栗尾 和佐子 小西 元美 奥野 智史 中尾 晃幸 木村 朋紀 辻 琢己 山室 晶子 山本 祐実 西川 智絵 柳田 一夫 安原 智久 河野 武幸 荻田 喜代一 曽根 知道
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.11, pp.1199-1208, 2014 (Released:2014-11-01)
2 1

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Setsunan University, offers the Self-improvement and Participatory Career Development Education Program: Internship and Volunteer Training Experience for Pharmacy Students to third-year students. We previously reported that the training experience was effective in cultivating important attributes among students, such as a willingness to learn the aims of pharmacists, an awareness of their own role as healthcare workers, and a desire to reflect on their future careers and lives. A follow-up survey of the participants was carried out three years after the training experience. The questionnaire verified that the training experience affected attendance at subsequent lectures and course determination after graduation. We confirmed the relationship between the participants' degree of satisfaction with the training experience and increased motivation for attending subsequent lectures. Through the training experience, participants discovered future targets and subjects of study. In addition, they became more interested in subsequent classroom lessons and their future. The greater the participants' degree of satisfaction with their training experience, the more interest they took in practical training and future courses. The present study clarified that the training experience was effective in cultivating important attributes such as a willingness to learn and an interest in future courses. Moreover, the training positively affected the course determination after graduation.
桐 広樹 端山 昌樹 前田 陽平 識名 崇 増村 千佐子 岡崎 鈴代 奥野 美香 武田 和也 津田 武 猪原 秀典
特定非営利活動法人 日本頭頸部外科学会
頭頸部外科 (ISSN:1349581X)
vol.28, no.1, pp.39-44, 2018 (Released:2018-07-31)

奥野(藤原) 正寛
経済研究 (ISSN:00229733)
vol.50, no.3, pp.206-217, 1999-07

民主化に先駆けて工業化を行う経済開発戦略を「開発国家戦略」として定義した上で,このような戦略が有効に働く経済環境を分析する.途上国段階ではこの戦略はきわめて有効だが,工業化によって成長した国家では,民主化をしない「強権的政府」は一部の既得権益層に「キャプチャー」され,自ら民主化するインセンティブを持たないために経済危機を引き起こしやすいことを論証する.現代日本で進行中の行政改革を,強権国家としての日本政府を民主化するための自発的な動きとしてとらえ,行政改革が強権国家を民主化するために必要な要因を分析する.We define the "Developmental State Strategy" as a strategy to industrialize the country before democratization. Types of state system, developmental stages and international environments that are complementary to this strategy are identified. This strategy is quit effective in earlier stages of economic development. However, once the country succeeds in economic development, any "authoritarian government" without democratization is likely to be "captured" by vested interests and to induce crises because there is no incentive to democratize the country within its system. The administrative reform, which is currently proceeding in Japan, should be regarded as a spontaneous effort to democratize the country. We examine the necessary factors that make such an administrative reform to democratize the authoritarian government.
奥野 拓 大場 みち子 山口 琢
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第29回全国大会(2015)
pp.1G2OS08a1, 2015 (Released:2018-07-30)

Linked Open Data(LOD)技術を利用して、地域の情報化を推進する、公立はこだて未来大学の取り組みを紹介する。取組の場は講義、学部・大学院での研究やProject/Problem Based Learning (PBL)形式の演習であり、対象分野は観光、地域の歴史や防災である。地域と連携した研究やPBLの活動内容と開発したアプリなどの成果について報告する。
奥野 雅史 迫川 邦俊 光藤 裕之
The Ceramic Society of Japan
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan (日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌) (ISSN:09145400)
vol.98, no.1136, pp.370-376, 1990-04-01 (Released:2010-08-06)
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Recently, Ri, Hamano and Nakagawa have experimentally revealed adsorption effect transistor characteristics of ZnO sinters [Yogyo-Kyokai-Shi, 93, 230-36 (1985); Yogyo-Kyokai-Shi, 94, 419-24 (1986)]. These results are computationally simulated for the sinters having the local states of bulk donors, grain boundary interface acceptors, surface acceptors and thermally desorbable surface donors in conformity with Fermi-Dirac's law for electron occupation, Poisson's equation for potential distribution and charge neutrality condition. Each parameter of the local states is concurrently obtained within the reasonable value. The potential barrier at necks with radius larger than the surface Debye length is weirlikely formed because of the interface and so independent of the surface states (open-out necks). The potential barrier at necks with radius smaller than the surface Debye length is formed in the shape of a saddle because of both the surfaces and the interfaces and so depends on the neck radius and the surface states in addition to the interface states. The bulk resistivity of sinters is obtained by the effective medium approximation for random networks in consideration of the neck radius distribution. The clusters bonded by the open-out necks percolate always through the sinters above 85% in the relative density. On the basis of the above, the hysteresis of bulk resistivity and adsorption effect transistor responses to admission of propane gas are analyzed.
大西 浩次 齋藤 泉 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-10, 2014-06-30

