渡辺 秀文
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.5, pp.271-282, 1998-10-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

An evaluation of the precursors to the 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano reveals that the long-tenn precursors are clearly divided into two, magma accumulation and ascent, stages. A gradual rise of seismic activity, infiation of the volcano and anomalous decrease in the geomagnetic total intensity, had continued for more than 10 years until around 1980. After 198 1, the volcano showed a small deflation and low seismicity at the caldera area until beginning of the eruption, while we observed anomalous changes in the subsurface resistivity and the magnetic field localized around the summit crater, that indicating a gradual rise of the temperature beneath the crater. By integrating the precursors we propose that the accumulation of magma had continued until 1980, and then the basalt magma started to rise up throuth the well-developed conduit. The magma plumbing system of the summit eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano is characterized by a continuous magma supply and an well-developed conduit connecting the magma reservoir and the summit crater. Since 1987 after the eruption, the EDM and GPS measurements have revealed a re-inflation of the volcano, suggesting a continuous magma supply. Tomographic studies on the subterranean structure also delineated a low velocity zone and a melt batch at the same location (at depths of 5-10 km) beneath the caldera as that of the inflation source. The proposed model for the magma plumbing system might provide a basis for not only the short-term but also mid-term prediction of the future eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano.
渡辺 秀章 田崎 武信
計量生物学 (ISSN:09184430)
vol.27, no.Special_Issue, pp.S33-S44, 2006-09-30 (Released:2012-01-23)

In clinical trials, missing data often happens for a variety of reasons, such as dropouts, making it difficult to analyze the primary variable measured longitudinally and to interpret the results of the primary analysis. While handling missing data sometimes causes bias in the results, there have been no established statistical approaches applied to missing data in appropriate situations. In November 2001, Committee for Proprietary Medical Product of the European Medicines Agency, issued “Points to Consider (PtC) on Missing Data”, which focuses on several points that should be taken into account when handling missing data in clinical trials. In this paper, we review the contents of this PtC, which assumes that the primary analysis is based on the ITT principle, and discuss some of the approaches for handling missing data and the difficulties in interpreting these results.
渡辺 秀夫
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.32, no.5, pp.16-26, 1983

In the middle of the tenth century Tosa Diary came out as the pioneer workof the diary literature, that was quite free from the form of a diary which hadbeen a mere document. Aquestion arizes how it was possible for Tosa Diary tobe able to establish new literary work apart from other traditional diaries. I discuss the methodological characteristics of the diary literature of Heian Periodand its restricted expressions asa prose literature, in terms of the various possibilities in the Chinese character diaries in which the root of the diary literaturehas existed.
太田 匡彦 大園 誠一郎 池田 朋博 中農 勇 平尾 佳彦 渡辺 秀次 高島 健次 平尾 和也
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.95, no.5, pp.705-710, 2004-07-20

(背景) 最近, 健康ブームで, スポーツ人口が増加しているが, 一部に運動後血尿を認める場合があり, 運動性血尿として注目されている. そこで, 最も一般的な運動であるランニングと血尿の検討を夏季において行った.<br>(対象と方法) 泌尿器科的疾患のないヘルシーボランティア109名に運動前安静時尿採取後, 5kmランニングを行い, 運動後尿を採取した. 評価可能例は90名で運動前後尿につき, 検尿, 尿沈査, フローサイトメトリーにより赤血球数, 赤血球形態について比較した.<br>(結果) 運動後の尿中赤血球数増加例が83名であり, 運動後顕微鏡的血尿例 (赤血球数3個/hpf以上) は32名であった. そのうち赤血球形態学的検討で dysmorphic pattern が23名と最多であった.<br>(結論) ランニングにより血尿が誘起され, 糸球体性血尿が中心と考えられた.
山岡 耕春 井田 喜明 山科 健一郎 渡辺 秀文
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.34, no.4, pp.263-274, 1989

Mt. Mihara of Izu-Oshima Volcano exploded on November 16, 1987 after one year's rest of its eruptivity. The eruption followed an intensive activity of earthquakes at the summit which began in January 1987. We studied the earthquakes and their mechanisms with a closely installed seismograph network around the summit. We found that most of the earthquakes occurred very narrow portion just below the summit crater with radius of 300 m. Their focal depths are shallower than 100 m above sea level. Most of the focal mechanisms are of normal types. The seismic activity ceased after this event. These facts show that the earthquakes were caused by small break of the bottom of the crater which was filled with the lava of the 1986 eruption, probably due to the load of the lava. The event on November 16 was the final break of the bottom which supported the load of the lava above it. The explosion on November 16 was caused by the sudden fall of both the bottom and the lava above it. The pressurized gas in the cavity below the bottom moved explosively upward in exchange of the falling body.
渡辺 秀俊 安藤 正雄 高橋 鷹志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.474, pp.107-114, 1995-08-30 (Released:2017-01-27)
2 2

