周藤 高 松永 成生 末永 潤 猪森 茂雄 藤野 英世
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.38, no.4, pp.228-234, 2010 (Released:2011-04-29)
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We retrospectively studied 15 patients, 9 men and 6 women aged 17 to 52 years (mean 28.1 years), who developed cyst formation following gamma knife radiosurgery (GKS) at our hospital for cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM). The mean nidus volume was 11 cm3 (0.1-26.7 cm3), and the mean prescription dose at the nidus margin was 20.0 Gy (18-28 Gy). Nidus obliteration was obtained in 9 patients, partial obliteration in 5, and no change in 1. Cyst formation was detected from 2.5 to 13.5 years (mean 6.4 years) after GKS. Three patients underwent craniotomy, and 2 received placement of an Ommaya reservoir. Spontaneous regression of cyst was observed in 2 patients. The outcome of the cyst was unknown in 2 patients, because of no response from the neurosurgeon the patients were referred to. Serial magnetic resonance imaging was performed in the other 6 patients because the cyst size was stable or asymptomatic. These findings suggest that cyst formation following GKS is not a “late complication.” Placement of an Ommaya reservoir or cyst-peritoneal shunt is recommended for cysts with obliterated nidus. Craniotomy should be considered if the nidus is not completely obliterated or the cyst is associated with an expanding hematoma. Serial follow-up imaging is recommended for asymptomatic patients.
覺本 真代 坂本 靖英 宮崎 晋行 青木 一男 瀧口 晃 安井 彩 森 二郎
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.134, no.9, pp.117-130, 2018-09-30 (Released:2018-09-12)

Depressurization process is regarded as the most effective process for gas recovery method from the viewpoints of gas productivity and economic efficiency among in-situ dissociation processes of Methane Hydrate (MH) existing in marine sediments. However, it is supposed that consolidation and deformation of the stratum occurs due to MH dissociation and increase of effective stress in the stratum during operation of depressurization. Consolidation and deformation wreak negative friction on the production well. As a result, the production well may suffer large compressive or tensile stress. In the worst case, it may cause shear failure, tension failure and crushing. Therefore, in order to improve the accuracy for evaluation of stress distribution occurring on production well during depressurization, it is necessary to construct the numerical model enable to reproduce unsteady change of the relationship between shear stress and strain occurring on the contact surface between well and layer and introduce into geo-mechanical simulator. In this study, targeting three contact surface locating above depressurization interval such as 1) casing-cement, 2) casing-layer and 3) cement-layer consisting of different material, we conducted push-out test in laboratory in order to evaluate the frictional behavior at these contact surface based on the relationship between displacement and axial load. From experimental observation, it was found that shear stress occurring on the contact surface linearly increased at the initial stage in the case of steel-cement specimen. On the other hand, for specimens consisting steel-clay and cement-clay, non-linear increase of shear stress was confirmed in the process leading to the shear strength. In addition, shear strength τmax for each contact surface increased depending on effective stress σ ', effective friction angle δ' and effective cohesion c' as failure criteria was estimated based on τmax and σ '. Then, constitutive equation of variable compliance type was applied for reproduction of the relationship between displacement and shear stress observed in a series of push-out test. Through numerical simulation by introduction of this constitutive equation, we confirmed the validity of modeling of the frictional behavior.
野木森 三和子
カリキュラム研究 (ISSN:0918354X)
vol.14, pp.59-73, 2005-03-31 (Released:2017-10-17)