May 21, 2012, solar eclipse was observed in Japan. This time, annular eclipse occurred over a wide range; i.e. the southern part of Kyushu, the southern part of Shikoku, the southern part of the Kinki, the southern part of the Chubu, such as the Kanto. Other regions became a partial solar eclipse. Approximately 83 million people are living in the path of annular phase, we were expected many people to observe the eclipse. Eclipse is a valuable opportunity to increase interest in science. On the other hand, when observing the sun, it runs a strong risk that leads to trouble in the eyes of people due to the strong sunlight. For example, in the case of the eclipse in Germany in 1912, solar eclipse retinopathy patients of 3,500 has occurred. We conducted our activities for many people to observe the eclipse safe. One of them is the spread of safe solar eclipse observation method, another is a research study of the safety of the solar eclipse glasses.In this paper, we report the transmittance measured in the various filters; solar viewing glass on the market, and their substitutes. These are valuable archival material related to solar observation glass for the solar eclipse in the future.
齋藤 泉 大西 浩次 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-11, 2014-06-30

We measured the transmittance of filters and the substitutes for direct observation of the sun, from 2009 to 2012. In this paper, we report the results of the measurements in detail. This paper gives fundamental data for observing solar eclipses safely.
大久保 仁 渡辺 勳 小山 澄子 奥野 秀次 苦瓜 知彦 臼居 洋行 寺邑 公子 小川 明
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.35, no.2, pp.189-196, 1989

During the past eighteen months, 49 cases of diving accident were seen in our outpatient unit. Pressure injuries to the middle ear owing to tubal dysfunction occured most frequently as the primary accident sustained in an underwater pressure environment. However, in eleven of our cases (15 ears) of sensory neural deafness, most frequently involving high tone hearing loss, was determine & to be clearly attributable to pressure. In particular, with respect to auditory disturbance in beginner divers, the considerable veriety of dysfunctions, including low tone hearing loss, reflect the variable conditions present at the time of injury. During evaluation of Eustachian tube function in these diving accident victims by means of the sonotubometric function test employing Valsalva's method in which intranasal pressure serves as a parameter at the time of tubal opening, it became apparent that many beginners had no knowledge of or experience with Valsalva's method. It has been known that about 12% of normal adults have no knowledge or experience with this method. Knowledge of the correct application of Valsalva's method is imperative in the proper training of divers. Thus, competence should be demonstrated by all divers' training personnel in the performance of Valsalva's method as a countermeasure for pressure injuries and as a middle ear function test utilizing tympatometry.
花生 遊砂 安藤 仁美 伊藤 学 大西 貴光 奥野 楓 尾崎 桃子 菅野 美咲 長森 健太 槙 健輔 松原 美鈴 松本 太郎
熊本大学政策研究 (ISSN:2185985X)
vol.7, pp.149-156, 2016-03-31

日本で問題となっている「若者の政治参加度の低下」は熊本も例外ではない。若年代の投票率は全国平均を下回っている。若者が政治に対して高いハードルを感じ、知識をつける意識がないことがこの原因である。私たちはこの問題を解決する施策を提言する。 政治について簡潔にまとめられた本「かたる。」を配布し、その本をもとにしたクイズ番組「かたるTV」で本を活用する場を用意する。ただ「かたる。」を配布するだけでなく「かたるTV」を放送することで政治に対するハードルを下げ、若者の政治おける知識の蓄積と意見形成を促す。政治への関心を高めることで投票率を高める事ができる。若者の政治参加の活性化が積極的な意思表明につながり、若者が暮らしやすい社会が形成される。そのため熊本の人口流出を阻止し、若者の移住も見込めるため、政治だけでなく経済・教育など様々な面での活性化が期待でき、結果として熊本をより元気な県に導くことが可能である。
奥野 丈晴 山田 雅之
社団法人 日本写真学会
日本写真学会誌 (ISSN:03695662)
vol.74, no.6, pp.302-307, 2011 (Released:2012-12-19)

キヤノンはサブ波長構造を用いた高性能反射防止膜“SWC”を開発し,2008年12月,同膜を搭載したカメラ用交換レンズEF24mm F1.4L II USMを発売した.サブ波長構造体はアルミナ微結晶膜からなり,ゾル-ゲルプロセスによって形成されるため大面積・曲面への形成も容易である.さらに,レンズとアルミナ微結晶膜との間に中間の屈折率を有する薄膜層を挿入することで,様々な屈折率のレンズに対して優れた反射防止性能を実現可能である.
千葉 智恵美 酒井 大典 坂本 うみ 菊地 彩 奥野 孟 田中 三知子 黒坂 大次郎
岩手医学雑誌 (ISSN:00213284)
vol.70, no.3, pp.107-111, 2018 (Released:2018-08-31)

非穿孔性眼外傷による水晶体後嚢破裂を伴う白内障は,若年者にまれにみられる外傷性白内障である.我々は2例の12歳の男児の手術を行った.症例1は登校旗のプラスチック棒により左眼を受傷し,症例2は野球ボールで右眼を受傷した.それぞれ受傷後8週,8か月で手術を行った.手術は強角膜切開で行い,術中に硝子体の逸脱はみられず,眼内レンズを嚢内に挿入することができた.水晶体後方に水晶体由来のfish-tailやwhite dotsが見られたが,それらは吸引のみで消失した.後嚢切開や前部硝子体切除は行わなかった.今回の症例では後嚢と前部硝子体をつなぐWieger靭帯で囲まれたBerger腔が水晶体後嚢の役割を果たした可能性が考えられた.術後視力は1.0以上が得られた.