稲盛 勉
日本海水学会誌 (ISSN:03694550)
vol.69, no.1, pp.1, 2015 (Released:2016-09-26)

5 0 0 0 IR 自牧宗湛(中)

綿田 稔
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.394, pp.1-40, 2008-03-28

For résumé, see Bijutsu Kenkyu No. 393

11 0 0 0 IR 自牧宗湛(上)

綿田 稔
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.393, pp.30-60, 2008-01-28

Sôtan (1420-1481) was a Daiô school Zen monk of the Rinzai sect, and he was a Kyoto-based painter during the mid Muromachi period. While it is known that his secular family name was Oguri, his birthplace and family's social standing are not known. Sôtan is known to have studied Zen under Yôsô Sôi of Daitoku-ji, and it is believed that he studied painting from the monk-painter Shûbun of Shôkoku-ji. He created a landscape painting with inscriptions by four Zen priests from the Chinese poetry salon of Reisen-in, Ken'nin-ji, in 1459. In 1462, he painted the Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang on shôji sliding doors at Shôsen-ken, a building in the Untaku-ken of the Unchô-in subtemple of Shôkoku-ji temple. By that time Sôtan had already been highly praised for his genius at painting by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, the 8th shogun of the Muromachi shogunate. That same year (1462), Sôtan became a monk under Shunpo Sôki at Daitoku-ji and was dubbed Kan'ô Sôtan. Around the end of the same year he built a hermitage at Aneyakôji-Nishinotoin in the market district of Kyoto, and his new home was named Jiboku-an by Kikei Shinzui, a priest who lived at Inryô-ken in the Rokuon-in subtemple of Shokoku-ji. The following year Sôtan was appointed painter to the shogun, a position that, like that of Shûbun, the previous generation of official painter to the shogunal family, entailed the receipt of a monthly stipend and year-end bonus. In 1466 Sôtan participated in the trip to Arima (present-day part of Kobe city) for recuperative bathing taken by Kikei Shinzui, Taga Takatada, and other high-ranking members of the shogunate. Sôtan painted a view of the hot springs village as seen from in front of the Amida-dô Hall in the town. This is important as a record of an outdoor sketch of a specific landscape in Japan. During the Ônin Civil War, Sôtan evacuated to the Muromachi Palace, where the emperor and the shogun were temporarily both residing. There is one incident known from this time, when Sôtan had trouble with his hand and the shogun ordered the official doctors to heal him. Such incidents indicate the importance of Sôtan to the shogun. Records show that in addition to his work on the Shôsen-ken sliding door paintings, Sôtan also created sliding door paintings for the Takakura Palace (the later incarnation of the Karasuma Palace, which would eventually become the Imadegawa Palace), the Untaku-ken, the New Izumidono Building of the Muromachi Palace, the residence of Ino'o Yukitane, and Yôtoku-in subtemple of Daitoku-ji. The paintings for the New Izumidono Building of the Muromachi Palace were created on a commission from Ashikaga Yoshimasa to commemorate Retired Emperor GoHanazono's visit. Sporadic records of paintings by Sôtan remain until 1473, and it can be surmised that he also received a considerable stipend for his main work commissioned by Ashikaga Yoshimasa for the Kokawa Palace and the reconstructed Muromachi Palace. It is difficult to imagine that Sôtan would not have been active in the renovation of temple buildings at Daitoku-ji. Sôtan died in 1481 at the age of 69, just before Ashikaga Yoshimasa began work on the Higashiyama Palace. Sôtan had a son named Kei Gessen (also known as Kitabô) who was also a monk-painter. However, Sôtan's position as shogunal painter was not inherited by his son, he was succeeded by Kanô Masanobu in his role of official painter to the shogunal family. Kanô Masanobu was immediately put to work the wall paintings for the new Higashiyama Palace. In later years, what would become the Kanô school of painting hastened Japanese painting along the path to the premodern era. Sôtan was not only an intermediary between Shûbun and the Kanô school, he was also the central painter of Ashikaga Yoshimasa's reign as shogun. Regardless of whether or not original works remain by Sôtan, his importance in art history cannot be overemphasized. The study of Sôtan, not only the study of Shûbun, is essential for a detailed understanding of the culture that matured and flourished during Ashikaga Yoshimasa's shogunate. To understand that culture, one also must go beyond a consideration of the wasteful public cultural projects initiated by Yoshimasa, a political failure who turned his back on the world in his search for pleasure, to consider a culture not in tandem with the political failure and also not encompassed by a prejudiced term "Higashiyama Culture." Thus this article aims to organize available research materials and examine them in detail in order to create a basis for future study on Sôtan.
Halbwachs Maurice 板倉 達文

"La classe ouvrière et les niveaux de vie : recherches sur la hiérarchie des besoins dans les sociétés industrielles contemporaines : thèse pour le doctorat présentée à Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Paris / par Maurice Halbwachs. - Paris : F. Alcan, 1912."の翻訳(未完)。INTRODUCTIONの翻訳は無し。原著情報URL: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/763591910
松平 功
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = The St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.51, pp.3-43, 2016

