中村 仁美
no.1, pp.108-113, 2003-09

■ 東京都三鷹みたか市は、2003年1月4日から3月末まで電子申請システムの実証実験を行った。全国9都市が参加した総務省の「電子自治体推進パイロット事業」の一環だが、マルチペイメントネットワークを使った公金の電子納付について実験したのは三鷹市だけ。実験はまずは成功という結果だったが、同時に本格導入への課題も見えてきた。
中村 仁彦 花房 秀郎
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.21, no.5, pp.501-507, 1985-05-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
3 4

In this paper, the optimal redundancy utilization of articulated robot arms is discussed. Concerning redundancy utilization of robot arms, the momentary optimal control scheme has been proposed so far, where the null spaces of Jacobian matrices are made optimal use of instantaneously. However, it is not enough when the exact optimality covering the full working time is required. For examples, the energy saving motion is required for robot manipulators of space use. The successful motion may not be always obtained for obstacle avoidance problem in the working space with complicated obstacles, if we apply the momentary optimal control scheme.The globally optimal control scheme of redundancy is formulated based on Maximum Principle. By applying this scheme, the optimal solution is necessarily obtained, if it exists. And the amount of computation is reduced to one dimensional search for the minimum value when the degree of redundancy is equal to one.
中村 仁彦 永井 清 吉川 恒夫
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.4, no.5, pp.489-498, 1986-10-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
4 10

本論文では, 複数のロボットマニピュレータまたは多指ロボットハンドによる協調的あやつりの力学が議論される.協調的あやつりの問題は2つの局面に分けられる.1つは複数のロボット機構による合力を決定することであり, もう1つはそれらの間の内力を決定することである.合力は外力や環境拘束を受ける物体のあやつりに用いられる.内力は最大静止摩擦係数の不確さや変動に適応するために用いられる.合力の決定に対して動的協調制御方式が提案される.また, 最大静止摩擦の拘束の下で対象物に任意な加速度を発生する能力である協調的あやつり可能性を確認するための1方法が提案される.最後に, 最適内力を最大静止摩擦の拘束を満たすために必要な最小ノルムの内力と定義し, 最適解を求めるために非線形計画法が適用される.最適解は, それが存在する限り, 最大〓組の代数方程式を解くことによって必ず求められる.
内山 瑛美子 高野 渉 中村 仁彦 今枝 秀二郞 孫 輔卿 松原 全宏 飯島 勝矢
一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.39, no.2, pp.189-192, 2021 (Released:2021-03-24)

Interview survey is one of the options for investigations with light loads on participants to study how people fall compared with measurements by many sensors. In this paper, we aimed at predicting fall patterns from interview text data. We use k-means clustering method to confirm the validity of the labels attached to the interview data, and also confirmed the validity of the summaries of the interview data by interviewer researchers by focusing on the co-occurrence word analysis. After confirming the validity of the labels and summaries, we construct a naive Bayes model classifiers to classify the fall patterns. The average classification rate was 61.1% for 3 types of falls - falls by an unexpected external force, by losing balance or supports, and by other reasons.
中村 仁美 ショルツ エリカ バルスカス エミリー
vol.58, 2016

