林 聖将 松田 剛 玉宮 義之 開 一夫
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.79-89, 2013-03-01 (Released:2014-11-20)

Manga is a visual art consisting of still images, words, and various symbolic rep-resentations. “Speed lines” are type of the symbolic representation in manga. They are typically depicted as several lines placed on the opposite side of the direction of motion. Although readers of manga can empirically estimate the motion direction of objects with speed lines, few studies have experimentally examined the perception of speed lines. We hence investigated spatial attention arising from speed lines by using a pre-cuing technique (Posner, 1980). For example, if speed lines placed on the left side of a depicted object induced a rightward motion perception, then spatial attention to the right should be enhanced. A total of thirty university students who have read manga before participated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, we employed schematic balls with or without speed lines as cues and measured reaction times for three different conditions. Target stimuli were presented on the opposite or the same side of the speed lines across the balls in the congruent and incongruent conditions, respectively. In the neutral condition, the schematic balls without speed lines were used as cues. Reaction times were found to be shorter for the congruent condition than the incongruent and neutral conditions. In Experiment 2, schematic balls with four figures instead of speed lines were used as cues in order to elucidate the particularity of the speed lines. Reac-tion times were shorter for the congruent and incongruent conditions than the neutral con-dition, and did not differ significantly between the congruent and incongruent conditions. These results indicated that spatial attention toward the direction of motion corresponding to manga artists’ intention was aroused by speed lines. Therefore, we conclude that adults who read manga can perceive the motion direction of objects with speed lines.
植阪 友理
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.3, pp.313-332, 2009 (Released:2010-09-10)

The development of students' learning skills is an important topic in the school curriculum. However, the development of these skills has not been a strong point in the traditional Japanese educational system. To address this problem, a cognitive model based on findings from cognitive psychological studies has been put forward as a useful perspective from which students' learning skills can be improved. The new approach based on the cognitive model is “Cognitive Counseling”, in which counselors well-versed in the cognitive model personally tutor students experiencing difficulties in the cognitive aspects of their studies (e.g., memorizing, problem solving, and motivation). Although this activity is basically the same as personal tutoring, it places a greater emphasis on problems that have not been sufficiently examined in previous psychological studies or in schools, and its objectives include the development of new psychological studies and educational practice aimed at solving the identified problems. This paper focuses on one particular problem that has been identified in cognitive counseling: that of students not using diagrams spontaneously even though they receive sufficient demonstrations of diagrams use in class. The paper examines the possibility that cognitive counseling can be used in stimulating new perspectives for psychological studies and in the development of the school curriculum.
広瀬 友紀
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.13, no.3, pp.428-442, 2006 (Released:2008-11-13)

In spoken sentence comprehension, prosody is regarded as an important information source for syntax. However, prosody can also be affected by various non-syntactic factors. The present study demonstrates that lexical accent, which itself is not relevant to syntax, is relevant to, and can have a considerable impact on the resolution of syntactic ambiguity in human sentence comprehension. In a (LB) left-vs. (RB) right-branching ambiguity in Japanese as in the example below, the presence or absence of lexical accent (indicated by “’”) on the initial adjective, (e.g., ao’i (blue): accented vs. kiiroi (yellow): unaccented) is known to influence phrasal level prosody. This in turn affected listeners' analyses on branching structure, as will be shown in the production study. ao’i⁄kiiroi siidi’i-no ke’esu-o sa’sitekudasai blue⁄yellow CD-Gen case-Acc point “Point at the case of the blue⁄yellow CD.” (LB-interpretation) “Point at the blue⁄yellow case of the CD.” (RB-interpretation) In the production task, naive speakers (n=7) gave verbal instructions to their partners to identify the target object, using a fixed phrase as indicated in the example above, where either RB or LB was intended. The F0 contour on the collected utterances showed little distinctive difference among conditions except for the LB-intended utterances with an accented adjective. The collected utterances were then fed to a perception test (forced choice task identifying the intended meaning) with a separate group of subjects (N=48). Listeners' performance in correctly identifying LB-intended utterances was significantly better for items with an accented adjective (ao’i) than with an unaccented adjective (kiiroi), whereas performance on RB-intended utterances were relatively poor regardless of the presence of an accent on the initial adjective. The results of the perception study can be explained by what was found in the production study: the successive downstep (which is conditioned to occur following an accented item) as a major cue indicating a left-branching structure was not available for items with an unaccented adjective. It is also suggested that when the relevant F0 cue is not available or useful, hearers rely more on durational cues.
松浦 李恵 岡部 大介
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.141-154, 2014-03-01 (Released:2015-02-02)

