早川 智
日大医学雑誌 (ISSN:00290424)
vol.72, no.3, pp.126-128, 2013-06-01 (Released:2014-12-20)

Sexual reproduction evolved as a consequence of evolutionary requirement for diverse phenotypes that can cope with infectious parasites, which mutate much more rapidly than the hosts. Of great interest, we can understand complicated animal (and plant) behaviors as strategies to maximize their reproductive successes. Sexual selection was first advocated by Charles Darwin and is still regarded as one of the most important factors in intra-species evolution. In the present special issue, I have organized reviews of our recent understanding of sexual differentiation, sexual dysfunctions, sexual identity disorders, sexually transmitted infections and gender-related immune disorders. I appreciate the efforts of the contributors, all of whom are my old friends and colleagues, and dedicate this issue to my mentor, the late Dr. Susumu Ohno (1928-2000) who guided me to this field of reproductive genetics and immunology.
野村 育世
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.4, pp.17-29, 2008 (Released:2011-12-20)

It was customary in Japan from the Heian period on to use names for children that expressed the birth order of the siblings. Thus male children were called Taro (for the eldest) and Jiro (for a second son), and daughters were given names like Ohime (for the eldest daughter) and Otohime (for the second daughter). This essay will consider the significance of using such birth-order names for daughters, in spite of the fact that in principle inheritance went only to sons. This examination will clarify the roles of daughters in the medieval family, and changes that occurred over time. Finally I will consider the images that are attached to these names—Taro, Jiro, Ohime and Otohime.In the Heian and the Kamakura periods, Ohime was used for a legitimate daughter who was expected to live to serve her father's family, and sometimes this would in fact involve great sacrifice. This is the picture of "Ohime's" life as described by Baba Akiko. On the other hand, this daughter also exercised authority in the family, and as the beloved daughter of the father she would receive property as inheritance. In this kind of family, the younger daughter Otohime was simply seen as "a spare" in case something happened to her elder sister.This practice of using birth-order names disappeared toward the end of the Kamakura period. Along with the disappearance of the name, the authority that the elder sister had exercised was taken over by the eldest son. This was the beginning of an era in which "legitimate daughters" were no longer present.The "Oto" character, which has been used for a name for a younger sister, came to be applied to young women regardless of birth order. However, in the stories from this period, the "Otohime" have no obligations to their father's families. In the latter part of the medieval period, women who were driven out of their own families at the time of marriage, were all a kind of "younger daughter."In stories from this period, the love object of Otohime is Taro, the eldest son. However, it is important to note that this "Otohime" does not refer to a younger daughter.This essay thus looks at the shift from the "Age of Ohime" to the age of "Otohime"—or to the age in which Taro, the eldest son, becomes more powerful.
石田 英子 小笠原 春彦 藤永 保
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.39, no.3, pp.270-278, 1991-09-30

The purpose of this study was to clarify (1) people's concept of intelligence in the following six cultures : Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Canada and Mexico ; and (2) the difference between the three following Japanese concepts : 'atamanoyoi', 'rikouna', 'kashikoi', which express "intelligent" in Japanese. The results were as follows : 1)Five-factor solution was found to be valid. They were named "sympathy and sociability", "inter-personal competence", "ability to comprehend and process knowledge", "accurate and quick decision making", and "ability to express oneself" ; 2)The factorstructures of Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan were similar to each other, but dissimilar to those of Canada and Mexico ; 3)The patterns of the correlations among the five factors were rather similar, while the variances of the factors were different between the nations concerned ; 4)The concept of 'kashikoi' was different from that of 'atamanoyoi' in that 'kashikoi' implied sociability together with cognitive ability.
Taiga Kunishima Ken Maeda Ryutei Inui Yusuke Hibino
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.2, pp.343-349, 2021-10-14 (Released:2021-10-14)

A single specimen of Muraenichthys gymnopterus (Bleeker, 1853) was collected from a sandy intertidal flat having rocks and dead corals in the estuarine area of Nagura Amparu, Ishigaki-jima Island, southern Japan, in October 2020. This specimen collection constitutes the first record of M. gymnopterus from Japanese waters. In this study, the diagnostic characters between M. gymnopterus and M. hattae Jordan and Snyder, 1901 are provided, based on our morphological observations of 37 specimens, including Okinawan specimen, and previous studies, as follows: head length [M. gymnopterus 11.8–15.0% of total length (TL) vs. M. hattae 9.4–11.0%], trunk length (24–25.4% of TL vs. 28–31%), the horizontal distance from the dorsal-fin origin to a vertical line through the anus 73–87% of head length vs. 13–49%), the number of vertebrae (total 129–130 vs. 148–155; predorsal 30 vs. 47–53; preanal 41–44 vs. 51–55), the number of the lateral-line pores before the anus (43–45 vs. 51–55). Additionally, the body depth at the gill opening in TL and the trunk length in TL can also be used to distinguish between these two species (2.8–3.7% of TL vs. 1.4–3.0%). Although M. gymnopterus has previously been reported from tropical to temperate regions, we suspect that the records from temperate regions are based on misidentification of M. hattae.
宮丸 友輔 江村 伯夫 山田 真司
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.73, no.10, pp.625-637, 2017 (Released:2018-04-01)

石井 信之 伊藤 寿樹 武藤 徳子 室町 幸一郎

本研究目的は、MG使用によるSAR症状改善効果を分析し、SAR症状発症における唾液の役割を明らかにすることであった。MG装着前およびMG装着後の唾液流速を分析し、唾液中のIgAおよびIgG4の量を測定した。 MG装着によるアレルギー性鼻炎症状と唾液各因子の相関関係を評価した。唾液中IgA濃度はSAR患者で有意に減少。 SAR症状はMG装着により有意に改善された。唾液流量および単位時間当たりのIgA総量は、MGの使用と共に有意に増加したが、IgG4総量は変化しなかった。MG装着は、単位時間当たりのIgA総量を増加させることによってSARのアレルギー性鼻炎症状を改善することが明らかにされた。
池上 高志
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.2, pp.198-210, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-06-15)

Ordinary neural networks represent objects in a dimensionally compressed latent (Z) space. In this latent space, a grammatical structure emerges if the input is a language, or a finite state automaton that makes predictions if the input is a time series. But the living system perceives and experiences the object without contracting it. The philosopher Meillassoux said, “A discontinuous ring consisting of multiple interruptions.” While discussing the interpretation of this idea, I will analyze and report on an experiment using the android Alter3, which mimics human poses. What is important to make a robot anti-contractive is one's interaction with a human being, and the other is the autonomous rewriting of memories that is created because of its inability to learn.
服部 美咲
一般社団法人 日本リスク学会
リスク学研究 (ISSN:24358428)
vol.31, no.3, pp.169-172, 2022-03-25 (Released:2022-04-22)

Through the publication of articles on its website, Fukushima Report has attempted risk communication to contribute the residents of Fukushima following the TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident making the choices for their healthy lives on their own initiative, and their happy lives with conviction. This paper reports on our objectives, methods, and future plans.