田中 修實
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1989, no.39, pp.61-89,en5, 1990-03-30 (Released:2009-11-16)

In recent years, one of the major concerns in the study of Medieval Japan is to make clear the peculiarity of the Medieval Japanese State. Two ruling principles of this Medieval State were: (a) feudal, based on the lord vs. vassals' relationship; and (b) bureaucratic. Interest in the bureaucratic ruling principle is becoming deeper now.KANTO or KANDO (_??__??_) occupied the core part of this bureaucratic ruling principle. KANTO means the appointing of an official position to the SAMURAI (_??_) class mainly under the RITSURYÔ (_??__??_) system in the Medieval times and EDO period.In my study, paying special attention to the titles of ZURYÔ (_??__??_) among the KANTO, I try to reveal the actual effects of the KANTO by investigating the relationship between the BITCHÛ-NO-KAMI (_??__??__??_) and BITCHÛ-NO-KUNI (_??__??__??_) in the latter Medieval times. A précis of my demonstrative investigation is as follows.(1) During the confrontation of the NANCHÔ (_??__??_) and HOKUCHÔ (_??__??_) with the MUROMACHI-BAKUFU (_??__??__??__??_), the side awarded the KANTO made the best use of it politically. The KOKUJIN (_??__??_) also made use of ZURYÔ-MEI-KANTO (_??__??__??__??__??_) as a means to spread their power. This means that the KANTO still had authority in the district, equivalent to the KUNI-NO-KAMI (_??__??_) during the ancient times.(2) After the time of ÔEI (_??__??_ 1394-1428), KANTO became inherited rather than appointed, showing the social standing or position of the family. But in the case he (the SAMURAI) was in his district, KANTO still maintained elements of substantial authority.(3) At the struggle between the lords or at the confrontation between the lord and vassals or to levy the land tax, the ZURYÔ-MEI-KANTO could be their legal right or their justification.As demonstrated by my investigation above on the BITCHÛ-NO-KAMI, the traditional view with which we regarded KANTO during Medieval times, as being only an honorable title that did not involve actual authority, must be corrected. This misunderstanding has occured due to the change in KANTO from a position of appointment to a position attained through inheritance.Yet, BITCHÛ-NO-KUNI was still a distinctive district. It had been SUKI-NO-KUNI (_??__??__??_) from ancient times to Medieval times, and was a necessary symbolic district for the ceremony of DAIJÔE (_??__??__??_) to confirm the ruling justification of the TENNÔ (_??__??_) system. At the same time, it was the key strategical district in western Japan.These key features in BITCHÛ-NO-KUNI, and the manifestation that the ZURYÔ-MEI-KANTO still maintained elements of substantial authority in the district, constitutes the core part of the latter Medieval State. I think this conclusion, as demonstrased by my study, depicts the essence of KANTO during the latter Medieval Japan.
Ambara R. Pradipta 田中 克典
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.3, pp.301-306, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

Acrolein, a highly toxic α, β-unsaturated aldehyde, occurs as pollutant in the environment (e.g., tobacco smoke and exhaust gas) and is ubiquitously generated in biosystems (e.g., the lipid peroxidation process and metabolism of polyamine or amino acids). High accumulation of acrolein in biosystems is often linked pathologically with several oxidative stress-related diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Accordingly, acrolein holds great potential as a key biomarker in oxidative stress-related diseases, and direct measurement of acrolein in biological samples is important to provide information for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Recently, we have serendipitously discovered the unrecognized reactivity of phenyl azide to acrolein. Phenyl azide can rapidly and selectively react with acrolein in a “click” manner to provide 4-formyl-1,2,3-triazoline through 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. We have successfully utilized the acrolein-azide click reaction as a simple but robust method for detecting and visualizing acrolein generated by live cells in the context of oxidative stress processes. In addition, we also serendipitously discovered novel cycloaddition reactions of N-alkyl-α,β-unsaturated imines derived from acrolein and biogenic amines (e.g., polyamines, norepinephrine, and sphingosine), to yield 8-membered cyclic compounds. We then examined the biological functions of the cyclic products and revealed for the first time their roles in the oxidative stress mechanism and inhibition of amyloid β(1-40) fibrillization.
田中 東子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.83, pp.75-93, 2013-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This article discusses what type of analysis can be carried out to examine gender and media issues in the online age. Behind this discussion are two facts: the number of Japanese women working in mass media that have a position where they can express their opinions has not grown dramatically over the past 30 years while the number of Japanese women who publicly express themselves in the online space has increased over the past 10 years. Given these facts, this article: 1) clarifies the purposes and viewpoints of the analysis - mainly by researchers in countries where English is spoken - of women who express themselves in the online space, and 2) clarifies the framework for researching and examining online cultural activities of Japanese women, who have often not been given opportunities to express themselves in the traditional media.
田坂 厚志 沖 貞明 田中 聡 島谷 康司 長谷川 正哉 金井 秀作 小野 武也 大塚 彰 坂口 顕
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.24, no.4, pp.577-580, 2009 (Released:2009-09-24)

田中 輝海 水落 文夫
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.40, no.1, pp.43-57, 2013 (Released:2013-04-27)