This paper analyzes the relationship between agencies and artifacts represented in ethnographic case studies of ten female informants aged 20–25 participating in the cos-play community. Cosplay is a female-dominated niche subculture of extreme fans and mavens, who are devoted to dressing up as characters from manga, games, and anime. “Cosplayers” are highly conscious of quality standards for costumes, makeup, and ac-cessories. Cosplay events and dedicated SNSs for cosplayers are a valuable venue for exchanging information about costume making. First we frame this work as an effort to think about their agencies using the concept of hybrid collective and activity theory. Then we share an overview of cosplay culture in Japan and our methodologies based on interviews and fieldwork. Using SCAT (Otani, 2011) methodology, we group our find-ings in two different categories: (1) Cosplayers’ agencies and relationships with others mediated by usage of particular artifacts, (2) Cosplayers agencies visualized through socio-artificial scaffolding and collective achievement. We conclude that cosplayers are producing and standardizing available artifacts for their cosplay objects, and in doing so, they are designing their agencies. We consider that the activities like them are one appearance we can observe in the other our mundane communities not apply only to cosplay one. Not only to cosplay, however we consider that these kinds of activities apply to other mundane communities.
川合 伸幸 久保(川合) 南海子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.378-391, 2008 (Released:2010-02-15)
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It has been demonstrated that there are many similarities between Pavlovian conditioning in nonhuman animals and causal judgment by humans, such as conditioned inhibition, overshadowing, and blocking. However, there was a notable difference in empirical studies between animal Pavlovian conditioning and human causal judgment: lack of retrospective inference (i.e., backward blocking) in animals. Although human participants showed symmetrical results for forward and backward blocking procedure in causal judgment, researchers failed to obtain backward blocking in animal conditioning. In the case of forward blocking, a cue is first paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US) (e.g., A+), and the first cue is then presented together with a target cue and the US (e.g., AX+). In the case of backward blocking, the compound cue is learned first (AX+), and then the competing cue alone is paired with the US (A+). In subsequent tests, human participants inferred in both cases that X is not a cause of the outcome, whereas the response of animals to X alone was “blocked” only in the forward blocking procedure but not in the backward one. In this article, we review the existence studies on retrospective inference in humans and animals including our ongoing primate study and explore a possible role of retrieval deficits in memory for retrospective inference in animals.
友永 雅己
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.347-357, 2008 (Released:2010-02-15)

In this paper, I briefly summarize the research history on the (non-) emergence of symmetry in the chimpanzees of the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University. The chimpanzee Ai, who had learned the visual artificial symbols (lexigrams), did not exhibited the spontaneous emergence of symmetry between name and objects, but showed gradual improvement during the repeated exposure of training-testing cycles. This repeated exposure effect on the emergence of symmetry was also observed in the other individual who were not “language-trained”. This chimpanzee also exhibited the control by exclusion, which is considered as another type of illogical biases in humans. Chimpanzees also showed significant effect of differential outcome and differential responding on symmetry. Conclusion so far is that chimpanzees show no emergence of symmetry immediately after the training of conditional discriminations. Repeated exposure of training-testing contexts, however, has critical effect on the emergence of symmetry. For the future direction, it is suggested to promote studying the symmetry bias during the causal reasoning not using traditional conditional discrimination paradigm from the comparative-cognitive perspective.
伊藤 大幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.2, pp.297-312, 2010 (Released:2010-12-17)

