藤澤 令夫 小澤 和道 美濃 正 山本 耕平 木曽 好能 酒井 修

昨年度に続いて本年度も各研究分担領域で「壊疑」のもつそれぞれの意味と役割を究明し, 西洋哲学における壊疑論の歴史的変遷を跡づけることに努めた. 古代ギリシアでは後期に懐疑派が現れるが, この派の哲学の全体的特徴はセクストス・エンペイリコス著『ピュロン哲学の概要』に述べられている. それによれば懐疑哲学では判断保留とそれに伴う平静な悟脱の心境が問題とされ, 特にその判断保留の十箇の方式をめぐってはその著の第14章で詳述されている. 教父哲学ではアウグスティヌスによる新アカデミア派の懐疑論克服が問題とされるが, 彼の『自由意志論』第2巻では「神の存在論証」と相俟って真理の超越的独存性が立証され, 真の認識の成立根拠が確証される. 彼の影響下にある中世哲学では基本的には懐疑の問題は主要な関心事とはならなかった. このような哲学としてはトマスの哲学が取り上げられ, 彼のessentia概念の二義性が抽象説との関係において論じられる. 近世ではデカルトが一切のものに対して徹底して懐疑を行なった末にcogito ergo sumという不可疑的な真理の発見に到るが, これに対するストローソンの批判が考察される. 彼のデカルト批判によれば, cogito ergo sumを成立させる「私」という個体の存在は「私」以外の他の個体の存在を既に前提とする. つまり, 個体指示表現が有意味であるためには, 個体とそれ以外の個体との識別可能性の原理の働くことを認めねばならないと言えよう. 現代の英米哲学においても懐疑論に関係する多くの問題がみられる. その一つに, 経験的認識の証拠による不十分決定underdeterminationの問題が挙げられる. 今日の反実在論の多くはこの「証拠による不十分決定」に依拠している点である意味での懐疑論の変種とみなすことも不適切とは言えない. 又, 懐疑論・弁証法・解釈学・ニヒリズム相互の関係も本研究において深く問題としてきた哲学的・倫理的課題である.
佐藤 雅彦 秋吉 亮太

述語論理を史上初めて整備し、分析哲学の源流となったフレーゲがその著書『Grundgesetze der Arithmetik』で構築した論理体系は、ヒルベルトの形式主義への道を切り拓いた極めて重要なものであったがラッセルのパラドックスを含んでいた。本研究は矛盾の根本原因を証明論的および意味論的手法により解明することを目指す。本年度はフレーゲ論理学に関して、(i)フレーゲの無矛盾性証明の分析 (ii)フレーゲの『概念記法』における記号法の分析、という二つの課題に取り組んだ。(i)については引続き、伝統的証明論の手法を適用することでフレーゲの無矛盾性証明の矛盾の原因を明らかにすべく取り組んだ。分担者である秋吉はパリ第一大学科学史・科学哲学研究所(IHPST)で、ドイツにおける伝統的証明論の手法であるΩ規則に関するレクチャーを昨年に引続き行い、パリ第一大学アルベルト・ナイーボ准教授と討論を行った。今後は、より抽象的な仕方で証明を捉えるフランス証明論の概念(具体的にはフランスのジラールによるlinear logicやludics)を用いることで,まずはΩ規則の理解を深めることを目標とすることで合意を得た。また,本研究の成果として, 2018年出版予定の著書『よくわかる哲学・思想』 (納富信留,檜垣立哉,柏端達也編, ミネルヴァ書房 ) に「論理学」の項目を執筆した。(ii)については、普遍限量子の論理的振舞いを分析するために、λ項の代数的構造を分析した。この結果、変数の概念を経由せずに、普遍限量子の導入および除去の規則を記述できることを解明した。
岩井 祥子 池田 華子 長谷川 智子 吉村 長久 飯田 悠人 川口 恵理 末次 仁美

