森 理恵
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.59, no.3, pp.155-164, 2008

濵口 郁枝 安達 智子 大喜 多祥子 福本 タミ子 前田 昭子 内田 勇人 北元 憲利 奥田 豊子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.61, no.1, pp.13-24, 2010-01-15 (Released:2013-06-13)

A disorder of dietary condition in recent years is concerned with the dietary habit of engorgement.We thus believe that dietary education is necessary for university students. This study examines the consciousness and behavior in the dietary condition, sense of taste, and daily life of university students.The influence of a student's family on this dietary behavior and consciousness is also assessed. An analysis was conducted of the results of a questionnaire survey taken from 229 university students.Structural equation modeling was applied to study the consciousness which influences the dietary behavior, living activities and influence of the family. This analysis shows the influence of the family on the consciousness of dietary condition, sense of taste, and daily activities related to a healthy life style.The results suggest the importance of university students having experience of cooking, promoting consciousness of their dietary behavior, and that the family recognizes its influence.
近藤 隆二郎 入江 紗恵子 樋口 幸永
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.4, pp.187-195, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

It is difficult to say why using household eco-account books, which are said to be very effective in reducing environmental impact, is not popular today. We believe that the reason for this lies in not only the design of the books, but also the attitude of the people who use them. In order to clarify this, we analyzed the background, the attitude, and the description of the books of twenty-one people who had been using the books for more than three years. The research showed that those who had been keeping these books were generally more than sixty years old and had a lot of free time. It also showed that they could be classified into four different groups. We named them as follows: “Nonbiri” are the members who use the books casually. “Kotsukotsu” use the books on a regular basis. “Waiwai” tend to work in groups, and “Takumi” thoroughly investigate the cause and are active in environmental investment. Of these groups, the people identified as members of Waiwai and Takumi had been using the books relatively longer than the other groups, and their books showed the effect of the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide. As a result of our research, we came to the following conclusions: (1) It is important to understand that there are two stages, reducing energy on a day to day basis and reducing CO2 by environmental investment. (2) Book-keepers who would like to be part of “Takumi” should be identified. (3)Creating groups like “Waiwai“ should be encouraged.
角田 久美子 大久保 みたみ 山本 学
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.10, pp.959-968, 1995

Nutritional survey was carried out for aged individuals who lived singly in Akishima City and received community meal service twice a week, and the results were compared with those of the individuals, who did not receive the meal service. Their food habits were correlated with their daily activities. Thus, the more active life they spent, the better food habits they had.<BR>Individuals, who received meal service, spent rather passive life and their food habits were poor and monotonous. On their nutrients intake, the estimated mean intake of protein was 41g/day and that of iron was 5.5 mg/day. These were significantly lower than those in the individuals who did not receivethe meal service (<I>p</I>< 0.01).<BR>With respect to service meals offered, these meals contained rich nutrients compared with the requirements of them. However, the evaluation of present meal service program revealed that twice service a week did not serve to improve their food habits, or to correct their nutrients intake.
林 隆子 川端 博子 石川 尚子 大久保 みたみ 大関 政康 大竹 美登利 唐沢 恵子 斉藤 浩子 高崎 禎子 武田 紀久子 山形 昭衛
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.5, pp.361-369, 1992-05-15

The survey of the daily clothes of 708 people, from ages 70 to 95,living in Ome City,Tokyo,was conducted from May though August, 1989. We investigated the sorts of daily clothes worn on the day surveyed and the details of each garment. The results were as follows:(1) The most typical ensemble of men's upper garments consisted of an undershirt, shirt and blazer or jacket while the lower one consisted of briefs or undershirt and a blouse and sweater with three-quarter sleeves that were button closing in front. The lower garments were mainly briefs, short or long underwear and trousers or a skirt. Trousers were preferred by elder women, compared to younger women.(3) Man-made fibers were often used for the outer wear of those surveyed.(4) An estimation of the thermal insulation and weight if the garments indicated that the elderly people surveyed wore more clothing than younger people.
松村 康平
vol.42, no.4, pp.389-390, 1991
長尾 慶子 松本 幸雄
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.8, pp.623-631, 2003-08-15

今井 範子 中村 久美
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.6, pp.687-698, 1998-06-15