Incongruity theory holds a dominant position in explaining the mechanisms behind humor as a transient emotional reaction accompanied by laughing or smiling. However, there are two opposing models of this theory: the incongruity model and the incongruity-resolution model. This study looks at the differences in the role of the incongruity concept in each model and proposes an integrative model that clearly differentiates between structural incongruity as peculiarity and logical incongruity as the lack of causal relation between information. To test this integrative model, I manipulated these two different incongruities separately by changing the descriptions in the stimulus episodes. The results showed that each type of incongruity independently influenced the elicitation of humor. The possibility of confounding between the two factors was clearly negated by the results of the manipulation check and the general linear model analysis. These indicated the validity of the conceptualization of my integrative model, which can provide a unified theoretical framework for future humor studies.
二宮 由樹 藤木 大介
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.4, pp.421-434, 2018-12-01 (Released:2019-06-01)

Conjunction fallacy (CF) is an irrational judgment of human intuition. CF is not only an erroneous response using heuristics but also the effects of misunderstanding the task. This study examined the differences of representations depending on the comprehension of the CF task (also called the Linda problem), and investigated when and how these differences occurred. In Experiment 1, participants had to read a passage, answer related questions, and recall the passage incidentally. The results indicated that the participants’ recall performance of question statements in the Linda problem, which conflicted with heuristics, predicted the CF proportion. In Experiment 2, a new task was conducted to emphasize the sentence in question statements of the Linda problem,and the emphasized effects were compared with Experiment 1. The results from Experiment 2 replicated Experiment 1, and the effect of the modification was shown regardless of whether or not the answers used CF. It shows that participants who answered using CF did not misunderstand the meaning of the question sentence in the task comprehension phase. In Experiment 3, to examine whether the results of Experiment 1 reflected the memory transformation based on rationalization of the participant ’s answer in the recall phase or the task comprehension substitution based on heuristics in the judgment phase, the recall performance was compared between the CF task and the task that could be answered correctly using heuristics. The results revealed that the difference in the recall performance of the question sentence depended on using heuristics. These findings suggest that CF occurrence was predicted by comprehension of the question (Experiment 1), while difference in comprehension representation arises when making heuristic judgments (experiments 2 and 3). This study not only provides new data on CF occurrence and mechanisms but also suggests the importance of considering the relationship between task comprehension and heuristic judgment.
石井 加代子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.1, pp.11-30, 2007 (Released:2008-12-15)

As neuroscience has advanced, it increased expectation that unknown aspects of the mind could be explored by it. But it has its limit as analytical science and lacks models of cognitive processes as such that cognitive sciences has been exploring. Cognitive sciences have been pondering robots to clarify cognition of human beings as both of them have physical systems to interact with environments. Recently robotics researchers are actually trying to realize such robot with human-like cognitive system that can be a effective platform on which researchers from divers disciplines collaborate. As a longstanding multidisciplinary area of science, cognitive science can be contribute to create, through such collaboration, comprehensive understanding of human mind and its useful application to social system in the 21st century.
田柳 恵美子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.459-473, 2010 (Released:2011-03-08)

This paper discusses musical activities as constructive process of cognition and presents a new approach to grasp whole phenomena crossing individual-organizational-social level of it. Musical performances can be understood as constructive process of cognition. In the creative process of music, musicians generate deviations which raise information quantity of musical communication to maximum level. Such deviations give non-referential musical meaning to musicians and audiences. During musical performance, especially in jazz improvisation, a generated deviation continually repeats cognitive negotiation with dominant schema, and renews the schema if the deviation can be recognized as a newly expanded variation. Modern jazz musicians construct their improvisations depending on the jazz musical theory of scale and chord progressions in analytical technique, on the other hand they construct deviations without any theoretical method and analytical technique. Such deviations are the essence of musical creation process, which can be generated only with constructive technique. Turning attention to upper structure, organizational and social level of musical activities also can be understood as constructive process of cognition. Leaders ingeniously coordinate heterogeneous talented members, strongly present future visions and concepts as well. Innovators strategically conduct cognitive negotiations between radicalism and contemporaneous to succeed in innovating style and mode of music and diffusing them all over the society. Therefore musical activities, not only individual or collective level but also organizational and social level, can be seen as constructive design process in which different levels are deeply intertwined.

