黒田 徳米
vol.6, no.2, pp.81-84, 1936-06-20
和気 洋介 藤原 豊 青木 省三 黒田 重利
pp.437-440, 1998-04-15

身体の特定の部位に限局して,奇妙な異常感覚を持続的に訴える一群の症例はセネストパチーと呼ばれている。これら体感の障害は精神分裂病,うつ病,器質性疾患などの1症状として現れる広義のセネストパチーと,異常感覚のみが単一症状性に持続する疾患概念としての狭義のセネストパチーとが区別されている5)。セネストパチーは頭部,口腔内,胸腹部,四肢,皮膚などに限局し,持続的にまた執拗に訴えられることが多いが,特に口腔内の異常感覚を訴えるものは頻度も多く,歯科で対応に苦慮しているのが現状である。 今回,我々は口腔内の奇妙な異常感覚を主症状として狭義のセネストパチーに位置づけられると思われた18症例について,その臨床的特徴を検討し,診断的位置づけ,薬物反応性,歯科との協力関係のあり方などを考察した。
村田 亮 黒田 重史 石毛 徳之 荻野 修平 三笠 元彦
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.36, no.3, pp.1015-1018, 2012 (Released:2012-10-25)

Background: The scapula rotates upwardly during shoulder elevation. If the rotation center wasn't fixed on the scapula but on the humeral head, the movement of the glenoid would be regarded as the rotation along the humeral head. We have analyzed throwing shoulder injury cases using this concept of “functional glenoid”.Methods: Patients with throwing shoulder injury (TSI group; n=22) and normal control (n=8) were included in the study. Two radiographs were taken of each subject (anteroposterior in internal rotation; IR1, zero position). Two straight lines were drawn from the superior and inferior tubercle to the center of the humeral head in IR1 image, and the angle of the lines was measured (α angle). The TSI group was divided to two groups according to slipping of the humeral head in zero position images. The difference of the glenoid inclination angles between IR1 and zero position (β angle) were then measured, and the glenoid extension ratio (α+β/α) was calculated. Each set of data was statistically evaluated.Results: In the TSI group, β angle and the glenoid extension ratio did not show significant difference compared to the control group, but the slipping-negative cases showed significantly larger β angle than slipping-positive cases and the control group.Discussion: These results may be derived from multifactorial pathology of throwing shoulder injury. Significantly large β angle in slipping-negative TSI cases may indicate an adaptive pattern of movement of the scapula. The glenoid extension ratio could not reflect the scapular kinematic change of throwing shoulder injury.
vol.40, no.482, 1928-12-15
小竹 要 大江 国広 長谷田 恭子 吉野 公明 万見 新太郎 黒田 満彦 松田 保 竹田 亮祐 村上 元孝
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.15, no.5, pp.487-494, 1974

Studies on platelet functions of 21 patients with renal insufficiency have been preformed. Platelet counts were significantly decreased in uremic patients, although severe thrombocytopenia less than 100&times;10<sup>3</sup> platelets/mm<sup>3</sup> was detected only in two patients. Platelet adhesiveness to glass was remarkably decreased in uremic patients. Platelet factor-3 availability was impaired in some of these patients, while platelet factor-3 activity was not decreased. Clot retraction was slightly defective in few patients. The significant correlation was not found between platelet adhesiveness and BUN, creatinine, uric acid or inorganic phosphate level in the serum of these patients. The abnormalities of platelet functions were partially corrected after dialysis.<br>In vitro, urea at high concentration showed an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. Guanidinosuccinic acid had less inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, and creatinine had no inhibitory effect.
山崎 義亀与 松田 保 黒田 満彦 内田 健三 嶋田 千恵子 大谷 逸子 村上 元孝 北川 正信
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.14, no.1, pp.81-87, 1973

A 25-year-old male was admitted because of dark-red urine, jaundice and purpura. 5 days prior to admission, the patient noticed that the urine color became dark red, and purpuric rash and jaundice were noted by his wife.<br>Examination revealed scleral icterus, pallor, numerous petechiae and an ecchymosis. The sensorium was clear. The neurologic examination was normal.<br>The patient had hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, fever and proteinuria. Shortly after admission, fluctuating neurologic symptoms developed, and the patient was diagnosed as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.<br>He was treated with prednisolone and heparin without benefits, and expired on the 14 th hospital day.<br>Hyaline thromboses of the vessels of liver and kidney were demonstrated by the examination of the specimens obtained by post mortem needle puncture.<br>Coagulation studies disclosed that partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time were slightly prolonged, however, factor V activity and fibrinogen titre were not low. Fibrinogen degradation products determined by tanned red cell hemagglutination inhibition immunoassay were markedly increased, although euglobulin lysis time was not shortened.<br>Immunological analysis of serum proteins showed the increase of acute phase reactants, the decrease of &beta;<sub>1</sub>-AC and haptoglobin, and the appearance of fibrinogen degradation products.<br>These results were discussed in relation to the pathogenesis of the disease.
堤 四郎 竹屋 芳夫 黒田 託三 TUTUMI Shirou TAKEYA Yoshio KURODA Takumi
東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告 (ISSN:05638100)
vol.8, no.1_B, pp.74-86, 1972-03