The purpose of this paper is not a mere introduction of the philosophy or the practice of multicultural education, as often seen. Today in Japan, multicultural education generally tends to be thought as being similar to education for international understanding, a practice for understanding the different cultures. However, the practice of multicultural education has a possibility of reforming the substantial concept of education itself, instead of just emphasizing on the issues of race and ethnicity. Its philosophy and essence can bring a fundamental reform to the daily educational practice in many classrooms of the schools in Japan, in such fields as integrated study education, social studies, language education, etc. Also it can inspire the incorporation of at least three following important elements to the educational philosophy in Japan. First, the creation of the new culture caused by the confrontation to foreignness. Second, the objectification of oneself based on the ability of analyzing the information. And third, the academic achievement based on the concept learning. It is the purpose of this research, unlike the conventional research, to investigate the principle of multicultural education standing on the hypothesis mentioned above. The goal of the practice of multicultural education in the United States is the co-living of the various individuals, each of them maintaining their cultural identity at the same time. Therefore it can be mentioned as a practice for fostering "the competence to live" in this modern society, continuing to become more diverse, more complicated. And there it can be found not only the understanding of the different cultures but the basic elements of the character formation, such as extension of one's self-respect, acquisition of the objective grasp of oneself, development in understanding and considering for others, and fostering the broad social awareness. From the point of view as mentioned above, this paper verifies the practice of multicultural education, based on the positive data collected by the writer's own fieldwork. And it can be said as a result that the actual development of the children was seen to a considerable extent in the five developmental territories (self-grasping, respect for others, social awareness, information analysis, and academic achievement). Also, "marginality" in two different meanings can be considered as the extremely important elements of this educational practice: first, to recognize oneself as a marginal man, and second, the marginal conditions of the educational environment.
森下 直貴
浜松医科大学紀要 (ISSN:09140174)
vol.31, pp.1-21, 2017-03-30

In Japanese history of philosophy, Amane Nishi is regarded not as a genuine philosopher but as an enlightenment-thinker, whereas he is unanimously praised as “the father of Japanese philosophy.” The reason is that he was the positivist as well as the utilitarian. However, he expressed the faith in “Ten (i.e. Heaven),” Japanese metaphysical or divine entity. The concept of “Ten” is inherited from Kogaku school of Confucianism in Tokugawa era, and derived from Kukai’s esoteric Buddhism in ancient era. Therefore, Nishi’s philosophy remains vague yet, as long as the relation between positivism and “Ten” within his thought is not elucidated. This paper condenses Nishi’s philosophy into three theses, aiming to comprehend it completely. The first is〈 Relation i.g. “Ri (Reason)”〉 thesis. Nishi raised it against Shushigaku school of Confucianism. Compering this thesis with thoughts of Shushigaku, Kogaku, or Conte and J.S.Mill, Nishi’s philosophy is characterized as the perspective of distinguishing and relating every thing in the actual world. The second is〈Knowledge / Faith〉 thesis, his fundamental view on religion. Interpreting implications of this thesis, the structure of relationships among science, metaphysics, religion and morality is lighted up. Their co-related structure of every thing, which is mediated by “Ri” and suspended by “Ten,” is the Nishi’s very system of philosophy. The third is〈 Feeling = Brain〉 thesis. This is the basis of bringing〈 distinction-connection〉 into the world. Here is followed how this thesis makes sciences unified, building a bridge between physiology and psychology. And also how it makes utilitarian ethics systematic, integrating personal, inter-personal and societal levels. The core of Nishi’s philosophy exists in his perspective of〈 distinction-connection〉. This is one of the pictures of the “philosophical thinking.” From this perspective, he tried to divide and integrate all actual beings, including human activities, for example, science and philosophy, metaphysics and religion, physics and psychology, physiology and psychology, simple and complex feeling, religion and morality, morality and law, and so on. His “system of philosophy” embodies itself in such inclusiveness. And in Japanese metaphysical tradition, the actual world substantially means “Ten and Chi (i.e. Heaven and Earth)”. Therefore, his philosophy also includes the first attempt of “Japanese metaphysics.”
木下 博之 岩本 博光 馬野 泰一 椿原 秀明 坂田 好史 森 一成
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.76, no.5, pp.1020-1024, 2015 (Released:2015-11-30)

症例は51歳の男性.腹膜播種を伴う高度進行胃癌に対してXP (capecitabin/CDDP)療法を6コース施行した後に胃全摘,2群リンパ節郭清術を施行した.術後も2コースを追加したところ,Grade 4の汎血球減少と頻回の下痢を認め,大腸内視鏡検査と血液検査からサイトメガロウイルス(以下CMV)腸炎と診断した.その後,ガンシクロビルの投与で腸炎は著明に改善した.なお,末梢血単核球中のdihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase(以下DPD)蛋白量は21.5U/mg proteinと基準値(33.6~183.6U/mg protein)に比して低値を示し,DPDの活性低値により重篤な副作用が発症したものと判断した.DPDが欠損または活性低下を示す患者の存在と日和見感染症としてのCMV腸炎の発症にも留意することが肝要であると考える.
大森 房吉
vol.3, pp.27-"35-7", 1895-06-06

