石津 日出雄 宮石 智 山本 雄二 高田 真吾
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.105, no.9-10, pp.839-845, 1993 (Released:2009-03-30)

A 63-year-old male died in the hospital from erroneous drip infusion of thrombin, a local hemostatic, after polypectomy for intestinal polyposis. At autopsy, thromboses were observed in the cutaneous veins of the right arm, the right axillary vein and the right subclavian vein, and soft fibrin clots in the superior vena cava, the right atrium, the right ventricle and the pulmonary arteries. Thrombi were also found in the rami of the arteries in both lungs under the microscope. Leucocyte infiltration was recognized in the thrombus, but no organization. This finding shows that the thrombi were fresh. The remainder (150ml) of the drip solution was analyzed for thrombin activity and 8 to 16 units of thrombin activity per ml were demonstrated. From these results, the cause of death was considered pulmonary thrombosis due to intravenous administration of thrombin.
浦上 勇也 木村 功二 河田 由紀子 枯木 始 須﨑 晶子 河﨑 光彦 山本 和幸 飯原 なおみ
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.6, pp.344-350, 2017-06-10 (Released:2018-06-10)
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Pharmacists are expected to help reduce increasing healthcare costs. This study assessed the effects of pharmacists at community pharmacies checking for unused prescribed medications using a bag in which patients put medications (Setsuyaku Bag). We examined whether this check improved medication adherence and also measured the costs of the unused medications.Patients aged ≥ 20 years who brought the bag to community pharmacies were followed-up for 6 months. They took the bag to pharmacies if they had unused medications including those recently prescribed. Medication adherence scores at the first visit and after 6 months were assessed by patients (good 0–bad 4) and by pharmacists (good 1–bad 4). Changes in scores were analyzed using paired t-tests. Costs of unused medications were calculated, grouped as reused, saved, or discarded.The patient adherence score for 73 patients (mean age 71.3 years) decreased from a mean of 1.8, SE 0.1 at the first visit to 0.8, 0.1 at the 6-month visit (P < 0.001). The pharmacist adherence score also decreased over this period from a mean of 2.4, SE 0.1 to 1.5, 0.8 (P < 0.001). The mean cost of total unused medications during the 6-month per person was 9,962 yen: reused 6,523 yen (65.5%), saved 1,506 yen (15.1%), and discarded 1,933 yen (19.4%).Pharmacists' checkup for unused medications using a Setsuyaku Bag was likely to be effective for improving medication adherence, indicating that pharmacists can contribute indirectly to reducing healthcare costs through medication adherence and directly by lowering medication costs.
山本 愛子
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.43, no.1, pp.42-51, 1995-03-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
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The present study was designed to investigate developmental changes of self-regulation in preschool children. Seventy-five nursery school children of 4, 5, 6-year-old (41 boys and 34 girls) were required to answer a set of questions as to how they would feel and behave when they were provoked by their peers. The variables manipulated were the subjects' familiarity with their peers and uncomfortability of the conflicting situations. The results indicated that the quality of self-assertive strategy changes with age from egoistic responses to social responses. It was also found that the development of the self-assertive strategy chosen varied according to the subjects' famiriarity with their peers and the uncomfortability of the conflicting situations. Implications of these findings were discussed in terms of the development of social cognition.
玉那覇 彰子 中田 勝士 山本 以智人 亘 悠哉 向 真一郎 吉永 大夢 半田 瞳 金城 貴也 中谷 裕美子 仲地 学 金城 道男 長嶺 隆
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.57, no.2, pp.203-209, 2017

<p>沖縄島北部地域(やんばる地域)を東西に横断する県道2号線および県道70号線の一部区間は,希少な動物の生息地を通過する生活道路となっており,ロードキルの発生が問題となっている.この県道を調査ルートとして,2011年5月から2017年4月までの6年間,ほぼ毎日,絶滅危惧種のケナガネズミ<i>Diplothrix legata</i>のルートセンサスを行い,生体や死体の発見場所を記録した.6年間の調査において,ケナガネズミの生体75件,ロードキル個体47件の合計122件の目撃位置情報を取得した.その記録に基づき,ヒートマップを利用して調査ルートにおけるケナガネズミのロードキル発生のリスクを表現することで,リスクマップを作製した.また,生体とロードキル個体の発見数からロードキル率を算出し,現在設定されているケナガネズミ交通事故防止重点区間(以下,重点区間とする)におけるロードキルの発生状況を評価した.リスクマップと重点区間を照合すると,交通事故リスクの高いエリアのいくつかが,重点区間の範囲外にあることが明らかになった.また,重点区間のロードキル率は他の区間と同様のレベルであった.本研究で提示したリスクマップやケナガネズミの行動記録を活用することで,より現実の状況に即した取り組みの展開が可能になると期待される.</p>
山本 (前田) 万里 永井 寛 江間 かおり 神田 えみ 岡田 典久 安江 正明
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.52, no.12, pp.584-593, 2005 (Released:2007-04-13)
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A double-blind clinical study was carried out on subjects with Japanese cedar pollinosis for the evaluation of the effects and safety of ‘Benifuuki’ green tea, which contains epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)-gallate (O-methylated catechin), and a combination of ‘Benifuuki’ green tea and ginger extract, with ‘Yabukita’ green tea as a placebo. First, the effect of the combination of ‘Benifuuki’ green tea and various vegetable extracts on cytokine production inhibition was investigated using mast cells ; the simultaneous use of ‘Benifuuki’ green tea and ginger extract was found to suppress cytokine (TNF-α or MIPI-α) production to a remarkable extent. Subjects were given 1.5 g of ‘Benifuuki’ green tea, ‘Benifuuki’ green tea containing 30 mg of ginger extract, or ‘Yabukita’ green tea with water twice every day for 13 weeks. As cedar pollen scattering increased, the severity of pollinosis symptoms among the groups was observed to increase in the following order : placebo group>’Benifuuki’ group>’Benifuuki’ and ginger group. Eleven weeks after the beginning of treatment, during the most severe cedar pollen scattering period, symptoms of runny nose and itchy eyes were significantly relieved among the ‘Benifuuki’ group compared with the placebo group (p<0.05). In the ‘Benifuuki’ and ginger group, runny nose, itchy eyes and nose symptom scores were significantly reduced at the eleventh week, and nasal congestion, sore throat and nose symptom medication scores were significantly reduced at the thirteenth week compared with the placebo group. Among all test groups, hematological examination, general biochemical examination, determination of total IgG, CMV antibody titer, and serum iron content, and interviews throughout the intake period found no changes related to clinical problems. These results suggest that intake of ‘Benifuuki’ green tea over one month is useful in reducing some of the symptoms of Japanese cedar pollinosis, and did not affect normal immune response in subjects with Japanese cedar-pollinosis. It was also found that the addition of ginger extract enhanced the effect of ‘Benifuuki’ green tea.
山本 真行

