
巻頭言 バックラッシュに抗して 上野千鶴子提言 ジェンダーバッシングの歴史が問うもの-女性史の検証- 米田佐代子報告 館長雇止め・バックラッシュ裁判 三井マリ子AGORAZEIN 知恵をしぼって「ジェンダーバッシング」を考えよう 伊藤登美子 小俣光子 斎藤千代 斎藤美栄子 しま・ようこ 滝島典子 中村道子各地に吹き荒れるジェンダーバッシング鹿児島県議会ジェンダーフリー教育を行わないように求める陳情を採決 小川みさ子猪口大臣就任とバッシングの波 鈴木勢子女と男 対等の関係をつくるために 秋山淳子宮城県におけるジェンダーバッシング 吉田貞子ジェンダーバッシング対策 北田久枝めじゃーなりすとのめ オンナの書かれ方 野村由美子<詩>タカモンサンの死 堀場清子笑って怒って10 キケンでも 背負うしかない 関係さ 橋本勝沖縄から9 V字型滑走路でますます深まる不安 浦島悦子<窓>海陽学園を男女共学に。男子校設立は時代に逆行 二宮純子イスラームは欧米世界に対して本来対立的なものであろうか 久山宗彦母を語る7 リブを生きた明治の女書生2 斎藤千代語りかけたいあなたに67 漢字の読み書き 大里知子TOPICS セクハラに労災認定 世界各地に女性大統領誕生 ほか会と催し 非正規雇用者の格差是正を! 平塚らいてう賞贈賞式 ほか統計 世界五〇か国の人間開発とジェンダー開発指数読書室 「ジェンダーの視点からみる日韓近現代史」「大きな歯車のはざまで」ほか試写室 「三池」-終わらない炭鉱の物語あごらのあごら 各地からの声
村上 幸乃 橋本 直
vol.2022, pp.84-85, 2022-08-25

菊子 桃太郎 橋本 直
vol.2022, pp.71-74, 2022-08-25

牧田 光平 池田 心
研究報告ゲーム情報学(GI) (ISSN:21888736)
vol.2019-GI-41, no.21, pp.1-8, 2019-03-01

鈴木 直美
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.89, no.4, pp.407-437, 2008-03

The aim of this article is to determine the meaning of the terms “tongju” 同居 and “shiren” 室人 as seen in Shuihudi Qin Slips 睡虎地秦簡 through a comparison with the information regarding household registration in the Liye Qin Slips 里耶秦簡. Such an analysis will hopefully stimulate discussion of the research methods employed in studying household composition under the Qin 秦 dynasty.The specific characteristics of the recording system used for household registries are as follows. One wooden tablet was used for each household and contained all the pertinent records. Separate columns on the tablet were reserved for male/female, adult/minor and household servants. Wives and children were listed with notations identifying the names of their husbands or fathers, thus defining simple family units within the household.The term “wushi” 毋室 in the registries confirms that a member’s name had been removed from their parent’s registry, but does not indicate their present household. These people were like those appearing in the early Han 漢 dynasty Zhangjiashan Han Slips 張家山漢簡, who held rights to arable and residential land and were registered in the order of which they were deregistered from their parents’ households. The tom thus shows that the same system existed during the Qin period and functioned in the same manner.Considering both the writing style of the Qin registries and the procedures for confiscating wives and children to make them wards of the state, the term shiren referred to a simple family unit made up of an adult male, his wife and any minor-aged children, while tongju referred to the cohabitation of two or more adult males within a single household, or the practice of several nuclear family units headed by adult males cohabiting within a single household. These two terms limit the scope of the confiscation of wives and children and the implication of criminal behavior, while also regulating military conscription from a single household. These features all can be interpreted as policies giving precedence to the preservation of household communities.
髙村 武幸
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.97, no.1, pp.1-31, 2015-06

In the administrative system of ancient China, the decisions were made about various administrative matters and were communicated by means of typical official documents. There are, however, many points that remain unclear about the process whereby decisions were made and the documents that were used during this process. I accordingly examined the administrative decision-making process in local government during the Qin-Han period and the documents that were used during this process.First, I examined administrative matters that required their own decision-making at the county level during the Qin, and as a result I show that the greater part of such matters concerned judicial judgements. It is known that during the process leading up to the county head’s making a decision when judicial and other decisions were made, discussions were held in which several officials would exchange views orally, that is, their views were solicited in a meeting format. But because it is thought that such meetings would have been held by assembling the officials concerned who were under the jurisdiction of the county head, frequent meetings would have interfered with their administrative duties. Accordingly documents were used in lieu of the direct oral expression of views, and in such cases documents with the characteristics of correspondence were used instead of typical official documents. It is to be surmised not only that the “unofficial” nature of correspondence would have been preferred because such documents were used during the process before a final decision was made, but also that another quality of correspondence—as a substitute for direct conversation—would have been favoured as a substitute for meetings and discussions in which views were expressed orally directly to the county head and other officials.In view of the above points, it is to be surmised that during the Qin-Han period a method in which decisions were made after the officials concerned had expressed their views orally was considered desirable in administrative decision-making. This could be described as a remnant of the system in earlier times in which men with the right to speak on political matters gathered to discuss state affairs (jiyi 集議). It has also become clear that documents with the characteristics of correspondence that were used in an administrative context could be regarded as a vestige of the conduct of administration through the medium of the spoken word.
木下 大樹 大塲 洋介 富張 瑠斗 山中 祥太 宮下 芳明
研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:21888760)
vol.2022-HCI-199, no.37, pp.1-8, 2022-08-15

多くのポインティング手法の評価実験ではできるだけ速く正確にタスクを行うように指示される.速さと正確さはトレードオフの関係にあるため,それぞれにどれだけの重みを置くかは参加者にゆだねられてしまう.例えば,エラーしにくいポインティング手法を提案して評価実験をする場合,正確さに重きを置く参加者が多いと,従来手法との差が出ない可能性がある.本稿では,速さと正確さに対するバイアスがポインティング手法の評価結果へ与える影響を調査した.ニュートラル,速さ重視,正確さ重視の 3 種類のバイアスでポインティングタスクを行う実験を,十字カーソルとバブルカーソルの 2 種類のカーソルで実施した.結果,バイアスとカーソルの間に交互作用がみられ,バイアスが正確さ重視になることでカーソル間のエラー率の差が小さくなることがわかった.このことから,速さと正確さに対するバイアスが評価結果に影響を与える可能性が示唆された.一方で,正確さ重視においてもバブルカーソルの方が十字カーソルよりも有意にエラー率が低く,バブルカーソルはバイアスによらず有効な手法であると示された.ポインティング手法の評価実験において,複数のバイアスを条件に含めてタスクを行うことで,多彩な状況(たとえば,ユーザが確実にエラーをせずにボタンを選択したい状況)を考慮した評価が行えると考えられる.
須崎 有康 田沼 均 平野 聡 一杉 裕志 塚本 享治
vol.第51回, no.ソフトウェア, pp.21-22, 1995-09-20
