鹿野 利春
vol.58, no.7, pp.626-629, 2017-06-15

田村 行弘 真木 俊夫 嶋村 保洋 西垣 進 直井 家壽太
Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.20, no.3, pp.173-180, 1979-06-05 (Released:2010-03-01)
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In 1977, there was an outbreak of photosensitivity dermatitis by among persons who had ingested a certain brand of chlorella tablets. At least 23 patients were identified in and around the Tokyo metropolitan area.The unconsumed chlorella tablets collected from these patients invariably induced photosensitivity dermatitis in mice. These chlorella tablets contained large amounts of pheophorbide and its ester, which are well-known phototoxic pigments derived from chlorophyll, while chlorella tablets from another maker, which contained less than a tenth as much pheophorbide induced no photosensitivity lesion in mice.Furthermore, a linear dose response relationship was observed between the severity of photosensitivity dermatitis in experimental animals and the content of pheophorbide in chlorella administered. However, the reaction induced by pheophorbide extracted from the suspect chlorella was weaker than that induced by the original chlorella sample.It was confimed that ethanol, used in forming granules of chlorella before pelleting, activates chlorophyllase, which in turn hydrolyzes chlorophyll naturally contained in chlorella into pheophorbide and its ester.We concluded that the photosensitivity dermatitis was caused by the chlorella tablets, which had been treated with ethanol. We believe that pheophorbide and its ester found in large amount in these tablets, have played a major role in inducing the photosensitivity dermatitis.
菅野 昌明 濱田 和樹 長谷川 裕
トレーニング指導 (ISSN:24336742)
vol.2, no.1, pp.11-17, 2017 (Released:2020-03-26)

本研究の目的は、国内最高峰のラグビートップリーグに所属するチームの男子ラグビー選手25名を対象に、爆発的な加速能力に重要な役割を果たすと考えられる1-4Step区間のスプリントスタート能力の向上のための、スプリント変数や下肢筋機能との関連性 を明らかにすることであった。その結果、1-4Step区間のスプリント走速度とステップ長、滞空時間、接地時間との間に有意な相関関係が認められたが、ステップ頻度との間には有意な相関関係は認められなかった。下肢筋機能では、20kg、30%1RM、60%1RM、80%1RMに対するジャンプ・スクワット・パワーの体重比、およびリバウンドジャンプ指数との間に有意な相関関係が認められた。また、1-4Step区間のスプリント走速度で区分した上位群と下位群とのスプリント変数と下肢筋機能の違いを比較した結果、スプリント変数ではステップ長、滞空時間が、下肢筋機能では20kg、および60%1RMのジャンプ・スクワット・パワー体重比、リバウンドジャンプ指数において上位群が有意に大きい値を示した。さらに、 接地時間と30%1RMおよび80%1RMに対するジャンプ・スクワット・パワーの体重比において有意ではないが大きな差が示され、上位群が下位群よりも接地時間が短くジャンプ・スクワット・パワーでは高値を示した。これらの結果から、1-4Stepスプリント走速度の向上には、ステップ長を高めつつも、短い接地時間を達成することが重要であると考えられた。また、1-4Stepスプリント走速度を改善するためには、軽負荷から高負荷領域までの下肢伸展パワーを増大することや、ストレッチ・ショートニング・サイクル筋活動で行われる下肢反応筋力能力を改善することが必要であると考えられた。
小出 治都子 尾鼻 崇 Chitoko KOIDE Takashi OBANA
大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要 = Research Bulletin of Osaka Shoin Women's University
vol.8, pp.69-74, 2018-01-31

本稿は、「乙女ゲーム」の歴史の変遷とともに、「乙女ゲーム」におけるキャラクターの重要性についてイメー ジカラーを中核として考察したものである。「乙女ゲーム」は、1994 年に発売されて以降、ノベルゲーム化していく とともに、さまざまなゲームタイトルが発売されてきた。このような「乙女ゲーム」を紹介するゲーム雑誌を分析す ると、「乙女ゲーム」が多く発売されるようになる 2010 年以降、キャラクターやストーリーを重視したものとなって いたことが明らかとなった。さらに、「乙女ゲーム」の攻略対象キャラクターとイメージカラーのもつ意味との関係 性を考察した。そのような攻略対象キャラクターに、「声」を当てることによって、読むだけよりも臨場感のあるゲー ムといえ、「乙女ゲーム」の特徴として捉えることができるのである。The target of analysis in this paper is a research report about historical study of "OTOME Games". We trace to history of "OTOME Games(Girl's Games)" in game magazine. And, we analyze image colors of "OTOME Games" characters. As a result, we disclose importance of characters on "OTOME Games".
植田 康孝 磯部 珠緒
江戸川大学紀要 = Bulletin of Edogawa University
vol.30, 2020-03-15