This study analyzed the changes brought about to consciousness of residents concerning dwelling and other life conditions after the latest Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and we then intend to consider what life style should be. The residents we observed live in apartments owned by the Housing and Urban Development Corporation at five places in Kobe and its adjacent cities, Nishinomiya, Takarazuka and Amagasaki which were all disaster stricken by the earthquake. In this first paper we are to clarify difficult living conditions suffered by the residents just after the earthquake. The results are as follows: People were busily engaged from just after the earthquake in supplying drinking water, food and other daily necessities which had not been stored for emergency use. The most difficult problems was the shortage of life sustaining water. There were also other difficulties such as the inconvenience arising from the stoppage of elevators and feelings of insecurity and stress on the part of the residents dwelling at higher floors of high-rise apartments. It is necessary to consider the solutions for these problems on planning urban high-rise dwelling. Most older couples, older sigle people and families having school-age children took refuge in regional public shelters or stayed at home as they were anxious to keep close to their neighbourhood communities. Most people were provided with drinking water, food and other daily necessities, living space by their relatives and friends. On the whole enough support was not given by government bodies and volunteer groups. It is necessary to try to augment government support and to keep ready an emergency volunteer support system. Neighbourhood community play important role at emergency, providing such support as rescue activities, transportation and distribution of water, delivery of information, etc.
岡田 みゆき
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.1, pp.3-15, 2003

The objective of this study is to clarify how the nature as well as the contents of a dinner time talk between parents and their children has changed over the years. The children under study are those in elementary school and junior high school. For this purpose, the junior high school students' perception of dinner conversation was surveyed and compared to the results obtained of elementary school children. The results are as follows : 1) Junior high school students have conversation with parents less frequently than when they were elementary school students. The percentage of the students who feel happy or useful about dinner conversation is becoming lower. 2) Overall, the conversation seems to be centered around their entrance examinations; more specifically, their academic achievement and future aspirations. The subjects such as their school life, episodes in their younger days, and political and economic issues are less frequently taken up. 3) Among those students who feel happy and useful about the dinner time talk with parents, the junior high school students would want to talk more about subjects such as their academic achievement in connection with their future, social issues, and things about their parents. 4) There is more significant relevance between the children's image of their parents and the contents of conversation than when they were elementary school students.
岡田 みゆき
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.1, pp.3-15, 2003-01-15

The objective of this study is to clarify how the nature as well as the contents of a dinner time talk between parents and their children has changed over the years. The children under study are those in elementary school and junior high school. For this purpose, the junior high school students' perception of dinner conversation was surveyed and compared to the results obtained of elementary school children. The results are as follows: 1) Junior high school students have conversation with parents less frequently than when they were elementary school students. The percentage of the students who feel happy or useful about dinner conversation is becoming lower. 2) Overall, the conversation seems to be centered around their entrance examinations; more specifically, their academic achievement and future aspirations. The subjects such as their school life, episodes in their younger days, and political and economic issues are less frequently taken up. 3) Among those students who feel happy and useful about the dinner time talk with parents, the junior high school students would want to talk more about subjects such as their academic achievement in connection with their future, social issues, and things about their parents. 4) There is more significant relevance between the children's image of their parents and the contents of conversation than when they were elementary school students.
細田 智子 加藤 千晶 三戸 夏子 平山 倫子 佐藤 和人
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.6, pp.473-479, 2000-06-15 (Released:2010-03-12)

乾燥ビール酵母摂取が免疫機構に与える影響について検討するため, DBA/1Jマウスに対照飼料およびビール酵母飼料 (BY) を4カ月間投与した.(1) 実験1 : 腸管免疫系における免疫組織学的観察において, 腸管のB細胞数がBY摂取により減少していた.(2) 実験II : タイプIIコラーゲン誘導関節炎 (CIA) モデルマウスに与える影響について検討した.関節の組織学的観察において, 関節炎はBY摂取により抑制された.さらに経口トレランスもBY摂取により影響される可能性が示された.以上の結果より, BYは腸管免疫系に影響を与え, CIAの抑制に有効であることが示された.
岡田 宣子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.1, pp.37-44, 1992

自己の体つきの意識と体つきに配慮する生活行動とのかかわりを, 下着の衣生活を中心に検討するため, 質問紙調査に基づき数量化第III類を用い考察した.対象は20歳前後の女子400名とその母親366名である.調査は1985~1988年の5~6月に実施された.<BR>(1) 各解析項目の検討から, 体つきに配慮する生活行動を食生活やスポーツに求める人は, 娘, 母親ともに20%を占めている.これに対し, ブラジャーおよびガードルに整容効果を求める人は母親60%, 娘45%で, 体つきに配慮する生活行動を衣生活に頼っている現状が明らかになった.<BR>(2) 胸囲, 胴囲, 腰囲を大きいと意識する者は, 痩せるために食生活やスポーツにも体つきに配慮する生活行動を起こしている傾向がみられた.<BR>(3) 娘と母親とは胸囲に対する意識構造が異なり, ブラジャーの着用行動には明白な相違が認められた.<BR>(4) ガードルの着用行動には娘と母親はともに類似した傾向が認められた.<BR>(5) ファウンデーションの着用による弊害経験が, 実生活でブラジャーおよびガードルを着用しないとする行動とかかわっていることが明らかになった.このことは, 肌に密着したファウンデーションの生体に与える影響の大きいこと, ブラジャーおよびガードルの適正な活用のたいせつさを示唆しているものと思われる.
岡本 祐子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.10, pp.923-932, 1995