極域データの保全・公開と利活用に関する研究集会 日時:2021年1月15日(金)13:00~18:00場所:オンライン開催
山本 松男 須田 玲子 小出 容子
Dental Medicine Research (ISSN:18820719)
vol.29, no.3, pp.274-277, 2009-11-25 (Released:2013-08-29)

歯周病は歯を失う二大疾患のうちの一つである. 歯周病がやっかいな理由は, 余り痛みを伴うことなく進行してしまうことで, 知らず知らずのうちに歯を支える顎の骨が溶けてしまう病気です. 歯肉は血管が豊富な組織であるため全身のメタボ疾患とも無縁ではなく, 最近の研究によれば, 糖尿病をはじめ動脈硬化症や心筋梗塞, 骨粗鬆症等全身の病気とも何らかの関係があると報告されるようになった. 今回は毎日の生活の中に潜む健康リスク (危険因子) として, 歯周病と全身の関係について最近の話題の中から, (1) 歯周病と高齢者における誤嚥性肺炎, (2) 妊婦さんの歯周病と早産・低体重児出産の関係, (3) 身近な防衛策「歯磨きではなくてブラッシング」について説明する.
安藤 美華代 竹内 俊明 山本 玉雄 福島 一成 大原 健士郎
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.35, no.7, pp.593-600, 1995-10-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

In an ealier study we investigated the psychological aspects of fasting therapy with Naikan, using questionnaires, the Rorschach test, and the Baum test. Our results showed that all patients showed some improvement, and that the therapy contributed toward psychological stability. In the present study, we increased the number of subjects, and used standard psychotherapy as the control condition with which to assess the effectiveness of fasting therapy, its suitability for effect, and its adaptability, based on results from CMI, YG, TEG, and the Rorschach test. The subjects were 37 patients hospitalized due to psychosomatic disease and neurosis who had undergone fasting therapy. Fourteen of these cases were followed for half a year. Controls were patients, matched for age, sex and disease, who had been suffering from psychosomatic disease or neurosis and had been given psychotherapy. The effect of fasting therapy was assessed by having the case physician evaluate patients under nine headings (symptoms, mental stability, interpersonal relations, understanding of the disease, attitudes toward work, disposition, cheerfulness, emotional control, and judgment) all measured on a 4-points scale. No patients received a negative assessment, and treatment was judged to be highly effective in 18 cases and somewhat effective in 19 cases. The 5 patients who interrupted therapy were similarly studied. The results showed that the standard psychotherapy group showed some improvement in subjective self esteem, but little change in deep personality structure. In comparison, those who continued with fasting therapy steadily improved in subjective self esteem, emotional control, ego strength, and self image. In those patients showing a marked improvement, there was also some improvement in conflict concerning affective wants. These results suggest that the fasting therapy induces in patients a sense of having been "psychologically reborn" after having undergone an extreme physical state. As we had expected, the effects of fasting therapy gave rise to the following observations : questionnaires are inadequate for revealing changes in deep personality structure, while patients in whom the effect of therapy was less pronounced seemed to have less imagination and empathy, but greater internal tension. Furthermore, although the patients who were unable to complete therapy were good at affective expression and introspection, they also tended to be aggressive and to have anxiety about affection. For that reason, these patients are less well suited to undergo fasting therapy with its many restrictions, accordingly, a more mild form of therapy should be devised for these patients.
山本 茂貴
獣医疫学雑誌 (ISSN:13432583)
vol.15, no.2, pp.110-113, 2011

広瀬 もえり 鈴木 廣志 山本 智子
Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan) (ISSN:13482955)
vol.62, no.1-2, pp.55-64, 2003 (Released:2018-09-01)

The relationship between body length and color of Elysia ornata (Swainson, 1840) was examined by laboratory experiment and field observation. The results indicated that the difference in body color is not an individual variation but is related to growth. Body coloration follows a sequence from transparent, pale green, dark green, greenish white and to beige, with the length reaching maximum size at dark green, and decreasing thereafter. Based on these results, it was inferred that E. ornata has an annual life cycle beginning in late spring.
長尾 誠也 山本 政儀 福士 圭介 桐島 陽 井上 睦夫 富原 聖一
