藤田 雅子 日浦 美智江
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
no.17, pp.72-85, 1995-12-01

Social consciousness of the disabled is very important to build our welfare society. The youth is to bear the responsibility for the coming age. The aim of this study is to make researches in school children's consciousness of the disabled.They belong to the fifth and sixth grade of two elementary schools, and the first to third grade of two junior high schools. Their age is about ten to fifteen years old. One of the elementary schools has the special class for the mental retarded and is near a day center for the severly multiple disabled. The other one has no special class, but in the same district there is the special school for the blind. One of the junior high school is near a day center for the severly disabled. The other one has no special class and is in the area neither special school nor institution for the disabled. Seven hundred seventy two school-children answered the questionnaire.Question no.1 and 2 are about indirect experiences about the disabled. Namely they have known or not the disabled through biography, movie or TV. No.3, 5, 7 and 9 are about personal contact with the visual disabled, the auditory disabled, the motor disabled and the mental retarded. No.4, 6, 8 and 10 are their feeling of these disabled. No.11 and 12 are thier direct experiences of the preson with white cane and the parson on the wheelchair. No.13 and 14 are about the chance of meeting or knowing each other. No.15 is about volunteer for social welfare activities. No.16 asks the thinking if they were parents of the disabled child in future. No.17 is about jobs related the disabled. School children choose yes, no or no answer. Each puestion has four to six subquestions. "Who is the person putting up with incoveniencens?" This no.18 requires children to describe their answer. "What is your idea for well-to-do the disabled?" Describing answer is asked to this question, no.19.1.8 to 3.8% children have the disabled brother or sister. 3.5 to 17.8% have the disabled relatives or friends. 24.4% to 92.5% know the disabled around them. Three fourths of the junior high school students are aware of the mental retarded. In the elementary school having the special class and the junior high school near the instiution for the disabled, children meet more frequently than in the other schools. About half to 70% children wish to study and play with the disabled. But fewer children in the school with special class want to be with the mental retarded. Fewer children knowing the blind want to live with the visual disabled. Fewer children knowing the severely handicapped want to coexist with the motor disabled. Knowing sometimes makes child careful.Much more children who can describe their own ideas are in the elemntary school having special class and the junior high school near the day center for the disabled. The contents written by these children are supported by their realistic experience in daily life. The interchange of personnel is important.The result between quantitative and qualitative seems to be contradictory. It is the reason why developing consciousness of the disabled is step by step. Generally at the start the disabled is inddifferent. By meeting the disabled, people are psychologically stimulated and then some responces occur like interest, pity, sympathy or rejection. A small number of them set up the constructive relationship with the disabled and the real coexistence-feeling springs up. For building up the actual welfare society, the constructive relationship and the coexistence-feeling are very important, considering as a whole. If the abled are mixed with the disabled, mutual understanding is not easy. The task imposed on our soceity is how to correct ignorence to the disabled and enhance the feeling of pity or sympathy to the conxistence-feeling.
大城 昌平 松本 司 横山 茂樹 藤田 雅章
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.17, no.5, pp.463-468, 1990-09-10 (Released:2018-10-25)