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横澤 一彦
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.3, pp.295-303, 2014-09-01 (Released:2015-05-12)

Recent research on human perception is selectively reviewed with a focus on emer-ging issues in cognitive science and cognitive psychology. An important new approach to perception is identified that emphasizes integrated processes involving relationships among different features extracted from multiple modalities. We propose this new approach termed “integrated perception”. Characteristics of “integrated perception”include an emphasis on trade-offs and interactive relations between perceptual pro-cesses, and incorporation implicitly connected processes as well as individual differences. These topics tend to be discounted in conventional approaches. Instead, conventional approaches in cognitive and brain sciences have been based on traditional reduction-ism which focuses exclusively on accounts of individual constituent processes, but not their inter-relationships. Alternatively, new research themes reflecting integrated per-ception feature topics such as: Attention, Object & scene perception, Representation of body and space, Trans-modal perception, Aesthetics, and Synesthesia (i.e. AORTAS project). Recent progress in this vein is introduced which concerns research on object view dependency, visual-thermal interaction, and Japanese grapheme-color synesthesia.
平 知宏 中本 敬子 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.3, pp.322-338, 2007 (Released:2009-04-24)

The purpose of this study was to directly investigate metaphor interpretation, which is thought to be diversified by the metaphor familiarity. Previous studies assessed interpretation process by investigating individual preferences for the form of the metaphor: “A is B” or “A is like B”. According to those studies, similarity is enhanced by metaphor familiarity; and the more similar the topic and the vehicle are, the more likely individuals are to prefer “A is B” over “A is like B” and vice-versa. The preference shown by the individuals indirectly predicts the metaphor's interpretation diversity. In this study, we directly examined metaphor interpretation diversity. By using multi-dimensional scaling to represent the participants' metaphor understanding, we examined the relationship between familiarity and metaphor interpretation. The results revealed that the number of familiar metaphors which were accepted as apt interpretations by the participants was larger than that of unfamiliar metaphors. In addition, while for the familiar metaphors the pattern of interpretation was similar between participants, for the unfamiliar metaphors, it was different.
須永 剛司
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.11, no.1, pp.6-11, 2004 (Released:2007-04-13)

This paper addresses the issue of design drawing in order to discuss about creativity. Purpose of designers' drawing is to generate enormous Fields of Creative Perception for themselves. Why does a design teacher requires his/her students to draw hundred sketches in one night at home work? What is achievement of the students through the hard work? The answer is that the hundred drawings become fields of their diverse inventions on the process. Design creativity is emerged out of number of expressions derived from coupling of perception/seeing and action/drawing. Beautiful original forms are only extracted from a large number of ideas and scrubbed of the extractions. Therefore ability of generating Fields of Creative Perception should be fostered on design students in their learning. Creativity is abilities of drawing enormous sketches and organizing them into creative fields as professional designers do. Discussion of this paper consists of reading perceptual experience of Rudolf Arnheim, coupling of perception and action, Fields of Creative Perception and expression then creativity and self.
小亀 淳
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.542-545, 2008 (Released:2010-02-15)

The common misapprehension that the left-right positional mirror reversal exists truly is being believed by Takano who has proposed the Multi-Process Hypothesis. His logic to prove real existence of the mirror reversal inevitably contains logical mistakes. The specific defects of the hypothesis are pointed out by simple logical analysis.
島田 将喜
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.1, pp.63-73, 2018-03-01 (Released:2018-09-01)

The existence of meaning arbitrarily created and shared among playing partners, or the existence of culture as a network in which the created meaning and another meaning connect with each other have been claimed to separate animals from humans. A play pattern, so-called play chasing with a target object is observed among juvenile Japanese macaques in provisioned Arashiyama troop. This play pattern is characterized by following two interactive regularities: participants regard only the thing involved now as a target of the play, and a holder of the target object takes a role of the chasee. This play pattern has been established among juvenile macaques in Arashiyama troop, but not established among those in non-provisioned Kinkazan troop. These findings suggest that in play activities, creation of arbitrary meaning and the connection between their food culture and the created meaning can be found among not only humans but also among non-human animals.
伊藤 万利子 三嶋 博之 佐々木 正人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.3, pp.325-343, 2014-09-01 (Released:2015-05-12)