森脇 一郎 上田 昭夫 射場 大輔
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.863, pp.18-00033, 2018 (Released:2018-07-25)

The present paper describes edge contact analyses for power transmission gears using tooth-flank-film elements, which have been proposed for finite element analyses of tooth stresses. For edge contact analyses, the tooth-flank-film elements are placed not only on usable flanks but also over tooth edges. Finer elements on edge neighboring areas and on the parts of usable tooth flanks where tend to contact with mating edges enable the edge contact to be analyzed. Comparisons of calculated distributions of tooth contact stress with observed tooth flanks after a running test showed the validity of the proposed method for edge contact analyses.
田代 耕一 遠藤 正英 川﨑 恭太郎 猪野 嘉一 森 政雄
vol.2016, pp.77-77, 2016

<p>【はじめに】</p><p>脳卒中片麻痺患者(以下:CVA患者)において歩行の獲得は日常生活動作(以下:ADL)に大きく影響を及ぼす。歩行の獲得には杖や補装具といった歩行補助具の役割が重要となる。特に杖は麻痺側下肢に代わる体重の支持、歩行中のバランス保持などを目的に使用される。そして臨床上、杖の高さの違いによって歩容が変化することを経験する。いくつかの教本によると、杖の高さは大腿骨大転子部の高さとされているが、CVA患者の歩行において大転子の高さでは合わないことも経験する。そのため実際、杖の高さの設定はセラピストの視覚的評価に頼っており、力学的評価を簡易的に測定することは困難である。</p><p>そこでグリップの把持により上肢荷重量が測定可能なリハビリ支援ツールTree(リーフ株式会社製)、足圧インソールモニター(以下:Pit)(リーフ株式会社製)を使用し、グリップの高さの違いがCVA患者の歩行における非麻痺側上肢の荷重量(以下:上肢荷重量)、麻痺側下肢の立脚期荷重量(以下:立脚期荷重量)に与える影響について検討した。</p><p>【方法】</p><p>対象は脳卒中左片麻痺患者1名であり、Brunnstrom recovery stage上肢Ⅲ手指Ⅱ下肢Ⅲ、歩行はT杖、短下肢装具を装着し2動作前型で自立であった。その対象者に対し、Treeのグリップの高さを変更しつつTree使用下での歩行を3回実施した。グリップの高さは、対象者が日常的に使用している杖の高さである90cm、その高さから上下に5cmずつ変更した場合の3条件とした。Treeの設定はフリー走行モードとし、速度は10m歩行にて抽出した快適歩行速度0.35m/sとした。また、測定は85cm、90cm、95cmの順で実施した。そして各3条件においてグリップを把持する上肢荷重量(kg)、立脚期荷重量(%)をそれぞれ測定した。上肢荷重量は全歩行周期における平均値を算出し、立脚期荷重量は連続する3歩行周期における平均値を抽出した。立脚期荷重量はPitを使用し、立脚期は1歩行周期における麻痺側下肢の踵接地からつま先離地とした。Pitでの計測数値は対象者の全体重を100%とし算出した。</p><p>【結果】</p><p> グリップの高さ85cmの場合、上肢荷重量の平均値が1.87kg、立脚期荷重量が53.4±28.2%であった。90cmの場合、上肢荷重量の平均値が1.62kg、立脚期荷重量が50.1±26.5%であった。95cmの場合、上肢荷重量が1.34kg、立脚期荷重量が62.0±31.1%であった。</p><p>【考察】</p><p>グリップが高くなるにつれて上肢荷重量は減少する傾向がみられた。これはグリップが高くなるにつれて、上肢の下方への支持が難しくなったためと考える。</p><p>また立脚期荷重量においては、自身の杖の高さとは異なる場合に増加する傾向がみられた。85cmの場合は、90cmの場合と比較して左下肢前遊脚期に体幹・骨盤帯の右回旋が増加し、さらに体幹の前屈を生じるため股関節屈曲位での振り出しとなる。結果的に屈筋共同運動が誘発され、床から足底までの距離が大きくなる。そのため左立脚期における衝撃が大きくなり、立脚期荷重量が増加したと考える。95cmの場合は、85cm、90cmの場合と比較して左下肢前遊脚期に体幹の前屈・右回旋が減少し麻痺側への重心移動が容易となったため、麻痺側への重心移動が大きくなり立脚期荷重量が増加したのではないかと考える。以上のことから、杖の高さによって上肢荷重量、立脚期荷重量に変化を示し杖の高さが歩行時の重心移動に影響することが考えられる。しかし、Treeのグリップは杖と同機能ではない。そこで今後は症例数を増やし杖使用時、Tree使用時の比較を含めた検証を行っていく。</p><p>【倫理的配慮,説明と同意】</p><p>対象には本研究の内容を説明し同意を得た。また当院倫理審査委員会にて承認を得ている。(2016040402番)</p>
池内 和忠 若森 晋之介 廣兼 司 山田 英俊
公益社団法人 有機合成化学協会
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.76, no.9, pp.904-913, 2018-09-01 (Released:2018-09-07)