藤田 雅博 森永 英一郎
vol.59, no.8, pp.702-703, 2018-07-15

大東 延久 清地 正人 綱脇 恵章 藤田 雅之 今崎 一夫 中井 貞雄 三間 圀興 車 信一郎 後藤 道夫 小久保 正之 中尾 直也 山中 千代衛 加瀬 貞二 青山 誠 赤羽 温 中野 文彦 松岡 伸一 山川 考一 大前 吾一 八木 隆志 伊藤 紳二 文 雅司 和泉田 真司 小野 晋吾 劉 振林 大竹 秀幸 猿倉 信彦 耿 紀宏 和田 智之 浦田 佳治 田代 英夫 南畑 亮 児玉 英範 田上 潤一 河仲 準二 窪寺 昌一 佐々木 亘 黒澤 宏 寺嶋 克知 田中 宏和 久保 博一 鈴木 徹 太田 毅 榎波 龍姫 若林 理 溝口 計 大部 彩子 渡邊 隆之 中野 真生 堀 司 西坂 敏博 伊藤 貴志 小島 哲夫 今野 進 藤川 周一 安井 公治 吉澤 憲治 森 勇介 佐々木 孝友 田中 光弘 岡田 幸勝 島村 清史 Namujilatu 福田 承生 松原 健祐 田中 歌子 今城 秀司 早坂 和弘 大向 隆三 占部 伸二 渡邊 昌良 大場 正規 加藤 政明 丸山 庸一郎 小矢田 康晴 山本 修平 平野 嘉仁 Pavel Nicolaie 佐藤 聡長 伊藤 篤史 大島 広明 吉田 弘樹 阪上 幸男 挾間 寿文 西岡 一 鬼澤 敦子 上原 昇 植田 憲一 西村 昭彦 宅間 宏 常包 正樹 田口 昇 稲場 文男 関田 仁志 RUTHERFORD Todd TULLOCHI Bill 笠松 直史 BYER Robert 松井 宏記 江口 武芳 川田 安男 金辺 忠 山中 正宣 中塚 正大 井澤 靖和 神崎 武司 宮島 博文 宮本 昌浩 川嶋 利幸 岡田 康光 菅 博文 秋山 靖裕 高瀬 智裕 高田 淳 湯浅 広士 小野 明 吉田 史朗 中山 通雄 佐藤 雅夫 内藤 真哉 町田 久忠 家久 信明 軽部 規夫 西畑 実 鈴木 伸孝 太田 忠喜 藤原 弘康 市位 友一 木村 信二 木村 美紀雄 庄司 康浩 今城 正雄 柳澤 隆行 内野 修 永井 智広 長澤 親生 住吉 哲実 荒井 恒憲 佐藤 俊一 石原 美弥 菊地 眞 バサ ニレシ 岡田 龍雄 前田 三男 水波 徹 松岡 直哉 岡崎 豊 菊池 健 山口 滋 南里 憲三 藤岡 知夫 森 啓 鈴木 薫 中田 順治 嘉成 和孝 小平 裕司 内藤 靖博 永野 宏 蓮池 透 谷脇 学 清水 幸喜 熊谷 幹郎 高島 洋一 遠藤 雅守 川上 政孝 武田 修三郎
The Laser Society of Japan
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.27, pp.23-24,27, 1999
坂井 正宏 永井 伸治 河野 明廣 後藤 俊夫 古橋 秀夫 内田 悦行 佐々木 亘 米谷 保幸 河仲 準二 窪寺 昌一 加来 昌典 田中 鋭斗 島田 秀寛 和仁 郁雄 遠藤 雅守 武田 修三郎 南里 憲三 藤岡 知夫 河野 貴則 杉本 大地 川上 政孝 長友 昭二 梅原 圭一 砂子 克彦 登倉 香子 中澤 幹裕 福田 祥吾 草場 光博 綱脇 恵章 大東 延久 藤田 雅之 今崎 一夫 三間 囹興 大久保 宏一 古河 祐之 中井 貞雄 山中 千代衛 奥田 喜彦 太田 篤宏 直川 和宏 清地 正人 田中 秀宏 Roy Prabir Kumar 文 雅可 佐野 栄作 中尾 直也 沓掛 太郎 衣笠 雅則 山口 滋 森 啓 鈴木 薫 中田 順治 上東 直也 山中 正宣 和田 一津 内藤 靖博 永野 宏 蓮池 透 谷脇 学 清水 幸喜 佐藤 俊一 高島 洋一 中山 通雄 湯浅 広士 津野 克彦 滝沢 実 小西 泰司 畠山 重雄 沈 徳元 劉 安平 植田 憲一 桐山 博光 西田 幹司 日浦 規光 市位 友一 松井 宏記 田中 広樹 井澤 靖和 山中 龍彦 久保 宇市 神崎 武司 宮島 博文 宮本 昌浩 菅 博文 沖野 一則 今井 浩文 米田 仁紀 上田 暁俊 門馬 進 斎藤 徳人 赤川 和幸 浦田 佳治 和田 智之 田代 英夫 Droz Corinne 古宇 田光 桑野 泰彦 松原 健祐 田中 歌子 今城 秀司 早坂 和弘 大向 隆三 渡辺 昌良 占部 伸二 小林 準司 西岡 一 武井 信達
The Laser Society of Japan
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.26, pp.27-55,60, 1998
藤田 雅文 佐藤 安通
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.32, pp.506-513, 2017

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of high school baseball manager's talks to players who participated in the KOSHIEN tournament (national high school baseball championship).The subjects were 73 managers of high school baseball clubs in Japan. The investigations were performed from October to December in 2014. Manager's talks were classified by 2 categories, "affirmative" and "negative". The details of manager's talks were classified by 13 categories, "praise", "raise the morale", "cheer up", "advise", "give thanks", "change player's feelings", "praise", "appreciate the pains", "admit", "run down", "abuse", "blame" and "the others". The 7 situations, "hard training", "meetings before games", "the pinch with playing games", "the chance for coming from behind", "the poor fielding in a pinch", "the strikeout in a big chance" and "meetings after games" in which managers talked to players were set up.The results were picked out as follows.1) Most of managers talked affirmatively to players on all of the situations (82.5%~100%).2) Many managers raised the morale on "hard training" (51.9%) and "meetings before games" (57.1%) .3) Many managers raised the morale (42.0%) and advised on the pitching and defense (31.4%) on "the pinch with playing games".4) Many managers advised on the batting (50.0%) and raised the morale (31.8%) on "the chance for coming from behind".5) Many managers changed player's feelings (63.5%) on "the poor fielding in a pinch". 6) Many managers changed player's feelings (40.0%) and advised on the batting (22.0%) on "the strikeout in a big chance".7) Managers talked diversely to players in "meetings after games". They raised the morale (18.9%),cheered up (16.2%),advised (13.5%),changed player's feelings (13.5%),praised (13.5%) in the scene.
小野塚 実 渡邊 和子 藤田 雅文 斉藤 滋
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.11, no.2, pp.109-116, 2002

