藤井 景介 今井 謙一郎 都丸 泰寿 内藤 実 坂田 康彰 福島 洋介 小林 明男 依田 哲也
一般社団法人 日本有病者歯科医療学会
有病者歯科医療 (ISSN:09188150)
vol.14, no.2, pp.81-86, 2005-09-30 (Released:2011-08-11)

訪問歯科診療後, 歯性感染により敗血症を発症した症例を報告する. 患者は67歳, 男性で糖尿病, 肝硬変, 慢性腎不全があり右側頬部から頸部にかけての腫脹と激痛を主訴に当院救急部に来院した. 患者は訪問歯科診療で根管処置を受け, 同日夜より右側頬部から頸部にかけて腫脹と激痛が出現し, 全身倦怠感もみられた. われわれは右側急性下顎骨炎, 頸部蜂窩織炎と診断した. 抗菌薬投与およびドレナージ施行したが翌日より敗血症によるショック状態となった. その後, ドレナージの追加および内科的治療を行うも意識レベルがもどらず, 入院46日後, 死亡した. 死因は腎不全による尿酸の増加であった. 訪問歯科診療は近年増加する傾向にあるが, しかし, 安易な治療により重篤な感染を起こす可能性があり, 患者の既往歴および現在の全身状態の把握が必要である.
内藤 誠章 武田 幹治 松井 良行
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.100, no.1, pp.2-30, 2014 (Released:2013-12-31)
9 14

The modern blast furnace operation at integrated steel works in Japan has started in 1901 by the first blown-in of Higashida No. 1 blast furnace in Yawata Works, while a 150 years history of Japanese steel industry has dated back to the first western blast furnace built by T. Ohashi in 1857. The steel industry has been supporting the Japanese economy as a key industry which supplies base materials for social infrastructure and developments throughout the pre and post war periods.After the recovery period from the war destruction, Chiba Works of Kawasaki Steel Corp., were built and started its operation in 1953 as the first integrated steel works in Keiyo Industrial Region after the war. During the rapid growth period, many coastal steel works equipped with a large blast furnace more than 3000m3 and some of 5000m3 were built for the efficient marine transportation of raw materials and steel products. Most advanced technologies, high pressure equipment, stave cooler system and bell-less charging system etc., were introduced, improved and has risen to the top level in the world with low reducing agent ratio (RAR), energy saving and long service life of a blast furnace and coke ovens.Energy shift from oil to coal by the oil crisis, cost oriented operation design and technology were tackled and the hot metal of about 80 million tons is manufactured with 27 blast furnaces including over 5000m3 large scale blast furnaces in 2012. During this period, our industry has faced many economical and social pressures of high exchange rate of yen, oligopoly of mining market, global warming problem, and surge of iron ore and coal prices by the rapid growth of the BRICs. We have kept our competitive positions by developing advanced technologies on pulverized coal injection, extended use of low cost iron resources, recycling for environment and CO2 mitigation technologies.Prospects of ironmaking technologies for other decades are discussed by reviewing various papers published and looking back the history of ironmaking developments during the last 100 years.
岡野 八代 野口 久美子 合場 敬子 影山 葉子 内藤 葉子 石井 香江 牟田 和恵

井上 智博 市川 有二郎 内藤 季和 高橋 良彦
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
vol.63, no.10, pp.481-488, 2014-10-15 (Released:2014-10-29)

市川 有二郎 井上 智博 内藤 季和 田中 勉 高橋 良彦
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
vol.64, no.8, pp.521-533, 2015-08-15 (Released:2015-08-28)
1 2

内藤 敦之
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.44, no.1, pp.66-76, 2007-04-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

