長谷川 隆明 林 良彦 山崎 毅文
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.45, no.7, pp.1745-1754, 2004-07-15

インターネットに接続可能な携帯電話の普及により、携帯電話に電子メールを転送するユーザが増えている。外出先からでも携帯電話に電子メールの着信が通知されるので、日々大量に電子メールを受信するユーザにとって、携帯電話を通して即時に電子メールを読むことは有効である。しかしながら、画面の大きさや送信可能文字数の制約により、転送される電子メールの本文すべてを読むことは難しい。本論文では、この問題を解決するために、電子メールの特徴を利用した重要文抽出手法と携帯電話向け要約システムへの適用を提案する。本手法の特徴は、電子メールに特有な表現とスタイルの特徴を利用したルールにより重要文を抽出することである。本手法により、人手により作成された重要文の正解との比較において、特に複数の評価者間で正解に対するコンセンサスの得られる電子メールに対して、高い精度で正解と一致する重要文を抽出できた。また、携帯電話向け要約システムへの適用を考慮した評価においても、電子メールの取捨選択に十分利用できる高い精度が得られた。With the spread of mobile phones that can access the Internet, most people are forwarding their incoming email to their mobile phones. Mobile phones enable heavy users of emails to access them anywhere. The restricted capacities (display size and message limits) of mobile phones, however, prohibit whole messages from being read as is. We propose a new rulebased method of sentence extraction which takes the features of emails into consideration and describe its application to an email summarizer for mobile phones. Our method uses the expression and style specific to emails. The sentences extracted by the proposed method are virtually the same as those selected manually by majority voting. A task-oriented evaluation of the proposed method reveals its high precision and recall in screening for emails through mobile phones given a practical message size limit.
照井 康輔 山納 康 小林 信一 齊藤 芳男
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌) (ISSN:03854205)
vol.123, no.5, pp.475-480, 2003 (Released:2003-08-01)
3 4

Oxygen-free copper electrodes stored in the atmosphere were used as test samples. Changes of field emission characteristics with 500 repetitive breakdowns and He ion beam sputtering were investigated in conjunction with analyses of electrode surface conditions by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Experiments revealed that field emission currents were detected from electrodes used as the anode after 500 breakdowns, while for electrodes that were heavily contaminated and the cathode after 500 breakdowns field emission currents were not detected. Although anode and cathode surfaces were cleaned by 500 breakdowns, the cathode surfaces were more completely cleaned than the anode surfaces during repetitive 500 breakdowns. Residual carbon may play a role to dominate field emission characteristics and breakdown characteristics.
林 重彦
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.46, no.2, pp.76-81, 2006 (Released:2006-03-25)

Chemical reactions play important roles in biological functions. In order to elucidate molecular mechanism of the chemical reactions in biosystems, so-called hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods have been developed and applied to many biochemical reactions recently. The methods permit one to calculate electronic states of reaction substrate molecules in protein binding pockets by taking into account molecular interactions with the surrounding protein environment. In this review, we survey our QM/MM studies for chemical reactions in rhodopsin photoreceptor proteins and F1-ATP synthase along with a brief introduction of the methodology.
小林 義雄 細井 輝男 竹内 敏子 吉崎 英清
中京大学教養論叢 (ISSN:02867982)
vol.44, no.2, pp.431-443, 2003-10-15

The concentration of beta-endorphin (B-EP) was measured in 12 male recreational runners before and after marathon running. All subjects could finish 42 km distance and their mean time for finishing was 3 hr and 50 min (3 hr 6 min - 4 hr 22 min). Plasma B-EP significantly (P<0.0001) increased to about 9.8-fold above base line, from 9.1 ± 0.8 (SE) to 88.9±17.0 pg/ml. In addition, B-EP remained above baseline at 30 min and 60 min after the marathon race (43.9 + 12.7 pg/ml; P<0.0001 and 33.6± 6.6 pg/ml; P<0.001, respectively) and dropped to baseline 24 hr following the race. Lactate concentration also significantly (P<0.0001) increased during the marathon race (from 11.8±0.12 to 2.33± 0.18 mmol/L). This value was far below anaerobic threshold levels, 4 mmol/L, and was equivalent to approximately 60-65% VO_2max of our subjects. Previous studies have reported that the peripheral B-EP responses may be intensity dependent and that an exercise intensity of at least 70% VO_2max for 15 min is needed to increase plasma B-EP. Since our subjects performed extremely over-duration exercise and were exhausted after the race, therefore, the undue physical stress might affect the increase in B-EP. In conclusion, plasma B-EP responses may be both intensity and duration dependent.
吉原 朋宏 渡邊 明嗣 小林 大 田口 亮 上原 年博 横田 治夫
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. DE, データ工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.105, no.171, pp.185-190, 2005-07-06

