中村 文哉
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.73-105, 2007-03-20

This paper considers on the affaire of Arashiyama (Arashiyama Jiken) at 1932. Arashiyama where become one of the famous tourist resorts is a small mountain located in northwest of Nago city in Okinawa Island. This affair took place as a political conflict concerning with the construction of a sanatorium for Hansen's disease between the communities neighboring on and Okinawa prefecture. Though the rate of contraction indicated a high score in 1930's Okinawa, Okinawa prefecture was failed to realize some medical policies for this disease. The increasing uncured patients in many communities were one of the serious social problems in this time. As failed in business to construct a sanatorium in many times, Okinawa prefecture forced to constitute Arashiyama-plan without making an agreement with the communities. This political decision constitutes incipient factors of this affair. To be sure the affair of Arashiyama seemed to take place by the communities prejudiced and discriminated to Hansen's disease, but pluralistic factors had in; first is influenced to Socialism's solidarity between "the Hanejiunion for opposition to sanatorium" and "the political party for Reunion Ohgimi community"; second the perspective to cure patients; third the perspective to patients. The mission of this paper positively clarifies pluralistic aspects of this affair with scientific interpreting the newspapers, some local histories and narrative-documents.
木村 駿介 中村 文一 伊吹 竜也 三平 満司
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.53, no.6, pp.337-345, 2017 (Released:2017-06-15)

Coordinates transformation is a fundamental tool for nonlinear system control. Particularly, the transformation is also applied to state constrained problems. This paper investigates a coordinates and input transformation method, and proposes a new transformation method named “system revival transformation.” The system revival transformation generates a virtual system having the same state equation as an original system. By the proposed transformation, a controller for state constrained systems can be designed by using a controller for unconstrained systems. For general nonlinear systems, the paper provides a mathematical definition of the system revival transformation and proves global asymptotic stability. Moreover, a system revival transformation design method is also presented for control affine nonlinear systems. The effectiveness of the system revival transformation is confirmed through a stabilization problem of a two-wheeled mobile robot.
中村 文子
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
no.152, pp.132-152,L15, 2008

This paper attempts to develop a new model for analyzing the reasons behind trafficking in persons. Trafficking in persons in the form of sexual exploitation therefore is caused by differentials in power between sex, the rich and the poor, and citizen and non-citizen. From power differentials evolves discrimination, and discrimination is justified by power. Moreover, the paper suggests possibilities for constructing a social structure that is able to address the problem of discrimination.<br>By analyzing the trafficking of victims' throughout the world, based on the information provided by the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC), we recognize specific geographic aspects of human trafficking. Mostly, victims come from developing countries such as those in Eastern Europe or Asia, and their final destinations are developed countries such as Japan, the USA, or Italy. By scrutinizing the conditions for human trafficking based on the modern world-system theory we learn that "core" areas exploit "semi-periphery" areas. This finding applied to the problem of trafficking in persons then means that the "core" exploits the "periphery" <i>physically.</i>.<br>However, modern world-system theory's explanation for the causes of this crime is insufficient. The existing deep discrimination between men and women or the rich, the poor, and citizen and non-citizen brings to light the relation of power between those who discriminate and those discriminated. In this sense, sex discrimination is caused by "nation states" politics, which is strongly patriarchal. Therefore, this politics forces women to be "peripheral", i. e. to serve as assistants for men in society. Further, discrimination against foreigners is also strongly related with "nation states'" politics, which excludes "others". Carrying this explanation further, we can argue that economic discrimination promotes people with power while discriminating "others". The modern world-system structure ties agents' action, thus it is hard to solve the problem of discrimination. On the other hand, there are certain possibilities that agents' action can influence the structure of this world system.<br>The victims of trafficking in persons are forced to the bottom of the hierarchy structured by power differentials with discrimination and thus to fate of being the slave, whose human dignity is ravished by sexual exploitation. Thus it is essential to remove the consciousness of discrimination, which justifies power differentials between sex, the rich and the poor, and citizen and non-citizen. It is here, where cooperation with international organizations and NGOs serves our purpose.<br>Firstly, it is necessary to raise consciousness among those who 'buy' women, that their action is a "crime". Secondly, it is important to enhance women's consciousness of being a victim. And finally, it is essential to bring the issue of trafficking in persons to the consciousness of the ordinary people, and encourage them to help the victims.
中村 文則 小林 豪毅 高木 利光 児玉 敏雄
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.67, no.2, pp.I_1056-I_1060, 2011

