柏原 宗一郎 清水 裕士
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.37, no.3, pp.101-108, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-04-01)

This study examined whether individual differences in Belief in a Zero-Sum Game (BZSG; Różycka-Tran et al., 2015) predicted anti-immigrant attitudes. Esses et al. (1998) indicated that Zero-Sum Beliefs about allocating resources between a host country’s citizens and immigrants predict anti-immigrant attitudes. However, why individual differences in Zero-Sum Beliefs appear and predict anti-immigrant attitudes has not been examined. Two studies demonstrated that the BZSG Scale, which assesses the individual difference in the perception of general resource distribution, predicts anti-immigrant attitudes. This result suggests that perceiving intergroup situations as competitive influences anti-immigrant attitudes.
今井 俊輔 志水 陽介 吉田 憲司 石河 晃
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.132, no.3, pp.487-490, 2022-03-20 (Released:2022-03-22)

永田 雅輝 宮内 信文 田中 俊一郎 比嘉 照夫 萬田 正治 金澤 晋二郎

本研究の目的は,環境,一次産業,二次産業および医療分野でも普及しつつあるEM技術について,農業工学,土壌環境学,畜産学,園芸学および食品化学などの多方面の研究者が縦横に組織を組んで,客観的な調査を行い,今後の学術共同研究の方向性を創出することにある.調査の結果,これまでの事例から以下のように要約される.1)EMを構成する微生物は当初とは異なり,10種類程度でも土壌菌と共生的に効果を出すことが判明した.効果の発現は,環境中のEMの密度が高まって生態的に多勢となった場合に著効が認められ二次産業等における効果はEMが生成する多様な抗酸化物質によるものと判断される。2)水稲に対しては,EMと有機物の施用が適正であれば,数年で有機農業などへ転換可能であって,品質・収量ともに慣行法より向上し,また水田の除草時間も大幅に低減することを認めている.3)EM栽培したミニトマトの呼吸速度は対照区に比べて貯蔵初期で50%も低く,日持ちの良さを示唆している.4)EMの土壌改良材としての効果は顕著であることを認めている.5)畜産分野におけるEMは悪臭防除と病気予防に効果があることを認めている.6)EMの食品化学的有効性は,厳密な意味での確認できる例とデータは存在せず,その解明には多くの困難があり,時間が必要であると判断される.以上,EMの効果は現象的には,一部を除いて良好な事例もあることから,今後は (1)土壌菌と共生的に効果を出すメカニズム, (2)抗酸化物質の特定, (3)土壌改良の機作, (4)生態系改善の仕組み, (5)農産物の品質・貯蔵性向上の機構, (6)微生物群相遷移発達過程の実証, (7)EMの家畜腸内細菌に及ぼす影響, (8)食品化学的に厳密なEM効果の検証, など科学的・技術的な裏付けを行うことによって,環境保全型農業の推進に多大に寄与する研究分野であるといえる.
菅本 晶夫
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.72, no.4, pp.236-239, 2017-04-05 (Released:2018-03-30)

柳井 郁子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.41, pp.107-115, 2002-02-25

This paper investigates a movement to improve people's daily life in a company and how the company tried to control labor's family. In Japan after the World War II family lost an original function of character building, and the family which was interested in scholastic ability and going on to the next stage of education increased. To make clear the change of the family, this paper analyzes the family of labor in the company in 1950s'-1960s'when the number of them increased. In the movement the company guided labor's family in family planning and life planning, and managed labor's family and wife. The model of the family was based on sexual division of labor, and the labor's wife was required to contribute to the company and society by reproduction of the work force.
渡辺 恵里子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.52, no.3, pp.19-34,237, 2008-02-29 (Released:2015-06-06)