國府 寛司

佐藤 卓己

流言蜚語がメディアを通じて世論形成に与えた影響に関する日本現代史を体系的に考察した。その成果が『考える人』に連載した「メディア流言の時代」全8回である。補論を加えて2017年に単行本化する予定である。また、メディア流言史の視点から2014年の「朝日新聞誤報問題」についても、論点整理を行った。「誤報事件の古層」(『図書』2014年12月号・岩波書店)や「誤報のパラダイム転換」(『Journalism』2015年3月号・朝日新聞社)である。理論的な総括は、「デジタル社会における〝歴史〟の効用」『岩波講座 現代 1―現代の現代性』(岩波書店・2015年)で行った。
小林 標
西洋古典論集 (ISSN:02897113)
vol.11, pp.185-211, 1994-03-30

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。The object of this paper is to present a new viewpoint for Seneca's "Medea" and to study as well the nature of its influence over some "Medea" plays in Modern times. It is evident that Seneca's "Medea" owes very much to Euripides's masterpiece tragedy, but nonetheless it shows a clear break therefrom. Euripides created a shockingly powerful human tragedy, in which a once devoted wife, after suffering much because of the husband's betrayal, invents and executes the cruelest punishment for him one can ever imagine : the murder of her own children. Seneca, on his part, did not want to follow in the same footsteps when he tried to write a new "Medea" play. Perhaps we'd better say he could not, because all his literary audience must have had full knowledge of Medea's ultimate deed in Euripides's tragedy. And it would not have made sense for him to write a new play without considering the audience's knowledge of the story. We may be allowed to say that, after Euripides, the name ≪Medea≫ has become a sort of sign to signify ≪woman who kills her innocent children to punish the unfaithful husband whose life she spares≫. It was open to everybody to utilize this sign for writing a new play, but nobody could alter its meaning. So, for one thing, Seneca chose to omit from his version Euripides's Aegeus-scene in which Medea learns how much the children mean to the father ; he decided that, in the environment where everybody knew the heroine would eventually kill her children, the scene of "inventing" the kind of punishment by the heroine would not have as dramatic an impact on the audience as it did in Euripides's play. What Seneca presented instead was the repeated suggestion by Medea herself even in the prologue that she would murder her children. From the beginning of the play the readers or audience are made to confront the insinuation of the outcome they already know but don't want to see, and they are already in suspense. It was this suspenseful atmosphere that Seneca intended to create as the dramatic effect for his "Medea" when he wanted to compensate for the absence of the scene in which the punishment is invented. The well known significative value of the word ≪Medea≫ also made it possible for the author to write words such as "I will become Medea!" (171), or "Now I am Medea" (910) to convey the meaning that she is going to, or has determined to, kill her children. Expressions like ≪I will become Medea≫, ≪I am Medea≫ are also uttered by the heroines of the "Medea" plays of Corneille, Grillparzer and Anouilh. This is one example of the close relationship between Seneca's work and theirs, which has been more or less neglected. These Modern times dramatists had the same advantage and handicap as Seneca did when they wanted to write their "Medea" plays ; the audience already knew what the heroine would ultimately do. In other words, they were able to (and at the same time they had to) use the word ≪Medea≫ as a long established and too-well known sign. So, in the same course, they would rather rely on the dramatic effects invented by Seneca than those by Euripides. Actually, the influence Seneca's "Medea" exercised on these Modern times dramatists can be perceived in their borrowing not merely of the heroine's words from Seneca's work but also the principal framework of his plotting composition. The plotting of Seneca's "Medea", as I interpret it, is as follows ; a supernatural female marries a human male because of her juvenile love, and she tries hard to adapt herself to her husband's world. Eventually she encounters the ≪inescapable≫ betrayal of human beings, and