A man sitting for an extended period changes positions both consciously and subconsciously. This study, premised on the transactive relation between man and his environment, analyzed through observation the sitting behaviour of theater audience and train passengers, with the aim of understanding the dynamics of sitting posture. The findings show that the number of times a change of posture took place is affected by attire, condition of neighboring seats, and the differences of spacial features and its location. Moreover, they point out to the existence of multiple basic postures such as those determined by the design standard of the seats, as well as seat types. The result of the analysis with Marcov Chain Model indicates irreducible, non periodic pattern of posture transition. The existence of multiple basic postures was confirmed using the stationary distribution method, while the computation of average time intervals shows short interval for the postural change. This analysis of postural transition provides a fundamental understanding that can be utilized as index for the evaluation of seats.
渡辺 秀樹
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.26, no.1, pp.36-52, 1975-07-31 (Released:2009-11-11)

In this paper, we attempt to construct a hypothetical model about the socialization process in the family applying the structural-functional theory. The socialization as a interaction process is considered to be the mutual and longitudinal process. And this process is conceptualized by role-developmental terms.In the hypothetical model, family socialization process is divided into two analytical process ; role-negotiation process and role-realization process. The three key elements in this model are role-expectation, role-conception and role-behavior.On the one hand, the family as a whole expects socializee to perform hi: family member's roles deriving from the tasks of satisfying the functiona requisites of the family as a social system. The contents of this task shift from stage to stage throughout the entire family life cycle. This tasks a any given stage in the family life cycle are considered to be the family developmental tasks.On the other hand, the individual as a socializee expects himself t actualize his own roles such as congruent to his role-conception which derive from the tasks of gratifying the personal needs as a personality system. Th contents of this tasks shift from stage to stage throughout the individual life cycle. We call these changing tasks the individual developmental task.After the contents of role-s are negotiated between role-expectation an role-conception, role-behaviour is realized.These assumption enable us to construct the ihterrelational model of the family socialization process consisting of the three key concepts (Figure 2). And theoretically, relative congruency or discrepancy among the three key concepts divide this model into five typological forms (Figure 3). And then, we assume that these five family socialization types become the phases of longitudinal process through the family life cycle stages. The possible phasemovement as typelinkages are theoretically four patterns (Figure 4). These four family socialization patterns are divided into two adaptive socialization patterns and two selfinitiated socialization patterns.After attempting the model building, we consider the relation between the family life cycle and the family socialization patterns, and also consider the typelinkage variation of the adaptive socialization pattern (Figure 5).
村松 博士 田中 育太 庵原 秀之 三上 淳一 中谷 玲二 日下部 俊朗 渡辺 秀樹 北川 一彦 土田 茂 久居 弘幸 倉 敏郎 坂田 隆
一般社団法人 日本静脈経腸栄養学会
日本静脈経腸栄養学会雑誌 (ISSN:21890161)
vol.33, no.1, pp.611-616, 2018 (Released:2018-04-20)

液体栄養剤の半固形への形状変化が臨床経過に与える効果を検証する目的で無作為多施設共同比較臨床試験を行った。半固形化栄養群(以下、介入群と略)には半固形状の水分とペクチンとカルシウムを添加し半固形状とした経腸栄養剤を、液体栄養群(以下、対照群と略)には液体の水と経腸栄養剤を経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術(PEG)施行翌日から胃瘻より投与開始、漸増した。介入群75例と対照群76例について術後2週間の臨床経過を比較した結果、誤嚥性肺炎の発症は介入群(1/75)で対照群(11/76)よりも有意に抑制された(p=0.0028)。また、PEG前は両群に差がなかったブリストル便形状スケールは2週間後で介入群が対照群よりも低くなり(4.9 ± 1.1 対. 5.6 ± 1.1)(p=0.00045)、便性状が改善した。PEG周術期において液体栄養剤を半固形状に変化させることによって誤嚥性肺炎と下痢を抑制した。
桑原 拓也 饗場 和美 豊岡 浩介 山路 雄彦 渡辺 秀臣
北関東医学 (ISSN:13432826)
vol.58, no.2, pp.159-166, 2008-05-01 (Released:2008-06-13)