<p>Nature constructs structurally diverse, bioactive molecules using enzymes. Many enzymes catalyze synthetically challenging reactions under mild, physiological conditions. Consequently, they have long been a source of inspiration for developing biomimetic organic syntheses and methods. In addition, enzymes are increasingly being used as biocatalysts in industry. Therefore, the discovery of enzymes that catalyze chemically intriguing transformations can positively impact synthesis in multiple ways. With the recent advances in next-generation DNA sequencing technologies, we are now able to access enormous amount of genomic sequencing data, which encodes a treasure chest of new enzymatic chemistry. The challenge now is to devise a method to efficiently identify chemically interesting enzymes from this vast pool of information.</p><p>One possible solution to this problem is to study the biosynthetic pathways of structurally unique natural products, which are predicted to involve novel enzymatic reactions. We aimed to discover new enzymes that catalyze intriguing chemical reactions through biosynthetic investigation guided by our knowledge in organic chemistry. The cylindrocyclophanes are a family of natural products that contain an unusual [7.7]paracyclophane core scaffold.<sup>1</sup> Based on the results of the previous feeding studies, cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis is predicted to involve an unusual C–C bond formation (Figure 1).<sup>2</sup> To discover the enzymes responsible for this chemistry, we studied the biosynthesis of the cylindrocyclophanes.</p><p>Figure 1. The structures of the cylindrocyclophanes. The predicted biosynthetic disconnection suggests that an unusual C–C bond formation is involved in their biosynthesis.</p><p>First, the candidate cylindrocyclophane biosynthetic (cyl) gene cluster was identified from the genomic sequence of the cylindrocyclophane producer, Cylindrospermum licheniforme ATCC 29412. We next formulated a biosynthetic hypothesis based on the cyl gene cluster annotation (Figure 2). In our original biosynthetic hypothesis, we predicted that cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis initiates with the activation of decanoic acid by the fatty acid activating enzymes, CylA and CylB, to form decanoyl-CylB. The activated decanoyl-CylB is then processed by the type I polyketide synthase (PKS) machinery, CylD-H. The nascent polyketide is released from the type I PKS assembly line by the type III PKS CylI to form the alkylresorcinol, which is the predicted monomeric unit of the cylindrocyclophanes.</p><p>Figure 2. The initial biosynthetic hypothesis for cylindrocyclophane assembly.</p><p>Based on our initial biosynthetic hypothesis, we biochemically characterized the functions of the fatty acid activating enzymes CylA/CylB and the type III PKS CylI. The in vitro activities of these three enzymes were consistent with our biosynthetic hypothesis, which validated the involvement of the cyl gene cluster in cylindrocyclophane production.<sup>3</sup> In addition, we conducted feeding experiments using deuterium-labeled decanoic acid in the native producer to confirm that decanoic acid is a precursor to the cylindrocyclophanes. The incorporation of deuterium-labeled decanoic acid into the final cylindrocyclophane scaffold also indicated that cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis involves functionalization of the unactivated carbon center.<sup>3</sup></p><p>Following our discovery and validation of the cyl gene cluster, we next focused on the investigation of the key C–C bond formation that results in the construction of the [7.7]paracyclophane scaffold. Through bioinformatics and biochemical characterizations of the enzymes encoded in the cyl gene cluster, we determined that cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis involv</p><p>(View PDFfor the rest of the abstract.)</p>
大平 昌彦 青山 英康 吉岡 信一 加藤 尚司 太田 武夫 吉田 健男 長谷井 祥男 大原 啓志 上畑 鉄之丞 中村 仁志 和気 健三 柳楽 翼 五島 正規 合田 節子 深見 郁子 板野 猛虎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.24, no.5-6, pp.502-509, 1970-02-28 (Released:2009-08-24)

In a restricted area of the northern part of Okayama Prefecture, Yubara Town, an outbreak of SMON (subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy) was observed from the beginning of 1967. An epidemiological investigation has been made on this outbreak and the results are as follows:(1) Concentration of cases occurred in the summer of 1968, though cases have been reported sporadically in the area from the beginning of 1967. The incidence ratio against the population was 659/100, 000 during 22 months.(2) The incidence was the highest in summer and the ratio in females was 3 times higher than in males. Concerning age group, males showed a peak in the thirties, whereas in females many cases were evident between the twenties and sixties.(3) Relatively enclosed districts are apt to expand over a period of time. Cases which occurred in neighboring families as well as those within the same families tend to give the impression that the disease coule be infectious.(4) Among the cases, a close contact relation was observed.(5) Physical exhaustion before the onset of the disease was observed to be 43.2% among the total cases.(6) In occupational analysis, a higher rate was revealed among workers who had close human relations such as hospital workers and public service personnel.(7) The tendency to other diseases of the nervous system as well as those of the digestive organs was checked by inspecting receipts of the National Health Insurance from the beginning of 1965. Nothing related to SMON was recognized before the outbreak.(8) Diseases of the intestinal tract and tonsillitis were observed in higher rates in the history of the patients.(9) The investigation of environmental conditions has revealed the fact that there is a higher rate of incidence in families who do not use service water compared to those who do.
中村 仁 鳥山 治之 塩崎 由人 加藤 孝明
生産研究 (ISSN:0037105X)
vol.65, no.4, pp.465-468, 2013-07-01 (Released:2013-12-24)

欧州諸国は,欧州連合が2007 年に採択した洪水対策に関する新しい政策指令を受けて,洪水マップを策定している.本研究速報では,今後の研究展開上の予備調査として,主として文献調査によって,欧州諸国における洪水マップの作成と利用実態,洪水マップと保険制度の関連を概括的に整理する.また,特にオーストリアにおいて,政府と保険業者のパートナーシップで洪水マップの作成と公開を実施しているプロジェクト(HORA project)に着目して,その概要を紹介する.
中村 仁志
關西大學文學論集 (ISSN:04214706)
vol.66, no.2, pp.1-16, 2016-09-30
岩森 光 中村 仁美 吉田 晶樹 柳 竜之介
vol.62, 2015