我々が提案している並列Btree構造向けの並行性制御手法MARK-OPTが, アクセスパターンが各PE(Processing Element)で均一である環境において有効であることを示してきた.本稿では, アクセスパターンの偏りがある環境における従来手法との比較実験から, アクセス偏りによるMARK-OPTへの影響を考察し, MARK-OPTがアクセス偏りがある環境においても有効であることを示す.また, そのアクセス偏り除去のための有効な手段であるデータマイグレーションの並行性制御にMARK-OPTを用い, データマイグレーションが発生する頻度を変化させた場合の実験から, データマイグレーションによるMARK-OPTへの影響を考察し, MARK-OPTがデータマイグレーションの並行性制御として有効であることを示す.
趙 菲 林 治秀 田端 孝義
東北大学歯学雑誌 (ISSN:02873915)
vol.23, no.2, pp.73-79, 2004-12-30

ヒトの経穴(右手の合谷又は右足の足三里)を電気鍼刺激し, レーザー血流計で両側手の指掌と両側足背の皮膚血流変化を測定した。経穴刺激による血流変化(増加又は減少)は刺激開始後の時間や被験者により差が見られた。刺鍼前の血流量を100%として, 全被験者の平均値で表すと, 15分間の合谷電気鍼刺激により, 同側及び対側の指掌の血流は留鍼5分後148%及び137%とそれぞれ有意に増加し, その後刺激前の値に回復した。又, 合谷刺激による両側足背の血流は留鍼中増加傾向を示し, 抜鍼後有意に増加した(同側の足背, 126%;対側の足背, 141%)。足三里電気鍼刺激では留鍼中両側足背の血流は変化せず, 抜鍼後血流は有意に減少した(同側の足背, 90%;対側の足背, 88%)。足三里刺激による両側指掌の血流には, 留鍼中及び抜鍼後とも有意な血流変化は認められなかった。以上の結果は合谷や足三里鍼刺激が手足の皮膚血流を変化させることを示し, この結果とラットを用いて行った同様の実験の結果とを比較検討した。
小林 祥次郎
日本語と日本文学 (ISSN:02856352)
no.42, pp.1-10, 2006-02-28
林 羊歯代
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.46, pp.121-146, 1996-10-20

