早川 真悠
vol.2009, pp.140, 2009

超インフレーション下のジンバブエにおいて、通貨「ジンバブエドル(以下、 ZWD)」は、日々その価値を失う、銀行から現金をおろせない、お釣りがない、「使い物にならない、役に立たないカネ」である。ZWDをめぐる交換方法や扱われ方は、通常考えられる近代貨幣交換や扱いとは異なった様相を呈する。 使い物にならないはずの貨幣の使われ方について、事例をもとにジンバブエにおける特殊な通貨のあり方について考察する。
齋藤 めぐみ 山田 和芳 スタッフ リチャード 中川 毅 米延 仁志 原口 強 竹村 恵二 ラムジー クリストファー Megumi SAITO-KATO Kazuyoshi YAMADA Richard A STAFF Takeshi NAKAGAWA Hitoshi YONENOBU Tsuyoshi HARAGUCHI Keiji TAKEMURA RAMSEY Christopher BRONK
地学雑誌 = Journal of geography (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.122, no.3, pp.493-501, 2013

Sediment cores from Lake Suigetsu, Japan, reveal the absence of seawater intrusion into the lake caused by the historically documented tsunami of AD 1586 (Tensho Tsunami). A highprecision chronology of the cores established by Bayesian modeling radiocarbon determinations enables us to ascertain the precise position of the historical event in the sediment depth. Diatom analysis of the core shows that a diatom assemblage dominated by freshwater taxa persisted through the period. This makes a clear contrast with the core section around AD 1664 when the lake was artificially connected to the sea by a channel, and the subsequent intrusion of seawater was clearly recorded in the sediment cores by the occurrence of marine diatom fossils.
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1257, pp.34-39, 2004-09-06

上海市内から車で約2時間。街中を縦横に運河が走り、「東洋のベニス」の異名を取る江蘇省蘇州市は、郊外に外資系メーカーが多く集まる工業地帯としても国内屈指の規模を持つ。 ここで複写機を生産するキヤノン蘇州には、撮影はおろか、部外者の立ち入りすら厳格に禁じた秘密の部屋がある。部品搬入口の横にある「ミルクラン」の司令室だ。
和田 攻
vol.2001, no.1, pp.9-19, 2001-01
山本 吉道 河合 恭平 高野 哲男
公益社団法人 土木学会
海洋開発論文集 (ISSN:09127348)
no.24, pp.1339-1344, 2008

In this research, the Ishikawa-ken area of Kaetsu coastal zone and Enshu-nada coastal zone are selected as the coastal zone where a large-scale sandy beach is left, and sedimentation control of those zones is examined in order to recover the continuity of overall movement of earth and sand, and the following plans are proposed:<BR>1) An efficient countermeasure based on sand recycling by shipping and natural carrying system due to waves and currents in the Ishikawa-ken area of Kaetsu coastal zone.<BR>2) An effective countermeasure based on natural carrying power due to Tenryu river flow and a sand bypass by trucking for short distance in Enshu-nada coastal zone.
平野 旭 池元 浩一郎 尾上 冴子
公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会
工学教育 (ISSN:13412167)
vol.63, no.6, pp.6_76-6_81, 2015 (Released:2015-12-05)

A study process to obtain a qualification has a profound effect to enhance learning of one’ s particular field. In this paper, we propose a method encourage students to obtain the qualification of Type II electrical worker in National College of Technology. Results of questionnaire survey and hearing investigation have confirmed a large positive effect on students’ mental health, especially for the adolescent students who had low confidence in their Engineering skill. In addition, this paper discusses the influence of the modification in the entrance exam system as of this year.
土川 信男
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
no.142, pp.99-110, 2014

This paper examines the attitudes of the Minseito Party towards issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household at the time of the TANAKA Giichi Cabinet when the party was an opposition party. The paper takes this theme as part of the study of party politics during the period of party cabinets, and intends to rebalance the evaluation of the Seiyukai Party and the Minseito Party.At the beginning of the TANAKA Cabinet, the Minseito Party advocated the parliamentary government and the party cabinet, and it maintained that the emperor should not take practical part in politics. The party also criticized the political influence of the house of peers and the privy council.Later, the Minseito Party took issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household to attack the TANAKA Cabinet. The basic logic used by the party coincided with the attitude of the party at the beginning, though the manner of arguments was rather restrained. The party also sided with the house of peers and the privy council when they blamed the cabinet with issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household.
小野 浩史 義家 亮 成瀬 一郎 鳥越 隆志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2009, pp.216-219, 2009

