藤田 勝也
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.675, pp.1193-1200, 2012-05-30 (Released:2012-07-02)
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the realities of Heian revivalistic style of the court-noble's residence at the early modern period. In this paper, the residence of the Konoe-family especially were taken up and the history of the residences at the early modern period was confirmed. The shinden had the Heian revivalistic style since the latter half of the 17th century. But this style wasn't complete as the Heian revivalistic style, and the feature hasn't changed after conflagration Tenmei. It may be inferred that one of the background of this fact was that only the Kigo-Jinzaburo-family took charge of the construction as a chief carpenter.
水月 昭道 南 博文
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.574, pp.61-68, 2003-12-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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This paper analyzed the relationships between children's behavior and street environments while returning home from school. Through plotting the course of children's way home and the point of contact with street features by children, and also taking pictures, we examined how children showed playful activities on the street. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1) When children are returning home from school, street environments provide opportunities for children to play. 2) The degree of children's playful involvement varies among different street environments. 3) Street features which stand out, have discrepancy in height, contain movable objects attract children's playful activities. 4) Changes created by locomotion provide playing affordances.
李 允子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.514, pp.241-247, 1998-12-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

In these days we see the fact that the floor sitting style and the chair sitting style coexist both in South Korea and Japan. Considering this current situation, this study aims at shedding light on historical changes and development of these two types of sitting style. Comparing several types of sitting style and its historical changes in China, Korea and Japan along with research into their historical interchange, the author probed into resemblance in sitting style among these three countries. As one of the characteristics, for example, sitting with the left knee drawn up was first observed from the Zhou to Han period in China. Later in the periods of the Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was seen on various scenes such as people in the middle ruling class holding ceremonies, retainers raising up lamps, warriors standing by, bird hunting, fishing, praying, and such. In Korea, in the period of the Three Kingdoms, this type of sitting style was found where people were drawing characters, and in Japan, in the Jomon period, where men were holding ceremonies. All in the three countries, however, there were also tools to sit down on, and even stools and chairs to show authority were found. From this study, it is assumed that sitting cross-legged as well as seated style were characteristic of people of high standing and were commonly seen in the three countries. Also in China, however, there was a period of sitting on the floor as seen in Korea and Japan. And in the time range given in this study the shift from floor sitting to chair sitting had started there.
川本 智史
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.637, pp.697-702, 2009-03-30 (Released:2009-11-24)

This paper will investigate the relationship between the court ceremonies of the Rum Seljuk dynasty and architecture in medieval Anatolia. Until now, the study of the architectural history of the era has concentrated on the records and interpretations of visual elements such as ornamentation of buildings. Here, however, I will employ textual sources to reveal the functional elements of Rum Seljuk-era architecture. The text especially provides us detailed informations on court ceremonies, including descriptions of the buildings and spaces where they were conducted. The lack of written architectural documents in medieval Anatolia enhances the importance of the text.
鳥海 基樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.692, pp.2143-2152, 2013-10-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

