藤原 龍也 王 碩玉 王 義娜
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会大会講演論文集 (ISSN:13451510)
vol.29, pp.127-130, 2016

<p><i>Due to increasing number of population of aging society in Japan, most people working in agriculture have become elders. Compared to other fruit trees, Buntan tree is especially shorter than others that bring physical stress on the lower back in working. In this report, The data from surface electromyogram.is shown for approaching new way of reducing the stre</i><i>ss.</i></p>
王 娟 李 無未
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.14, pp.329-340, 2021-03-31

Matsushita Daizaburo (1878-1935) was a famous grammarian from the late Meiji period to the early Showa period in Japan. In 1927 he published the Standard Chinese Grammar, which is unique for its Conjunction Theory. Instead of focusing on words, it features distinctive "Phrase based grammar". Theoretical ideas and research methods with Mr Zhu Dexi's viewpoint have similarities, but there is a gap. The theory applies an analytical approach of American Structuralist Linguistics to illustrate Chinese grammar. He is the first scholar in the East to construct a framework of Chinese grammar theory by using Structural Linguistics. This paper examines Matsushita's "conjunctions" theory from the theoretical connotation and the significance in the history of grammar.

1 0 0 0 OA 日本書紀 30巻

舎人親王 編
王 岩 吉野 泰子 熊谷 一清 高橋 深雪 関口 克明
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
no.634, pp.1451-1455, 2008-12

This paper describes the actual conditions of thermal environment when silkworm is breeding, and the air quality such as CO<sub>2</sub>, CO, VOC, carbonyl compound whose hearth is used. In addition to those factors ventilation rate in each part of the traditional house corresponding to sericulture are found out in Setagaya Ward Jidaiyubori Park. Moreover, the ventilation performance in back of the ceiling and the monitor roof is investigated. The mechanism of thermal conditions, IAQ and ventilation rate was clarified in this paper for the first time using the three-dimensional heat fluid simulation software.
長井 桃子 黒木 裕士 飯島 弘貴 伊藤 明良 太治野 純一 中畑 晶博 喜屋武 弥 張 ジュエ 王 天舒 青山 朋樹
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2016, 2017

<p>【はじめに,目的】</p><p></p><p>近年,様々な疾患に対し多能性幹細胞を用いた臨床試験が行われている。神経再生には神経のミエリン鞘とシュワン細胞の補充が肝要とされ(Zhiwu, 2012),末梢神経損傷動物モデルを用いて,幹細胞やiPS細胞移植による治療効果を検討した報告は多数あり,幹細胞を用いた臨床試験も始まっている。また,conduit(人工神経鞘)を断端部に連結させる手法においても,その中に自家培養細胞を移植する取り組みが行われている。一方,末梢神経損傷に対する介入効果として,運動は神経発芽や再生軸索の成熟を促進し(Sabatier, 2015),電気刺激は神経再生を促す(Gordon, 2010. Wong, 2015)報告もあり,細胞移植後のリハビリテーション介入が神経再生を促す可能性がある。しかし,同疾患患者の再生治療におけるリハビリテーション効果について,現時点でどこまで明らかになっているか不明な点が多い。本研究の目的は,末梢神経損傷患者に対してconduitや幹細胞を用いた治療方法と効果を報告した論文を系統的かつ網羅的に収集することに加え,これらの治療方法とリハビリテーションのかかわりにおける現状を明らかにすることである。</p><p></p><p>【方法】</p><p></p><p>研究デザインはシステマティックレビューとし,PRISMA声明に準じて実施した。検索式にはhuman,peripheral nerve,stem cell transplantation,nerve regenerationを用い,データベースはPubMed,PEDro,CINAHL,Cochrane libraryを用いた。2016年9月までに報告された,査読のある英語で記載された論文かつ,ヒトを対象に実施された臨床試験(シングルケースを含む)を対象として,conduitと細胞移植に関するものを抽出した。内科疾患や遺伝疾患に関するものは除外した。</p><p></p><p>【結果】</p><p></p><p>キーワードを用いたデータベースの検索では1220件が抽出された。適合基準に合致するものは16件(全体数比:1.31%,出版年:2000~2016)であり,そのうち,リハビリテーションに言及しているものは7件(適合論文内比:43.7%,出版年:2000~2011)だった。うち6件が手部に関するものであり,その内容は,手術直後から穏やかに手指屈伸運動を長期に行うものや実施の記載のみなど,リハビリテーションプログラムの内容や期間について詳細について記したものはなく,統一した見解は得られなかった。</p><p></p><p>【結論】</p><p></p><p>末梢神経損傷患者に対する再生治療介入の臨床試験数は少なく,リハビリテーション介入に関しても十分に検証されていない現状が明らかとなった。今後さらに,臨床試験の蓄積と,末梢神経損傷の再生治療におけるリハビリテーション効果に関するエビデンスが求められることが予測される。これらのエビデンスを,基礎的研究を通じて理学療法士が自ら示してくことは,理学療法介入の重要性を示す一助になると考える。</p>
王 暁瑞
no.33, pp.187-199, 2010-03-31

