林 里奈 加藤 昇平
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.54, no.1, pp.39-45, 2018 (Released:2018-01-25)

As the issue of mental stress in severity, researchers have started to make efforts to give healing through the interaction with robots. Most of robots used in therapy developed for interacting in a state to be held. Therefore, the relative evaluation between the expected weight and the weight sense when holding the robot (hereinafter called “subjective sensory weight”) is likely to affect stress relief effects. In this paper, we examined influences of the subjective sensory weight for stress relief effects. According to the assimilation-contrast theory, in consideration of the adaptation-level varied with the users, we divided participants into the assimilation group and the contrast group and carried out the experiments. Psychological evaluation results showed that the reduction in the depression, the anger and the confusion score in the assimilation group were significantly higher than those in the contrast group. Physiological evaluation results showed that the increase in the percentage of alpha waves in the assimilation group was marginally significantly higher than that in the contrast group. These results suggest that it is necessary for improving stress relief effects by interacting robots to set the weight of the robot which was neither more nor less than users had expected.
加藤 千枝
一般社団法人 社会情報学会
社会情報学 (ISSN:21872775)
vol.2, no.1, pp.31-43, 2013

加藤 一晃 野村 駿 太田 知彩 上地 香杜 内田 良 KATO Kazuaki NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.199-209, 2020-03-31

From 1960’s, sports activities, such as Junior Sport Clubs Association and private sports club for elementary school age has been expanded. The purpose of this paper was to clarify the impact on junior high school extra-curricular club activities caused by the expansion of sports activities among elementary school age. Through analyzing the data acquired from questionnaire survey for junior high school teachers, we got the following results. 1. When looking at the athletic club as a whole, the clubs with few experienced students account for about 30 to 40%. However, there are about 20% of the clubs where almost all of them are made up of experienced students. And the clubs consisted by more experienced students practice more frequently and the participation frequency of practice games tend to be overheated. 2. The number of experienced people depends on the kind of sports, and there are many experienced students especially in baseball and soccer. There are few experienced players in badminton, tennis, “track and fields” and table tennis. The sports in which the more experienced students participate is likely to practice more frequently. From this result, it can be inferred that the expansion of sports opportunities at the elementary school level has increased the number of people already skilled at the time of entering junior high school, which has led to overheating. 3. However, even in the kind of sports with few experienced people, some clubs have many experienced students. As long as there are a lot of experienced people, there is a tendency to participate in high-level competitions. However, only in the case of baseball and soccer, practice time and practice game frequency correlate with the percentage of experienced players. In other kind of sports, there is no correlation between the number of experienced students and the time of activity or practice game frequency. For baseball and soccer, it is more common to experience in elementary school and then continue it in the junior high school sports club. This may have increased the impact of elementary school level experience not only on competition results but also on practice time or practice game frequency. Based on the above results, the importance of focusing on the continuity of sports from elementary school level to junior high school level was discussed.
加藤 仁 五十嵐 祐
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.1, pp.1-11, 2016 (Released:2016-04-25)
4 4

Recent research has shown growing interest in the process by which narcissism triggers immersion in social network games (SNG). Highly narcissistic individuals are motivated not only by the achievement of goals and monopoly of materials (i.e., self-enhancement), but also by comparison and competition with others (i.e., social comparison). We predicted that the common rules and environments of SNG and massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG), such as systems of exchanging items and ranking players, facilitate immersion of highly narcissistic individuals during the game. Structural equation modeling of data from 378 SNG players and 150 MMORPG players recruited online showed that self-esteem inhibited game immersion, whereas narcissism increased game immersion via motivation for goal attainment. SNG players were more likely to be immersed in the game via motivation for goal attainment than MMORPG players. These findings suggest that, compared with MMORPG, the environments of SNG provide strong incentives not for those high in self-esteem who seek acceptance of others, but for those high in narcissism who are motivated by self-enhancement via competition with others.
加藤 道也
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.11, no.1, pp.123-155, 2009-09

TOKINAGA Urazo, an official serving for thirteen years between 1910 and 1922 in the Japanese Government-General of Korea, visited the US and Europe to study and understand the influence of self-determination advocated by President T. W. Wilson in relation to the Koreans under Japanese rule during World War I. He observed the situation of Ireland under British control and compared its aspects with the Japanese rule over Korea. His conclusion was that Japanese colonial rule of Korea was totally different from the British governance of Ireland. Although he thought that the British were cruel and suppressive, on several points there was a need for the Japanese Government-General of Korea to learn some important lessons from the British failure to establish order in Ireland.
加藤 道也
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.12, no.1, pp.55-93, 2010-09

YOSHIMURA Gentaro, an government official serving in the Japanese Government-General of Kanto Leased Territory surveyed the British colonial situations including Ireland. He observed the Irish situation under British control and had the important lessons from it. His conclusion was that British governance of Ireland should be seen as a failure because it lacked the mutual trust. He criticized severely the way of British governance in Ireland but did not deny the colonial rule itself. He rather insisted that the Japanese colonial rule as an antidote against the western expansion to Asia and that Japan should take a more leading role in Asia.
加藤 司
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.23, no.2, pp.152-161, 2007