若い玄武岩質溶岩組成の大規模データベースを構築し、多変量統計解析により独立な組成空間基底ベクトルの抽出と化学的解釈を行った。その結果、マントルは、「Dupal anomaly」のような南北分割ではなく、「日付変更線付近を境とする東西半球構造」を持つことが分かった。また、この構造は、2.5~9億年前の間、東半球に分布していた複数の超大陸に向かっての沈み込みと親水成分の集中に関連すること、およびマントル東西半球構造が内核の地震波速度構造と酷似し、マントルの長波長対流パターン・温度分布が、核にまで影響を及ぼしている可能性があることが分かった。大陸の離合集散を含むマントル対流モデルは、大陸集合時の「沈み込み帯のかき集め」が、超大陸下に効率的な親水成分集中と冷却をもたらすことを示している。東半球に濃集する親水成分は、地球ニュートリノの偏在をもたらす可能性があり、これは日本とイタリアの検出器を用いて検証可能である。
中村 仁彦 関口 暁宣
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.15, no.6, pp.918-926, 1997-09-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
1 2

Chaos represents one of mysterious rich behaviors of nonlinear dynamical systems. A lot of research efforts have been done for mathematical theory behind chaos. In this paper, we develop a method to provide a mobile robot with the chaotic nature. The chaotic mobile robot implies a mobile robot with a controller that ensures chaotic motion. According to the phase tansitivity, one of the two basic features with the sharp dependence on initial condition that characterize chaos, the chaotic mobile robot is guaranteed to scan the whole connected work space. For scanning motion, the chaotic robot does not require the map of work space. It only requires to measure the normal of boundary when it comes close. A mobile robot with such characteristics may find its applications as a patrol robot or a cleaning robot in a closed floor or building. The sharp dependence on initial condition also yields a favourable nature as a patrol robot since the scanning trajectory becomes highly unpredictable. We design the controller such that the total dynamics of mobile robot is represented by the Arnold equation, which is known to show the behavior of non-compressive perfect fluid. Experimental results illustrate the usefulness of the proposed controller.
鈴木 裕之 中村 達也 宮浦 誠治 猪岡 京子 八木 朋美 我妻 恭行 鈴木 常義 髙村 千津子 鈴木 幹子 村井 ユリ子 中村 仁
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.10, pp.503-509, 2018-10-10 (Released:2019-10-10)

Panvitan® powder for prescription (PP) administrated in combination with pemetrexed sodium hydrate (PEM) for the purposes of folic acid supplementation is significantly degraded by exposure to humidity or light. Hence, we investigated the influence of humidity and light on the color of the powder and concentration of folic acid in PP. We prepared samples by placing 1 g of PP into separate bags and stored them for 28 d under normal delivery conditions, intermediate humidity, high humidity, and light exposure. The amount of folic acid was quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography, where the percentage was calculated assuming the initial amount was 100%. Under normal delivery conditions (room temperature, 50% RH, shielded light) and intermediate humidity conditions (25℃, 75% RH, shielded light), no significant changes in appearance or folic acid content were observed. The sample stored under high humidity conditions (25℃, 91% RH, shielded light) changed in color from yellow to brown. The decrease in folic acid content was time dependent, and decreased to 47.1% after 28 d. Under light exposure (room temperature, 50% RH, 5,000 lux, 0.56 W/m2), the yellow color of PP becomes thin with time, while the folic acid content decreased to 73.2% after 28 d. The amount of folic acid may have decreased without any concomitant visible changes in the powder. The results of this study are expected to facilitate the management of adverse effects of PEM.
中村 仁彦 山根 克 永嶋 史朗
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.16, no.8, pp.1152-1159, 1998-11-15
24 1

This paper discusses the dynamics computation of structure-varying kinematic chains which imply mechanical link systems whose structure may change from open kinematic chain to closed one and vice versa. The proposed algorithm can handle and compute dynamics and motions of any rigid link systems in a seamless manner without switching among algorithms. The computation is developed on the foundation of the dynamics computation algorithms developed in robotics, which is inherently superior in efficiency due to explicit use of the generalized coordinates to those used in the general purpose motion analysis software. The structure varying kinematic chains are commonly found in computing human and animal motions. The established computation will provide the general algorithmic foundation of the computation of motion and control of humanoid robots and CG human figures.
山根 克 谷江 博昭 中村 仁彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム = The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition) (ISSN:18804535)
vol.90, no.8, pp.1938-1947, 2007-08-01

山根 克 谷江 博昭 中村 仁彦
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J90-D, no.8, pp.1938-1947, 2007-08-01

本論文では,再帰反射性のテープをメッシュ状に組み合わせたものを複数のカメラから観測した画像を用いて,三次元形状データを再構成する方法を提案する.メッシュの各交点をマーカとみなすと,従来の球状マーカと比べて計測点数を10倍以上に増やすことが可能となる.受動光学式モーションキャプチャではマーカの密度が高くなると三次元再構成が困難になるが,本研究ではマーカ間の結合情報を利用することにより三次元再構成のための計算を高速化し,誤認識を減らす.実験により,メッシュマーカを使うと計測点数が約400個あるときにも15 fpsでのリアルタイム計測が可能であることを示す.この技術により,人間の運動中の身体や衣服の形状変化が計測できるようになる.また,マーカが突起物とならないため運動に対する拘束がなく,転倒時における安全性も高い.