高齢者の精神的充足感獲得の実態を調査し, それに関連する生活的・心理的要因を分析した.高齢期の精神的充足感形成に関連する要因として, (1) 高齢者をとりまく物理的・環境的状況に関する要因 : 家族構成において配偶者や孫と同居していること, 健康, 経済状態がよいことなど, (2) 自分の現状に対する高齢者自身の主観的評価に関する要因 : 他人や社会に対する貢献度, 家族との関係, 宗教・信仰などにおいて満足できていること, (3) 高齢期以前の要因 : 現役引退までの職業, (4) 人格的要因 : 主体的欲求をもっていること, の四つの側面が存在することが示唆された.高齢期の精神生活の質的向上のためには, これらの側面の状況の改善とともに, 高齢者の主体的欲求が実践できるような支援を行っていくことの必要性が考察された.
後藤 昌弘 彼末 富貴 西村 公雄 中井 秀了
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.6, pp.521-525, 2000-06-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

真空調理法の条件設定は, 経験と勘に基づく試行錯誤によって決められることが多い.本研究では, 少ない実験回数で最適値を決定することができるRCO法を用いて, 真空調理によるリンゴコンポートの最適調理条件を求めた.リンゴ果実は, 高知県佐川町産 “ジヨナゴールド”, “ふじ” を用いた.まず, 一般的調理書5冊の調理条件の平均値を用いて普通調理と真空調理を行い, 評点法によりどちらのコンポートが好まれるかを調べた.その結果, 真空調理品が有意に好まれた.次に, シロップの糖濃度10~50% (w/w), 加熱時間0~60分の範囲でRGOプログラムにより示された調理条件で調理を行い, 官能検査の総合評価が最も高くなる条件を最適調理条件とした.その結果, シロップの糖濃度37%, 加熱時間32分が最適調理条件であることがわかった.
和田 淑子 霜田 有花 肥後 温子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.48, no.7, pp.597-606, 1997-07-15 (Released:2010-03-09)

低水分食品が微量の水分吸着によって硬くなったり, 軟らかくなる現象について, 市販の菓子・ 乾物類など31種類を用い, 6 段階の湿度条件下 (相対湿度 7.6~97.0%) で検討し, 以下の結果を得た.(1) 試料は吸湿後, ある時点より硬さが低下し軟化するグループ (クッキー類, ビスケット類, ボーロ類, クラッカー類, ゲル化製品) と, 硬さの低下が少ないか, むしろ硬くなるグループ (米・ 小麦煎餅類, 乾パン類, スナック菓子, 種実類, その他の乾物類) に分類できた. 軟化するグループは湿度 43% 付近より軟化が進み, 軟化しにくいグループは湿度 68% 付近で硬さがピークに達する場合が多いことがわかった.(2) 吸湿曲線の大部分は二つの変曲点をもつS 字状曲線を示した. 単分子吸着水量は 2.5~14g / 100g乾燥物で, 試料による差が大きかった.(3) 大部分の食品において, 単分子吸着水領域以上の広い吸着水領域においてテクスチャー変化が少なく, むしろ水分吸着によってテクスチャーが安定化した.(4) 吸湿後, 軟化しやすい食品グループは 5% 程度の水分量で軟化するものが多く, 軟化しにくいグループは 10% 程度の含水率でも軟化しないものが多かった. 前者は後者に比べて単分子吸着水量が少なく, 高湿度での吸着水量が増大するものが多い傾向があった.
大西 真理子 小川 宣子 山中 なつみ 庄司 一郎
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.48, no.4, pp.303-313, 1997-04-15 (Released:2010-03-09)

