中井 善太 大谷 徹 園田 昌司
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.66, no.2, pp.53-63, 2022-05-25 (Released:2022-06-05)

To examine the effects of groundcover preservation around tree trunks in Japanese pear orchards on the seasonal occurrences of spider mites and their natural enemies, we compared their densities at two study sites, each of which includes two plots with weeds(weed plot)and without weeds(control plot), in Chiba Prefecture in 2016 and 2017. The phytoseiid mites were the most dominant natural enemies observed on the trees. The densities of phytoseiid mites and spider mites on the trees were, respectively, higher and lower in the weed plots than in the control plots. The mean density of yellow tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, on the trees was also higher in the weed plots than in the control plots. Some phytoseiid mite species were commonly observed on both groundcover around the tree trunks and pear trees throughout the survey period, suggesting contributions of the phytoseiid mites supplied from the groundcover in spider mite control on the pear trees.
八藤後 忠夫 水谷 徹
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.39, pp.79-86, 2005-12-01

宮下 敦 八木 公史 板谷 徹丸
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.126, no.2, pp.85-93, 2020-02-15 (Released:2020-06-16)
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板谷 徹丸 岡田 利典
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.34, no.3, pp.249-259, 1995-08-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
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高西 敏正 木村 直人 伊藤 孝 諸富 嘉男 井谷 徹
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.53, no.2, pp.463-469, 1998-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of fluid ingestion and its composition on uric acid metabolism after exercise. Six healthy males volunteered for the study which was comprised of three different experiments; Exp. 1, Exp. 2, and Exp. 3. In all the experiments, subjects performed treadmill exercise (70% VO2max) for 70 minutes respectively. For seven hours after exercise, subjects ingested mineral water at 10°C ad-lib in Exp. 1, 1.5 times the volume of mineral water consumed in the first experiment in Exp. 2, and the same volume of sports drink as in the first experiment in Exp. 3. No significant differences were observed in oxygen uptake and heart rate during exercise among the three experiments, so it was considered that the produced serum uric acid (SUA) levels in the three experiments were about the same level. However, the decrease in SUA, urinary uric acid excretion (UUA), clearance of uric acid (CUA) and fractional excretion of uric acid (FEUA) in Exp. 3, in which the sports drink was consumed instead of mineral water were higher than in Exp. 1 and Exp. 2. On the other hand, no significant differences were found in Exp. 2 and Exp. 3. A significant relationship between UUA and FEUA was found among the three experiments, while there was no correlation between UUA and urine volume.These results show that; 1) the sports drink ingestion can increase the efficiency of recovery from high serum uric acid after exercise, 2) the increase in uric volume due to high mineral water intake does not elevate UUA, and 3) the increase in UUA due to sports drink ingestion was associated with the increase of FEUA.
澁谷 徹 丹羽 均 金 容善 高木 潤 旭 吉直 崎山 清直 市林 良浩 米田 卓平 松浦 英夫
一般社団法人 日本有病者歯科医療学会
有病者歯科医療 (ISSN:09188150)
vol.6, no.1, pp.21-26, 1997-12-30 (Released:2011-08-11)

大阪大学歯学部附属病院リスク患者総合診療室で管理を行った絞扼反射が強い患者37人について検討を行った。絞扼反射の程度を染矢の分類に従って, 軽症, 中等度, 重症の3つに分類し, 歯科治療時の管理方法と絞扼反射の有無を調べた。軽症2例, 中等度61例, 重症56例, 計119症例の管理を行った。管理内容は, (1) 笑気吸入鎮静法, (2) ジアゼバムまたはミダゾラムによる静脈内鎮静法, (3) 笑気吸入・ミダゾラム静脈内投与併用による鎮静法, (4) 笑気吸入・モルヒネ静脈内投与併用による鎮静法, (5) 笑気吸入・ジアゼパム・モルヒネ静脈内投与併用による鎮静法, (6) 全身麻酔の6種類であった。軽症2例はいずれも笑気吸入鎮静法で歯科治療が可能であった。中等度の症例では, 笑気吸入が最も多く61例中30例 (49%), ジアゼパムまたはミダゾラムの静脈内鎮静法が16例 (26%), 笑気・ミダゾラム併用が2例 (3%), 笑気・モルヒネ併用が10例 (16%) であった。また笑気・ジアゼバム・モルヒネ併用によっても歯科治療が不可能なために全身麻酔を行った症例が1例あり, 笑気・モルヒネ併用で治療は可能であったが, 患者が多数歯の集中的治療を希望したため全身麻酔を行った症例が1例あった。重症の症例はジアゼパムまたはミダゾラムによるものが最も多く56例中32例 (57%) で, 次に笑気が12例 (21%), 笑気・モルヒネ併用が11例 (20%) であった。笑気・モルヒネ併用のうち1例は治療不可能なために全身麻酔によっておこなった。
増田 礼子 森本 千佳子 松尾谷 徹 津田 和彦
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.138, no.8, pp.1011-1019, 2018-08-01 (Released:2018-08-01)