Post Keynesian endogenous money supply theory appeared as one of the modern theory of credit money some twenty years ago. In recent years, while it keeping close relationship with French and Italian monetary circuit theory, the domain of the theory has expanded gradually. With regard to the role of government or state, the theory of endogenous money pays attention to the central bank which offers the means of settlement between commercial banks and plays the role of lender of last resort, but actually the state establishes money, and practices the control of money. In this respect Chartalism or state theory of money revive in the context of Post Keynesian in recent years. The relationship between the theory of endogenous money and Chartalism comes into question, because in the theory of endogenous money money supply is endogenous, while in Chartalism at a first glance exogenous money supply by the state is assumed. The two theories have not only a background of Post Keynesian, but also both theories have complementarities. That is, the theory of endogenous money deals the money of private level, and Chartalism argues the money of state level. However, both theories share nominalism especially in the theory of nature of money. In Chartalism the nature of money is regarded as establishment of money by the state, and Chartalistic money is a nominal one which has basically no relation to the real value, in the theory of endogenous money bank money also does not presuppose the relation to the real value of money. In this way, both theories share common ground, but there are differences. First, in the theory of nature of money the definition of money and various points are different. Second, both theories diverge in the role of the state. In the theory of endogenous money although the role of the state is generally assumed in relation to the function of central bank, the relationship between money and state, and the problem of Chartalism is not thoroughly examined. The placement of the state in Chartalism is unique and different from the theory of endogenous money. In this paper, aiming at clarifying what relationship both theories have, two points are examined. First, we compare both theories in the theory of nature of money, and we consider in what significance money in the real world is Chartalistic. Second, we investigate the role of the state, especially the function of the central bank respectively. The conclusions are three-fold. First, the theory of endogenous money and Chartalism share nominalism in the theory of nature of money. Nominalism is important in that it is a basis of the view against commodity theory of money. Second, two theories are different except nominalism of money in the theory of nature of money. In the theory of endogenous money the state plays important role in that it designate money as means of final settlement, this is the significance of Chartalism in the theory of endogenous money. Third, the role of the state in the theory of endogenous money moreover emerges as a function of central bank. The function of lender of last resort which is emphasized especially in Post Keynesian theory plays important role which maintains monetary and financial system, while in Chartalism central bank plays the role of bank of government, and does not conflict with central bank in the theory of endogenous money, but it has complementary function. Particularly both theories adopt the operation of short term interest rate as a measure of policy, which plays important role in the control of money.

15 0 0 0 OA 新教授法

内藤慶助 編
内藤 隆夫
經濟學研究 (ISSN:04516265)
vol.61, no.3, pp.21-35, 2011-12-08

内藤 豊裕
学習院大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:09190791)
no.26, pp.131-173, 2017

C'est à partir de la seconde moitié des années 1980 qu'au Japon le phénomène du séiyû, ou acteur de voix, a pris une forme d'autonomie, en même temps qu'une configuration médiatique originale commençait à se bâtir. A partir des années 1990, l'existence du séiyû est sortie de l'ombre. Rien n'a pourtant changé quant à la manière dont un séiyû compose son personnage par l'intermédiaire de la voix. Au début des années 1990, le séiyû s'est présenté comme un artiste. Le mot signifiait « sujet d'expression susceptible d'être diffusé sous des formes diverses, plutôt qu'il ne désignait le praticien d'un art proprement dit. En 1997, SHIINA Hekiru a donné deux jours de concert au NIPPONBUDOKAN, salle éminemment symbolique pour la musique au Japon. A l'époque, SHIINA, bien que Séiyû, ne prêtait sa voix à presque aucun personnage de dessin animé. Contrairement à aujourd'hui, il n'existait pas, à l'époque, d'environnement médiatique favorable à l'expansion de la sphère d'activité des séiyû.SHIINA a acquis une grande popularité comme vedette de la chanson mais elle est aussi un précurseur, dans un temps où le statut de vedette de la chanson était hors de la sphère du séiyû. Ses chansons ont évolué, passant des mélodies typiques de la variétés à une musique de type rock. Cette évolution s'est étendue à l'ensemble de son spectacle et a fini par la faire sortir de la catégorie des chanteuses de variété. Cette musique et ces mises en scène de concert étaient sans doute le reflet du goût et du caractère particuliers de la chanteuse. Ils lui ont permis d'acquérir la position d'artiste à l'identité reconnue et importante pour le public. Enfin le séiyû est devenu un phénomène médiatique indépendant de toute image visuelle.Depuis ce jour, la mise en scène des dessins animés s'est mise à prendre en compte la reconnaissance par le public de l'identité du séiyû. La réception du personnage de dessin animé a cessé d'entrer en contradiction avec la reconnaissance de l'identité personnelle du séiyû. Une telle situation paraît indiquer que le séiyû a atteint la dynamique propre à la vedette du cinéma telle que l'a définie Richard DYER.