We examined the relationship between dexterity and movement to facilitate picking up visual information in a skilled task, the kendama trick of “swing-in.” Two kendama experts performed the swing-in motion while wearing liquid crystal occlusion goggles in the control and experimental (occluded) conditions. Occlusion glasses were open in the control condition, but open and closed at pre-set intervals in the occluded condition. After practice, the results identified a preference for seeing of the zenith of the ball trajectory for both experts at all levels in the occluded condition. Ball movement in the anterior-posterior axis for both experts was larger in the occluded than in the control condition, and was changed by the opening time of the goggles for expert A. Head movement in the vertical axis for both experts was longer in the occluded than in the control condition, but changed by the goggle’s intervals for expert B. Ball velocity with the coordinate origin at the head for both experts was nearly constant when the ball trajectory was near the zenith in both conditions and when the goggles were open in the occluded condition. However, the orientation of the head was longer in the occluded than in the control condition. These findings suggest that both experts detected optical information for catching the ball when the ball trajectory was near its zenith in intermittent viewing conditions,and that it is easier pick up this information in the occluded condition due the longer duration of the nearly constant relative velocity of the ball. Both experts adjusted their actions to easily detect the necessary optical information under visual constraints, al-though expert A adjusted the movement of the ball and expert B adjusted his head movement to the goggle’s opening intervals.
渡辺 謙仁 田邉 鉄
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.3, pp.255-269, 2016-09-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

The purpose of this paper is exploring potential for new learning through an ethno-graphic study in a nanosatellite-developing project generated from among “Nico-TECH:.”“Nico-TECH:”is a makers’community spreading like wildfire mainly medi-ated by NiconicoVideos. “Nico-TECH:”has no institutional organization. It is “ Social Media Satellite Development Project”(SOMESAT) which is the project for developing a nanosatellite on which “Hachune Miku”(Hatsune Miku) does performance in the space.  From the result of the ethnographic study, SOMESAT was able to be taken as a goal-oriented project, and also a zone of human development such as a distributed, mobile and multidirectional pulsation. Activities which realized such a human development were partially mediated by architecture of NiconicoVideos to stimulate emergence of contents and ideas, and by a boundary crossing body of Hatsune Miku’s character. This paper must show potential for new learning and give some kind of suggestions about school education in the future.
伊藤 大幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.1, pp.118-132, 2007 (Released:2008-12-15)
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The purpose of this study is to propose and test a model that integrates the incongruity model and the incongruity-resolution model, both of which explain cognitive aspects of the humor process. In the former, the direct cause of humor is incongruity, that is, discrepancy between expectations and actual states, whereas in the latter, it is a resolution of incongruity. In other words, it is a problem solving activity to find a cognitive rule that removes incongruity. The author hypothesized that the direct cause of humor is not resolution but incongruity, and the process of resolution interrupts conscious experience of humor by occupying one's attention. In Experiment 1, subjects read four-frame comic strips while remembering six-digit, three-digit or no numbers. The results showed that the humor rating was lower in the six-figure condition, although no difference was detected in humor comprehension. This suggested that (a) immersion in cognitive activity interrupts the humor experience. In Experiment 2, four-frame comic strips were presented while parts were hidden that either had no relation to humor or included essential cue for resolution. Then the parts were presented after a 5 or 15 second delay. Participants were asked to predict what was hidden during the delay. The results showed that delay decreased humor rating not only in the former condition but also in the latter condition. The effect of delay in the former condition implied (b) temporariness of humor, which was evoked when the stimuli were presented, while in the latter condition it implied that (c) humor as an emotional state could be evoked without resolution. Though the results of the two experiments supported the hypotheses of the author's model, these hypotheses were not sufficiently verified due to methodological problems.
河合 祐司 大嶋 悠司 笹本 勇輝 長井 志江 浅田 稔
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.475-479, 2015-09-01 (Released:2016-03-01)