曺 美庚 釘原 直樹
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16322, (Released:2017-05-10)

心理学研究第88巻第3号掲載の曺 美庚・釘原 直樹著,「文化,性,パーソナリティがタッチ性向に及ぼす影響」論文は,著者により取下げられました。
内田 照久 中畝 菜穂子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.5, pp.397-406, 2004-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This study investigated the systematic relationship between nonverbal features of speech and personality trait ratings of the speaker. In Study 1, fundamental frequency (F0) in original speech was converted into five levels from 64% to 156.25%. Then 132 undergraduates rated each of the converted speeches in terms of personality traits. In Study 2 134 undergraduates similarly rated the speech stimuli, which had five speech rate levels as well as two F0 levels. Results showed that listener ratings along Big Five dimensions were mostly independent. Each dimension had a slightly different change profile over the five levels of F0 and speech rate. A quadratic regression equation provided a good approximation for each rating as a function of F0 or speech rate. The quadratic regression equations put together would provide us with a rough estimate of personality trait impression as a function of prosodic features. The functional relationship among F0, speech rate, and trait ratings was shown as a curved surface in the three-dimensional space.
木村 敦 齊藤 知範 山根 由子 島田 貴仁
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.94, no.2, pp.120-128, 2023 (Released:2023-06-25)

Previous studies suggest that some elderly people do not use an answering machine at home to prevent falling victim to fraudulent scams despite this being known as one of the most effective behaviors to avoid fraud. The present study explored the influence of optimistic bias on answering machine use and behavioral intention for preventing fraud among elderly Japanese people. A survey was used among elderly Japanese respondents (N = 1,598, Mage = 73.2, SD = 5.30) to examine optimistic bias and behavioral intentions related to preventing scams targeting the elderly. Results of statistical analyses demonstrated that there was no relationship between optimistic bias and answering machine use. On the other hand, optimistic bias positively affected the behavioral intention of penetrating a scam by pretending to be deceived if respondents encountered scammers. We discuss the effects of optimistic bias and other factors, such as gender, on crime prevention behaviors regarding fraud.
池上 真平 重野 純
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.2, pp.119-129, 2013-06-25 (Released:2013-09-01)

Swing is a musical performance technique, whose magnitude is indicated by the swing ratio. This study examines the effects of swing on music-listening appreciation. In Experiment 1, 21 participants were presented with synthesized performances with three swing ratios, and were asked to rate their impressions using the semantic differential method. The results show that there exists a certain relationship between swing and the affective evaluation of music and tempo. Experiment 2 explored the relationship between swing and melody, another dimension of music, in perceived dynamism and preference for swing. Two musical instruments were used: piano and drums. Twenty-two participants were presented with synthesized performances and were asked to rate the degree of dynamism and their preference using Scheffé’s paired comparison method. The evaluations for five swing conditions were similar for those performed by the piano and by the drums. The discussion looks at the swing ratio and its psychological attributes as well as the relationships of perceived impressions of swing to tempo and musical instruments.
鈴木 伸一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.74, no.6, pp.504-511, 2004-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The purpose of this study was to validate the three dimensional model of classifying coping behavior. The three are: Encounter-Avoidance, Problem-Emotion, Behavior-Cognition Dimension. A set of questionnaires on coping behavior and psychological stress responses were administered, and 1 604 undergraduates and 1 296 adults completed them. Analyses of covariance structure were performed, and results indicated that the three dimensional model, with eight coping style, showed the highest goodness-of-fit statistics. Multiple regression analyses also indicated that Problem-Emotion and Behavior-Cognition dimensions were useful for predicting the coping effects on psychological stress responses. Therefore, the two dimensional model of Problem-Emotion and Behavior-Cognition, with four coping style, would be helpful for further investigation of coping behavior that would buffer psychological stress responses.
福田 恭介 水口 美咲 松尾 太加志 志堂寺 和則 早見 武人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.2, pp.122-128, 2021 (Released:2021-06-25)

