2 0 0 0 OA 氷の双晶構造

古川 義純
The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
雪氷 (ISSN:03731006)
vol.41, no.4, pp.259-265, 1979-12-31 (Released:2010-01-22)

氷の双晶構造が主に多結晶雪結晶の場合に焦点を絞って解説される.Coincidence-Site Lattice (CSL) 理論から低エネルギーの結晶境界面による結合のしかたを予想し, これが天然の雪結晶の中にどの程度の頻度で出現するかを調べることによって双晶の形態が決定される.また, 多結晶の氷結晶が発生する機構を, 考察することによって, 70.3°/ [1120] のCSL関係を満足する結合のしかたが出現し易いことが明らかとなり, 実際の雪結晶に現れる要素結晶の間のc軸のなす角度が70°に集中することを良く説明することができる.
古川 徹生
日本神経回路学会誌 (ISSN:1340766X)
vol.5, no.1, pp.10-17, 1998-03-05 (Released:2011-01-17)

The discovery of nitric oxide (NO) as an intercellular messenger brought about new concepts regarding the induction of synaptic plasticity in the neural circuits. Its importance has been recognized since the first enthusiasm, though certain inconsistent results have been reported recently on the effects of NO. In this review, latest studies are surveyed focusing on the functions of NO in vertebrate visual systems. There, this simple gas plays a role of adaptation signal in the retina, and it also acts as an important messenger involved in the self-organization of the optic nerve projection during the development.
古賀 行義
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.9, no.5, pp.953-977, 1934

(I) The term attitude has been used in various different meanings, but here I take it provisionally as the sum-total that a man feels, thinks and want to do. And from the statistical point of view, I dealt with opinions as it seems to be the verbal expression of attitude. What we measure out from these opinions will have something to do with attitudes, though we know a man's opinion may in some special situations be distorted from his attitude. As attitude is so complex a thing as it can never be measured with a single index, we must remember that what we do is only an aspect of it and therefore an abstraction. This measurment of attitudes towards sport will consist a part of the study of social attitudes, in youth, which I project to complete in future. As for the method of measurement I owed much to the honourab e work of L. L. Thurstone.<BR>(II) Having prepared 75 opinions which may or may not be justitled in accordance with attitudes towards sport, I laid them out to about 40 college students and asked to classify into 11 piles by their own merit for sport, and thus I selected 20 opinions by equal-appearing intervals on the scale. On the other hand, I showed these 20 opinions to 353 midd'e-school students and demanded them to pick up those opinions which they agree according to their own attitude. In this sort of case it is quite rare that those who strongly approve sport may pick up the opposite opinions, and in case there are two opinions which are for sport, it is reasonable to assume that those who endose one will also pick up the other. Anyhow all opinions have their unique reiabi ity. So we put the opinions to the same students again after two months to decide reiabiity coefficients. By these means we come at last to the following 5 statistical facts:&hellip;&hellip;(1) n<SUB>1</SUB>&hellip;&hellip;total unmber of individuals who endosed opinion no.1, (2) n<SUB>2</SUB> &hellip;&hellip; total number of individuals who endosed opinion no.2, (3) n<SUB>12</SUB>&hellip;&hellip;total number of individuals who endesed both opinions, (4) &rho;<SUB>1</SUB>&hellip;reliability of opinion no.1, (5) &rho;<SUB>2</SUB> &hellip;&hellip;reliability of opinion no.2. The simi-arity of all pairs of opinions were calculated by Thurstone's formula:&phi;= n<SUB>12</SUB>/(&rho;<SUB>1</SUB> &rho;<SUB>2</SUB> n<SUB>1</SUB> n<SUB>2</SUB>)<SUP>1/2</SUP> If we assume similarity coefficient corresponds to ordivate of normal distribution curve, we can find the deviation from mean for all &phi; in terms of standard deviation. Then we get the average of scale-separations between all pairs of opinions.<BR>(III) According to the order of opinions which we got from the college students, here we arrange the scale value of each opinion, giving zero to the least favourab e one.<BR>75) Sport makes man multilated 0.000<BR>68) Sport makes reckless man 0.108<BR>30) Sport compels man unnatural exercise 0.555<BR>65) Sport serves as means of money-making or advertisement 0.705<BR>58) Sport cost much money 0.819<BR>42) Sport demands much skill and time 1.173<BR>50) Sport is necessary for city-dwellers 1.288<BR>54) Sport makes man exciting 1.333<BR>43) Sport is good as it is manly 1.358<BR>12) Spott makes a man's movement alertl 1.404<BR>15) Sport makes a man's uw ll adamant 1.453<BR>5) Sport cultivates upright character 1.686<BR>From this list 8 opinions were automatically excluded, as, even if they were dealt with, it is difficult to put them along others. For example, &lsquo;Sport restrains champions&rsquo; will not noly be enclosed by both sides, but has as small reliability as &lsquo;Sport prevents healthy development of mind and body&rsquo;<BR>Nevt, by the preceeding sca'e valne we marked the opinions endosed by 1614 middle and higher clioo students, and averaging them to survey the state of distribution we found they are fairly skewed towards the approval-side.
稲津 忠雄 岩崎 賢一 古田 武
no.7, pp.70-75, 2007 (Released:2011-02-04)

