梶川 嘉延 野村 康雄
電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界 (ISSN:09135707)
vol.79, no.11, pp.1808-1816, 1996-11-25

川端 昭夫 大島 林子 野村 良江 吉田 育子 藤松 博 春山 国広
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.33, no.2, pp.1-38, 1992-03-15

The purpose of this study were to see the refresh effect from fatigue with the practice of limbering exercise called "RAKURAKU FURUTS gymnastics" by farmers of fruit culture, and evaluate the contents of this exercising program. Seven males and seventeens females were subject for this study voluntarily. The refresh effects were comparerd with two different ways, one was without exercise during working (90 minutes after working) and soon after the ending of fruite culture. Refresh effects were evaluated by questinairing the subjects their feeling of fatigue before and after work performance, the difference while with and without exercise. Program contents also checked the same way to see whether it were proper or not. (questionnaire use the form of japanese councile of individual fatigue 1970). In order to detect the intensity of work perfomance and gymnastics exercise, three male subjects were asked to put on a heart rate recording equipment called MEMORY MAC (VINE CO. LTD) Result from questionnaire concerning the fatigue feeling were compared between male and female, the relationship between work peformance. Heart rate recording during work and gymnastics were processed by computer to see the response of body, the differences from work contents and the effect of gymnastics limbering exercise performed by them. Some finding of this study could be summarised as following : 1) The questionnaire about subjective fatigue has thirty items. The items from 1 TO 10 (group-1) are category of "sleepness, langidness". The items are from 11 TO 20 (group-2) are categotry of "attensiveness disfacutly", The items from 21 TO 30 (group-3) are category of "partial physical unpleasant". Rate of complain of the subujective fatigue show that rate of group-1 and group-3 are highner than group-2. Level of rate are first is 1, second is 3, Third is 2. The trend showed the fatigue characteristic of physical labor. And on the inacreasing grad of rate before and after working group-1 and group-3 are higher than group-2. Comparerd with the rate in difference of kind of working, packing part are higher than selecting part and regarding on the rate of group-2. The latter is higher than the former the effect of gymnastics on rate of claim in mean with gymnastics trend to be higher than without gymnastics. 2. Regarding item of claim, a item of number of claim are", feeling still in one's schoulder", "legs langidness", "having a pain in one's hip". A item remarkably increased compared with before and after working is "leg langidness", "change of nunber of claim". The item, especially "leg langidness" showed decrease in number of claim and increasingly rate with gymnastics. 3. Regadiner on the subjective investigate on effect gymanstics, the majority of worker is aware of the effect of gymnastics. And the concretely physical effect are "relax", "feel slight", "feel satisfied". They are elementary "releasing". The mentary effect are "becoming refresh", "being refreshed, "being refreshed", being keen on working". They are element of "recreation" and "fullfilment". 4) Change of heart rate with gymnastics are in subject A from 59 TO 78 (beat/min.), in subject B from 96 TO 126 (beat/min.), in subject C from 99-128 (beat/min.), in subject C from 99 TO 128 (beat/min.). %VO2max caliculated on CALBONEN'S eqaul on the basis of heart rate are showed individual variation. Trend of heat are during gymnastics showed gradually increase. The first half of program and showed in the second half rapidly increase. After the time required to retrance one's step are in the sub. A about 3 min., in subject a about 3 min., in subject B about 4 min., in subject about 3 min., showed individual variation. 5 Regarding on the result of subjective investigation on gymnastics program in the point of intensity the majority showed "slightly intense", but in time and frequence are conscious an moderate extract in number of movement and effective movement are conscious an moderate extract, but in complexity is conscious "slight complex". We feel three is still room for further study about the intensity and complexity. After this for more effectiver vacant gymnastics, the gymnastics program in the intensity, time, times, number of movement, and efective movement, complexity. At the same time we are considerd a training for leader, surrunding, accompanyment music, an instroduction of effective handaparatus.
岡本 清美 利根川 孝 野村 清英 中野 博生