The “Tip of the Tongue” (TOT) is a well-known phenomenon in which one cannot recall the name of a familiar person or object but can recall related words. In the TOT state, cognitive processing activities based on relating information are frequently performed. Blinking is suppressed when waiting for information and when inputting or processing information, and instead occurs at the end of the processing phase. However, the relationship between blinking and the TOT state is not yet clear. In this study, we investigated how the timing of blink suppression and occurrence changes during the TOT state. We presented successive facial photographs of famous people interspersed with those of unknown persons. The participant’s task was to name the person during recall-stimulus after each of the photographs. The participant’s responses were classified as “Recognized,” “TOT,” and “Not recognized.” Our results indicated that blink suppression occurred most frequently while waiting for the recall-stimulus period in “Not recognized” responses, whereas suppression occurred least frequently in TOT responses. We conclude that blink suppression and occurrence is related to memory-system-access processing.
井邑 智哉 髙村 真広 岡崎 善弘 徳永 智子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.4, pp.374-383, 2016 (Released:2016-10-25)
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We developed a scale to measure time management and assessed its reliability and validity. We then used this scale to examine the impact of time management on psychological stress response. In Study 1-1, we developed the scale and assessed its internal consistency and criterion-related validity. Findings from a factor analysis revealed three elements of time management, “time estimation,” “time utilization,” and “taking each moment as it comes.” In Study 1-2, we assessed the scale’s test-retest reliability. In Study 1-3, we assessed the validity of the constructed scale. The results indicate that the time management scale has good reliability and validity. In Study 2, we performed a covariance structural analysis to verify our model that hypothesized that time management influences perceived control of time and psychological stress response, and perceived control of time influences psychological stress response. The results showed that time estimation increases the perceived control of time, which in turn decreases stress response. However, we also found that taking each moment as it comes reduces perceived control of time, which in turn increases stress response.
伊藤 裕子 相良 順子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.3, pp.211-216, 2012 (Released:2012-11-23)
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A marital love scale was created to study the marital quality of middle-aged and elderly couples, and the scale's reliability and validity were examined. In this study, 888 middle-aged and elderly married participants completed the marital love scale questionnaire as well as answering questions regarding marriage satisfaction and husband-wife communication. In all age groups, men scored higher than women on the marital love scale. The marital love score gradually increased from the middle-aged to the senior period, and like the marriage satisfaction score, the marital love score showed a U-shaped curve in the whole married life. The results also showed that the scale was highly correlated with marriage satisfaction and spousal self-disclosure. Thus, the validity and internal consistency of the marital love scale were confirmed.
黄 景逸 阿部 恒之
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第85回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PE-015, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

不適切な婚姻関係である不倫問題への態度に,道徳基盤,特に公正感がもたらす影響を検討する。■方法 ・対象・手続き:2020年2月インターネット調査を行った。都市圏と非都市圏の居住区(2),20-60代の各年代(5),男女(2)でセルを構成し,計4,120名が回答。全てを分析対象とした。・測度:①婚姻関係への態度:不倫問題への評価(7項目,6件法)。②道徳基盤:Haidt(2012)の和訳版5尺度(計30項目,件法)。■結果 婚姻関係への態度について探索的因子分析(最尤法,固有値1基準,プロマックス回転)を行った結果,婚姻重視と不倫非難の2因子が抽出された。これらそれぞれを目的変数,道徳基盤の5尺度を説明変数とする重回帰分析を行ったところ,婚姻重視因子も不倫非難因子も,公正/欺瞞以外の4尺度が有意に影響しており,婚姻重視因子は忠誠/背信が,不倫非難因子は神聖/堕落が最も強く影響していた。■考察 不適切な婚姻関係への態度は婚姻重視と不倫非難の2因子で構成されており,いずれにも公正/欺瞞の道徳基盤の影響は認められず,いわゆる善悪判断には基づかないことが示唆された。※JSPS科研費17H02259
長谷 和久
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.94.21063, (Released:2023-02-01)

Studies on various hazards have shown that such hazards are characterized by two dimensions, namely being “dreaded” and “unknown.” Conversely, when evaluating food-related hazards, the degree to which the food is perceived as artificial (i.e., the evaluation of artificiality) has been shown to affect risk perception and willingness to accept food. Accordingly, this study (N = 923) investigated the factors that influence risk perception for various food hazards (e.g., genetically modified foods) by adding items related to artificiality to the conventional items related to the two dimensions (dreaded, unknown). The results showed that items related to artificiality constituted the same principal component as those related to the dimension of “dreaded.” Additionally, foods that were evaluated as artificial were also evaluated as having lower benefits. Based on the findings, specific characteristics of foods that are likely to be avoided (or accepted) were mentioned, and future directions for studies related to food risk perception were discussed.
伊藤 崇達 神藤 貴昭
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.74, no.3, pp.209-217, 2003-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
18 7