The basic chemical processes and engineering techniques concerning with the generation of the artificial cesium plasma clouds in the upper atmosphere were investigated. After some prior ground tests, it was designed and constructed the effective rocket- born type vapourizer as to be satisfied the requrement of payload conditions. The total chemicals weighted 8. 1 kg consist of cesium nitrate, aluminium granuels and sodium nitrate with small percentage. The K-9 M-33 rocket carrying this payload and another barium cloud source was launched on 26, Aug. 1971, at Kagoshima Space Center at 19 35 JST. Visible and photogenic plasma clouds were successfully created at the altitude of 117 km and 240 km, respectively. The optical data was obtained for the period of about 300 sec. at the five observing points. HF Radio wave tracking for them was tried by the some facilities, ionosonde at K. S. C. and syncronous receivers at K. S. C. and Nishinoomote City and ionospheric facility at Yamakawa, simultaneously operated. The echoing traces accompanied with the generation of the plasma clouds were appered for the period of about 13 min. in the records of Yamakawa Station. The predicted electron density at the initial phase of the Cs plasma cloud was consistent with observational results.
末松 和子 黒田 千晴 水松 巳奈 尾中 夏美 北出 慶子 高橋 美能 米澤 由香子 秋庭 裕子 島崎 薫

釜野 徳明 黒田 直孝 木津 治久 小宮山 寛機
vol.39, pp.505-510, 1997

Euphorbia sieboldiana Morr. et Decne. (Euphorbiaceae) is named as "Natsutodai" in Japan and is distributed widely in the mountain field. The roots of this plant are used as a diuretic drug by Japanese people. As regards the constituents of this plant, although over ten of three cyclic diterpenes are isolated by some Chinese groups, no work for biological activities has been reported. Our investigation was undertaken to discover biologically active components of this plant, because the extract showed an inhibition of cell division for fertilized sea urchin egg. In this paper, we report the isolation and structural elucidation of three new jatrophane A type diterpenes, named sieboldianines A(1), B(2), and C(3) (Fig. 2) having the antineoplastic activities, from the CH_2Cl_2 fraction of "Natsutodai" extract by repeated chromatography. Isolation (Fig. 1) was contacted with the two kind of bioassay, which are the inhibition of cell division for fertilized sea urchin egg and the cytotoxicity for human peripheral blood cancer HL-60 cell. Structural elucidation of three new compounds 1〜3 was based on their spectral data such as the infra-red spectra, mass spectra, and especially detail 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra(Table 1). From ^1H, ^<13>C NMR data, the jatrophane A skeleton of sieboldianines A(1), B(2), C(3), were reduced, in addition to the presence of two cyclic structures. The 2D HMBC experiment was utilized for established of carbon sequence and two ring condensation. The position of hydroxy esters (-OAc and -OBz) were carefully assigned. Finally, the biogenesis of sieboldianines was discussed (Fig. 3). Also. the strong activities of sieboldianines A(1), B(2), and C(3) for HL-60 cells were indicated in Table 1, together with the interesting activities for the resistant both P388/ADM and P388/VCR cells(Table 2).
黒田 乃生 小野 良平
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.5, pp.665-668, 2003-03-31
2 6

Since 1888, many folklorists, sociologists and architects have visited Shirakawa-mura to study family systems and Gassho-style houses. It is essential to clarify motivations and aims of those studies from social background as the prehistory of Ogimachi, an Important Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings and a World Heritage. Preservation systems lay an emphasis on Gassho-style houses, and it causes landscape alteration. From 1950's, technical scheme of research and restoring for temples and shrines had applied to townhouses and farmhouses, and evaluation system of them as cultural properties was established. But in Shirakawa-mura, it turned out that most residents of candidate houses refused designation of their Gassho-style houses, which suggests a difficulty in preservation of living houses as cultural properties. In 1974 Shirakawa-mura was an only farm village selected as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings. Since aspect of planning and conservation system concerning with characters of farm-village had not established at the time, only Gassho-style houses have been focused on.
菅野 紘行 黒田 正明 金子 純一
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.37, no.10, pp.639-643, 1984-10-20 (Released:2011-06-17)

犬・猫の皮膚の縫合法のうち, 抜糸をする必要のない方法について, 避妊手術に用いることを目的として検討した.その結果, 従来より行われている埋没縫合法は, 術創で糸を結紮し切るため, 創の両側の創縁の接合が悪いと, 糸が創外へ出る欠点を経験した.そこで, 糸を術創で切らず, 創口より皮下へ入れてしまう方法を試みたところ, よい結果が得られ, とくに猫においてもっとも優れていた.
黒田 浩之 沢田 史子 満岡 周士 藤原 民雄 大薮 多可志
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OME, 有機エレクトロニクス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.300, pp.11-16, 2004-09-09