Many concrete and steel structures near shoreline are damaged severely by generated salt spray from sea surface. To reduce the transportation of salt spray near shoreline is effective method of prevention of salt damage. In this study, to discuss the effect of the structure on the reduction of salt spray concentration, experiments of transportation of salt spray were carried out. The wind velocity and the distribution of salt spray concentration around the permeable structures were measured in the wind tunnel. In this result, the structure that set up filters can effectively reduce the transportation of salt spray concentration, the experiment data showed that the decrease of salt spray concentration is influenced from the salt amount of adhesion of structures.
大島 正明 中村 文則 玉井 伸三 山本 融真 森 治義
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society (ISSN:09136339)
vol.120, no.1, pp.104-111, 2000-01
3 1

This paper proposes a novel single-phase UPS inverter modulated by Error-Tracking Mode PWM scheme. An ac voltage regulation scheme which matches the PWM scheme is newly developed in a theoretical way. Since Error-tracking Mode PWM is based on constantly-sampled data, the controller is suited to be digitally implemented. The equivalent circuit of the UPS inverter controlled by the schemes is derived. The output impedence is found to be composed mainly of resistance differently from general ac apparatus.<br>According to the newly-developed schemes, a 3kVA, 100V, 50Hz UPS inverter is experimentally fabricated in which the sample period is 10μs and the average switching frequency is 6kHz. No load, linear load and non-linear load characteristics are measured. The output voltage remains almost sinusoidal even for the rated non-linear load. The output impedences are also measured and well agreed with the intended values.
中村 文亮
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.6, no.1, pp.13-18, 2017 (Released:2017-08-18)

In social capital theory, network and assets embedded in tie have been studied as antecedent of individual innovation activity. Although acquisitions are reported resulting in the change of co-inventor network for R&D personals in acquired firms due to the position allocation and turnover, the prior studies have not enough investigated the impact of such a social capital change on the individual innovation activity after acquisition. This paper investigates the effect of the two types of their ego-network changes on the postacquisition innovation performance. First is disruption of exiting tie after acquisition, and second is the extension of new tie to inventors in acquiring firms. Using patent data, on a sample of 429 inventors in American semiconductor industry, we find that their old ties which are preserved after acquisition, and their new ties to acquirer's inventors increase the performance. Furthermore, we find that the positive impact of new ties is expanded as the degree of overlap in the technological knowledge of acquiring and acquired firm becomes lower.
中村 文哉
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.1, pp.40-64, 2008-03-31

In this paper, we inquire into "l. espace vecu" for "Lepers" in Okinawa. To consider on the social meanings of a sanatorium for Hansen.s disease patient ("Kunigami Airakuen") in Okinawa before its construction, we clarify both the place to live ("l. espace vecu") for them and the their social interest to survive.…
柳澤 慧 高橋 陸 中村 文彦 住谷 陽輔 飯田 良 新田 明央 倉 千晴 戸口 侑 小島 遼人 藤吉 隆雄
北海道大学高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.18, pp.145-154, 2015-12