古勝 隆一
東方学報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.85, pp.213-241, 2010-03

The Suishu Jingji zhi and the Shitong are known as the most important and influential writings of historiography in the Sui-Tang period. Many genres of books on history appeared in medieval China, and we could say that Suishu Jinji-zhi and Shitong finally overviewed the total historical writings of pre-Sui period. Although two of them dealt with historical writings, their attitudes toward such writing were quite different. In this article, I would like to make clear that the Suishu Jingji-zhi paid much attention to pursuing the cultural origins of genres, on contrast the main concern of Liu Zhiji 劉知幾 in the Shitong was how to utilize the wide variety of genres in order to write his ideal official history.
古城 建一 川内 敬介
大分大学教育福祉科学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13450875)
vol.30, no.1, pp.71-86, 2008-04

大分市S小学校の学童保育クラブにおける低学年児童の遊び###を対象として参与観察調査および聞き取り調査を実施したところ,スポーツ###的遊び,鬼ごっこ等など合計54の遊びを収集することができた。これらの###遊びを事例として,活動の開始から終了までの経過を分析したところ,すべ###ての事例においてルールのつくり変えが認められた。その回数は7回ないし###2回で,平均は4回であった.また,そのつくり変えは遊ぶ中で生じる不都###合(ルール破りや危険性)等がきっかけになること,遊びをより面白く・活動###しやすくするためであること,1人の子どもによる提案と遊び仲間の合意に###よること,等が明らかになった。さらに,殆どの事例において,ルールのつ###くり変えが遊びに肯定的変化(遊びやすくなった,面白くなった)をもたらし###たことも明らかになった。###以上を論拠として,本稿では低学年児童の遊びは既定のルールに従ってゲ###ームが進行するスポーツと異なり,ルールをつくり変える過程として成立す###ること,つまり遊びとは遊びづくりでもあり,その遊びづくりは遊びやすさ###や面白さを追求する営みである,と論じた。###We carried out the society survey targeting at the play of the ###schoolchildren in the lower grades in the after-school care for children's###club of Oita Municipal "S" Elementary School. As a result, we collected a ###total of 54 games such as sports play and blindman's buff. We analyzed ###all of these games and made several findings. All the games include the ###several changes of the rule. Each and every change of the rule is triggered ###by any inconvenience they come across in their playing. The rule change is ###carried out to make the play more interesting. The rule change brings about an ###affirmative change to play.###On the basis of the above-mentioned findings, we made it clear that the ###schoolchildren in the lower grades enjoy their play and make most of the ###several changes of its rule and that such a rule change is done for the pursuit ###of the fun they have while playlng.
生田 太 出口 広紀 岡本 貢一 名古屋 幸司 佐藤 史也 水沼 由貴 金子 礁 新井 恵実 蒲田 和芳
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.30, no.3, pp.339-344, 2015 (Released:2015-07-07)
1 1

佐古井 智紀 持田 徹 桒原 浩平
Japanese Society of Biometeorology
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.47, no.2, pp.107-118, 2010

著者らは WBGT の特性を検討した既往研究において,皮膚の飽和度合と湿球温度 <i>T</sub>w</sub></i>,黒色グローブ温度 <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i>,気温 <i>T<sub>a</sub></i> を用いて人体の熱平衡式を記述し,皮膚温 <i>T<sub>sk</sub></i> を <i>T<sub>w</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>a</sub></i> の線形式で表す理論式を得た.ただし,皮膚の飽和度合を用いた式では,<i>T<sub>w</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>a</sub></i> の按分比は皮膚の飽和度合の影響を受けず,発汗が <i>T<sub>w</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>a</sub></i> の按分比に及ぼす影響を把握できない.本論文では,皮膚の飽和度合に代わって,ぬれ率と <i>T<sub>w</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>a</sub></i> を用いて人体の熱平衡式を記述し,皮膚温 <i>T<sub>sk</sub></i> を <i>T<sub>w</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>a</sub></i> の線形式で表す熱平衡理論式(WBGT 理論式)を導出,その特性を考察した.日射がある屋外で,着衣の日射吸収率が黒色グローブ温度計の日射吸収率と異なる場合に,湿球温度 <i>T<sub>w</sub></i> と黒色グローブ温度 <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i>,乾球温度 <i>T<sub>a</sub></i> から推定される皮膚温に 7℃程度の違いが生じ得ることが判った.着衣と黒色グローブ温度計の日射吸収率の差を的確に考慮するため,日射の影響を反映した人体の作用温度を表す上での黒色グローブ温度 <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i> と灰色グローブ温度 <i>T<sub>gG</sub></i> の按分比を導き,その結果から <i>T<sub>w</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>gB</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>gG</sub></i>, <i>T<sub>a</sub></i> の 4 者によって皮膚温を表現する新しい WBGT 理論式を示した.<br>
古川 善也 苅田 知則 八木 良広 仙場 周一郎 佐伯 龍雄 大西 映子
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.22, no.3, pp.271-274, 2020-08-25 (Released:2020-08-25)