she goes back to her own place after punishing the human world in her harshest way. In a more general and shorter expression, we can summarize it as the story of ≪an inevitable disintegration of an impossible marriage≫. In order to write a story of ≪impossible marriage≫, one must present two oppositive and unreconcilable worlds, which Seneca did in a meticulous way. First, Seneca reversed the heroine's character from the almost completely humanized one in Euripides's work to its mythical archetype, i. e. a sorceress with full witchcraft capacity and inclination. Furthermore, he set her in isolation not only in the actual condition but also in the concept of those who surround her. The Chorus is not only hostile to her in contrast to Euripides's version but also describes her as "the evil worse than the sea" (362) which mankind had not known before their first navigation to violate the sea. Jason is portrayed as being able to claim a certain amount of sympathy. He is being pursued by Acastus so that he is pressed, for the safety of himself and his children, to depend on the help of either Creo, i. e. his saviour from the human world's side, or Medea, i. e. from the nonhuman world's side. Medea tries to retrieve Jason to her own world with the declaration of her willingness to commit further crimes for his sake (525-528), but he chooses to belong to the human world and consequently deserts her. When Medea kills her children, it is not only to punish Jason, but also to severe all relationship with the human world. She asserts that any child she got by Jason is Creusa's (921-2). She also expresses her children as "quondam mei" (924) and "non mei" (934), which are quite contrastive to Medea's word "philoi" in the similar situation of Euripides's version (1250). Finally she casts down the bodies of her children to Jason, again in contrast to Euripides's, and the story of ≪impossible marriage≫ comes to a conclusion. In my opinion, it was Seneca's most valuable contribution to the history of "Medea" plays to transpose her story from that of ≪revenge of a wronged woman≫ into that of ≪an inevitable disintegration of an impossible marriage≫, and it is this kind of plotting that Corneille, Grillparzer and Anouilh owe most to Seneca. A shaky marriage with a nonhuman being (animal, specter, natural phenomenon personified etc.) disguised in human shape and its ultimate breakdown is the motif in many Japanese folktales, of which Lafcadio Hearn's "Yuki-Onna" is one example, and it is given a collective nomination as ≪irui-kon' in-tan≫ (roughly translated, ≪tale of marriage with an alien≫). ≪Irui-kon' in-tan≫ is not identical to the folktales in the West which are classified as the tales of ≪supernatural or enchanted spouse≫, because these are mostly about human beings who are temporarily forced to take disguise in nonhuman shape. Though I could not find the terminology in the Western languages that is exactly identical to ≪irui-kon' in-tan≫, there are literary pieces which could belong to this category in the West, too. As we saw, Seneca's "Medea" is an exemplary case. Fouque's "Undine" and its theatrical adaptation "Ondine" by Giraudoux are among other examples. Now, I would like to suggest broadening the implication of ≪iruikon' in-tan≫ to denote all the stories of ≪an inevitable disintegration of a marriage of a pair from two different worlds unreconcilable to each other≫, and to apply the concept to Occidental literature. Then we may be able to grasp more clearly, for one thing, the place Seneca's "Medea" occupies in the series of "Medea" plays. Among the three Modern dramatists mentioned, Anouilh employed the thematic scheme of ≪impossible marriage≫ more consciously than the others. The meaning of the fact that he borrowed many expressions directly from Seneca's work must be interpreted in correlation with this thematic borrowing. In my own terminology, Anouilh perceived Seneca's "Medea" as ≪irui-kon' in-tan≫, and he himself wrote his own version of the same motif.
高橋 亮

