安田 寛
Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements
Biomedical Research on Trace Elements (ISSN:0916717X)
vol.27, no.3, pp.125-140, 2017-01-25 (Released:2017-03-16)

The importance of zinc for human health has been recognized since the early 1960s, but today there is little concern about zinc deficiency in developed countries. We measured the zinc concentration in hair from 28,424 Japanese subjects (18,812 females and 9,612 males) and found that 1,754 individuals (6.17 %) had zinc concentrations lower than the -2 standard deviations level (86.3 ppm) of its control reference range, which qualifies as zinc deficiency. A considerable proportion of elderlies and children (20 % or more) were found to have marginal to severe zinc deficiency. A minimum zinc concentration of 9.7 ppm was observed in a 51-year-old woman; this concentration was approximately 1/13 of the mean reference level. The prevalence of zinc deficiency in adults increased with aging from 1-2 % in the young to a peak of 19.7 % in the 8th decade of life, and decreased to 3.4 % or less in the longevities above 90-year-old. The prevalence of zinc deficiency in children aged 0–9 years was 29.9 % in males and 33.8 % in females.In the study for 1,967 children with autistic disorders (1,553 males and 414 females), 584 individuals (29.7 %) were found deficient in zinc, and its deficiency rate in infantile group aged 0–3 years was 43.5 % in male and 52.5 % in female. Next to zinc, 347 (17.6 %) and 114 (5.8 %) individuals were deficient in magnesium and calcium, and 2.0% or less in the other essential metals such as iron, cupper or manganese. In contrast, 339 (17.2 %), 168 (8.5 %) and 94 (4.8 %) individuals were found suffering from high burden of aluminum, cadmium and lead, and 2.8 % or less from mercury and arsenic burden. These findings suggest that infantile zinc deficiency and toxic metal burdens may epigenetically play pivotal roles as environmental factors in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and that metallomics approach helps lead to early screening and intervention/treatment of the neurodevelopment disorders.This review demonstrates that infant and elderly are liable to zinc deficiency and that many infants with autistic disorders are suffering from zinc deficiency and toxic metal burdens, suggesting the presence of “infantile time window” in neurodevelopment and probably for therapy. These findings suggest that early assessment and intervention of zinc deficiency is possibly effective for infants with autistic disorders and essential for normal development, health and longevity.
金 洛年
土地制度史学会(現 政治経済学・経済史学会)
土地制度史学 (ISSN:04933567)
vol.34, no.3, pp.48-67, 1992

This paper elucidates one of the characteristic features of Japanese colonial rule over Korea, focusing on capital flows between the two economies. First, an attempt is made to estimate how much and in what sector capital investments were made from Japan to Korea in each phase of the colonial period. Based on these estimates significant findings include the followings: 1) In the early phase of colonial rule the Government-General took the lead in capital investments from Japan in areas such as railroad construction and the implementation of plans for increasing rice production. However, private direct investments increased rapidly beginning in the 1930s mainly in manufacturing and electric power industry. This process speeded up the transformation of the Koran economy into an integral part of the Japanese one. 2) During the Pacific War the financial institutions of Korea rapidly increased their purchases of securities, most of which were issued by Japanese government. This suggests that the role of financial institutions as principal agents of capital import was now reversed. 3) The increase of both capital inflows and outflows during the war indicates merely the transfer of purchasing power, which was not allowed to be realized by compulsory deposit and investment regulation policies. The result was a reallocation of resouces in Korea for war-related purposes. An attempt is also made to show how Japan could accelerate capital export to her colony. This paper emphasizes the role played by 1) the Korean monetary system, in which her currency was pegged to the Japanese one at an equal rate of exchange and in which the issue of the former is allowed on the basis of the latter, and by 2) the almost total dependence of Korea's trade structure on Japan. These two factors enabled Japan to accelerate capital export to Korea in spite of the shortage of foreign exchange reserves, particularly under the managed currency system. This resulted in expanded equilibrium within the Japanese colonial empire, as long as Japan's productive capacity was expanding. However, when it reached its upper limits during the war, Japan's capital exports under the trade control led to inflation in Korea.
長谷川 良平
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.25, no.6, pp.497-503, 2016 (Released:2016-06-25)
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近年, 「脳を理解する」ための基礎科学であるニューロサイエンスの成果に基づいて「脳を活用する」ためのさまざまな技術を開発するニューロテクノロジーの開発が盛んになってきている. 中でも注目されているのが, 脳と機械を直結する「ブレイン-マシン インターフェース」 (brain-machine interface : BMI) 技術である. 著者の研究グループでは認知機能にアクセスするBMIの一種として脳波による意思伝達装置「ニューロコミュニケーター」の試作開発に成功した. 現在, この装置の福祉機器としての実用化に向けて試作と実証実験のサイクルを加速させている.
福本 辰己 皆川 鉄雄 濱根 大輔
日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集 日本鉱物科学会 2010年年会
pp.237, 2010 (Released:2011-04-06)


5 0 0 0 OA 書評3

一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.53, no.6, pp.340, 2013 (Released:2013-11-25)
佐藤 賀一
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.10, pp.22-49, 2017 (Released:2017-11-29)