記者発表による市民への情報伝達過程では,情報はおおむね研究者,広報担当者,ジャーナリスト,市民の順で伝わる.そこで,記者発表に関与する専門職と考えられる研究者,広報担当者,ジャーナリストの役割を考え,情報伝達過程における課題と解決策を博士後期課程1 年次の大学院生の視点から考察した.市民に研究成果を届ける記者発表をする理由は二つある.税金を原資として運営する研究の市民に対する説明と,「トランス−専門知」が関わる領域での社会の意思決定のための情 報提供である.ここで記者発表をめぐる課題は六つ挙げられるだろう.研究成果の間違った理解と伝搬,研究成果の強調,社会からの関心の研究成果以外への集中,研究者個人と組織の立場の相反,研究不正や倫理的問題の発覚,そして,市民・ジャーナリスト・科学者の態度の違いである.これらの課題の解決策はおおむね,それぞれの専門職としての役割の認識と倫理教育,情報のフィードバック回路の形成に大別できる.ここから,記者発表に関わる三者の役割の違いを認識したうえで, 規範と現実の食い違いは生じるとの前提でシステムの設計をするのが重要である.そして,その設計において大事なことは認識のずれを許容し吸収する仕組みの準備である.そのためには,バッファーとしての役割を担う中間的専門家が活動できる基盤が必要である.
中村 文子
vol.4, pp.94-84, 2006-03-01

「今昔物語集」は平安時代末期、院政期に成立したとされる我が国最大の仏教説話集である。説話の中には、恩をかけ恩に報いる話が収録されており、「恩」という語が散見できる。「今昔物語集」全三十一巻 (巻八・一八・二一は欠巻)は、天竺部・震旦部・本朝仏法部・本朝世俗部と四つの部立てで構成されており、収められている説話には依拠した文献の存在が明らかなものも多い。本稿では、「今昔物語集」の「恩」という語が依拠文献の表現を受け継いでいるのかどうか、依拠文献本文と比較・対照する。その結果を検討することにより、「今昔物語集」の恩についての考察の第一歩とするものである。「恩」という語を一例ずつ検討してみると、「恩」に関しては「今昔物語集」の本文と依拠文献との関係は複雑である。「今昔物語集」が、依拠文献の「恩」を踏襲していると考えられる例や、「恩」の複合語を使用している例、依拠文献にはないが「恩」という語を使っている例、対応する文がない例など、それぞれの依拠文献に「恩」という語がそのままあるものから、文そのものがないものまで多様である。依拠文献は、漢訳仏典・漢籍・本邦説話集など様々であるが、「今昔物語集」本文との関係については、特別な様相をみせる文献は、内外のいずれにも見出せなかった。結論的に「今昔物語集」の文章においては、依拠文献の文章をそのまま踏襲しているとはいえない。
中村 文規 栗原 康
醗酵工学会誌 : hakkokogaku kaishi (ISSN:03856151)
vol.56, no.6, pp.708-711, 1978

Two factors which may act in maintaining ciliate protozoal populations in the rumen were examined. The first factor is chemical substances which may be introduced into the rumen. The second is the heterogenous distribution of porous materials within the rumen, which may act to prevent protozoa from being directly swept out of the rumen. To investigate the former factor, components of saliva were collected through a parotid parotid fistula attached to a sheep. Gas chromatography suggested the presence of estrogenic substances. The latter factor was investigated using a fermentor (working volume; 2.3l) for continuous culture.The concentration of protozoa in an in vivo culture containing food residues taken from the remen was twice that in a control system containing no food residues. Another experiment was performed to investigate whether the physical properties of porous substances influence this result. Small pieces of sponge were dispersed in the culture. Concentrations of protozoa in liquids speezed out of pieces of sponge were twice those found in the free culture fluid.The results suggest that gwowth stimulatory substances may be present in the saliva of ruminants, and that the porous structure of food residues may help to maintain a high population of rumen ciliate protozoa.
福井 善朗 中村 文一
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.51, no.12, pp.803-813, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)
1 3

We proposed a Sontag-type feedback controller by using a locally semiconcave practical control Lyapunov function (LS-PCLF) for asymptotic stabilization of a nonlinear system defined on a non-contractible manifold. We also proposed a design method of a nonsmooth control Lyapunov function called the multilayer minimum projection method. However, whether the method can be used as an LS-PCLF design method is not discussed, and we cannot design a controller by using the method and the controller in this situation. In this paper, we study a disassembled differential of a locally semiconcave function to handle an LS-PCLF. The minimal and maximal disassemble differentials, which are special types of a disassembled differential, are introduced. We elucidate that a set of reachable gradients and the Fréchet differential are equivalent to the minimal and maximal disassembled differential, respectively. Based on this fact, we prove that this method can be used as an LS-PCLF design method.
中村 文子
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2008, no.152, pp.132-152,L15, 2008-03-15 (Released:2010-09-01)