More than fifty years, Rene Girard has developed a hypothesis which is alled the mimetic theory. According to this theory, human beings imitate each other, and this tendency spreads mutually among people and leads to rivalries. This mimetic also causes mutual conflicts in a community. Since the mimetic rivalry that develops from the struggle for the possession of objects is contagious, it leads to the threat of violence. According to Girard, such conflicts are partially solved by a scapegoat mechanism, but ultimately, Christianity is the best appeasement to violene. Girard believes that the gospel texts have instead acted as a catalyst that brings about the break-down of the sacrificial order. The evangelical "good news" clearly affirms the innocence of the victim, thus becoming, by attacking ignorance, the germ of the destruction of the sacrificial order on which rests the equilibrium of societies. The Old Testament already shows several turning points, and also exposes the mythic accounts with regard to the innocence of the victims. The Hebrew people were conscious about the uniqueness of their religious tradition. The gospels fully clarify this hidden system, and unveil the Satanic order which has continued since ancient time. The gospels also describe the foundation of this order as the murder in the account of the Passion. Medieval Europe showed the face of a sacrificial society that still knew very well how to despise and ignore its victims, nonetheless the efficacy of sacrificial violence has not decreased, in the measure that ignorance has receded. Girard sees the uniqueness and of the transformations of the Western society whose destiny today is one with that of human society as a whole. The purpose of this paper is to research about the mimetic theory and the scapegoat mechanism, and to provide a deeper understanding about a relationship between those hypotheses. Through criticizing Girard's concepts, this paper will provide an accurate recognition concerning the redemption.
江馬 眞 小林 憲弘 納屋 聖人 花井 荘輔 中西 準子
環境毒性学会誌 (ISSN:13440667)
vol.13, no.1, pp.15-26, 2010-06-30 (Released:2014-04-17)

The present paper reviews the carcinogenicity study of titanium dioxide(TiO2),widely used in the production of paints paper and plastics, as food additives and colorants, and increasingly, as nanpoparticles in pharmaceutical and cosmetics products, based on data published in openly available scientific literature. Increased incidence of tumors was reported in rats after exposure to respirable, fine or ultrafine TiO2 by inhalation or intratracheal instillation. No increased incidence of tumors was noted in mice or hamster after exposure to TiO2 by inhalation or intratracheal instillation, or in rats or mice given TiO2 by intraperitoneal or subcutaneous injection or by feeding. This review indicates that the incidence of tumors was increased in rats after inhalation or intratracheal instillation of TiO2 at levels associated with particle overload and persistent inflammation.
潮 俊光
一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamentals Review (ISSN:18820875)
vol.11, no.3, pp.151-154, 2018-01-01 (Released:2018-01-01)

浜中 真志
素粒子論グループ 素粒子論研究 編集部
素粒子論研究 (ISSN:03711838)
vol.119, no.4C, pp.245-279, 2012-02-20 (Released:2017-10-02)

高橋 優宏 岩崎 聡 西尾 信哉 鬼頭 良輔 新田 清一 神崎 晶 小川 郁 宇佐美 真一
一般社団法人 日本聴覚医学会
vol.61, no.4, pp.270-276, 2018-08-30 (Released:2018-09-27)

要旨: 一側聾は生活面の QOL の低下とハンディキャップを有しているため,医学的介入が試みられている。CROS (Contralateral Routing Of Signals) 型補聴器や埋め込み型骨導補聴器が施行されているが, 装用感や音源定位に関して不良の報告が多い。ヨーロッパではすでに一側聾に耳鳴りを伴った症例に対し人工内耳埋め込み術が施行され, CE (Communauté Européenne)-mark を取得している。そこで国内4施設において共同臨床研究「同側に耳鳴を伴う一側高度または重度感音難聴に対する, 人工内耳の装用効果に関する研究」を施行し, 当院にて1症例を経験した。術後4年経過した現在においても, 雑音下の語音聴取と方向感, 耳鳴りの改善が持続して認められており, 自覚的評価も良好である。一側聾症例における両耳聴効果をさらに実現するため, 今後一側聾に対する人工内耳埋め込み術の導入が期待される。
鷹股 亮
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.54, no.2, pp.57-64, 2017-09-01 (Released:2017-10-16)

大和 政秀 谷亀 高広
日本菌学会会報 (ISSN:00290289)
vol.50, no.1, pp.jjom.H20-02, 2009-05-01 (Released:2018-03-30)

大庭 正八
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.67, no.12, pp.833-857, 1994-12-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
1 1