OSS (Open Source Software) has made remarkable progress in recent years. In ES (Enterprise Software) development process, also the OSS usage has been increasing steadily, which means the impact of OSS to the society has become greater and greater. However, the quantitative analysis for OSS development has been put no particular importance today. In this research, we study to enhance COCOMO model, commonly used for ES development, in order to clarify the relationship between human resources and development volume of OSS development projects. We chose 50 of Large Scale OSS development Projects from GitHub for our analysis, and obtained such three findings as: 1. In OSS development projects, with some arrangement in measuring man-months volume, we found that power formula of COCOMO model can be applied for expressing the relationship between the development volume and the outputs. 2. As OSS development characteristics, with the increase of development volume, the efficiency for development shows the rising trend. 3. The tendency found above has been identified as not the results of diversion as copying and modifying sources nor cumulative contribution made by variety of small developers.
在田 一則 雁澤 好博 板谷 徹丸
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.76, no.1, pp.93-104, 2001-07-25

The Hidaka Collision Zone in the southern part of Central Hokkaido including the Hidaka Mountains has undergone two types of collision since the Early Tertiary. The Hidaka Mountains consist of the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt in the eastern main part and the Poroshiri Ophiolite Belt in the western marginal part. The former is composed of a steeply eastward-tilted crustal succession of the paleo-Hidaka magmatic arc, and is separated from the latter by the Hidaka Main Thrust. Recent vibroseismic reflection profiling across the collision zone imaged delamination-wedge tectonics of the lower crust beneath the Hidaka Mountains. We performed radiometric dating on biotite and hornblende using the K-Ar method, and on zircon using the Fission-Track method to clarify the process and the mechanism of uplift of the Hidaka Mountains. The minerals dated were obtained from metamorphic and tonalitic rocks of the southern Hidaka Metamorphic Belt, and also from metamorphic and tonalitic cobbles constituting the middle to late Miocene molasse occurring in the western foreland and eastern hinterland basins of the southern Hidaka Mountains. The cobbles in these formations were derived from the proto-Hidaka Mountains. The conclusions are as follows: 1. K-Ar ages of biotites from cobbles in the molasse, the sedimentary ages of which are 12-7 Ma, differ according to origin in the hinterland or foreland basins. The ages from the hinterland basin vary successively from lower (45.9 Ma) to upper (33.1 Ma) stratigraphic levels. The ages from the foreland basin, however, vary between 19.3 Ma and 16.4 Ma, regardless of their stratigraphic positions. These differences indicate that denudation (uplift) was slow and steady in the hinterland basin, but rapid and complex in the foreland basin during the middle to late Miocene. 2. Such a difference in the biotite K-Ar ages between the two sides is caused by the rotational uplift of the mountain due to thrusting along the Hidaka Main Thrust in the west and normal faulting in the east. The rotational uplift resulted in the rather fast denudation rates (0.9-1.4 mm/yr) in the foreland basin during the middle to late Miocene. 3. Denudation of the mountains estimated from K-Ar ages for biotites and hornblendes, and FT ages for zircons from the Hidaka granitic and metamorphic rocks remained fast (5-6 mm/yr) during the late Early Miocene, after which it slowed to 0.4-0.6 mm/yr on average. 4. The fast denudation (uplift) rates (up to 6 mm/yr) of the Hidaka Mountains during Early Miocene age was due to thrusting in the late stage of dextral transpression between Eurasia and Pacific plates. The rotational uplift of the mountains occurred in the Middle Miocene, and resulted in different styles of uplift between the sides of the mountains. From the late Miocene onward, the westward movement caused by the westward migration of the Kuril forearc shifted to the west, forming a foreland fold-and-thrust belt in the west.
咸 光珉 孫 鏞勳 三谷 徹 章 俊華
環境情報科学論文集 (ISSN:03896633)
vol.26, pp.393-398, 2012

本研究は韓国の宮殿「昌徳宮」庭園を対象とし,建物にかけられている扁額の意味を分析し,庭園空間の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。その結果,扁額の意味は周辺景観(自然物,自然現象,動・植物,季節的要素,眺望)と当時の思想(徳・仁・孝,天人合一,神仙)に関連しており,また扁額の分布によって政治的,思想的,修養的,複合的イメージが強い空間の4 タイプのエリアが得られた。以上より,扁額と共に庭園空間を理解することは,韓国伝統庭園の奥深さを更に深め,空間の特徴をより明確にさせることがわかった。
谷 徹也
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.12, pp.2125-2148, 2014-12-20