This paper attempts to develop a new model for analyzing the reasons behind trafficking in persons. Trafficking in persons in the form of sexual exploitation therefore is caused by differentials in power between sex, the rich and the poor, and citizen and non-citizen. From power differentials evolves discrimination, and discrimination is justified by power. Moreover, the paper suggests possibilities for constructing a social structure that is able to address the problem of discrimination.By analyzing the trafficking of victims' throughout the world, based on the information provided by the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC), we recognize specific geographic aspects of human trafficking. Mostly, victims come from developing countries such as those in Eastern Europe or Asia, and their final destinations are developed countries such as Japan, the USA, or Italy. By scrutinizing the conditions for human trafficking based on the modern world-system theory we learn that “core” areas exploit “semi-periphery” areas. This finding applied to the problem of trafficking in persons then means that the “core” exploits the “periphery” physically..However, modern world-system theory's explanation for the causes of this crime is insufficient. The existing deep discrimination between men and women or the rich, the poor, and citizen and non-citizen brings to light the relation of power between those who discriminate and those discriminated. In this sense, sex discrimination is caused by “nation states” politics, which is strongly patriarchal. Therefore, this politics forces women to be “peripheral”, i. e. to serve as assistants for men in society. Further, discrimination against foreigners is also strongly related with “nation states'” politics, which excludes “others”. Carrying this explanation further, we can argue that economic discrimination promotes people with power while discriminating “others”. The modern world-system structure ties agents' action, thus it is hard to solve the problem of discrimination. On the other hand, there are certain possibilities that agents' action can influence the structure of this world system.The victims of trafficking in persons are forced to the bottom of the hierarchy structured by power differentials with discrimination and thus to fate of being the slave, whose human dignity is ravished by sexual exploitation. Thus it is essential to remove the consciousness of discrimination, which justifies power differentials between sex, the rich and the poor, and citizen and non-citizen. It is here, where cooperation with international organizations and NGOs serves our purpose.Firstly, it is necessary to raise consciousness among those who ‘buy’ women, that their action is a “crime”. Secondly, it is important to enhance women's consciousness of being a victim. And finally, it is essential to bring the issue of trafficking in persons to the consciousness of the ordinary people, and encourage them to help the victims.
村上 圭一 中村 文子 後藤 逸男
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.75, no.4, pp.453-457, 2004-08-05

全国の根こぶ病発生地域では土壌中の可給態リン酸の過剰が進んでいたことから,土壌中のリン酸と根こぶ病発生との因果関係について検討した.根こぶ病の発病抑止土壌である黒ボク下層土に0〜50g kg^<-1>のリン酸を添加して,可給態リン酸が0.01〜3.57g kg^<-1>に及ぶ5段階のリン酸添加土壌を調整した.これらの土壌に0〜10^7 g^<-1>(8段階)の休眠胞子を加えた人工汚染土壌を作り,リン酸の増加に伴う土壌への休眠胞子吸着率,ハクサイの根毛感染率,ポット栽培によるチンゲンサイ根こぶ病の発病を調査した.その結果,土壌リン酸の増加に伴い,土壌への休眠胞子吸着率が低下するとともに,根毛感染率が上昇し,根こぶ病の発病度が高まった.以上の結果より,大量の陽電荷を有ずる黒ボク下層土は陰電荷を有する休眠胞子を吸着してその動きを抑制するため根こぶ病の発病を抑止する.しかし,その土壌にリン酸を施用すると,土壌コロイドの陽電荷が減少して休眠胞子の吸着率が低下するため休眠胞子が遊離し,アブラナ科野菜の根毛への感染確率が高まり根こぶ病の発病を助長する.すなわち,土壌へのリン酸過剰施用が根こぶ病の発病を助長することが明らかになった.
石塚 亙 木村 憲喜 中村 文子 横山 正樹