This review describes synthetic methods that have brought remarkable increase of synthesizable ellagitannins. Acquisition of capability to enable syntheses of all ellagitannins, which are more than 1,000 characterized natural products and their analogues, would contribute to development of understanding structure-activity relationship. The two major reasons diversifying the structures of ellagitannins are the presence of the hexahydroxydiphenoyl group and the C-O digallates, each of which arises through formation of a C-C or a C-O bond between two galloyl groups. To increase the number of synthesizable ellagitannins, establishment of methods for synthesizing these two components and for assembling the components to construct ellagitannin molecules are essential. Three focuses here are methods for synthesizing (1) the hexahydroxydiphenoyl group, (2) glucose derivatives with hexahydroxydiphenoyl bridges, and (3) the C-O digallates. In addition, several applications of these methods for total syntheses of ellagitannins are exemplified.
村上 克介 洞口 公俊 森田 政明 相賀 一郎
Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists
生物環境調節 (ISSN:05824087)
vol.29, no.2, pp.73-79, 1991-06-30 (Released:2010-06-22)
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The seedlings of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Russian Mammoth) were hydroponic-cultured in a controlled environment at 25°C and at 70% relative humidity. Using three band fluorescent lamps (5000 K) as the main lighting source, the PPFD (400-700 nm) was kept at 200, μmol⋅m-2⋅s-1, and each additional PFD (700-800 nm) of far-red (FR) irradiation in four experiments, using FR fluorescent lamps, was kept at 107.1, 50.1, 25.6, and 9.3 umol⋅m-2⋅s-1, respectively.According to the additional level of FR irradiation, the fresh weight, dry weight, leaf area and stem length of the seedlings were increased. The stem length was extended greatly by additional FR irradiation, and leaf/stem dry weight ratio was also changed. Eight days after the treatment by FR irradiation, the stem length was extended 3.8 times longer in FR, 107.1, μmol⋅m-2⋅s-1 treatment in comparison with the 9.3μmol⋅m-2⋅s-1treatment, and leaf/stem dry weight ratio was 5.8 to 2.7.It was found that stem extension and leaf/stem dry weight ratio could be controlled artificially by the level of the additional FR irradiation. As a result, it indicates that the evaluation of FR irradiation may be useful in designing the lighting conditions of plant factories or in atria.
白仁田 和久 佐々木 健 木谷 純 森澤 仁
Japan Chapter of International Geosynthetics Society
ジオシンセティックス論文集 (ISSN:13446193)
vol.29, pp.197-200, 2014

森口 肇 市川 修 田川 泰敬
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.863, pp.17-00580, 2018 (Released:2018-07-25)