Based on interviews with women applying for the post of a clinical psychologist (CP), this paper analyzes the manner in which the number of CPs has increased. In Japan, the clinical psychology profession has the following three features. First, it is a new profession established as recently as 1988 by the Japanese Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists (JSCCP). Second, individuals aspiring to become CPs are required to attend graduate school. Third, despite unstable employment, a rapid increase in the number of CPs has been observed since 1988. Approximately 70 percent of CPs are women, although the JSCCP does not welcome only female CPs. However, the reason women aspire to become CPs is different from the reason that they pursue other traditional occupations such as a nurse, a nursery school teacher or a librarian. In order to make the profession of clinical psychology as advanced as that of medicine, the JSCCP applied two strategies that resulted in mostly women working as CPs. First, the JSCCP stopped making an effort to secure the employment of CPs. Second, they expanded educational institutions and demanded that those applying for the post of CP have a master’s degree. Both these strategies attracted highly educated women who were not looking for work to support themselves or for a career. Rather, they were motivated to work for the following two reasons. First, they wished to work as a CP for pleasure while managing other housework. Second, they had academic backgrounds that enabled them to attend graduate school without expending a great effort. As a result, the JSCCP inadvertently placed women at an advantage in becoming CPs. This paper suggests that this will result in CPs becoming a new occupation that is suitable for women.
Yusaku Uga
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
pp.20118, (Released:2021-01-06)

Roots are essential organs for capturing water and nutrients from the soil. In particular, root system architecture (RSA) determines the extent of the region of the soil where water and nutrients can be gathered. As global climate change accelerates, it will be important to improve belowground plant parts, as well as aboveground ones, because roots are front-line organs in the response to abiotic stresses such as drought, flooding, and salinity stress. However, using conventional breeding based on phenotypic selection, it is difficult to select breeding lines possessing promising RSAs to adapted to abiotic stress because roots remain hidden underground. Therefore, new breeding strategies that do not require phenotypic selection are necessary. Recent advances in molecular biology and biotechnology can be applied to the design-oriented breeding of RSA without phenotypic selection. Here I summarize recent progress in RSA ideotypes as “design” and RSA-related gene resources as “materials” that will be needed in leveraging these technologies for the RSA breeding. I also highlight the future challenges to design-oriented breeding of RSA and explore solutions to these challenges.
Shinichi Mochizuki Ivan Fesenko Yuichiro Hoshi Arata Minamide Wojciech Porowski
Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kodai Mathematical Journal (ISSN:03865991)
vol.45, no.2, pp.175-236, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-07-01)

In the final paper of a series of papers concerning inter-universal Teichmüller theory, Mochizuki verified various numerically non-effective versions of the Vojta, ABC, and Szpiro Conjectures over number fields. In the present paper, we obtain various numerically effective versions of Mochizuki's results. In order to obtain these results, we first establish a version of the theory of étale theta functions that functions properly at arbitrary bad places, i.e., even bad places that divide the prime "2". We then proceed to discuss how such a modified version of the theory of étale theta functions affects inter-universal Teichmüller theory. Finally, by applying our slightly modified version of inter-universal Teichmüller theory, together with various explicit estimates concerning heights, the j-invariants of "arithmetic" elliptic curves, and the prime number theorem, we verify the numerically effective versions of Mochizuki's results referred to above. These numerically effective versions imply effective diophantine results such as an effective version of the ABC inequality over mono-complex number fields [i.e., the rational number field or an imaginary quadratic field] and effective versions of conjectures of Szpiro. We also obtain an explicit estimate concerning "Fermat's Last Theorem" (FLT)—i.e., to the effect that FLT holds for prime exponents > 1.615 · 1014—which is sufficient, in light of a numerical result of Coppersmith, to give an alternative proof of the first case of FLT. In the second case of FLT, if one combines the techniques of the present paper with a recent estimate due to Mihăilescu and Rassias, then the lower bound "1.615 · 1014" can be improved to "257". This estimate, combined with a classical result of Vandiver, yields an alternative proof of the second case of FLT. In particular, the results of the present paper, combined with the results of Vandiver, Coppersmith, and Mihăilescu-Rassias, yield an unconditional new alternative proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.