The large body of research literature that has accumulated to date on the direct landholdings (kurairi-chi 蔵入地) of the Toyotomi Hideyoshi regime, which formed its power base, has run the gamut from identifying the locations of those holdings to the role they played in funding Hideyoshi's military forays into the Korean Peninsula. The present article attempts to reexamine this research by focusing on the means by which the regime's leaders who administered kurairi-chi went about settling accounts related to it, and in so doing describe in substantive terms such aspects as the regime's internal structure and the remission of rice (kuramai 蔵米) harvested from its landholdings. The author begins with a review of the various fiscal documents related to kurairi-chi; namely, kirifu 切符, uketori-jo 請取状 and kaisai-jo 皆済状 Kirifu was a document drawn up to indicate how kuramai was to be used, addressed to the manager of a kurairi-chi holding and specifying to whom the rice was to be allotted, while uketori-jo was a certificate of receipt for rice remitted to the regime in the form of cash. Kaisai-jo, which was issued in the settlement of accounts and whose function was assumed in 1590 by the sanyo-jo 算用状, recorded the information contained in the kirifu (allotment) and uketori-jo (receipt) related to any transaction. From these documents and the parts of them written directly by Hideyoshi himself, the author concludes that it was Hideyoshi who held the ultimate authority over the regime's expenditures of rice and cash, as well as the determination of tax exemptions (rates) on kurairi-chi holdings, while his functionaries were charged only with settling related accounts. Next the author turns to changes that occurred in the personnel handling the settlement of accounts, beginning with Ito Yozaemon, a Toyotomi retainer with a commercial background, but later reverting to regime functionaries, called Sanyo Bugyo 算用奉行. The staff first consisted of two members, Nakatsuka Masaie and Mashita Nagamori, to whom Asano Nagayoshi and Maeda Gen'i were added. A document dating back to Asano's removal from office in 1595 verifies the office of Sanyo Bugyo as an important administrative group within the regime. Later Ishida Mitsunari would join the staff, then after Hideyoshi's death, the office's duties were incorporated into the Go-bugyo 五奉行 (Five Deputies) system. Finally, following the Battle of Sekigahara, Katagiri Katsumoto and Koide Hidemasa took over the settlement of accounts. Most of the revenue received from kurairi-chi was spent locally, while the portion remitted to the central government was transferred in gold and silver. However, the kurairi-chi managers were almost always late in their submission of copies of tax exemption (rate) lists (men-mokuroku 免目録) and sanyo-jo, to the extent of being fined by the regime for negligence. In light of such a situation, the author concludes that despite the fact that a system of account settlement was firmly put in place within the Toyotomi administrative bureaucracy, the regime was still not able to gain complete managerial control over its kurairi-chi.
谷 徹也
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.2, pp.320-353, 2015-03
荒谷 徹 上林 憲行 横山 峰明 稲垣 政富
コンピュータソフトウェア (ISSN:02896540)
vol.7, no.3, pp.248-261, 1990-07-16

早津 賢二 清水 智 板谷 徹丸
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.103, no.3, pp.207-220, 1994-06-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
6 8

The Myoko volcano group, consisting of five stratovolcanoes, Myoko, Kurohime, Iizuna, Yakeyama and Madarao, is situated in the northern part of central Japan. Twenty one volcanic rocks from the early stage of volcanic successions of Myoko (5 samples), Kurohime (4 samples), Iizuna (9 samples) and Madarao (3 samples) were dated with K-Ar methods. On the basis of previously well studied geology and petrology of the volcano group and chronology of marker tephra layers in this area together with newly obtained K-Ar ages, volcanic history of the Myoko volcano group was discussed in detail. The results confirmed the genetical story of the volcanoes by Hayatsu (1985), i. e., the Myoko volcano has grown by four stages of active volcanisms with three distinctive pauses and each stage has a chemical fractionation trend from basalt to dacite through andesite during a volcanism, and other volcanoes were also in the same story though number of stages was variable : three for Kurohime and two for Iizuna and Madarao, and the fractionation trend was little changeable. This paper calls this type of volcano “poly-generation volcano”.Growth mechanism of the poly-generation volcano was also revealed in detail : life span of each generation, that is time span of each stage of activity, is nearly constant, 20-50 kyrs though some exceptions but total amount of volcanic ejecta decreases with time, e. g., 40-20-7-5 km3 for Myoko, and pause period between any two active volcanic stages decreases with time from 100-160 kyrs of early pause to ca. 10 kyrs of late one.This poly-generation volcano is common in Japan and should be studied in further detail from view points of igenous petrology and tectonics of magmatism as well as geothermal energy and volcanic hazards.
三谷 徹 岡部 佳代子
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.69, no.5, pp.407-412, 2006-03-27

This study aims to observe the spatial characteristics of Zen Buddhism gardens perceived under the minute light environment of the moon. Through the quantitative analysis by PC-simulations based on 'radiosity program,' the following points are recognized ; 1) the amount of moonlight reflection from the white sand surface in the garden is about fifteen times compared to the wet soil surface, and the building interior gains 1.9 times the brightness, 2) this intensive contrast of brightness between garden and building interior causes a distinctive spatial perception, 3) gardens are carefully designed to take advantage of hourly and seasonal change of moonlight. Those built in latter periods achieve better effect of the reflection through the night and seasons. Meanwhile the possibilities of PC-simulation for the garden design study are realized as followings; 1) the comparative analysis by hypothetical modeling is effective to figure out the intention of the design, 2) a number of gardens are able to be observed simultaneously under the same moonlight condition without any climate influence.