濱西 栄司
京都社会学年報 : KJS
vol.14, pp.59-74, 2006-12

This paper aims at developing a methodological framework for ordering the various kinds of social movement studies. First, it outlines the present condition of social movement studies. From the early 1980s, there has been a radical theoretical conflict. To illustrate, the International Sociological Association (ISA) now has two research committees on Social Movements, the definitions and orientations of each corresponding to either of the two poles of this theoretical opposition. Furthermore, this paper also points out the significance of Hiroshi Ohata's methodological examination in explaining and interpreting social movements and the problems concerning the standpoint of Ohata. In Ohata's scientific methodological framework, approaches that do not make a distinction between scientific and non-scientific activities are excluded. Second, I discuss ethnomethodology, constructionism and the analytic-bracketing method, since all these three approaches avoid the rigid distinction between scientific and non-scientific activities without making epistemological "folding-backs". By putting a distinctive emphasis on the production and accountability of phenomena of order, one can distinguish ethnomethodological studies from classic studies. Constructionist approaches to social problems focus on the claim-making activities of individuals or groups about putative conditions. The analytic-bracketing approach addresses the whats (from contructionism) and hows (from ethnomethodology) alternately in order to assemble a more complete picture of social activities. Third, I touch upon the concrete forms of social movement studies following these three approaches above, as well as the relations between them and the conventional social movement studies. Finally, I attempt to build a more comprehensive framework that could unify all these three approaches and scientific methodological approaches.
向井 茂 中山 昇 橋本 光靖 金銅 誠之 齋藤 政彦 藤野 修 行者 明彦 浪川 幸彦 梅村 浩 寺西 鎮男 齊藤 博

1)幾何学的不変式論を再構成した。また、曲線状のベクトル束のモジュライ空間をQuotスキームというものを使わずに構成した。両者相まってベクトル束のモジュライ理論は大幅に簡易化され見通しよくなった。多くの発展がこの基礎付けのもとになされると期待する。(例えば、Jacobi多様体の退化)2)放物や安定対のような構造付きベクトル束のモジュライも上と同じように構成が見通しよくなった。おかげで共形ブロックの個数に関するVerlinde公式を不変式環のHilbert級数の明示と捉えることができるようになった。この公式の周辺に集まる多くの数学(アフィンLie環、Hecke環や量子群など)を不変式の観点から純代数的に理解できるようになると期待している。。3)穴あきRiemann球(=点付き射影直線)上の構造付きベクトル束のモジュライのmaster spaceは2次元加法群の多項式環への平方零作用の不変式環をその座標環としてもつ。このことより、この環の有限生成性が従う。これと下の成果を合わせて加法群の平方零作用に対するHilbertの第14問題を解決した。(2002年3月学会で報告)4)永田の反例を改良することによって3次元加法群の18変数多項式環への平方零作用の不変式環で無限生成なものを構成した。この環と、5次元射影空間を9点で爆発したものの全座標環との間の同型(永田トリック)が重要であるが、これの新証明も与えた。5)二つのK3曲面の直積上のある種のHodgeサイクルの代数性(Shafarevich予想)に対して新しい証明を見つけた。6)偏極Abel曲面に対して2重レヴェルを考案し、それ付きのモジュライを研究した。(1,d)型でdが5以下のときは正多面体群を使って綺麗な多様体になる。今後は次元公式を計算し、保型形式環を研究すべきと考えている。
都留 俊太郎

本年度は、昨年度に台湾の中央研究院及び国立台湾図書館で収集した資料へ分析を加え、その成果をアメリカ技術史学会の年会で発表することができた(審査有り)。さらに、そこで得たコメントをもとに論文を執筆し、East Asian Sicence, Technology and Society 誌に投稿した。現在審査中で、平成28年度中のアクセプトを目指している。さらに、昨年度に引続き、断続的に台湾の彰化県二林郡でフィールドワークを行い、二林蔗農事件に関する聞き取り調査を進めた。この調査研究の成果は、The Third Conference of East Asian Environmental History(審査有り)と台灣二林蔗農事件90週年紀念國際學術研討會(招待講演)で発表した。発表の際に得たコメントをもとに論文を執筆・投稿することは、平成28年度の課題として残された。また、1920年代の甘蔗栽培技術改良について前々年・前年度までの自らの研究成果を踏まえて、International Conference on the History of Science in East Asiaにて報告を行った(審査有り)。他に、『アジア・太平洋戦争辞典』(吉川弘文館、2015年10月)の「皇民化運動」・「蔡培火」・「林献堂」の三項目について執筆を担当した。
田中 利幸 池田 思朗 大関 真之

津田 明雅