The president of the French Republic declared in 2007 to put its capital region planning in his control with a name of <Grand Paris>. Thus the construction of a railway loop line with some particular clusters (CDT) was legislated in 2010. For the governance of this large area, an opinion exchange platform (Paris Metropole) was created in 2009 by the initiative of the Mayor of Paris in place of a merger. The project initially including a research cluster on the plateau de Saclay is today extended to Le Havre to connect the capital with its main port (Seine Gateway).
トモリ アキラ 鈴木 宏隆 浦山 益郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.598, pp.87-94, 2005
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1.研究の背景・目的 ため池は灌漑用に築造された農業用施設である。都市化に伴い、多くのため池は灌漑用水としての利水機能を失いつつある。しかし、利水機能だけでなく治水機能、オープンスペース機能、余暇のための空間提供機能、動植物生息機能など多面的な機能をもっており、都市環境の質的向上に資する可能性をもっている。ため池に関する研究としては、灌漑施設としての水管理に関するもの、老朽ため池の整備に関するもの、ため池の分布や都市化によるため池の改廃に関するものが多い^<2)〜6)>。ため池を都市の環境資源としてみた研究は、中山^<7)>、浦山ら^<1)>、客野ら^<8)>など少ない。また、ため池の水辺における使われ方を分析したものは森ら^<9)>程度であり、都市環境資源としてため池を活用するための設計指針は少ない。そこで、本研究ではため池を活用した公園整備のための知見を得ることを目的に、ため池のある公園とない公園の利用実態を調査し、特にため池の水辺で行われる余暇活動の特徴について明らかにしようとしたものである。2.研究の方法 名古屋市内のため池のある細口池公園とため池のない植田中央公園(図1)を対象に、2004年10月の平日と休日に観察調査とインタビュー方式のアンケート調査を行った(表1・2)。細口池公園は地区公園、植田中央公園は近隣公園に指定されているが、住宅地と中学校が隣接しており、遊歩道、プレイグラウンド、プレイフィールドなど同様の施設をもっていること、両ため池とも近隣からの利用者が多いことなど類似性が高い。相違点としては、公園の規模、ため池の有無である。3.両公園における余暇活動 1)余暇活動の種類 両公園の利用実態を把握するため、散歩、動的活動(ジョギング・スポーツ・友達と遊ぶ・子供と遊ぶ・虫取り)、静的活動(休憩、食事・ピクニック・読書・おしやべり・デート昼寝・緑を眺める・花を眺める・池を眺める・鳥を眺める・動物を眺める・虫を眺める)の3種類に分けて、午前6時から午後5時40分の間、20分ごとに活動位置を地図上にプロットした。細口池公園では休日に延べ4463、平日に延べ1607、植田中央公園では休日に延べ3040、平日に延べ1768の活動が観察できた。両公園ともに休日の利用が多い。また、ため池のある細口池公園では散歩が多いことがわかった。2)余暇活動の種類別に見た空間特性図6のようにゾーンごとに余暇活動を集計した結果、プレイフィールドとプレイグラウンドでは、両公園とも動的行為が集中していた。両公園の違いは、遊歩道を含む堤防エリアにみられた。細口池公園の堤防(水辺空間)では散歩や静的活動、動的活動が多様に行われていた。また、散歩の活動数は植田中央公園周辺の堤防エリアに比べると約3倍もあり、ため池の水辺には利用者が多いこと、利用時間が長いことを示している。4.余暇活動の類型化とその特徴 1)両公園における活動 公園の利用内容を把握するために、表2の選択肢を用意して、インタビュー方式によって複数選択の回答を求めた。両公園の相違点は、細口池公園に散歩および景観を享受する行為である緑を眺める、花を眺める、池を眺める、鳥を眺める等の静的活動が多いことである。一方、植田中央公園では、広いプレイフィールドがあることからスポーツと子供と遊ぶという利用内容が多かった。2)活動の類型化 利用内容21項目をクラスター分析した結果、表3のように7つに類型化できた。類型1(散歩)と類型2(スポーツ)は単一目的の活動類型である。類型3は、散歩+花を眺める、類型4散歩+緑+池を眺める、類型5は散歩+緑+花+池+鳥を眺める、類型6は散歩+おしゃべりのように、複数の活動を行っている類型である。類型7はその他である。類型3〜5(散歩しながら周囲を眺める行為)は、ため池のある細口池公園に特化した余暇活動であることが注目される。3)類型別に見た活動の特徴 活動類型別に利用者属性をみた(表4)。類型1と類型3〜6は、50才代・60才代の中高年齢層が毎日あるいは週に数回、一人で行う日課的な余暇活動であり、細口池公園に多い類型である。一方、類型2と7は若い層が多く、週に数回あるいは月に数回訪れるような余暇活動であり、植田中央公園に多い活動類型であった。4)類型別に見た公園を利用する理由 細口池公園に多い類型1および類型3〜6には、「周辺に緑が多いから」や「鳥や花があるから」を選択するものが多く、散歩できる機能と同時にため池の景観機能を求めてやって来る類型ということができる。5.結論 1)公園内に設けられた施設(プレイフィールドとプレイグラウンド)は動的目的の活動に利用されている。2)ため池周辺の水辺空間は散歩によく使われている。同時に静的活動にも動的活動にも多様に利用されている。3)公園の使われ方を活動の組み合わせによって類型化すると単一目的2つ、多目的の利用5つの合計7つに類型化できた。4)類型1、類型2、類型6と類型7は両公園でみられたが、散歩しながら周辺を眺める活動である類型3〜5はため池のある細口池公園に特化した利用であった。5)類型3〜5の利用理由は、「周辺に緑が多いから」、「花や鳥があるから」と「水面があるから」などため池のもつ特性を享受しようとしたものである。6)以上のことから、ため池を活かした公園整備をするということは、これらため池のもつ便益を享受できるような利用を可能にすることということができる。
田中 康裕 鈴木 毅 松原 茂樹 奥 俊信 木多 道宏
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.614, pp.113-120, 2007
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This article studies the openness of Community-Cafes by means of analysis of the narratives described by 3 masters. In this article, the openness of the place is defined as follows: It is a place where people can enter freely, but also can be and interact with other people if they want. This article clarifies 10 aspects of the openness of Community-Cafe. 3 managers have their own thought about the management, relationship and interaction. But there are many common aspects in their thought. And the relationships that the manager has formed with people enable some aspects of the openness to appear.
角 哲 大場 修 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 村上 しほり 長田 城治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.780, pp.617-627, 2021 (Released:2021-02-28)

