池内 裕美 藤原 武弘 土肥 伊都子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.1, pp.27-38, 2000

"Extended self" is defined as "the aggregation of all obiects that people regard as a part of themselves; for example, their body parts, parents, friends, pet animals, job, social roles, etc." The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the emotional reaction of involuntary loss of the extended self, that is, "material possessions" and 2) to examine the structure of "extended self" and its relation to the values attached to the possessions. We collected samples from the victims of the 1995 Hanshin Earthquake (209 university students) and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake (87 university students). The questionnaire asked them to describe what kind of favorite possessions they lost, the emotions when they lost them, the values they attached to the possessions and to what extent they regarded the external objects as a part of themselves. The results showed both similarities and differences between the victims of two earthquakes. The main findings were as follows: 1) Most victims of both earthquakes showed a similar emotional reaction, that is, "sadness" to the loss of important possessions. 2) For the values they attached to their lost possessions, "functional value," "emotional value," "self-presentational value," and "symbolic value of relationship" were extracted. 3) The more emotional value the victims of the Hanshin Earthquake gave to their possessions, on the other hand, the more self-presentational value the victims of the Northridge Earthquake gave to their possessions, the more the victims of both earthquake regarded their possession as a part of extended self.
川西 千弘
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.23, no.3, pp.221-232, 2008

This study investigated how the mind state of a discloser, when self-disclosure of negative contents occurred, might vary with the acceptance or rejection of the recipient, the intimacy of the discloser and the recipient, and the self-esteem of the discloser. A questionnaire investigation using the "scene-assuming" method was conducted among 134 women university students. The main results were as follows; (1) The mind state of the discloser was positive when the recipient was accepted rather than refused; (2) In many dimensions, such as "impression aggravation concern," irrespective of acceptance or rejection, the discloser's mind state when the recipient was the best friend was more positive than in cases where the recipient was just an acquaintance. But in terms of difference from self-disclosure immediately to feedback by the recipient, the discloser's mental damage as a result of rejection was more serious when incurred by the best friend than by an acquaintance; (3) In a dimension such as "waning confidence" or "mutual trust of the future," the mind state of low self-esteem disclosers was more negative than that of high self-esteem disclosers, regardless of acceptance or rejection by the recipient.
中島 誠 吉田 俊和
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.2, pp.98-107, 2008

This research investigated the motives behind helping and exploitive behaviors from the perspective of the Equity with the World (EwW) hypothesis, which claims that people will maintain equity in trans-relational relationships. It was hypothesized that (a) people redress inequity even from third parties, and (b) in comparison with monetary issues, when the exchange resource involves helping out, over-rewarded people offer more resources to others, while the under-rewarded are less likely to exploit others. In addition, (c) people redress inequity more strongly with interested parties. A total of 343 college students completed a questionnaire that contained two hypothetical situations. In each of these situations, respondents were initially either given resources, or had resources exploited from them, and were then asked about subsequent situations. The evaluation of the first interaction and their intent toward offering resources to third parties were assessed. The results generally supported the hypotheses. However, the second hypothesis was not supported. They were less exploitive when they were under-rewarded regarding money allocation. Differences in the method of restoring inequity regarding the resources were discussed in terms of generalized exchange.
相馬 敏彦 浦 光博
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.2, pp.131-140, 2010

Romantic partners often consider their relationship to be distinct from their other relationships. Moreover, it has been shown that this perceived distinctiveness promotes cooperative orientation while individually suppressing uncooperative orientation. How does this perceived distinctiveness of romantic partners affect their adaptation? We conducted a panel survey on two hundred and eighty-five married and unmarried partners. Path analysis and supplemental analyses revealed the working of two independent processes. In one process, the more distinct romantic partners perceive their relationship to be, the more cooperative orientation they can have and the less they suffer violence at the hands of their partner. In the other process, it was found that the more distinct romantic partners perceive their relationship to be, the less uncooperative orientation they can have and the more they suffer violence at the hands of their partner. Further, from the results obtained from this study, we discuss the originality of this study and prevention policies related to domestic violence.
田戸岡 好香 村田 光二
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.1, pp.46-56, 2010