(1) 米を搗精する際の米の種類が理化学的特性に及ぼす影響について, 山田錦, コシヒカリ, タカネミノリの3品種の化学的成分, 吸水率, 酸度, 粘度特性から調べた結果, 以下のような傾向を示した.1) いずれの品種も化学的成分の水分, 粗タンパク質, 粗脂肪, 還元糖比は搗精度が90%, 80%, 70%と高くなるにつれ減少した.2) 搗精度が高くなるにつれ, 吸水率は高くなり, 山田錦の搗精度60%, 50%の吸水率はより高くなった.3) 脂肪酸度と水溶性酸度は搗精度が90%, 80%, 70%と高くなるにつれ減少した.4) アミログラムによる糊化温度は搗精度が90%, 80%, 70%と高くなるにつれて低くなり, 特に山田錦は80%搗精での温度低下が大きくなった.最高粘度と崩壊度は搗精による影響はコシヒカリではみられなかったが, タカネミノリや山田錦ではそれぞれ高い値を示し, 品種間に差異がみられた.老化度では, 搗精度を高くすることにより, コシヒカリは老化しやすい性質を示したがタカネミノリや山田錦ではこの傾向はタンパク質染色搗精度 50 % 脂質染色みられなかった.(2) 酒造米 (山田錦) における搗精度が理化学的特性および米組織での成分分布と表面構造に及ぼす影響を調べた.1) 蒸し加熱した米飯組織におけるタンパク質, 脂質の分布状態を光学顕微鏡で観察した結果, 果皮, 種皮, 胚芽, 糊粉層および胚乳におけるでんぷん細胞の細胞膜に沿った部分にタンパク質の存在が認められ, 脂質は種皮, 胚芽, 糊粉層のみに分布していた.搗精度の異なる米飯においては, タンパク質, 脂質が多く存在する胚乳部が段階的に削られていく様子が観察され, 粗タンパク質と粗脂肪の含量の分析値の変化と一致するものであった.2) 米の表面構造は搗精度が高くなるにつれ胚乳部のでんぷん細胞膜が破壊され, でんぷん粒の露出が観察された.
古田 幸子 鈴木 明子 木岡 悦子 森 由紀 高森 壽 菊藤 法 谷山 和美
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.1, pp.49-58, 1998-01-15

歩き始めの子どもの靴の着用実態を調査し, 着用靴にどのような特徴があるのかを, 足部形状の成長変異の結果をふまえて, サイズ, はかせやすさ等の面から, 検証することを試みた. 主な結果は以下のとおりである. (1) 調査当日の着用靴について, 保育者は「サイズ」「はかせやすさ」を主な購入動機としており, 足への適合性と同程度に, はかせる側の着脱の簡便性が重視されていた. 一方, 半年から1年の間同サイズの靴をはかせている例もみられた. また, ほとんどの者がはかせやすさについては評価の高い靴を着用しているものの, とめ具の様式によってはかせやすさの評価が有意に異なることなどが明らかになった. (2) 乳幼児靴全般を対象にしたサイズ適合に関する実態は, 約3割強が, 大きめのサイズを購入しており, 全体の約半数の者が, 足長を基準に選んだ際, 他の部位が合わない場合があるとの回答であった. 特に足先から甲を覆う部分に関して, 市販靴のゆとり量に問題がある場合が多かった. (3) 足部計測値と着用靴サイズ間の関係を分析した結果, 足高の計測値と靴サイズとの相関が低く, 靴設計において考慮する必要があることが確認された. 本調査を行うに当たり, ご協力いただいた保育園ならびに保護者の皆様に感謝いたします. 本研究の一部は日本家政学会第45回大会において発表した.
中西 茂子 大河内 文子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.4, pp.285-292, 1992-04-15

To investigate the combusting behavior of fiber assemblies such as sleeping Futon ,a small beat source was tested for the simulation of real cigarette. From the comparison of combusting behavior of real cigarette and that of simulated cigarette, the heat energy of real cigarette was estimated to be 16.6 kJ. This value was corresponded to the heat of combustion of one piece of cigarette observed by the use of bomb calorimeter. The simulated cigarette was inserted between two sheets of small Futons, heating behavior was monitored by nine pieces of thermocouple for many conditions of heating energy to the extent of three times of above mentioned value and heating time of 15,30 and 60 min, respectively. The results were summarized as follows: 1) The temperature at the ignited front point along horizontal direction showed its maximum value in the early stage of heating; Contrary to this, the downward direction retarded most remarkable to reach the maximum value of temperature. Such order of position at which the time required for reaching the maximum temperature remained unchanged among nine positions (3 directions and 3 position of cigarette) under the different conditions of heating. However, longer time was requested for reaching to that temperature under prolonged heating time for every measuring point. 2) Increase in area enclosed by the temperature curve and baseline indicating time were also observed as the functions of prolonged heating time and heat energy, respectively, and were to be especially enhanced in the downward direction at the center and rear ends. 3) On the other hand, either heating time or heat energy both gave little effects on the level of maximum temperature. This suggests that once fiber assemblies are ignited, the rising level of temperature is dominantly depended on the progress of smoldering of fiber assemblies rather than to the effect of heat source itself. The temperature at each position in each position in each direction showed their inherent upper limit. The lowest temperature was 450℃ and the highest 600℃,respectively. Accordingly, these temperatures both exceed the ignition point of cotton and much hazards are involved which may occasionally turn to flaming combustion, causing fire.
長津 美代子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.11, pp.949-959, 1991-11-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