The purpose of this article is to clarify the construction process and features of Camp Crawford in Makomanai, Sapporo. It was named after Joseph Ury Crawford, advisor and U.S. railway engineer of the Hokkaido development commission (Kaitakushi). Upon the occupation of Japan, the general headquarters (GHQ) set the 9th corps, 8th army’s headquarters in Sapporo, chosen primarily because of Hokkaido’s location. Several notable cities in Japan were war damaged, hence had little facility stocks. Sapporo, on the other hand, was intact and had enough supplies. These were essential aspects in establishing the headquarters in Sapporo. GHQ ordered the Japanese government to construct 20,000 dependent housings (DH) in March 1946. This proved difficult because building materials were scarce, so some construction projects were stopped. However, deemed by the government as essential in the Cold War due to its strategic location, Camp Crawford’s construction continued and was erected quickly in Sapporo. GHQ appropriated the land of the Hokkaido Animal Husbandry Experimental Station Makomanai as the site. It was located south of Sapporo’s city center, about 4-6 kilometers away, upstream of Toyohira river. Jozankei railways was at the eastern side. These proved valuable to maintaining good living conditions and sanitation. Also, beneficial for swift construction. Private contractors organized a special union to construct the new camp. The union received the contract as a single unit. This approach was outstanding at that time since it can be recognized as the initial stages of a joint venture (JV) agreement. The JV was definitively established during the 1950’s in Japan. Construction was delayed but eventually completed as supply of building materials for this particular camp was a priority. 8th army head Eichelberger evaluated it as “too expensive.” Consider though, that the camp had several facilities and covered a vast plot of land. Also, the land area for one DH was the largest among all camps in Japan. The DH and troop housing (TH) were developed concurrently, a unique feature here since, typically in GHQ’s camps across Japan, these would be built separately. This camp’s site plan was influenced by topography and old facilities. TH and DH areas were situated in the eastern part of the site where it was dry and higher than the west. The service facilities were on the west amidst gently rolling terrain. TH was on the upper section of the site’s eastern part, laid out on a grid using the old farm road. Below it, the DH was arranged on curved roads, following GHQ standard. Several facilities were added, making the camp almost a small city. TH area had, among others, an office, PX, bakery, church, theater, clubs, library, gym, sports grounds, and golf link. DH area had detached and row houses using GHQ standards, except for the roof material. Instead, the roof was finished with sheet iron, characteristic of the cold region, and contributing to high costs. However, the GHQ used existing facilities and new buildings were simple. The camp was generally using excellent specifications when compared to Japanese buildings at that time. After derequisition, late 1950's, the site was transformed to the Japan Self-Defense Force Base and a prefectural residential area, Makomanai Danchi. The DH area was once used as Olympic village, the golf link for stadiums. Camp Crawford is the foundation of present residential suburbs.
横井 浩志 鈴木 義弘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.814, pp.3205-3214, 2023-12-01 (Released:2023-12-01)

This paper aims to modify the historical interpretation of the modernization process of Japanese house planning. Adoption of Western-styled rooms is not necessary for modernized development of Japanese houses to the center-corridor plan-type, because most houses in the early 20th century had arranged “zashiki” as serial rooms for visitor accommodation, with the “cha-no-ma” as a Japanese style family room keeping its original position. This means that two-way styled drawing rooms had been realized at the same house. Instead of contributing to a democratic lifestyle, this arrangement reinforced a patriarchal lifestyle during the transformation process of Japanese houses at that time.
大宮司 勝弘 竹内 淳 岩岡 竜夫 岩田 利枝
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.636, pp.505-513, 2009-02-28 (Released:2009-11-02)

The purpose of this study is to identify the architectural characteristics of Kyoto Tower Building, which was designed by Mamoru Yamada. The description of space composition and the features of the architectural design of Kyoto Tower Building, at the initial completion time, are based on a documentary film showing the building under construction and pictures and drawings held by Osaka Yamada Mamoru Architects and Engineers. On the basis of Yamada's studies of the floor plans, the rough drawings and perspectives, the design process of this building is analyzed.
藤井 健史 山田 悟史
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.811, pp.2636-2642, 2023-09-01 (Released:2023-09-01)

In this study, a total of 28,800 random tree placement models were generated from combinations of 12 tree shapes and 8 stages of green coverage, assuming a site of 50m square. Then, using the generated model, a Monte Carlo simulation of green visibility calculation was performed to obtain an expected value of green visibility rate for each condition. In addition, the calculation results were expressed in figures and estimation formulas so that they can be easily referred to actual tree placement plans. These achievements have made it possible to plan tree placement based on the scientific index of green visibility.
森 風香 中野 茂夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.810, pp.2360-2371, 2023-08-01 (Released:2023-08-01)