Suppressing stereotypical thoughts ironically leads to a rebound effect (i.e., an increase in the accessibility of the stereotypes after suppression). Past research has shown that using the counter-stereotypes (e.g., that the elderly are competent) as replacement thoughts was not successful in diminishing the rebound effect. In this research, based on the stereotype content model, we hypothesized that on suppressing one dimension of the stereotype (i.e., incompetence) another dimension (i.e., warmth) could be an effective and practical replacement. Specifically, we tested whether participants who suppressed the incompetence-related aspects of elderly stereotypes would diminish the rebound if they used warmth-related aspects of the elderly as a replacement. Experiment 1 confirmed the rebound effect after suppressing incompetence-related aspects of the elderly, and experiments 2 and 3 examined the effect of the thought-replacement strategy. On suppressing incompetence of the elderly, participants who focused on warmth-related aspects decreased the rebound effect compared to those who focused on the counterstereotypes. We discussed the efficacy of using another dimension of stereotypes to prevent the rebound effect.
小城 英子 坂田 浩之 川上 正浩
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.23, no.3, pp.246-258, 2008

The purpose of this study was to construct a scale for comprehensive attitudes towards paranormal phenomena which would contain cognition and affect, and to analyze clusters of university students. Undergraduates (N=699) completed a questionnaire about their attitudes towards paranormal phenomena and a number of other individual characteristics including the Big Five. The responses were analyzed by factor analysis, and as a result, six factors were extracted: "Inclination towards Augury and Magic," "Belief in Spirituality," "Enjoyment of Paranormal Phenomena," "Skepticism," "Fear of Paranormal Phenomena," and "Spiritual Experience and Belief." Based on these factors, six subscales were composed. The validity of these subscales was confirmed by the correlation with other individual characteristics. Using cluster analysis, participants were divided into four types: an "Ordinary Group," a "Group Believing in Paranormal Phenomena," a "Group Believing in Science," and a "Group Enjoying Paranormal Phenomena."
具志堅 伸隆 唐沢 かおり
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.2, pp.155-164, 2006

Past research based on the unrelated-affect paradigm has demonstrated that distinct emotions exert specific influences on cognition (e.g., Keltner, Ellsworth, & Edwards, 1993). This study investigated the effects of anger or fear on the perceived persuasiveness of an unrelated statement. Under anger, fear, or neutral conditions, participants read two statements, one critical and the other threatening, regarding a bad debt situation. The participants then made judgments about the pursuasiveness of these statements. As predicted, anger enhanced the persuasiveness of the critical statement by increasing the tendency to think that justice had been violated, whereas fear enhanced the persuasiveness of the threatening statement by increasing the tendency to think there would be negative repercussions. These results suggest that emotions increase the persuasive impact of affect-arousing communication by producing specific cognitive tendencies.
樋口 収 桑山 恵真
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.3, pp.178-187, 2011

According to Construal Level Theory, psychological distance (e.g., spatial distance) is an important determinant of how information will be processed. When the target message seems more proximal (vs. distant) to the recipient, people attend to a concrete message (vs. abstract information). We investigated the possibility that people showed more agreement in response to a concrete message (vs. abstract information) when the target is proximal (vs. distant). In Study 1, spatial distance was measured by asking participants how far the target was (from Japan). In Study 2, spatial distance was manipulated using a world map. Results were consistent with our hypothesis. The implications of these findings for psychological distance and persuasion are discussed.
西田 公昭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.9, no.2, pp.131-144, 1994

This paper is intented as an investigation of process of belief-system change by means of a religious cult mind-control. This study analyzed the process by mainly using a questionnaire survey administrated to 272 persons of the cult exiters, with content analysis of text books of the dogma, videotapes of the dogma, recruiting manual, seminar's manuals and interviews to exiters from the religious cult supplementary used. It should be concluded from the analysis that the cult recruiters take advantage of camouflaged religious recruiting, interpersonal attraction, group attraction, personal and social reality operations for recruiter's mind control. In the process, to begin with, the recruiter are attracted by the recruiter's warm regard and they begin to learn the dogma without knowing that it is a religious recruiting. As the next step, recruiter come to believe the dogma through influence of reality operation and interpersonal attraction. And finally, the recruiters tell the truth of their own group to the recruiters and ask them to be the members of the group.
池内 裕美 藤原 武弘
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.3, pp.169-178, 2009-02-27 (Released:2017-02-10)

In life, people experience the loss of people they cherish, possessions, familiar environments, health, and of other things. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological recovery process from loss, focusing on the differences among recovery processes by the type of loss, and the determinants of the length of recovery. Three hundred and ninety-seven participants (162 males, 235 females) who lived in Nishinomiya City were asked to complete a questionnaire by the mail-survey method. The main findings were as follows: (1) The differences among the recovery processes and the number of stages in the recovery process depended on the type of loss. (2) The recovery length was mainly affected by the type of loss, the existence of anticipatory grief, and the difference in age. It was indicated that people (especially elderly people) who did not have any anticipatory grief needed more time to recover. Furthermore, people needed more time to recover from physical loss and separation compared to other types of loss.
杉本 助男
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.1, no.2, pp.27-34, 1986-03-31 (Released:2016-11-18)