The purpose of this study is to explore gaps between attitudes toward gender roles of male and female students, by using such criteria as attitudes toward role relationships between male and female, the double standard of sexual morals, men's leadership in dating, and energy allocation to occupation and homemaking after marriage. The survey was conducted in January, 1990 to 735 university students in Tokyo and its outskirts. The major findings are as follows :(1) ISRO (The Index of Sex-Role Orientation, E.A. Dreyer et al.) scores on attitudes toward role relationships between male and female point out that 45% of the female students are innovative type, but about the half of the male students are traditional one.(2) Compared with female students, male students tend to accept the double standard of sexual morals.(3) Female students expect that males play leadership roles when they go out together more than male students themselves intend to.(4) Male students wish to allocate less energy to occupation than their fathers do, and female students hope to allocate less energy to homemaking than their mothers. As a result, the present tendency to give too much attachment to occupation for males and homemaking for females will be relieved in their married life.
地井 昭夫 永原 朗子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.47, no.6, pp.599-610, 1996

以上の結果から, 金沢市における高齢者のいる家族の住生活の安定性について, 次のことが指摘できる.<BR>(1) 調査対象期間における住生活の安定性の変化について見ると, 結婚, 未婚, 転勤, 夫婦の高齢化, 就職, 離婚, 転居, 家族関係の不和, 就職・結婚, 子供なしや富山市で見られなかった配偶者の転勤, 高齢者の夫死亡, 子供の死亡, 養子縁組, 転勤・結婚等を契機とする居住地選択によって, 富山市と同様, 安定型, 準安定型, 準不安定型, 不安定型等の多様な住生活タイプを形成しており, 子供の結婚, 就職による他出が大きな転機となっている.<BR>(2) 将来も同居を継続, もしくはその可能性のある安定型の居住関係をとる家族は73家族 (64.6%) であるが, 残りの40家族 (35.4%) は子どもと離れて暮らす不安定型等 (準安定型, 準不安定型, 不安定型) の居住関係を形成しており, 富山市と同様, 安定型以外の居住関係をとる家族が約4割いる.<BR>(3) 今回のサンプル数からは断定出来ないが, 娘と近居にある家族は, 富山市は19家族 (17.1%) であったが金沢市は8家族 (7.1%) しかなく, 両市の家族関係意識の差異を表すものと考えられる.また, 借家, 公営, 社宅等に住む家族は, 富山市で安定型が1家族 (1.7%), 安定型以外が8家族 (15.4%) であったが, 金沢市は安定型が2家族 (2.9%), 安定型以外が1家族 (6.7%) であり, 富山市の場合ほど, 住生活の安定性と住宅事情の問の相関関係は顕著ではないと思われる.<BR>(4) 高齢者の就業は, 無職から有職に変化した人は1人いたが, 有職から無職に変化した48人を含めて現在, 85人 (75.2%) が無職である.しかし, 85人のうち5人は子供のいない高齢者であるため80人が子供から何らかの援助 (含・精神的) を受けていると思われる.なお, 将来において, 同居継続もしくは同居に変化する可能性のある73人は, 子供からの援助がより緊密になると思われる.<BR>以上見てきたことから, 金沢市における高齢者の住生活は, 現在および将来にわたって, 大局的には富山市と似た傾向を示しており, 特に, 将来, 安定型以外の居住関係をとる家族が, 両市共に約4割いることは注目される.<BR>したがって, 今後, 子供の数の減少や扶養意識の変容から, これらの家族に対する支援は不可欠となってくる.<BR>家族, 地域, 行政によるきめ細かな高齢者福祉対策や住宅対策が求められる.<BR>次報では, 一連の調査結果から富山市と金沢市の住生活を総括的に比較すると共に, 住生活の安定性から見た今後の課題を整理するため, 本調査と行政および民間の取組み状況や今後の取組みについて検討し, 第2報で報告した住生活の安定性のタイプと高齢者の心身の自立度レベルのクロスによる家族・地域ケア, 医療・福祉施策および求められる住宅タイプや施策に関する整理と提案を行いたい.