In recent years, dysfunctional mastication, which is resulted from decreased number of residual teeth, use of unsuitable dentures, or reduced biting force, has been suggested to be related to the development of senile dementia. Recently, in senescence-accelerated mice (SAMP8 mice), we have studied the involvement of masticatory dysfunction, e.g. cut off of the upper molar teeth, extract of the upper molar teeth, or cut of the one side of the masseteric nerve, in the senile process of learning and memory. First, we found that conditions of such dysfunctional mastication progress age-related deficits in spatial memory storage in a water maze test and in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. These pathological phenomena were begun to occur in middle-aged mice, suggesting that masticatory disfunction may lead to hippocampal pathological changes in the elderly.<BR>Second, it was found that cutting off the upper molar teeth causes a reduction in the protein product, Fos, of the immediate early gene, c-fos, in the hippocampal CA1 subfield. Interestingly, both the suppression of memory storage ability and the decrease in Fos induction in this subfield induced by cutting off the upper molars were considerably improved by restoring the lost molars with artificial crowns, suggesting that normal mastication may be an important factor in maintaining normal hippocampal activities.<BR>Third, in biochemical and immunohistochemical studies examining the effect of masticatory dysfunction on age-related changes in the septohippocampal cholinergic system, we have foundthat, in aged mice, masticatory disfunction induces a decrease in acetylcholine release and choline acetyltransferase activity in the hippocampus and a reduction in the number of choline acetyltransferase-immunopositive neurons in the medial septal nucleus. However, these effects were not seen in young mice, implying that dysfunctional mastication may enhance an age-related decline in the septohippocampal cholinergic system.<BR>Finally, stress may be linked to hippocampal pathological changes induced by masticatory dysfunction. As expected, in the aged mice, conditions under masticatory dysfunction brought about a chronic elevation in plasma corticosterone levels. However, pretreatment with metyrapone, which suppresses the stress-induced rise in this hormone levels, prevented dysfunctional mastication-induced increase in plasma corticosterone levels, reduction in hippocampal pyramidal neuron numbers, and impairment of spatial memory. These findings suggest a link between the masticatory dysfunction and the glucocorticoid response, which may be involved in deficits in learning and memory and hippocampal neuronal death.<BR>In conclusion, we suggest that normal mastication may be effective in preventing senile dementia by maintaining normal function in the hippocampus, which is the most sensitive region to aging processes.
藤田 雅久 高山 純一 中山 晶一朗 牛場 高志
土木学会 = Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)= Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) (ISSN:21856540)
vol.67, no.5, pp.67-67, 2011

近年,わが国では原子力発電所事故に対する国民の関心が非常に高まってきており,各種市民活動も活発化してきている.そのため,原子力発電所事故に対する防災計画の整備を充実させることが求められている.そのような状況から,本研究では防災計画の検討を支援するためのシステムとして,ミクロ交通シミュレーションシステムを構築し,新潟県柏崎刈羽原発周辺を対象地域として車両での避難シミュレーションを行っている.加えて,本地域の風向きや人口などの観点から地域ごとに原子力発電所災害時の危険度を考え,それらについてそれぞれの避難シミュレーションの重要性について検討を行った.その結果,現状の避難計画における避難経路などについて問題があることが分かった.These days, our interest in nuclear plant accidents has increased, and civic actions for them have also been activated. Therefore, improvement of the disaster prevention planning to nuclear plant accidents is requested. In this study, we developed a microscopic traffic simulation system for evacuation plan near the nuclear plant as a system which supports to examine the disaster prevention planning, and applied the system to Kashiwazaki-Kariha nuclear plant area. Furthermore, the risk of each region near the nuclear plant disaster from the viewpoint of wind direction and the population was considered, the importance of each evacuation simulation was examined. As a result, we found that the present plan Kashiwazaki-Kariha made has the problem on evacuation routes and others.
小林 理 成田 昌紀 河内 広志 浅野 良三 外山 譲二 永井 明彦 来生 哲 荒川 正昭 藤田 雅 広井 忠夫
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.22, no.10, pp.925-931, 1984-10-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