Mental processes of twelve subjects who underwent thee days of sensory restriction were analyzed upon their self-reports and behaviors emitted during the experiment. Five categories of subject's reaction to the environment of sensory restriction, thinking and fantasy, perceptual experience, emotional state, emitted behavior and posture, and alpha frequencies of EEG, could be better information to estimate the degree of subject's mental deterioration. In order to search the critical point of tolerance for sensory restriction, three types of reaction style, emotion expression, regression-stability and reality coping, were classified. It was suggested that occurrence of impulsive emotion for emotion expression style, recollection of child days in a half-day long for regression-stability style and strong expression of unplesant emotion for reality coping style might be critical for sensory restriction.
樋口 匡貴 中村 菜々子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.2, pp.151-157, 2010-12-20 (Released:2017-02-21)

The proper use of condoms is one of the most effective types of protection against HIV. One of the major factors that negatively affect the use of condoms is embarrassment caused by using or negotiating to use condoms. To clarify the causes and effects of embarrassment on using or negotiating to use condoms, 186 undergraduate student volunteers were investigated. The results showed that patterns of types of embarrassment were unclear when they used or negotiated to use condoms. Moreover, structural equation modeling revealed that the embarrassment felt by males was strongly promoted by apprehension of the partner's evaluation, while the embarrassment felt by females was strongly promoted by vagueness in the kind of guidelines aimed at behavior regarding condom use or negotiation to use condoms. Implications of this study on HIV prevention, especially the intervention method of promoting condom use or negotiation to use condoms, are also discussed.
前田 楓 橋本 博文
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.35, no.3, pp.91-98, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-03-31)

Considering the immense damage caused by natural disasters in recent years, a reevaluation of current disaster prevention education should be regarded as a matter of urgency to ensure it is of a satisfactory standard. Assuming it to be an effective response in the event of a disaster, the current study focused on the Japanese practice of Inochi-tendenko, which means to run away independently to safety when disaster strikes while thinking solely about one’s safety, and investigated, through a web survey, teachers’ attitudes toward promoting this practice as a new approach to disaster prevention education. The results from 219 public elementary and junior high schoolteachers demonstrated that, while most teachers perceived current disaster prevention education as adequate, they were also aware that such education needed to be reformed. Also, it was observed that 52.1% of teachers knew the practice of Inochi-tendenko and generally accepted the idea of its incorporation into public disaster prevention education. Furthermore, we found that 1) an awareness of the need for reform, as an individual factor, was associated with a positive attitude towards promoting the practice of Inochi-tendenko, 2) there was a nonnegligible organizational climate effect towards positivity in promoting the practice of Inochi-tendenko, and 3) the interaction effect of these suggested that a collegial organizational climate was necessary for promoting the practice of Inochi-tendenko as a new and more adequate approach to disaster prevention education.
池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.3, pp.188-198, 2010-03-20 (Released:2017-02-20)

Recently, consumer complaints and consumer claims have become a major social issue. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological mechanism of complaining behavior with reference to the theory of aggressive behavior in social psychology. Two hundred and fifteen participants (106 males, 109 females) who lived in Japan were asked to complete a questionnaire by the mail survey method. After a covariance structure analysis, the proposed model was found to fit the data very well. The main findings were as follows: (1) High levels of self-esteem and the self-control of emotion led to having a positive attitude for complaining behavior. (2) Attitudes toward complaining behavior and dissatisfaction with products had a direct effect on actual complaining behavior. Furthermore, dissatisfaction with products was affected by the differences between the expectations for products and the performances of products. (3) Complaining behavior led to a decrease in consumer dissatisfaction. This result indicated the existence of a "cathartic effect."
大久保 暢俊 下田 俊介 鷹阪 龍太 山田 一成
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.33, no.3, pp.156-163, 2018-03-25 (Released:2018-03-25)