1886年から1889年にかけての東海道鉄道(現JR東海道本線)建設のとき,静岡県内の宿場町や農漁村では鉄道反対運動があったと伝えられるが,それは鉄道忌避伝説と称すべきもので,県内ではむしろ鉄道線路と停車場の誘致運動の方が盛んであった.鉄道に対する真の運動と称すべきものは,農業用排水,地域交通路の確保,治水,用地買収等の関係から提起された工事改善要求運動であった. 東海道鉄道は日本の東西を貫く幹線として建設されたもので,その線路は,1890年第1回帝国議会召集までの期間内に,限られた予算内で完成させることが求められた.したがって線路の選定は,いちいち住民の忌避iや誘致について配慮することはなく,地形的に建設しやすく,あるいは勾配が緩やかで列車運転に適したルートが選定された.住民の反対のために線路が曲げられるようなことはほとんどなかったと考えてよい.しかし,停車場は,誘致運動のあった旧城下町・宿場町・港町や地の利を得た場所に多く設置された.
木村 博行
The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of Japan
騒音制御 (ISSN:03868761)
vol.15, no.3, pp.142-146, 1991-06-01 (Released:2009-10-06)
河西 秀哉
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.28, pp.27-46, 2014-03

日本近現代における売買春について論じた。近世より継続していた売春は、マリア・ルース号事件を契機に、1872年に「芸娼妓解放令」へと結実する。これは、文明開化の一つとして実施されたもので、前近代的な身売りは建前上禁止された。しかし実際は、「自由意志」に基づく稼業として、売春は継続する。こうした仕組みは、欧米の制度を視察して構築されたもので、前近代の売春制度は欧米流の売春統制制度を基にした「公娼制度」へと再編された。つまり、売春に国家の公認が得られたとも言える。政府は私娼の取り締まりは行うものの、売春制度自体を無くそうとはしなかった。敗戦後、日本政府は1945年8月18日に特殊慰安施設協会(RAA)の設置を指示する。これは、占領軍兵士らへの売春を目的とした施設であり、政府はこれに対して資金の貸し付けを行うなど、積極的な関与をみせている。こうした施設の設置を敗戦3日後に指示したことに、政府の売春への意識を見ることができよう。RAAはGHQ兵士の中で性病が蔓延したことで、翌年3月には閉鎖され、そこで働いていた女性たちは放り出され、街娼となっていく。GHQは覚書「日本における公娼制度廃止に関する件」を1946年1月22日に出し、近代の公娼制度は廃止された。しかし日本側の意向もあって、「必要悪」とされて結局は継続し、「赤線」が誕生する。政府は赤線を認める一方、私娼である街娼は取締り、収監・保護して性病治療と矯正に努めた。そうして保護された街娼の生の声が、史料として残されている。それを見ると必ずしも私たちのイメージとは異なる街娼の実態が明らかになる。高学歴者が街娼となったケース、夫や家族に戦争犠牲者を持つケース、一度街娼となってからは生活するために抜け出せないケースなど、その実態は様々である。占領終了後、赤線を廃止しようとする動きは高まるが、法整備はその後なかなか進行しなかった。I have discussed prostitution in the modern period in Japan. In 1872, following the Maria Luz Incident, Japanese bonded prostitution, which had continued from the early modern period onward, was finally addressed by Geishogi kaiho rei(芸娼妓解放令), a law that emancipated prostitutes. This law was enacted as part of Japan's Westernization movement, and it ostensibly prohibited feudalistic bonded labor. In reality, however, prostitution continued as a business based on the "free will" of the women involved. This form of prostitution was constructed as a result of observing the way this industry functioned in Europe. In this way, the feudal system of prostitution was reformed into a "licensed prostitution system," based on western-style systems for regulating prostitution. It can therefore be said that prostitution was officially approved by the state. While the Japanese government did conduct crackdowns on unlicensed prostitution, it made no attempts to eliminate the system itself. After the Second World War, the Japanese government set up the Tokushu Ian Shisetsu Kyokai (literally, the "special comfort facility association"), referred to in English as the Recreation and Amusement Association (RAA). This association provided prostitutes for occupying Allied troops. The government showed active involvement with this association by, for example, providing loans to its facilities. The fact that these facilities were introduced just three days after Japan's surrender gives us an idea of the government's attitude towards prostitution. The RAA was discontinued in March the following year because of the General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (GHQ). The women who worked in the facilities were dismissed and ended up working as street prostitutes. On January 22, 1946, the GHQ issued the memorandum "Abolition of Licensed Prostitution in Japan," and the modern-era system of licensed prostitution was abolished as a result .However, the Japanese authorities had their own attitude toward prostitution. It was ultimately allowed to continue and the Akasen districts (literally, "red line" districts-comparable with the term red-light district ) emerged. While the government did sanction these Akasen districts, it also cracked down on unlicensed street prostitution and made efforts to place street prostitutes in protective custody, where they would be treated for sexually transmitted diseases and receive correctional rehabilitation. The direst comments of the street prostitutes who were taken into custody were transcribed and archived. A read-through of these accounts reveals that our image of street prostitution differs from the reality. Many different types of women worked as street prostitution. These included highly educated women, women who had lost their husbands or other family members in the war, and women who, after entering street prostitution, found themselves unable to make a living in any other way. After the occupation of Japan ended, the movement to abolish the Akasen districts grew in strength, but there was little progress in terms of legislation.