To develop a support system that interprets the needs of children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities, we developed an app that records and collects supporters' interpretation of needs and background information and verified its data transfer success rate. At a special school, we observed interactions between the supporters and children with severe disabilities and recorded the details and background information when the supporters interpreted the needs of children with severe disabilities. As a result of success rate verification, it was confirmed that the data transfer success rate of the app was enough applicative to collect learning data for need estimation system.
古賀 敬 内藤 正俊 秋吉 祐一郎 白水 圭 浅山 勲 Tatsunobu Abe
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.51, no.1, pp.148-152, 2002-03-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

Sciatic nerve palsy is a proble troublesome complication of total hip arthroplasty. It may be caused by direct injury or over-traction at the time of operation. We investigated the effects of the hip and knee positions on the blood flow of the sciatic nerve of dogs. Tweyty hip joints of 10 adult mongrel dogs were examined.The blood flow in the sciatic nerve was measured using a Laser Doppler Flowmetry, at varying angles of flexion (90°, 120°, 150°) and internal rotation (0°, 30°) of the hip joint and angles of flexion of the knee (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°). This study showed that the blood flow in the sciatic nerve decreases with increasing flexion angle and increasing internal rotation angle of the hip joint, and that decreases in the flexion angle of the knee joint result in especially pronounced decreases in blood flow. We consider that the position of the hip and knee positions are considered a significant risk factor in total hip arthroplasty parformed with over-lengthening. Our results suggest that surgeons should pay attention to knee extension and the flexion and internal rotation positions of the hip tp prevent sciatic nerve palsy as a complication of total hip arthroplasty.
古市 昌一 水野 政治 松本 聡 宮沢 稔 青山 和弘 高橋 勝己 宮田 裕行
vol.54, pp.437-438, 1997-03-12

バーチャルプロトタイピングの積極的な導入による, 設計開発コストの低減が進んでおり, 設計開発支援用の各種シミュレータ製品の導入や, 独自に開発したシステムの効果的な利用が進んでいる. しかし, それぞれは独自の入出力仕様で作られているのが普通で, 連接して大規模なシミュレーションを行ったり, 組み合わせて再利用するのは大変難しい. これらを可能とするためには, 異機種シミュレータを接続するための共通接続アーキテクチャと, インタフェースの標準化が必要である. フライトシミュレータに代表される訓練用リアルタイムシミュレータの接続においては, プロトコル仕様 DIS (Distributed Interactive Simulation)が1993年に IEEE 標準となり, 遠隔地に設置された訓練用シミュレータを DIS で接続し, 大規模演習に広く利用されている. 米国防総省は, 更に広範な異機種シミュレータの連接を目的とし, 1995年に接続アーキテクチャ HLA (High Level Architecture) を提案し, HLA を中核とした DIS の将来仕様 DIS++ の標準化を1996年より開始した. 我々は, バーチャルプロトタイピング環境の接続基盤として DIS++ の適用可能性を研究するため, 中核ソフトウェア HLA-RTI(Run Time Infrastructure)の主要部と, 評価用に DIS++ 準拠シミュレータを試作した. 本稿では, まず DIS++ の核である HLA の概要と, 実現のための技術課題を述べ, 次に試作したシステムの概要を述べ, 最後に本システムの応用に関して述べる.
上坂 敏之 遠藤 智 前田 壮志 古川 一 八木 繁幸 中澄 博行
一般社団法人 色材協会
色材協会誌 (ISSN:0010180X)
vol.92, no.9, pp.253-259, 2019-09-20 (Released:2019-10-11)

農業分野に応用可能な蛍光色素として,ベンゾトリアゾール系青色蛍光色素が対応する5-カルボキシ-2-(4-ヒドロキシフェニル)-2H-ベンゾトリアゾールから合成した。この蛍光色素をポリカーボネートに含有させ押出成形機で青紫蛍光フィルムを作製した。その蛍光特性は,蛍光主波長が410 nm,蛍光量子収率74%の高効率な発光を示し,優れた耐光性も示した。この蛍光フィルムは,太陽光の下で紫外光を青紫光に波長変換することができることを分光放射光量計の測定で示した。この青紫蛍光フィルムをトマト栽培に使用することで,トマト果実のリコピン含量が著しく増加することを見いだした。また,このリコピン含量の増加は,果皮表面の色彩測定でも明らかになり,対照区(フィルムの無)の完熟トマトと比較して,色差△a*値で2~6増加することがわかった。