Nei primi decenni del Quattrocento l'incorniciatura non separava piu con archi e colonnetti il dipinto, in seguito alle innovazioni della pittura che, con l'avvento della prospettiva ad opera del Brunelleschi, esige spazi piu ampi ove poter costruire un'unica scena, e abbandonava lo slancio verticale gotico. Subito dopo il dipinto raggiungeva un formato quadrato o rettangolare. Questo mutamento recava definitivamente l'innovamento stilistico della cornice. Fondamentalmente rimane la concezione di un motivo architettonico che racchiude una scena, ma compaiono trabeazioni classiche sorrette da pilastri scanalati con capitelli corinzi o compositi. Nasce cosi a Firenze negle anni trenta del Quattrocento la cornice a tabernacolo legata all'architettura classica. Le cornici di questo tipo sono menzionate come cornici "all'antica" nei numerosi appunti di Neri di Bicci, pittore fiorentino e il suo manoscritto Ricordanze e uno dei documenti piu conosciuti e importanti nell'ambito delle fonti originali superstiti di storia dell'arte. Quindi sappiamo che le cornici di questo genere vengono considerate un tipo standard, entrato sin dagli anni cinquanta nell'uso comune. Purtroppo ormai non esiste nessuna pala importante con cornice a tabernacolo precedente al 1450. Alcuni studiosi ipotizzano che due tavole fatte negli anni trenta o quaranta siano i primi esempi della pala con cornice a tabernacolo : "Annunciazione"(San Lorenzo, Firenze) di Filippo Lippi e "Madonna col Bambino e santi"(San Marco, Firenze) di Fra Angelico. Tutt'e due le opere furono eseguite per le nuove cappelle che vennero costruite a stile rinascimentale da due rinnovatori del Rinascimento architettonico : Brunelleschi e Michelozzo. Sempre piu spesso gli studiosi mettono l'attenzione sulla stretta unita dipinto-cornice-architettura nelle cappelle rinascimentali. In seguito dovremo affrontare il problema riguardante l'ipotesi che l'architetto avesse dato indicazioni precise o quantomeno direttive sommarie circa la loro sistemazione nelle cappelle. Per quanto riguarda il disegno della cornice a tabernacolo, si possono indicare come suoi prototipi quelle numerose cornici architettoniche contemporanee, ovvero tabernacoli marmorei sui muri, finestre, portali, lavabi ecc.. Anche la cornice a edicola che racchiude rilievi marmorei o in stucco policromo raffiguranti la Madonna col Bambino eseguiti dagli anni venti va identificata come uno dei prototipi. Specialmente e prevalente l'influenza delle opere di Donatello, per esempio il tabernacolo di Parte Guelfa (Orsanmichele) e "Annunciazione" di Cavalcanti (Santa Croce) sul disegno della cornice in legno per pala d'altare. Oggi l'importanza dela cornice a tabernacolo e rilevata da due correnti di studio artistico, cioe lo studio sulla pala d'altare e quello sulla storia della cornice stessa. Sintetizzando i risultati di questi studi, in questo articolo propongo una analisi della situazione artistica e culturale ai tempi della nascita della cornice rinascimentale.
林田 守正 水間 毅 大野 寛之 成澤 和幸 大聖 泰弘 紙屋 雄史 田中 洋祐
vol.2006, no.15, pp.171-174, 2006-12-13

An advanced on-demand bus system has been developed for regional public transportation using the advanced electric buses (WEB) as a part of NEDO's project. The on-demand system utilizes advanced ITS and associated technologies. It consists of three subsystems of a driver navigation system responding to demands by operations on mobile phones, a traffic running simulator for best routing and an estimation system for number of passengers. On-road proving tests were carried out using WEB in Honjo city, Saitama prefecture, and the reliability and the convenience for passengers' mobility have been clarified.
小野 功 小林 重信
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.13, no.5, pp.780-790, 1998-09-01

In this paper, we propose a new genetic algorithm(GA) for job-shop scheduling problems(JSPs), considering dependencies among machines. We regard the crossover as a main search operator. Crossovers should preserve characteristics between parents and their children in order for GAs to perform well. Characteristics are elements that constitute a solution and determine the fitness of the solution. Chracteristics also should be highly independent of each other. A characteristic has to be found for each problem domain since it depends on a particular problem domain. We basically regard the processing order of jobs as a characteristic for JSPs. We consider job-based order inheritance and position-based order inheritance for ways of inheritance of the processing order by crossovers, and propose two new crossovers; the Inter-machine Job-based Order Crossover(Inter-machine JOX) and the Inter-machine Position-based Order Crossover(Inter-machine POX). By applying them to the benchmark problems of FT10×10 and FT20×5, we demonstrate that the Inter-machine JOX shows better performance than the Inter-machine POX and an existing crossover, the SXX[Kobayashi 95]. The Inter-machine JOX preserves both the processing order of jobs and the technological ordering which causes dependencies among machines. We also propose a new mutation named the Inter-machine Job-based Shift Change for introducing a diversity of population. We confirm its effectiveness by applying it with the Inter-machine JOX to FT10×10 and FT20×5.
林 宜嗣
經濟學論究 (ISSN:02868032)
vol.62, no.1, pp.81-96, 2008-07

Metropolitan areas of Japan have recently experienced significant structual changes. The population change exerts a big influence on the growth and decline of the city. In addition, urban deterioration leads to a migration of individuals to the suburbs. This paper inspects the population changes in the Tokyo and Osaka metropolitan areas and explains the close relationship btween urban amenities and migration. It finds that a decentralized urban public policy is necessary to stop cumulative city deterioration.