン画分, 酢酸エチル画分及びメタノール画分に分画し, Trp-P1, 1-NP, act.Trp-P1及びact.Trp-P2に対する抗変異原性を検討した.その結果, 多くの試料は薬物代謝系酵素にではなく変異原性を示す物質に直接に作用していた.この結果よりこれらの薬味は各種変異原物質に作用して抗変異原性を示す事が分かった.
田附 きつ
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.44, no.4, pp.299-306, 1993-04-15
榎本 ヒカル 久保 博子 磯田 憲生 梁瀬 度子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.11, pp.1091-1100, 1995-11-15
4 2

This paper aims to analyze the effects of the aging from residential dwellings which are specifically concerned with heating and cooling systems. Also this paper attempts to clarify the characteristics and problems associated with it. For the purpose, we conducted surveys among 900 residents of western Japan during both winter and summer, the residents arranged with three age groups. The main results are as follows : 1) In the summer, the most popular cooling systems are air conditioners among young and middle-aged people, and electric fans among old people over 60. 2) In the winter, the heating mechanism most commonly used are unvented burning heaters among the middle and old people, and "kotatsu"-style heating among those under 40. 3) In the summer, the choice of a cooling system by older people are determined by individual constitution and the body mass index. In the winter, choice of a heating system is affected more by the age of the dwelling or family composition than by constitutional needs.
吉田 仁美 伊藤 セツ
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.2, pp.91-100, 2009 (Released:2011-08-30)

This research is limited to the female disabled persons whose hearing is impaired (Deaf Women), and considers the state of their family resource management that fosters their independence of life. The purpose of this research are twofold; (1) To clarify any difficulty regarding food, clothing or shelter in the lives of Deaf Women, and to explore the opportunity of life subject formation for such persons, and (2) To reconsider the "Domestic life" classification of the WHO's ICF. The research method is based on a questionnaire sent to Deaf Women by E-mail. The results are as follows: (1) The following were pointed out as problems in the lives of the deaf women who do not appear to be disabled to ordinary persons: practical household activities, conversation during meal time, child rearing, and community activities. It was part of questionnaire respondents to facilitate or overcome the difficulties. (2) It was clearly shown that it was impossible for the "Domestic life" classification of WHO's ICF to encompass the life needs of Deaf Women.
清水 陽子 中山 徹
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.5, pp.499-509, 2009

With a view to ascertaining how students live in the regional community and clarifying the factors for students to be able to take an active part in activities as a member of the community, this research focuses on relation between a university student who lives alone and neighborhood association which is part of the communication system linking the municipality and its residents. The investigation was made in November-December 2007 in a central district of Nara City, and the findings are as follows: 1. The university student had little contact with the neighborhood association. 2. There was little opportunity for the students to join the regional association. 3. There was no common view that existed between the association chairman and the student. 4. The two parties, however, shared an interest with respect to the association membership as well as revamping the community. 5. It is, therefore, desired that the university should encourage students to learn to live with the community.
壁谷沢 万里子 長沢 由喜子 KABEYASAWA Mariko NAGASAWA Yukiko
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.39, no.11, pp.p1141-1153, 1988-11

The purpose of this study is to grasp the actual conditions of the use of domestic services, to discover the use-factors, and to clarify the use-structure. Part 1 is a report on the factors which were extracted from the analysis of housewives in their use-tendency according to age, family type, occupation, and education. The results obtained were as follows : 1) Especially in the services relative to food, the controlling factors of use were at work in the older group. 2) The promoting factors of use which worked on the younger group were their tendency to convenience and evaluation of quality. 3) The peculiarities of use-tendency in the single or couple family type were recognized. 4) In the services relative to clothing, the tendency of those working full-time was remarkable. Evaluation of quality in these worked as the promoting factors of use and caused the use-fixation. 5) The economic condition of lower educated group worked as the controlling factor of use. 基本的属性との関連において家事サービスの利用傾向について分析を行った結果, 利用促進および利用抑制要因に関して得られた考察の要約は次のとおりである. 1) 食品関連項目のなかで, とくに新たな加工形態の食品 (冷凍食品・レトルト食品・半調理品など) は51歳以上の高年齢群に利用抑制が強くはたらく事実が確認された. 2) 高年齢群の利用拒否の根強さは, 利用動機からもうかがえ, 家事に対する保守性・利用に対するうしろめたさ・加齢に伴う食嗜好の変化などが抑制要因としてはたらくことによると推察される. 3) 若年齢群の利用促進要因としては, 第1に利便性志向が指摘され, 第2に他年齢群に比較して質評価が高いことがあげられ, とくに家族との外食において顕著である. 4) 高年齢群の単独・夫婦のみ世帯において, 家族人数・経済性・手軽さ・夫の好みなどの点により, 外食より出前を志向する傾向が認められた. 5) 核家族において, 家族との外食に利用促進要因が働く事実が確認され, 雰囲気としての楽しみを求める, 新たな価値意識に基づく質評価が利用定着を誘因している. 6) 勤務者の利用が衣生活関連サービスにおいてきわ立ち, 専業主婦でも質評価をしている場合には利用が高まる傾向が認められたことより, 質評価が時間的拘束度をしのいで利用促進要因として働くことが明らかとなった. 7) 質評価が高い場合には今後の利用意向が高く, 質家事サービスの利用要因に関する構造的分析 (第1報) 評価と利用定着との結びつきが確認され, とりわけこの傾向は高学歴群において顕著である. 8) 低学歴群における経済性が, 家族との外食およびセータークリーニングにおいて利用抑制要因として働くことが認められた. 以上「利用」および「非利用」に分けて利用傾向を検討することにより, 利用傾向の特異性をより鮮明にとらえることができた.基本的属性のなかではとくに年齢が利用と深くかかわっており, それに伴って生活意識とのかかわりの重要性が浮かび上がった.さらに外食の余暇化現象の確認, 高齢者世帯における外食サービスのあり方に関する示唆, 今後の利用を予測する上でのサービスの質と利便性評価のもつ役割など, 新たな生活様式形成予測の手がかりを若干でも得ることができたと考える.家事サービスの利用要因の一部をそのはたらきとしてとらえたにすぎないが, 生活意識との分析を重ねることで, より利用構造の把握に近づくことになろう. なお, 本研究は昭和60年度日本家政学会東北・北海道支部第30回研究発表会および昭和61年度日本家政学会第38回大会においてその概要を発表した.