人工知能を基盤としたデータサイエンス領域の発達は,自然科学分野に留まらず,経営学,社会学,歴史学,文学など文系分野においても,研究手法の変革を起こしている。これら領域においても,動画,写真,絵,文字など様々なメディア要素をデータ化し,ビッグデータや人工知能などの最新技術を応用する動きが広まっている。データサイエンスは,統計学や数学,情報学の考え方を採用して,データのパターンを読み解き,物の見方や判断力を体得する学問である。統計的な解析手法で緻密な分析が出来るようになり,定説を覆したり,思わぬ発見が生まれたりと,若手研究者と学生による研究の質と成果が経験豊富な専門家による既存研究を上回る。例えば,社会学や文学では,様々なデータを回帰分析や時系列分析,主成分分析といった様々な統計手法で関連性を解析する試みが生まれ,過去の蓄積された研究を質において凌駕する。 企業のマーケティングや金融機関の投資などの社会活動は,データに基づいて意思決定がなされる。金融分野,特に投資部門には多数の自然言語処理の専門家が配置され,研究においても実証分析される。彼らは企業経営者の発言など話し言葉をデータに還元して分析する。決算発表の席でCEO の発言がどのような単語を選んでいるかは,有益なデータになり,そこから読み取れる感情が企業における超過収益の源泉となる。同じく文系出身者が多いマスメディア領域,広告領域,エンターテインメント領域は,従来,目に見えないもの,例えば義理や人情,体力や運といったものに左右されて来た。しかし,人工知能の発達によりSNS 上のトピックや投稿からユーザーの属性情報を把握して蓄積し,ターゲットを絞り込み,ニュースや広告を表示できるようになった。音楽においては,自然言語解析を援用したJ-POP やアニソン等の歌詞を対象とした定量的研究が登場した。本論文では,16 作品の「プリキュア」シリーズの楽曲に対し,歌詞をデジタルデータ化した上で形態素解析を施し,語の頻度,特徴語といった観点から歌詞の特徴について考察を行う。アニメの主題歌は本稿の内容を反映して作るという前提の下,主題歌を分析することが本編の内容を分析する際に参考になると捉えた。
鳴海 拓志
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.1, pp.14-29, 2019-03-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

This paper proposes a novel field of technology, “Ghost Engineering”, for enabling us to change our cognitive functions as we hope by modifying our body perception and recognition. Recent embodied cognition studies revealed that our mind can be influenced by the states and recognition of our bodies. Meanwhile, recent development in virtual reality and augmented human technologies enable us to flexibly modify/extend our body itself and recognition of our bodily states. Considering these together, our mind would be designed by utilizing these novel techniques which provide augmented body. In this paper, function of human mind is called as “Ghost” after the concept of “Ghost in the machine” by G. Ryle, and recent achievement, possibilities, tentative limitations, and future implication of Ghost Engineering technologies are introduced based on three categories: Body transformation for modifying our emotion, creativity and empathy; Body multiplexing/unification for enhancing our social abilities; and Body motion modification for enhancing our physical performance via mental support.
佐藤 悠子
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2015, no.179, pp.179_126-179_141, 2015-02-15 (Released:2016-01-23)