The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of the relationship between the coper and the other party in the process of interpersonal stress. Six hundred and ninety undergraduate students completed the measures of interpersonal relationship (intimacy, similarity perception, self-disclosure, expectation of the role behavior), coping with an interpersonal stressor, and psychological distress. Results indicated that interpersonal relationship influenced the selection of coping behavior and moderated the effect of coping behavior on psychological distress. Increased closeness was associated with a higher score on positive relationship-oriented coping (e.g., "I tried to promote a better understanding of the other party.") and a lower score on negative relationship-oriented coping (e.g., "I refused to deal with the other party.") and postponed-solution coping (e.g., "I let the break-up take its own course."). These findings suggest that the interpersonal relationship is an important factor for in the interpersonal stress process.
加藤 宏公 柳澤 博紀 三田村 仰
公益社団法人 日本看護科学学会
日本看護科学会誌 (ISSN:02875330)
vol.42, pp.518-527, 2022 (Released:2023-02-07)

加藤 一郎
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.36, pp.1-16, 2002-12-01

La Internacia Milita Tribunalo en Nurnbergo leĝe bazis sin sur "Ĉarto de la Internacia Milita Tribunalo" kompostita de la venkintaj landoj. Oni kritikis Nurnbergan Tribunalon el diversaj vidpunktoj. En tiu ĉi studo mi volas ekzameni artikolojn de "Ĉarto" kaj rekonsideri diversajn leĝajn problemojn de la Internacia Milita Tribunalo en Nurnbergo.
加藤 諭
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.58, no.1, pp.5-9, 2023 (Released:2023-08-10)

Research into the history of pharmacy often makes use of materials held by university archives. This paper analyzes the difference between the role of historical research and that of archives. An important role of archiving is to appraise which records to keep and which to discard. University archives have been established for the purpose of preserving materials from institutions that have emerged in the past, as well as those materials collected in the process of compiling university histories. The first university archives in Japan was established at Tohoku University in 1963. This was followed by others at The University of Tokyo, Kyushu University, and Nagoya University in the latter half of the 20th century. The role of archives has been strengthened by law since the 21st century. The number of university archives has also increased. Currently, there are 12 institutions with functions equivalent to those of the National Archives of Japan. On the other hand, the operation of university archives often requires expertise in the field of history. University histories also need to be compiled on a regular basis. For this reason, university archives need to cooperate with institution administrations, libraries and museums, and archivists are required to have a deep knowledge of university history.
稲本 万里子 加藤 拓也 小長谷 明彦
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.36, no.6, pp.F-L12_1-16, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-11-01)

”Phantom Genji Scrolls ”are one of the most debatable artifacts whose painter school is still unknown in the history of art. In this study, the authors have reached a conclusion that the Phantom Genji Scrolls would have been painted by the painters who studied Kyoto-Kano and Tosa painter schools but not Edo-Kano painter school.As a learning data set, more than 1500 face images are extracted from well-known the Tale of Genji pictures painted from Heian (12 Century) to Edo (17 Century) periods whose painter schools are all established in the history of art. The face images are written in typical old painting style so called“line-eye and hook nose (hikime-kagihana)” which often represents the characteristics of the painter schools.The authors not only identified the painter school of the Phantom Genji Scrolls but also discovered the inconsistency in Iwasa painter school by means of artifact-based painter school learning model. The t-SNE scatter plots clearly indicated that the 266 face images extracted from the Phantom Genji Scrolls were surrounded by the Kyoto- Kano painter school learning data sets. It should be also noted that the 266 face images were far from the learning data set of Ujinobu Kano, one of the typical Edo-Kano painter. Interestingly, the Phantom Genji Scrolls and Ujinobu Kano were intercepted by Mitsuyoshi Tosa, one of the typical Tosa painter in scatter plot. This suggests that the painters of the Phantom Genji Scrolls may have been affected by both Kyoto-Kano and Tosa painter schools, instead of Edo-Kano painter school.As for the Iwasa painter school, the authors came across strange behavior that the artifacts of Katsutomo Iwasa were identified as the Tosa painter school, even if the validation data of Katsutomo Iwasa were all included in the learning data set of Iwasa painter school, mostly constituted by Katsutomo Iwasa (244 face images). After careful observation and discussion, the authors have concluded that Matabei Iwasa and Kastutomo Iwasa may be too different to be categorized into the same Iwasa painter school with regards to face characteristics.
加藤 秀一
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.55, no.3, pp.298-313, 2004-12-31

ロングフル・ライフ (wrongful life, 以下WL) 訴訟とは, 重篤な障害を負って生まれた当人が, 自分は生まれないほうが良かったのに, 医師が親に避妊あるいは中絶の決断をするための根拠となる情報を与えなかったために生まれてしまったとして, 自分の生きるに値しない生をもたらした医師に賠償責任を要求する訴訟である.そこでは自己の生そのものが損害とみなされる.<BR>しかしWL訴訟は論理的に無意味な要求である.なぜならそれは, すでに出生し存在している者が, 現実に自分が甘受している状態と自分が存在しなかった状態とを比較した上で, 後者のほうがより望ましいということを主張する発話行為であるが, 自分が存在しない状態を自分が経験することは不可能であり, したがってそのような比較を当事者視点から行なうことは遂行的矛盾をもたらすからである.<BR>それにもかかわらずWL訴訟の事例は増えつつあり, 原告勝訴の事例も出ている.それだけでなく, WL訴訟と同型の論理, すなわち存在者があたかも非在者であるかのように語る〈非在者の語り=騙り〉は, 裁判以外のさまざまな文化現象の中に見てとることができる.そのような〈騙り〉は, 死の概念を一面化し, 死者を生者の政治に利用することで, 新たな死を召喚する行為である.
加藤 斉史 土屋 江里 久保田 壮一 宮川 謹至
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.55, no.1, pp.42-46, 2012 (Released:2012-04-01)