菊地 茂 洲崎 春海 青木 彰彦 伊藤 修 野村 恭也
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.84, no.1, pp.41-47, 1991
41 27

Twenty six adult patients with chronic sinusitis who had undergone Caldwell-Luc operation and received conservative therapy for a long time, but still complained of nasal symptoms, were treated with 400-600mg of erythromycin (EM) per day for 7.9 months on the average.<br>1) Rhinorrhea was reduced in 60.0%, postnasal drip in 50.0%, nasal obstruction in 60.0%, hyposmia in 11.8% and sense of dullness in the head in 100%.<br>2) Rhinoscopy showed reduced mucosal swelling in 10.5%, lower volume of rhinorrhea in 80.0%, better quality of rhinorrhea in 70.0% and reduced postnasal drip in 85.7%.<br>3) This therapy was effective even when EM-resistant bacteria such as Hemophilus influenzae were present.<br>4) No significant side effects were noted in any of the patients during this therapy. Long-term low-dose EM therapy is useful in the treatment of chronic sinusitis. We consider that its effect is not due to its antibacterial activity but to some as yet unknown mechanism.

1 0 0 0 OA 工学字彙

野村竜太郎, 下山秀久 編
伊藤 宏之 中山 治彦 藤田 敦 石和 直樹 池原 瑞樹 田中 学 山田 耕三 野村 郁男 野田 和正 亀田 陽一 密田 亜希
特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会
気管支学 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.22, no.2, pp.132-135, 2000

症例は34歳男性。5年前に近医で右肺野の腫瘤陰影を指摘され, mucoid impactionを伴ったcystic brochiectasisと診断された。1999年3月, 健康診断で胸部異常陰影を再度指摘され, 4月26日に当院を紹介受診した。胸部CTでは, 右B^6bを中心に経約4cmの気管支に沿って拡がる樹枝状の, 内部に一部空洞を伴った充実性腫瘤陰影を認めた。この空洞にcystic brochiectasisに特徴的所見とされるair fluid levelがないことから, 気管支鏡検査を行ったところ, B^6内腔を閉鎖する赤紅色の易出血性のポリープ状腫瘤を認め, 生検によりatypical carcinoidと診断された。6月10日, 右下葉切除およびR2a郭清を施行した。摘出標本の病理組織所見においても, B^6より出現した腫瘍が気管支を拡張しつつ, 長軸方向への気管支内発育をし, 樹枝状の形態をとっていたことが確認された。また画像上腫瘍内部に認められた空洞は, 腫瘍末梢の嚢状の拡張気管支であることが判明した。
野村 晋太郎

石渡 明子 北村 伸 野村 俊明 根本 留美 石井 知香 若松 直樹 片山 泰朗 川並 汪一
日本医科大学医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13498975)
vol.9, no.1, pp.14-19, 2013 (Released:2013-03-11)

Aim: Community Consultation Center was established in 2007 as a core facility of a project entitled "Community Support Network for Citizens with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia" subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This study reports the activity within the facility and users' outcome. Methods: At the facility, users consulted their memory problem, and a screening tool with a touch-panel type computer (TP) was used to check their memory loss. Dementia was suspected when the TP score was 12 or less points, and clinical psychotherapist implemented Mini-Mental state examination. All the results were summarized in reports, and we prompted users to see their primary doctors, or nearby medical institutes that we offered. In this study, we asked these medical institutes of their outcome. Informed consent was obtained from all users. Results: A total of 2,802 people visited the Center, and 1,565 people registered (male/female=519/1,046; mean age, 74 years). 561 people used the center twice or more. Among 1,354 who had TP, 722 users got a score under 12 (46.1%). A total of 409 responses from medical institutes were collected. The data revealed that Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) was 11.2%, Alzheimer's disease was 37.1%, and vascular dementia was 8.00%. Conclusion: These results indicate that approximately half of the users of the Center was suspected dementia, and a prevalence of both MCI and dementia reached to about 60%. This Center has proven to be useful for early detection and diagnosis.