2銘柄の株価の過去の価格変動を分析して利益を求める運用戦略にペアトレードという手法がある.本稿ではElliott et al. (2005) が示した確率的スプレッド方式のペアトレードを発展させ,「移動平均乖離率」というテクニカル指標を使用したペアトレードを提案する.具体的には,25日移動平均乖離率の差をAR(1)モデルに当てはめ,TOPIX Core30構成銘柄を対象に平均回帰スピードの速い株価の組み合わせを抽出してペアトレードを組む方法を用いる.実証分析の結果,上述のテクニカル分析に基づくペアトレードは分析対象期間である2002年1月から2016年6月まで,Gatev et al. (2006) が示した方法によるペアトレードや配当込TOPIX Core30指数を上回る優れた収益率を示すことができた.この結果は取引コスト等も考慮した結果であるため,ウィーク・フォームの市場効率性に対する1つの反例と考えられる.
千葉 雅俊
Japan Society of Pain Clinicians
日本ペインクリニック学会誌 (ISSN:13404903)
vol.14, no.4, pp.410-413, 2007-09-25 (Released:2009-12-21)

下顎歯槽部に発症した神経因性疼痛と考えられた症例に対して, 桂枝加市附湯とノイロトロピン®の併用療法が奏効したので報告する. 症例は36歳の女性で, 2年7カ月前に右下顎第一大臼歯の抜髄後に新たな痛みが右下顎歯槽部に発現し, 持続したので当科を紹介された. 右下顎歯槽部に持続的な自発痛があり, 触刺激によりアロディニアを生じていたので, 下歯槽神経損傷に起因する下顎歯槽部の神経因性疼痛と診断した. 漢方医学的には表寒虚証であったので桂枝加市附湯を投与し, ノイロトロピン®を併用した. 約8カ月後に軽度の歯槽部の違和感と歯肉の錯感覚が残存していたが, 痛みは消失した. 抜髄後の神経因性疼痛には, 桂枝加朮附湯とノイロトロピン®の併用を治療の選択肢の一つとして考慮してもよいと考えられた.
岡井 恒 古江 秀昌 吉村 恵
vol.23, no.1, pp.11-18, 2008-02-20 (Released:2013-07-04)
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Neurotropin®, a non protein extract from inflamed rabbit skin inoculated with vaccinia virus, is well known as an analgesic for chronic pain such as low back pain and postherpetic neuralgia, etc. In previous behavioral studies, we have shown that neurotropin activates the monoaminergic descending pain inhibitory system. In the present study, we examined the effects of neurotropin on serotonergic neurons in the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM, the origin of serotonergic descending pain inhibitory neuron) in the rostroventromedial medulla using whole-cell patch-clamp technique in brainstem slices. In some instances, recorded neurons were identified as NRM neurons with neurobiotin filled in the recording pipettes. NRM neurons had a resting membrane potential of about -60 mV. Bath application of neurotropin (1.0 NU/mL) depolarized NRM neurons, and it resulted in initiating an action potential under current-clamp conditions. Under voltage-clamp conditions at a holding potential of -70 mV, NRM neurons exhibited spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs). Neurotropin (0.2 - 1.0 NU/mL) did not change the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous EPSCs. However, neurotropin dose-dependently induced an inward current in approximately 60% of NRM neurons tested. The neurotropin-induced inward current was observed even in the presence of tetrodotoxin (1 µM). The reversal potential for the current was close to 0 mV, indicating that the neurotropin-induced current is mediated by the activation of non-selective cation channels. Neurotropin produced an inward current, in all neurons immunohistochemically stained for tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), a marker for serotonergic neuron. These results indicate that neurotropin directly excites serotonergic NRM neurons without affecting the excitatory synaptic inputs to NRM neurons. This facilitatory action of neurotropin on serotonergic NRM neurons may have an important role for the neurotropin-induced analgesia.
菊地 裕絵
日本生物学的精神医学会誌 (ISSN:21866619)
vol.27, no.2, pp.80-83, 2016 (Released:2018-02-08)

サリンはアセチルコリンエステラーゼ阻害作用を有する毒性物質である。コリンエステラーゼ活性は 3 ヵ月で回復するとされるものの,慢性的に持続するもしくは新たに生じる所見や症状も報告されている。サリンによる長期的な影響は,1994 年の松本サリン事件および 1995 年の東京地下鉄サリン事件の被害者の複数年にわたるフォローアップを通して調査が行われており,身体症状では全身倦怠感やめまいといった症状のほか,眼が疲れやすい,見えにくいといった眼症状が比較的高率に認められている。また慢性期の検査所見としては,重心動揺検査や眼科検査での異常が報告されている。サリンによる慢性期の身体症状のなかには,何らかの身体的異常所見を伴い,神経学的後遺症としてとらえられうるものがあると推察され,引き続き,病態生理や機序の解明が求められる。一方で外傷体験に伴う心理的要因の関与は身体的要因と排他的なものではないこと踏まえても,被害者の慢性期の身体症状について心身両面からの視点を持つことは重要である。