In the present study we aimed to confirm that no antagonistic relation exists in the expression between positive and negative affects in male university athletes, and to examine the relation of the positive affect in coping with an aggravating burnout tendency. The subjects for analysis were 456 male university athletes belonging to athletic clubs. We evaluated the positive and negative affects that were characteristic of these athletes by the Japanese version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scales. By making an inter-group comparison of the burnout tendency that was classified by the two affects evaluated by the Athletic Burnout Inventory, we obtained the following findings:1) It was confirmed that, even among male university athletes, the expressions of positive and negative affects did not show any mutually antagonistic relationship.2) It was suggested that the relation of the positive affect toward the aggravated burnout tendency acted in a suppressive manner.3) The athletes who usually had a higher level of the expression of negative affect were prone to rather show a suppressive effect from the positive affect upon the burnout tendency. This was observed for all the factors, such as a feeling of emotional exhaustion toward a sports event, a decrease in the individual sense of accomplishment, a lack of communication with his teammates, and a confused self-commitment to a sports event.
京兼 隆典 弥政 晋輔 澤崎 直規 東島 由一郎 後藤 秀成 大城 泰平 渡邉 博行 田中 征洋 高木 健裕 松田 眞佐男
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.42, no.6, pp.622-631, 2009-06-01 (Released:2011-12-23)
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はじめに:消化管穿孔症例の初診時CT所見につき検討し,穿孔部位の診断,治療法の選択において参考となる所見の抽出を試みたので報告する.方法:2000年1月から2008年1月までに当院で経験した消化管穿孔症例180例を対象とし,CT所見と穿孔部位,治療法をretrospectiveに検討した.CT所見は客観性と普遍性を重視し,評価しやすい所見として腸管外free air(以下,FA)と腹水貯留に着目した.結果:FAの検出率は上部,小腸,大腸それぞれ97.0,56.0,78.6%であった.十二指腸水平部下縁より頭側のFAは,上部,小腸,大腸それぞれ97.0,52.0,66.1%で,上部で有意に検出率が高く,尾側のFAは18.2,24.0,58.9%で,大腸で有意に検出率が高かった.尾側で前腹壁腹膜から離れた深部に存在するFAは,上部,小腸,大腸それぞれ1.0,16.0,51.8%で,尾側深部FA所見で大腸穿孔と診断した場合の感度と特異度はそれぞれ51.8%,96.0%であった.腹水の所見は,貯留の程度,部位ともに穿孔部位を判定する手がかりとはならなかったが,上部穿孔の保存的治療成功群では,肝表面腹水5 mm以下かつ尾側腹水少量以下で,24時間後のCTで腹水の増量はなかった.考察:CTにおけるFAの存在部位は穿孔部位の予測に,腹水の量と経時的変化は上部消化管穿孔の保存的治療の適応を決定するうえで有用であり,CTは消化管穿孔の治療戦略を立てるうえで有用であると考えられた.
田中 優子 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.1, pp.56-68, 2012 (Released:2013-12-27)

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the type of goals and ability on critical thinking performance. Seventy Three students at a nursing school evaluated 30 items of enthymematic reasoning that is reasoning based on enthymeme under two kinds of goals (“to make correct judgments” and “to enjoy things”). Enthymeme, in this study, was defined as a modus ponens syllogism without an unstated premise, so that the enthymeme was logically invalid. We also manipulated the degree of believability of the unstated premise and classified the 30 items of enthymematic reasoning into four categories based on the degree of believability. Critical thinking ability was measured by using the inference subscale of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. The results showed that the logically invalid enthymematic reasoning was more accepted under the goal of enjoying things. Students less accepted the enthymematic reasoning with a less believable implicit assumption. Although students tend to accept the enthymematic reasoning with a relatively believable assumption, the students who had high critical thinking ability more refused to accept the enthymematic reasoning under the goal of making correct judgments in comparison with the students who had low critical thinking ability. We conclude that (1) critical thinking performance varies with goals and beliefs in implicit assumption within subjects; (2) high score in critical thinking ability test does not necessarily guarantee high performance; and (3) critical thinking ability affects performance interacting with goals.
田中 伸彦
日本森林学会誌 (ISSN:13498509)
vol.96, no.3, pp.155-167, 2014-06-01 (Released:2014-09-17)

里山に対する一般的な関心や嗜好の実態を明らかにする目的で,タイトルに里山を冠して過去に有償出版された公刊図書を対象に悉皆分析を行った。データの抽出には国立国会図書館の検索データベースNDL Searchを活用した。その結果,269件の「里山本」が確認され,最初の「里山本」は1985年に出版され,平成期とともにコンスタントに出版されるようになったこと,21世紀に入ってからは常に年10~20件程度の出版状況にあることが確認できた。対象読者は一般,児童,幼児向けのものが確認された。NDC分類の分析においては「里山本」は0~9類すべてのジャンルで確認されるという関心の全方位性が確認できた。都道府県のキーワード分析では,岩手県から沖縄県まで32の都府県から「里山本」が発信されていた。KJ法により書籍のキーワード分析を行った結果からは,七つの大分類,14の小分類に関心や嗜好が分類されるという結果を得た。上記の結果は,これまでの世論調査の質問設定項目や研究レビューによる報告よりも広い関心や嗜好を,一般市民が持つことを示していたため,これらの成果を里山施策にも活かす必要があることを指摘できた。