There are two major political issues that have been repeatedly debated in China’s modern history; how China’s relationship with the West should be and how China should treat Western science and technology. During the Cultural Revolution (CR), criticism against “bourgeois academic authority” raged. Science and even the lives of Chinese scientists were in jeopardy. The world-renowned physicist Albert Einstein became one of the main targets of this campaign. It was triggered by an article titled “Xiangduilun pipan (Criticism on the theory of relativity)” written by a local middle school teacher. In Beijing, one of the vice presidents of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Chen Boda took charge of the campaign. Most of the participants were young scientists whose knowledge was too limited to refute Einstein’s theory. Senior scientists such as Zhu Kezhen, another one of the vice presidents of the CAS, and Premier Zhou Enlai’s protégé Zhou Peiyuan, vice president of Beijing University and physicist who had worked with Einstein, took the side of Einstein. Chen brought the campaign to schoolchildren and even planned to organize a rally of ten thousand people. But he fell off the ladder of power when he joined the bandwagon trying to elevate his patron Lin Biao to the position of the President of the State at a conference in Lushan in August 1970. It made Mao suspect that Chen in fact intended to replace Mao with Lin who had demonstrated his ability to mobilize the People’s Liberation Army in October 1969. The anti-Einstein criticism ceased in Beijing after Chen disappeared, but in Shanghai Chen’s rivals Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan continued it. Thereafter two major changes in domestic and international context strengthened the hands of Zhou Enlai, who had been protecting scientists, through the upheaval of the CR: the U.S.-China rapprochement and the Lin Biao incident. Henry Kissinger secretly arrived in Beijing in July 1971, which opened China’s door to the West. Zhou Enlai intentionally issued important directives on promoting basic theoretical study in science in front of the Chinese American scientists who were visiting China. Zhou also encouraged scientists to write him letters in order to make the issue publicly known. After the Sino-US rapprochement, a newly published Chinese academic journal “Wuli (Physics)” became the stronghold for physicists who supported Einstein and his theory. Soon after his allegedly aborted assassination of Mao Zedong in September 1971, Lin Biao died in Mongolia. It weakened the authority of Mao who chose Lin as his successor, and enabled Zhou Enlai to bring back the scientists to Beijing from local labor camps. Zhou also gave the green light to physicist Zhang Wenyu’s proposal to build a high energy accelerator at the cost of $ 2 billion, despite a contrary voice from Yang Zhenning, a Nobel laureate physicist and professor at the University of Chicago. High energy physics is based on Einstein’s theory of relativity. The physicists who had participated in building China’s first atomic bomb supported building a high energy accelerator. Zhang Wenyu led a delegation of Chinese scientists to the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States in 1972, and Zhou Enlai established the High Energy Physics Institute in the CAS in 1973. By 1972, the Cultural Revolution in the field of science had lost steam because the physicists were now allowed to applying Western physics despite its “bourgeois”, “academic authoritarian”, and “wasteful” nature that had been fiercely condemned during the Cultural Revolution.

32 0 0 0 OA 続群書類従

塙保己一 編
vol.第3輯ノ下 神祇部, 1926
山崎 彩夏 武田 庄平 鳥居 映太 鈴木 創三 清水 美香 黒鳥 英俊
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.26, no.1, pp.59-66, 2010-06-20 (Released:2010-07-01)
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Geophagy (soil-eating) is one of the well-known behaviours in many primate species, but the factors influencing this behaviour have been less known. In the captive environment of Tama Zoological Park, 2 female Borneo orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) showed geophagic behaviour that was restricted to a particular site in the naturalistic outdoor enclosure. We compared the properties of the soil at this site with those of soils from 7 other different sites in the enclosure to determine the differences between the soils. To this end, we examined the landform, vegetation type, the physical and chemical characteristics of the soils at these sites. The enclosure was situated on the hillside of secondary woodland comprising Fagaceae sp. with a gently sloping ridge on the east side and valley bottoms on the west side. The site at which the animals exhibited geophagic behaviour was located at the lowest area of the valley bottoms. We found that this area was thinly covered by a herbaceous layer with Gramineae sp., and most of ground surface was bare. The soil eaten by orangutans had a low density and was highly friable, soft, and wet. Chemical analysis revealed that the soil in the enclosure had a high Ca content (70-80%) and that soils at some points in the enclosure, including the soil at the site of geophagic behaviour, had high Fe and Mg contents. The site of geophagic behaviour was located at the bottom of the valley; therefore, soil ingredients may have accumulated easily in this soil. However, we could not find any definitive chemical factors to explain the geophagic behaviour of orangutans. One possible explanation is that since the site was bare with highly friable, soft, and wet soil, the orangutans would have been able to easily eat the soil from that site.

32 0 0 0 OA 世渡風俗圖會

[清水晴風] [編並画]
[ ]
vol.[1], 1800
佐藤 政之
北海道駒澤大學研究紀要 (ISSN:02866978)
vol.13, pp.A13-A25, 1978-02
植原 亮
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.53, no.2, pp.259-273, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-03-31)

In this review essay, I examine the significance of Conceptual Engineering Manifesto edited by K. Todayama and K. Karasawa, which is the first book in Japan that explores a new field called “conceptual engineering” in collaboration with psychology. After presenting an overview of its aim, distinctive features, and contents, I make general comments on the possibility of the research program proposed in this book, mainly in the following respects: its feasibility as engineering; continuity, function, and nature of concepts. Through discussing, I also articulate further tasks for conceptual engineering to be addressed.