The plans of city preservation in post war Nara city are classified into following 3 categories, and revealed each transition. They make general transition of the plans of city preservation in post war Nara city.1.Part of Nara city’s general plans about historical landscape, 2.Plans of historical landscape: comprehensive plans of city preservation based in low: the construction of a city of international tourism and pleaded the government to enact special legislation of Nara, the Ancient Capitals Preservation Law and Act on Maintenance and Improvement of Traditional Scenery in Certain Districts, 3.landscape planning followed Nara city’s original plans
小池 志保子 中川 理
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.659, pp.221-227, 2011-01-30 (Released:2011-03-07)
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Since the first Japanese public museum was opened in 1926, the public museums have been playing the role as main cultural facilities in regional community. The purpose of this study is to describe the development process of Japanese public museums by analyzing their spatial configurations. This study treats 109 Japanese public museums. Analyses revealed that the scale of the public museums consistently became larger after the 2nd World War, and the number of newly-established public museums has increased until 1980s. Until 1960s, exhibition spaces were core of public museums. Since the 1980s, there are two types public museums. One type is variety arrangements of functional floor areas. Another type has distributed organizations of exhibition spaces.
堀田 典裕
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.462, pp.177-184, 1994-08-30 (Released:2017-09-20)

This paper is an attempt to study on the suburban developments around Nagoya in the modern age and here is analyzed Shinmaiko Bunka-mura "Syoroen" in terms of its historical background as well as its spatial characteristics of the town and the houses. Although Shinmaiko was developed as a seaside resort town in 1910's, it was redeveloped as a suburban residential area named "Syoroen" by a railway company during 1920-1930's. The town was planned by Susumu Shinoda who was the part-time architect of Aichi-denkitetsudo Co.Ltd. In those days. Its road and public facilities such as station, clubhouse and houses are organized around a roundabout and harmoniously designed.
北原 麻理奈 児玉 千絵 羽藤 英二
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.806, pp.1271-1282, 2023-04-01 (Released:2023-04-01)

This study aims to clarify the dynamics of sawmill location in the mid-mountainous area in relation to infrastructure and factory power, using Tsukechi as a case study. As a result of the analysis, in the past, proximity to water for turning water mills was important for the location of sawmills, but with the spread of electricity and trucks, proximity to the old highway and the surrounding environment became more important for location. Distribution of locations was established, with factories clustered along the highway and scattered at the foot of the mountains.
砂本 文彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.510, pp.235-242, 1998-08-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The Board of Tourist Industry (B.T.I.) and the Committee of Tourist Industry (C.T.I), as the solo government administrative organs to attain foreign currency, had promoted to construct "Kokusai Kanko Hotel" during 1930s. The aim of this paper is to make clear states of "Kokusai Kanko Hotel" and resort in early Showa-era. Main conclusions are as follows; (1) B.T.I and C.T.I had understood importance of hotel enterprises and supported the establishments of 14 hotels. (2) Each of their designs had had equipment and appearances for them with resort themes. (3) Most of hotels had been located on tourist resorts between Yokohama to Nagasaki.
田中 孝明 渡辺 勝彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.651, pp.1219-1224, 2010-05-30 (Released:2010-07-26)

By surveying village Sinto architecture with historical plaques of Simousa fief once a part of Chiba-ken, we can find out the activities of the sculptors represented as Takeda Juzaburo in the late Edo period. We are able to draw out our results by examining the materials as follows; Four sculptors named Takeda Juzaburo once lived in Yuuki, near the northern part of Kanto area, where some shrines have an extreme amount of wood-curving. They had spread the use of large amounts of wood-curving in shrines in the fief, and carved onto not only the panels used as decorative transoms but also entire wooden walls of shrine from 1806 to 1822.
山口 勝巳 屋敷 和佳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.682, pp.2705-2713, 2012-12-30 (Released:2013-05-29)
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This paper aims to grasp the structure of the teacher evaluation for the open plan classroom environment of the elementary school based on the questionnaire survey for the teachers in three public schools.1) In Different three Schools where are in a classroom form, a sound becomes the big problem.2) For an open plan classroom, a teacher of 60% does an affirmative evaluation in two schools.3) In the expensive school of flexibility of the space is active, but the affirmative evaluation does not reach 20%.4) The teachers of the teacher in charge of the class in particular do a severe evaluation.5) Most teachers hope for classroom space with the movable partitioning that they can easily shut.
長野 和雄
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.719, pp.9-17, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)
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This study quantifies the intensities of degree and frequency of Japanese common expressions that modify adverbially an inflectable word. The 107 and 111 college-aged subjects were asked to arrange 19 words of degree and 16 words of frequency in order of the intensity, respectively. The diagonal paired comparison test was also applied to both 21 degree words and 21 frequency words using 1210 and 1200 college-aged subjects. Based on the derived intensities and the investigation conducted by Oda in 1969, the valid usage of these expressions in order to analyze open-ended responses and to constitute an ordinal scale was discussed.