The two main purposes of the present study were to construct the self-motivational strategies scale for junior high school students, and to examine the validity of the scale. In the first study, from the result of factor analysis on the data of 449 students, eight subscales were constructed, and differences in subscale scores between grades were found. In the second study, the relationships among eight self-motivational strategies, four types of motivation, academic stress coping strategies and appraisal of academic stressors were examined. It was shown that different aspects of students' self-motivational strategy were differentially related to their academic motivation and the use of some stress coping strategies. In addition, covariance structure analysis was carried out to investigate the validity of the scale. The results supported the construct validity of all but one of the subscales.
藤原 和政 西村 多久磨 村上 達也 福住 紀明
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.94.21035, (Released:2023-02-01)

The present study investigates the association between social skills and indicators of school adjustment: school satisfaction, loneliness, self-esteem, depression, and academic grades. A total of 1,042 junior high school students (boys = 513, girls = 529, Mage = 13.63, range = 12–15) from 33 classes in three schools participated in a questionnaire survey. The results of correlation analysis with multilevel modeling and Zou’s test revealed that (a) hairyo skills, consisting of compassion for others and maintaining relationships with peers, were positively correlated with academic grades, and (b) kakawari skills, consisting of assertion and developing relationships with peers, were positively correlated with school satisfaction and self-esteem. Both types of social skills were negatively correlated with a sense of victimization and depression. These results show multiple aspects of the effects of social skills toward school adjustment problems.
浜 治世
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.36, no.1, pp.1-9, 1965 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The first aim of the study was to examine what sort of effect prior exposure to conflict has on succeeding performance in a weak conflict situation, Dynamogenic and competing response hypotheses were used to predict the performance of subjects in the subsequent conflict situation. The dynamogenic view asserts that conflict generates a drive, thus the effect of conflict training is to facilitate the subsequent performance, reducing the reaction time in post-conflict situation. According to the competing response view, conflict training leads to learning of specific conflict responses, which are generalized to postconflict performance, with the resulting inhibition of performance, or the increase of reaction time. Three groups of normal subjects were run under three ssuccesive phases of experiment. First, all the groups were exposed to a low conflict situation. Following this, each of the groups was given different degree of conflict training, such as high, moderate, or low. Finally, all the groups were again exposed to the original low conflict situation. The comparison of the conflict effect between normal and abnormal subjects, which was the second aim of this study, was performed by running groups of neurotic and schizophrenic subjects under the same conditions as above.The modified Stroops's Color-Word Test cards were used for inducing different degrees of conflict, designated respectively as the high conflict card (HC), the moderate conflict card (MC) and the low conflict card (LC). On these conflict cards the color names were printed in colors. The HC card had no word printed in the corresponding color, while the LC card had all the words printed in the corresponding colors, and the MC card had printed words not corresponding to the colors, but in colors suggesting the same hind of color. The subject was instructed to identify the color of each stimulus irrespective of the color designation. The author hypothesized that the conflict induced by the experiment was a type of approach-approach conflict between two response tendencies; the approach toward reading the word which was motivated by cultural and verbal habit and the other approach toward the color itself which was motivated by the instructions. The reaction time (1/RT×1000) for each conflict card was used as a measure of conflict.The findings are shown in Tables 1 to 6 and Figures 1 to 3. The results indicate that the effect of strong and moderate conflict training led to significant retardation of the reaction time in the postconflict performance for all groups. This fact supports the competing response view, but also has implications for the dynamogenic view.
山田 歩
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.2, pp.134-141, 2004-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1

This study investigated the effects of repeated exposures to male and female targets on trait impressions and the role of stereotyped knowledge for the target's social category in impression formation process. The participants were repeatedly exposed to slides of male and female faces for subliminal durations. For each of 12 pairs containing both previously presented slide and newly presented slide, the participants made forced-choice liking judgments (Experiment 1), trait judgments (Experiment 2) and recognition judgments (Experiments 1 and 2). It was found that participants' attitude toward the targets became more positive, even though target recognition was not significantly greater than the chance level. Yet, when the dimension of judgment was stereotypically associated with the target's social category, exposure effects were obtained for the targets whose social category and its dimension were inferentially matched, but not obtained for the targets whose social category and its dimension were not inferentially matched. Some theoretical implications of the role of social category information in the mere exposure phenomenon are discussed.