症例は, 25歳男性で家業は味噌製造業である. くり返す気管支喘息, 血清IgE上昇, くり返す肺浸潤影があり, 気管支造影で典型的な中枢性気管支拡張像を認めた. こうじに含まれる Asp. oryzae およびその亜種が喀痰中より検出された. エドワードの二重透析法によりそれらの真菌より抗原を作成し, オクタルニーの沈降抗体法を施行したところ患者血清との間に沈降線を認めた. 吸入誘発試験では, 即時型および遅発型反応が陽性となった. TBLBでは, 肺胞壁および肺胞腔内に, 好酸球, リンパ球, 形質細胞の浸潤を認めた. 以上より Asp. oryzae およびその亜種によるABPAと診断した.
藤田 雅也 後藤 浩太朗 水野 真盛 土田 明子 森 昌子

松岡 宏明 泉谷 淑夫 赤木 里香子 大橋 功 萱 のり子 新関 伸也 藤田 雅也 大嶋 彰

藤田 雅博
日経メカニカル (ISSN:03863638)
no.539, pp.68-71, 1999-08

藤田雅博氏 ソニーデジタルクリーチャーズラボラトリーシステムアーキテクト6月1日,午前9時20分。ソニーがインターネットを使って予約販売を開始した,子犬に見える娯楽用ロボット*「エンターテインメントロボット『AIBO』」は,国内向け3000台(体)のすべてが発売後わずか20分で売り切れた。ペットロボットの人気の高さを証明した。
須甲 憲明 山本 宏司 藤田 雅章 鈴木 章彦 井上 幹朗
気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.18, no.4, pp.372-374, 1996-05-25

症例は55歳, 男性。小児期および30歳頃に肺炎の既往あり。平成7年6月20日頃より微熱, 咳嗽, 全身倦怠感が続き, 6月26日咳嗽とともに血痰が出現したため当科を受診。胸部レ線および胸部CT上, 左下肺野に炎症後変化を認めた。気管支鏡にて左B^<10>入口部を横断する橋様構造物を認め, 気管支mucosal bridgeと診断した。既往歴及び画像所見から, 過去の気管支炎, 肺炎に由来する気管支mucosal bridgeと考えられた。
小野塚 実 渡邊 和子 藤田 雅文 斉藤 滋
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.11, no.2, pp.109-116, 2002-03-30 (Released:2011-07-05)

In recent years, dysfunctional mastication, which is resulted from decreased number of residual teeth, use of unsuitable dentures, or reduced biting force, has been suggested to be related to the development of senile dementia. Recently, in senescence-accelerated mice (SAMP8 mice), we have studied the involvement of masticatory dysfunction, e.g. cut off of the upper molar teeth, extract of the upper molar teeth, or cut of the one side of the masseteric nerve, in the senile process of learning and memory. First, we found that conditions of such dysfunctional mastication progress age-related deficits in spatial memory storage in a water maze test and in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. These pathological phenomena were begun to occur in middle-aged mice, suggesting that masticatory disfunction may lead to hippocampal pathological changes in the elderly.Second, it was found that cutting off the upper molar teeth causes a reduction in the protein product, Fos, of the immediate early gene, c-fos, in the hippocampal CA1 subfield. Interestingly, both the suppression of memory storage ability and the decrease in Fos induction in this subfield induced by cutting off the upper molars were considerably improved by restoring the lost molars with artificial crowns, suggesting that normal mastication may be an important factor in maintaining normal hippocampal activities.Third, in biochemical and immunohistochemical studies examining the effect of masticatory dysfunction on age-related changes in the septohippocampal cholinergic system, we have foundthat, in aged mice, masticatory disfunction induces a decrease in acetylcholine release and choline acetyltransferase activity in the hippocampus and a reduction in the number of choline acetyltransferase-immunopositive neurons in the medial septal nucleus. However, these effects were not seen in young mice, implying that dysfunctional mastication may enhance an age-related decline in the septohippocampal cholinergic system.Finally, stress may be linked to hippocampal pathological changes induced by masticatory dysfunction. As expected, in the aged mice, conditions under masticatory dysfunction brought about a chronic elevation in plasma corticosterone levels. However, pretreatment with metyrapone, which suppresses the stress-induced rise in this hormone levels, prevented dysfunctional mastication-induced increase in plasma corticosterone levels, reduction in hippocampal pyramidal neuron numbers, and impairment of spatial memory. These findings suggest a link between the masticatory dysfunction and the glucocorticoid response, which may be involved in deficits in learning and memory and hippocampal neuronal death.In conclusion, we suggest that normal mastication may be effective in preventing senile dementia by maintaining normal function in the hippocampus, which is the most sensitive region to aging processes.
藤田 雅之
vol.2008, pp.372-377, 2008-03-14