The purpose of this study is to investigate consumer attitudes towards shopping in Japan. Factor analyses of data by 1,286 nonprobability online panels in a Web survey (in 2014) confirmed a hypothesized two-factor structure (the hedonic and utilitarian), but although the hedonic subscale had enough internal consistency, the utilitarian subscale had relatively low internal consistency. The correlations of the scores on consumer attitudes towards shopping with other measures, such as bargain orientation, impulsive buying tendency, and frugality, provided support for the criterion validity of each subscale. In many cases, these relationships were not affected by variables such as gender, life stage, and household income. Implications for the two-dimensional model of Japanese consumer attitudes towards shopping are discussed.
柴田 侑秀 中谷内 一也
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.34, no.3, pp.151-161, 2019-03-31 (Released:2019-03-31)

The literature in the field of fear of crime posits that fear results from perceived likelihood of victimization. This causal relation, however, has not yet been confirmed in empirical research. This paper examined this relationship by providing participants with information regarding the actual numbers of a crime. In Study 1, the survey data on the fear of crime was collected from 173 undergraduate students, and a hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted to select the types of crimes as materials in the experiment. In Study 2, 274 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: one where the annual number of a type of injury due to crime was presented or the control condition, where no crime statistics were presented. The results revealed that the participants with the statistical information about the crimes decreased their perceived likelihood of victimization as well as their fear of crime. These results provide preliminary confirmation of the causality from the perceived likelihood of victimization to fear of crime. The practical implications and limitations of this research were discussed.
矢澤 順根 古川 善也 中島 健一郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.36, no.1, pp.16-24, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-07-31)

Although previous studies suggest that critical thinking may be beneficial to interpersonal relationships (e.g., Hirooka et al., 2000), no empirical studies investigated this effect. Therefore, to investigate the same, we focused on empathic accuracy as an important factor in establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relationships. One hundred and forty-three individuals participated in our web experiment and survey via a crowdsourcing service. We measured critical thinking ability and orientation using the Japanese Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and the critical thinking orientation scale. We conducted the Asian Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test to assess participants’ empathic accuracy. We also measured systematic thinking skills using the Cognitive Reflection Test as a relevant variable. Multiple regression analysis showed that empathic accuracy was positively related to critical thinking ability, but not to critical thinking orientation and systematic thinking. These results suggest that critical thinking ability, especially reasoning ability, may be particularly important for increasing empathic accuracy toward nonverbal information.
高田 奈緒美 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.3, pp.208-218, 2009

In distinguishing internal forgiveness and forgiving behavior, we attempted to identify different motives for these two modes of forgiveness and to examine the effects of interpersonal relationships with offenders and the motives behind forgiveness. Participants recalled personal episodes in which someone hurt them and rated the episodes in terms of the closeness between them and the offender, forgiveness, and the motives for forgiveness. A factor analysis of the motives produced 6 dimensions: need for acceptance, maintenance of relationship, pervasiveness of negative event, maintenance of social harmony, non-commitment, and consideration. We regarded consideration and pervasiveness of negative events as altruistic and the others as egocentric motives. Noncommitment did not correlate with either forgiveness or forgiving behavior. Need for acceptance correlated only with forgiving behavior. Other motives were positively correlated with both internal forgiveness and forgiving behavior. Our results showed that the maintenance of a relationship was highest in conflicts with high-close others. They also showed that need for acceptance, pervasiveness of a negative event, and maintenance of social harmony were higher in conflict with high-close and middle-close others than with low-close others.
児玉 真樹子 深田 博己
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-12, 2010

This study examined the effects of three types of mentoring, such as career mentoring, childcare mentoring, and double-roles mentoring, on the working intentions of regular female employees rearing children. In addition, it also examined the effects of work-family conflict and vocational identity as mediators. Survey data from 247 regular female employees whose youngest child was less than 16 years old were used. The results showed the following: (a) double-roles mentoring directly promoted working intention, and (b) career mentoring promoted vocational identity formation directly, and the degree of vocational identity formation positively influenced working intention.
金政 祐司 浅野 良輔 古村 健太郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.33, no.1, pp.1-15, 2017-08-31 (Released:2017-09-05)

This study was conducted to reveal the commonalities and differences between the effects of attachment anxiety and narcissism on adjustment. Therefore, the hypothetical models in which both attachment anxiety and narcissism affect intrapersonal and interpersonal adjustment through senses of acceptance and rejection by other people and partners were examined. Participants were 580 undergraduates in Study 1 and 582 couples aged between their twenties and their fifties in Study 2. The results showed that both attachment anxiety and narcissism increased aggression toward other people and partners as low interpersonal adjustment, and these effects toward aggression were mediated by senses of acceptance by other people and partners. In addition, attachment anxiety increased depression as low intrapersonal adjustment, but narcissism inhibited depression, and these effects were mediated by senses of acceptance by other people and partners.