In the late Edo period, Tachibana No Akemi made a linked poem; Dokurakugin. It had a unique form of expression, starting upper phrase with "tanoshimiha" (The moment I feel pleasure is ... ) and concluding lower phrase with "toki" ( when ... ). This form was followed by Masaoka Shiki, including Matsudaira Shungaku, the lord of the Fukui, giving great influences on many other poets. Dokurakugin consists of linked 52 poems, which is in the third volume, Haruakekusa, of Tachibana No Akemi's anthology Shinobunoyakasyū. He lived in voluntary poverty but that environment inspired some of his most endearing poems, those describing the little pleasures of a poor scholar's life. Concerning the unique form, "tanoshimi ha ... no toki" (The moment I feel pleasure is ... when... ), several studies had been done; some researchers said that "kutsukamuri" form gave the poet the idea to create the unique form and others said that the poem was influenced by Haikai or Kyōka, mad poem. However, all of which are not that convincing.Therefore I would like to look at this subject from a different point of view, considering the influence of "Syubigin" form in Chinese poetry on Dokurakugin. "Syubigin" form is a form found first in the anthology, Isengekijōsyū, by neo-Confucianist, Syōyō (1011-1077) in the Northern Song Dynasty. It consists of linked poems and each upper and lower phrase goes "Gyofu ha kore shi wo ginzuru wo aisuru ni arazu". (I make a poem because I want to enjoy life, not because I love making a poem)Also as to contents, Dokurakugin includes some examples of ideas derived from Syubigin. For example, one phrase meaning 'The moment I feel pleasure is when I am doing meditation sitting on a straw mat, the scent of the grass." seems to be influenced by a poem, which expresses relaxed feelings in serene atmosphere, meaning "I like to make a poem when I am doing meditation in a little drunk." In addition, the conception of naming the title, Dokurakugin, seemed to have originated from Syōyō's "anrakukacyūgin" and Shibakō's "dokurakuenki".In this paper, I would like to consider the development of Tachibana No Akemi's unique form of expression in Dokurakugin, focusing on its receptive connection with Syōyō's Syubigin.
熊王 康宏 鈴木 翔 神宮 英夫
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.14, no.2, pp.114-118, 2010

The relation among evaluations in eating quality affects one's "desire to purchase", "sense of safety", and "sense of well-being". The purpose of this study was to clarity the relation among evaluations of the eating quality of raw ham, as well as to determine how the relation influences one's "desire to purchase", "sense of safety", and "sense of well-being." In this study, the samples were four raw hams which were very similar in terms of chemical composition, texture, and price. The result of principle component analysis indicated the importance of the "general evaluation by 'umami' and good texture" and "a moist texture as judged by the degree of saltiness" of the ham. The result of discriminant analysis indicated that the "general evaluation by 'umami' and good texture" affected one's "desire to purchase" and "sense of safety", and the "moist texture as judged by the degree of the saltiness" affected the "sense of well-being." In other words, the relation among evaluations of eating quality was affected by the purchasing evaluations.
王 笑寒 Oky Dicky Ardiansyah PRIMA 伊藤 久祥 今渕 貴志 蛇穴 祐稀
vol.2015, no.1, pp.705-706, 2015-03-17

Sabina Yeasmin 高畠 令王奈 鍵屋 ゆかり 岡﨑 法子 峯岸 恭孝 橘田 和美
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.62, no.6, pp.180-186, 2021-12-25 (Released:2021-12-25)