【背景・目的】 他動的なスタティック・ストレッチングは運動器の維持・向上に大きな役割を果たしている. 伸張時間と頻度において有効な活用法の確立と温熱療法の相加的効果について検討した. 【対象と方法】 健常大学生22名を対象とし, ストレッチング10秒間を5回施行する群と50秒間を1回施行する群に分け, これに温熱療法を併用しストレッチング前と直後, 10分後の3回, 下肢伸展挙上 (straight-leg raising, SLR) 角度と手掌にかかった圧を測定し伸張強度を求めた. 【結 果】 10× 5群ではスタティック・ストレッチングによりSLR有意な角度の改善が認められたが, 50×1群では有意な改善が得られなかった. 温熱の相加的効果は確認されなかった. 10× 5群ではスタティック・ストレッチングにより有意な伸張強度の増加が確認された. SLR角度と伸張強度の変化率には10× 5群のみ有意な相関が確認された. 【結 語】 ストレッチングによるSLR角度の増加は10秒を5回繰り返す方法が有効であり, この短期の改善効果は神経生理学的要因が関与し, 長期持続には組織構造の変化を導くストレッチングの継続が必要と考えられる.
木股 文昭 石原 和弘 植木 貞人 内田 和也 小山 悦郎 佐藤 峰司 鈴木 敦生 高山 鐵朗 竹田 豊太郎 辻 浩 寺田 暁彦 中坊 真 浜ロ 博之 平野 舟一郎 松島 健 宮島 力雄 森 済 八木原 寛 山本 圭吾 渡辺 秀文
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.35-43, 1999-04

1998年以降, 火山活動が活発化している岩手山火山において, 火山活動に伴う地殻上下変動とその圧力源を議論する目的で, 水準路線を設置し, 1998年7, 9, 11月に精密水準測量を実施した。1998年9月3日, 水準測量実施中に, 直下でM6.1の地震が発生し, 20cmに達する断層運動を水準測量で検出した。岩手山南麓ではこの4ヶ, 月間に4cmに達する山側隆起の上下変動が観測され, その圧力源は岩手山西方に深さ3km前後と推定される。Earthquake swarm is observed around the Iwate-san Volcano, Northeast Japan since 1998. The leveling route with distance of 36 km was set up around the volcano and the precise levelings have been repeated to discuss the crustal deformation four times in July, September, September and November in 1998. When the precise levelingis doing in September 3, 1998, earthquake of M6. 1 was occurred close to the volcano. One leveling team was making leveling in the epicenter area, Re-levelings were repeated since the next day of the earthquake, and coseisimic deformations of 20 cm are detected along the leveling route. However the precursor of the vertical movements is not recognized in the leveling data made just before the earthquake. Uplift of the Iwate-san Volcano is observed and which amounts to 4 cm in the period of July to November in 1998. The pressure sources of the vertical deformations are estimated to be under the west side of the volcano with depth of 3 kim, which is the almost the same location of the pressure estimated by GPS measurements and the DInSAR (Differential Interferometric SAR).
沢田 知子 内田 青蔵 渡辺 秀俊 谷口 久美子 丸茂 みゆき
一般財団法人 住総研
vol.26, pp.191-202, 2000

松廣 達也 橋本 哲也 北岡 見生代 ア デイビッド 落合 翼 渡辺 秀行 片桐 滋 大崎 美穂
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.59, no.4, pp.1295-1308, 2018-04-15

最近,識別学習法の1つ,最小分類誤り(MCE: Minimum Classification Error)学習法が,大幾何マージン最小分類誤り(LGM-MCE: Large Geometric Margin Minimum Classification Error)学習法に拡張された.LGM-MCE法は,利用可能な学習用標本上の分類誤り数損失の最小化と,標本空間における幾何マージンの最大化とを同時に行うものである.学習用標本に対する過学習を抑制することで,この新しいLGM-MCE法は,理想的な最小分類誤り確率状態に対応する分類器状態を近似する.その有効性は,プロトタイプ型分類器用に実装され,様々な固定次元ベクトルパターンの分類課題において実証されている.本稿は,可変長パターンに対しても過学習が抑制された望ましい分類が実現されることを目指し,状態遷移モデル型分類器を用いて可変長パターンのための幾何マージンを新たに導出し,それを用いたLGM-MCE学習法を構築し,その有効性を3種の音声認識課題において評価した結果を報告するものである.実験では,LGM-MCE学習法と,その基盤となったMCE学習法とを比較する.実験の結果,いずれの課題においても,LGM-MCE学習法が,過学習を抑制し,未知の試験用標本上で高い分類精度を達成することが示される.比較実験に用いるLGM-MCE学習法の実装は,適応型損失最小化手段である確率的降下法を用いている.本稿では追加的に,高速な並列処理に適したRPROP法に基づく実装も行い,その動作確認結果も報告する.
富田 憲一 渡辺 秀治 丸山 貴昭
日本物理學會誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.66, no.6, pp.430-434, 2011-06-05