In recent years, electronic control has become mainstream of pneumatic control systems. But pneumatic positioning systems have advantages such as explosion proof, operable even at power failure, simple structure, easier maintenance, and low price. Therefore, with fusion of mechanical feedback technology and latest technology, it is possible to realize an advanced system required for realize a safe and secure society, and it can be expected to be applied in a wide field in the future. In this study, we aim to develop advanced system incorporating pneumatic positioning systems with mechanical feedback, we propose a model of the pneumatic positioning systems with mechanical feedback, perform characteristic analysis using the model, and evaluate the effectiveness of the model by comparing with the experiment result. In this paper, step response experiments were carried out using three different sizes of cylinders, and the results of the step response experiment and the simulation were compared. As a result, except for high input pressure, the transient characteristics of both were in good agreement. Therefore, it proved that the proposed model is effective for analyzing the transient characteristics of the system incorporating pneumatic positioning systems with mechanical feedback. We also obtained the prospect that the characteristics analyzed using the proposed model can be used for developing new applications.
押領司 一浩 赤城 好彦 内勢 義文 周 玉宇 窪山 達也 森吉 泰生
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.863, pp.18-00002, 2018 (Released:2018-07-25)

To increase thermal efficiency of internal combustion engine, lean burn and EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system have been developed with spark ignition coils generating larger discharge current and discharge energy than current mass production coils. Several researches clarified that larger discharge current increases discharge channel extension and decreases possibility of discharge channel blow-off and possibility of misfire. However, these investigations don't mentioned effect of larger discharge current and energy on air-fuel ratio and combustion period. Then purpose of this research is to investigate relation among air-fuel ratio, combustion period and coil specification in order to clarify control factor of air-fuel ratio of lean burn. In this study, five coils having different current profiles were evaluated under 2000 rpm and 0.6 MPa NMEP (Net indicated Mean Effective Pressure) at lean mixture condition by combustion test and in-cylinder optical measurement test with research single cylinder engine. The combustion test results showed a correlation between lean limit air-fuel ratio and initial combustion period. Moreover, optical measurement test showed that initial combustion period has a correlation with discharge energy before 1st restrike and discharge channel extension rate and variation of initial combustion period under stable control condition doesn't depend on discharge current.
森 威史
國學院雜誌 (ISSN:02882051)
vol.67, no.12, pp.51-57, 1966-12
金山 麻美 高橋 さとみ 宮島 央奈 岩森 大 伊藤 直子 山崎 貴子
vol.23, pp.105, 2011

【目的】食事は健康維持に重要な役割を持つが、加齢に伴い咀嚼機能が低下し、高齢者では摂取する食品が制限される。そのため、施設や病院などでは咀嚼・嚥下困難者に対して、個々の状態に応じた食事を提供する必要がある。本研究では、高齢者の食事の実態を知るため、施設高齢者の料理の嗜好と咀嚼力、食事のテクスチャーとの関連について調べた。<BR>【方法】平成22年5~7月に新潟県内の高齢者施設(ケアハウス)2施設に入居しており、身体的に自立している高齢者を対象とした。事前に研究目的・内容を説明し、同意が得られた41名(K施設23名、N施設18名)に対し、一般的な料理および施設で提供されている料理の嗜好度、食べられない食事とその理由、歯の残存数について聞き取り調査をした。また、施設で提供している食事のテクスチャーおよび残食の有無について調査した。<BR>【結果】普段食べている食事について、普通に食べられると答えた者(普通群)は30名、軟らかくしてあれば食べられると答えた者(低咀嚼群)は11名であった。平均残存歯数は、普通群12.7本、低咀嚼群3.0本であった。一般的な料理では、タコの刺身やステーキなどが硬いという理由から全体的に嗜好度が低く、低咀嚼群は普通群に比べ、肉料理の嗜好度が低かった。一方、施設で提供している料理では、比較的硬いものでも嗜好度が高い料理があり、硬さと嗜好度や残食率との間に関連は見られなかった。この理由として、今回調査した施設で提供している料理の硬さはほとんどユニバーサルデザインフードの区分1(5×10<SUP>5</SUP> N/m<SUP>2</SUP>)以下であり、一般的な料理よりも軟らかく調理してあったことに加え、対象者が比較的咀嚼能力が高かったことが考えられる。