The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of biomass gasification in the packed-bed, conducting gasification experiment and analysis of syn-gas in the reactor. In this study, pellets of black pine (ψ6.5mm×8.5mm) are fed intermittently with air as the gasification agent. The gasification experiments were carried out by two type gasification methods, such as updraft and downdraft setups. In the gasification tests, the temperature distribution in the gasification reactor and the gas compositions are measured and analyzed during gasification by thermo-couples inserted from a furnace wall and a micro gas chromatograph, respectively. Product gas before cooling were sampled for determine the amount of tar generation.
茅野 甚治郎
農業経済研究 (ISSN:03873234)
vol.77, no.3, pp.97-112, 2005-12-25 (Released:2014-10-31)

The purposes of this paper are to clarify the theoretical factors of food trade and to show case studies of the structural changes of food demand & supply and self-sufficiency ratio. According to trade theory, the self-sufficient ratio of food is determined by the structures of production and consumption, and price condition. In particular, the transformation of production resources in the agricultural sector is a more practical subject than that between non-agriculture and agriculture. We have to investigate the process and cost of the adjustment among sectors in agriculture. The self-sufficient ratio has been discussed in relation to food security. According to the definition of food security, the sufficient quantity of domestic production when we are faced with an urgent food crisis is a part of food security. The ratio is rather an index that represents the conditions at ordinal situation. The recent decrease in the ratio is related to the change of the phase from relative to absolute reduc-tion of domestic production. It is because there is an insufficient political system to evaluate the economic value of the non-market resources. From the viewpoint of the food system, the weight of food consumption in households has been decreasing; on the other hand the weight in processing and food service sectors has been increasing drastically. Therefore providing materials for domestic production becomes more important. According to the case study of soybeans, the processing sector faces an unstable domestic market and it receives relatively less than the political support to farmers. The self-sufficient ratio of soybeans and wheat has been affected by the set-aside program for rice. The area of paddy fields has a decreasing trend and the utilized percentage is below 100%. From the viewpoint of efficient utilization of agricultural resources, we have to reconstruct the adjustment program of paddy fields.
遠藤 謙
vol.54, no.7, 2013-06-15
遠藤 謙
vol.54, no.7, 2013-06-15
Ayako Imanishi Tomokazu Murata Masaya Sato Kazuhiro Hotta Itaru Imayoshi Michiyuki Matsuda Kenta Terai
Japan Society for Cell Biology
Cell Structure and Function (ISSN:03867196)
vol.43, no.2, pp.129-140, 2018 (Released:2018-08-10)
3 10

For more than a century, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining has been the de facto standard for histological studies. Consequently, the legacy of histological knowledge is largely based on H&E staining. Due to the recent advent of multi-photon excitation microscopy, the observation of live tissue is increasingly being used in many research fields. Adoption of this technique has been further accelerated by the development of genetically encoded biosensors for ions and signaling molecules. However, H&E-based histology has not yet begun to fully utilize in vivo imaging due to the lack of proper morphological markers. Here, we report a genetically encoded fluorescent marker, NuCyM (Nucleus, Cytosol, and Membrane), which is designed to recapitulate H&E staining patterns in vivo. We generated a transgenic mouse line ubiquitously expressing NuCyM by using a ROSA26 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone. NuCyM evenly marked the plasma membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus in most tissues, yielding H&E staining-like images. In the NuCyM-expressing cells, cell division of a single cell was clearly observed as five basic phases during M phase by three-dimensional imaging. We next crossed NuCyM mice with transgenic mice expressing an ERK biosensor based on the principle of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). Using NuCyM, ERK activity in each cell could be extracted from the FRET images. To further accelerate the image analysis, we employed machine learning-based segmentation methods, and thereby automatically quantitated ERK activity in each cell. In conclusion, NuCyM is a versatile cell morphological marker that enables us to grasp histological information as with H&E staining.Key words: in vivo imaging, histology, machine learning, molecular activity