ガイタニディス ヤニス
宗教と社会 (ISSN:13424726)
no.16, pp.143-160, 2010-06-05

キクチ カツヒロ ウエダ ヒロシ タニグチ タカシ サトウ ノボル Katsuhiro KIKUCHI Hiroshi UYEDA Takashi TANIGUCHI Noboru SATO
Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Meteorology and Glaciology
vol.1, 1987-09

The typical shapes of snow crystals of low temperature types that are known at present are "Gohei twins", "Sea gull", "Spearhead" and so on. Although they were named by one of the authors (K. K.) tentatively, these names appear to be accepted by scientists in the fields of cloud physics, crystal growth and so on. On the other hand, their formation mechanisms except for the gohei twin crystals have not been clarified. In this paper, the correlation between the gohei twin, sea gull, and spearhead type crystals has been considered based on a number of microphotographs taken by a polarizing microscope during the observation period from December 25,1985 to January 23,1986 at Inuvik (68°22′N, 133°42′W), N. W. T., Arctic Canada. As a result, although we have pointed out that the gohei twin type crystals are two kinds that have tip angles of 56 and 78°, they have another difference besides the difference of their tip angles. Namely, the gohei twin crystals having the tip angle of 56° have a certain kind of finlike appendages along the crystalline boundary of two extended prism planes of the crystals. On the other hand, other twin crystals that have the tip angle of 78° are devoid of finlike appendages along the crystalline boundary. The angles of 13 and 20° between two extended prism planes of the gohei twin crystals pointed out in our previous papers were clarified by the measurement of the tip angles of individual extended prism planes. Furthermore, it was noted that the gohei twin crystals that have the tip angle of 56° are similar to the spearhead type crystals, and the spearhead type crystals were one of the wings of the sea gull type crystals seen from a right angle. However, some parts of the formation mechanisms of snow crystals of low temperature types are obscure and it would be difficult to understand their exact correlation as of this report.
當野 能之 梅谷 綾 南澤 佑樹 芝田 思郎 Tohno Takayuki Umetani Aya Minamisawa Yuki Shibata Shiro トウノ タカユキ ウメタニ アヤ ミナミサワ ユウキ シバタ シロウ
外国語教育のフロンティア (ISSN:24339636)
no.3, pp.291-300, 2020-03-30

研究ノート本稿では、スウェーデン語学習者にとって必要な不変化詞および不変化詞動詞のリストの作成に向けて、見出し語となる不変化詞動詞の選定について考察した。不変化詞動詞は「動詞+不変化詞」から成り、複数の単語で1つの意味を表す「複単語表現(Multi-Word Expression)」に相当する。したがって、単一の単語に比べて、その頻度を出すことは容易ではない。そこで本稿では、不変化詞動詞の学習書やリストなどとコーパスデータを併用し、必要な不変化詞動詞の選定を行い、暫定的な不変化詞と不変化詞動詞のリストを掲載した。
寺尾 洋介 テラオ ヨウスケ TERAO Yosuke 高橋 良幸 タカハシ ヨシユキ TAKAHASHI Yoshiyuki 正木 治恵 マサキ ハルエ MASAKI Harue 谷本 真理子 タニモト マリコ TANIMOTO Mariko
千葉看護学会会誌 (ISSN:13448846)
vol.20, no.1, pp.47-54, 2014-09-30