食品あるいは飼料において,遺伝子組換え(GM)作物の検出法を開発するためには,種特異的な内在性配列が不可欠である.本研究では,ナス科作物のβ-fructosidase遺伝子の部分配列を用いて,loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)法によるナスの種特異的検出法を開発した.LAMP法は,迅速,特異的かつ低コストで実施可能な検出技術である.開発したプライマーセットを用いて,ナスの種特異性および安定性を,18品種のナスおよびナス科植物を含む作物種を用いて検討した.また,検出限界を評価した.その結果,本LAMP検出法は,ナスに特異的であり,かつナス品種間で安定した増幅を示した.以上の結果から,LAMP法によるGMナス検出法が開発される際には,有用な陽性コントロールとして利用可能であることが示された.
医王 秀行
The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.41, no.2, pp.20-37, 1998

In the Jahiliya Period, a pilgrimage festival with an annual market was held at a convenient season of the year. Observing the difference between the lunar and the solar year, they intercalated a month every several years. It has been said that this system was taken from the Jews. The Banu Kinana were charged with <i>Nasi'</i> (intercalation) and adjusted the calendar.<br>Abraha, who invaded Makka in the Year of the Elephant, aimed to divert the Arab pilgrimage to the church he himself had constructed in Yemen. But there were strong protests against his plan, particularly by the Kinanite who controlled the order of the Arab pilgrimage cycle in the Arabian peninsula.<br>According to their calendar, in a normal year, the first two months after Dhu 'l-Hijja were Safar I and Safar II, and in a leap year, the intercalary month, al-Muharram, came first, followed by Safar I and Safar II. Safar I in a normal year and al-Muharram both belonged to the sacred months, so that the safety of the pilgrims moving to another sanctuary was guaranteed. Therefore, in a leap year and a normal year, there were four sacred months.<br>Though this was exceptional, they postponed the sanctity of a month when the markets were invaded, or war broke out between Arab tribes, and so the festival could not be held as normal. Mainly the Kinanite took part in the war of Fijar which occurred near the 'Ukaz market for several years. Therefore, it was likely that the sacred month was postponed exceptionally.
王 財源 遠藤 宏 豊田 住江 河内 明 北出 利勝 兵頭 正義
社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.41, no.4, pp.370-373, 1991-12-01 (Released:2011-05-30)

『焼山火』は中国古来より刺鍼手技のひとつとして用いられてきた補法の変法手技である。刺鍼時において, 熱感や腫れぼさ覚え, 虚証で冷え症の患者に古くから行われてきた。では果たして刺針時において皮膚表面温度・深部温度・血流量がどのように変化をするか, 古来より伝えられてきた方法を用いて観察を行なった。今回は特に中国の老中医師に指導を賜わり研究を進め, 臨床的試験の結果, 皮膚温度・深部温度に上昇傾向が認められた。特に遠位部における皮膚温度と深部温度は, 刺鍼後40分目には1.0℃以上の上昇が認められた。局所においても0.5℃以上の温度上昇が認められた。
王 暁雨
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.10, pp.771-782, 2017-03-31

While revising the process of making the modern Japan, it's hard to not noticing the important role of translation works in this era. As one of the most important translators in Bakumatsu-Meiji period, Fukuzawa Yukichi's translation greatly helped the understanding of Japanese toward the Western world. Especially the easy-reading feature helped to make his works famous and influential at the time. In this article, we will discuss why, what and how Fukuzawa derived his idea and translating style through historical analyzation, which could also help revealing his inner understandings of Western culture and vision of modern Japan.
王 蘭
比較文学 (ISSN:04408039)
vol.51, pp.79-92, 2009

<p> What is the significance of demons and ghosts in the modern age? This paper will examine the interest Zhou Zuoren and Yanagita Kunio had in the use of supernatural beings in literature and folklore. It will discuss the views these thinkers held and the quite different conclusions they came to.</p><p> Zhou Zuoren (1885-1962) believed demons and ghosts were products of human fear and felt that studying them would lead to a deeper understanding of the Chinese people and their culture. His conclusion, however, was that people's fear was ultimately unhealthy. A prolific translator of Greek literature, Zhou Zouren advocated the introduction of Greek mythology with its more human, less fearful, and more beautiful gods.</p><p> Yanagita Kunio (1875-1962) was a Japanese contemporary of Zhou Zuoren. Often called the "father of Japanese native ethnology," Kunio believed that through studying the strange, mysterious and fantastic elements of folklore one could better understand the mindset and character of the common people. Unlike Zhou Zuoren, however, he did not try to reform Japanese culture by introducing foreign elements. His desire was quite the opposite ――to uncover the ancient beliefs of the Japanese people.</p><p> This paper discusses these two intellectuals, their views on demons and ghosts, and discusses the reasons behind their opposing conclusions.</p>