本研究の目的は,特別養護老人ホーム入居高齢者への家族の関わりを支えるものを明らかにすることである。特別養護老人ホーム入居高齢者の家族5名(男性2名,女性3名,看取り介護ケアが導入されている高齢者3名の家族を含む)を対象に,半構造化インタビュー及び,家族-高齢者間の面会場面の参加観察からデータ収集を行い,質的統合法(KJ法)を用いて個別分析と全体分析を行った。全体分析より特別養護老人ホーム入居高齢者への家族の関わりを支えるものとは,【家族の関係:時・場所を超えて変わらない家族の関係性】【ホームでの出来事:関わるから得られる不思議さを伴う発見】【ホームでの出来事:ホームで支えられる双方の平穏】【ホームでの出来事:安楽・希望に繋がる日常の繰り返し】【繋がろうとする欲求:生老病死を受容しながらの愛情の共有】【繋がろうとする欲求:厳しい介護経験を超えての社会発信】の6つのシンボルマークから成る空間配置を示した。結果より,高齢者が衰退する中でも平穏で在り続けることで,家族自身の自己欲求を満たし,社会化をもたらし,家族自身の存在を支え直すものと考察された。家族-高齢者双方を支えるために高齢者が平穏で在り続ける援助の必要性,並びに家族がケア提供者と共に高齢者と関わり,家族の自己肯定感と家族-高齢者双方の安寧をもたらす援助の方向性が示唆された。This research aims to clarify the basis for the relationship between families and elderly people residing in nursing homes. In Japan, nursing homes provide welfare facilities for elderly people requiring long-term care. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with two male and three female family members and participant observation of five family members and elderly people, three of whom were receiving end-of-life care in nursing homes. Individual and comprehensive analyses were performed using a qualitative synthesis method( the KJ method). The comprehensive analysis focused on the basis of the relationship between family members and elderly people on six parameters:" the family's relationship: the quality of family ties regardless of time and place"; " events at the nursing home: the extent of family member's wondering discovery of the elderly's new aspect obtained from related,""events at the nursing home: the extent of feelings of ease and comfort among family members and nursing home residents";" events at the nursing home: daily routines that engender feelings of calmness and hope";" desire for connection:the extent of affectionate behavior in the face of birth, aging, sickness, and death"; and" desire for connection:the extent of the family's release from challenging, albeit caring, tasks, and experiences." Although elderly people in nursing homes are losing their physical and mental vitality, the calmness they tend to express helps satisfy their family members' individual desires to be part of the family, brings family members together, and supports the family as it rediscovers the very core of its existence. It is important that caregivers assist in the maintenance of elderly people's tranquility to facilitate family members' self-affirmation and to ensure that elderly people and their family members are both at peace.
中谷 猛 ナカタニ タケシ Nakatani Takeshi
同志社法學 = The Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha law review) (ISSN:03877612)
vol.59, no.2, pp.161-194, 2007-07-31

論文(Article)第一部(Part1)フランスの共和主義的伝統において,ジャコバン主義とデモクラシーとの間にはどのような論理的関連があり,またそこにはどんな特徴が見られるのか。フランス革命と革命後世紀で展開された革命擁護論とそれに対立する批判論に含まれたジャコバン的観念の特質,つまりジャコバン的パラダイムの明確化をめざす。この過程でジャコバン的観念がデモクラシーや共和制のイメージに及ぼした影響を検討して,共和主義言説におけるデモクラシーとジャコバン主義の複雑な関係を整理したい。How shall we think the relation the Jacobinism and democracy in the Frenchrepublicanism ? It seems to me that this problem, Sovereignty versus Democracy is the essential matter. We shall try to show complex a phenomen Jacobinism in French political thought, after national integration and scio-economic change. Therefore this monograph is a study of Jacobinism paradigm or characters in debate and action on wide spectrum of 19th-century critics.
小野原 彩香 谷岡 健資 土山 玄 大森 崇 オノハラ アヤカ タニオカ ケンスケ ツチヤマ ゲン オオモリ タカシ Onohara Ayaka Tanioka Kensuke Tsuchiyama Gen Omori Takashi
文化情報学 (ISSN:18808603)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-11, 2013-03

研究論文本報告では、統計教育大学間連携ネットワーク連携校6校で行われている統計関連科目のシラバスを分析し、文化情報学部における統計教育の時間数の多さと内容の多様性が明らかとなった。また、文化情報学部にて開講されているデータサイエンス科目を受講する学生に対し、授業評価アンケートを行った結果、グループ活動の重要さと理系・文系出身者での授業に対する印象の違いが明らかとなり、今後の授業作りに示唆を与える結果となった。In this research, we analyzed syllabuses of subjects about statistics which had been taught in six universities which belong to the organization about statistics education. In result from analyses, it was revealed that Faculty of Culture and Information Science has most statistics classes and various contents in six universities. On the other hand, we surveyed assessments of data science's classes by their students, and we got suggestions about the direction of class through facts that is importance of group work and the difference of idea between the arts students and sciences students.