下沢 敦
共栄学園短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:1348060X)
no.27, pp.125-144, 2011-03-31

沢田順次郎 著
安井 正佐也 木山 博資 水村 和枝 時實 恭平 校條 由紀 吉村 崇志

井口 亮 水山 克 頼末 武史 藤田 喜久
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.46, pp.28-33, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-03-23)

In the submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands, the existence of many non-described species has been indicated in field surveys. To estimate the magnitude of biodiversity in the submarine caves, application of genetic analyses would provide a promising approach. Genetic analysis by DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) is informative for the study of submarine caves because the data of COI region have been accumulated in many marine animals. Also, in order to understand the formation process of communities of submarine caves, population genetic approaches would be useful to evaluate the connectivity patterns among submarine caves which are not continuously distributed along the Ryukyu Islands. In addition, utilization of high-throughput sequencing technology (e.g., environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis) would be also powerful for the ecological studies of submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands. We discuss the current situation of genetic analyses in the submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands and propose the prospects of genetic analyses for future studies.
後藤 春彦 松井 勝紀
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.454, pp.145-154, 1993-12-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

This paper alms to clear the present situation and problem of the signboards set up along Tokaido-Shinkansen between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka. The conclusions in this paper are as follows ; 1) A large number of signboards set up along the Shinkansen on the outskirts of the big city. And they are not in good condition on the landscape. 2) The social consensus has to be against setting up them. 3) The local governments have to pull down illegal signboards positively. 4) The sponsors have to take moral principles responsibility for their own signboards. 5) The advertising agency union has to keep under selfcontrol of setting up them.
結城 剛志
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.139, pp.117-129, 2013

This is a fragmental note for studying the theory of Credit Money and Cartalism. This note includes three fragments. The first fragment summarizes the theoretical understandings of the system of modern inconvertible bank notes. The second fragment describes the precedence studies in the theory of Cartalism. The third fragment introduces and considers the examination of ‘the theories of standard of money’ in “A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy” (Marx [1859]). How to understand the modern inconvertible bank notes is a very hot issue: It has been debated whether the notes are credit money or state paper money. The ‘inconvertible bank notes debate’ proposed a critical point of the theory of credit money that cannot explain the connection of gold money and inconvertible paper money. Traditional money-credit theory explains the credit money as convertible bank notes based on gold money, but the theory does not explain the inconvertible bank notes based on gold or any commodities consistently. The state money theory seems to explain the inconvertible bank notes successfully, but this theory has some theoretical inconsistency, too. In order to understand the modern system of money, this note summarizes the debate and picks up three issues, the concept of commodity, the interpretation of national bond as commodity, and the understanding of convertibility. The second fragment describes other doctrines explaining the inconvertible bank notes named cartalistic money, that is paper money which is not a commodity and contains no metal. The famous cartalist Birmingham school in the 19th century is criticized as ‘inflationist’ by Hawtrey [1928] or determined as ‘the doctrine of the ideal measure of money’ by Marx. The third fragment examines the definition of ‘the doctrine of the ideal measure of money’ and another version of cartalism, ‘the theory of the nominal standard of money’. The former theory is represented by Attwood and other Birmingham school theorists, the latter theory is represented by Steuart. Their considerations imply that these ideal money theories include three conditions of the ideal money: proportion to value, invariability of value, and arbitrariness of fixing a standard. However, we cannot approach credit money theory on this theoretical level, and we still have few clues between simple commodity circulation and the level of credit theory.
秋風 千恵
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.52, no.3, pp.53-69,235, 2008-02-29 (Released:2015-06-06)

This paper discusses whether it is true that a person’s distress in life is proportionate to the severity of a person’s disability, by analyzing the meaning-world of mild disabled persons. Robert F. Murphy wrote “Some disabilities disturb the able-bodied more than others. There is a hierarchy of devaluation that varies with the severity and type of disability. At the bottom of the scale are persons with facial disfigurement or marked body distortion.” This is to say that the more different a body is from the norm, the more people dislike it. It is also commonly accepted that severely disabled persons are more distressed in life than mild disabled persons. But it would appear that mild disabled persons’ perceptions do not agree with Murphy’s hierarchy, or with these commonly accepted ideas. The results of this research make it clear that the situation for mild disabled persons is very different from that for the severely disabled. Mild disabled persons cannot decide whether they belong in the group of the able-bodied or in the group of disabled persons. They live in limbo, and tend to be isolated. For this reason, they do their best to enhance their value and try to compensate for their disabilities by making a great effort to acquire recognition. However, occasionally their disabilities prevent them from achieving what they have set out to do, thus proving that they are disabled. But even if they are able to prove this, they find themselves isolated once again. Their difficult situation describes a circle, like a Möbius strip.

13 0 0 0 OA 屋内遊戯

伊藤一隆 著
vol.下 (奇術篇・パッヅル篇・手影絵), 1928
永岡 崇
日本研究 (ISSN:09150900)
vol.47, pp.127-169, 2013-03

本稿は、異なる立場の人びとが「知の協働制作者」(Johannes Fabian)として直接的に接触・交渉しあいながら宗教の歴史を描いていく営みを協働表象と名づけ、具体的な事例を検討しながらその意義を明らかにしようとするものである。その事例は、一九六〇年代に行われた『大本七十年史』編纂事業である。近代日本の代表的な新宗教として知られる大本が、歴史学者・宗教学者らとともに作りあげた『七十年史』は、協働表象の困難さと可能性を際立った形で提示している。 大本という宗教団体の七〇年にわたる歴史を描くというこの事業は、大本に集った人びとの過去だけでなく、現在と未来のありように密接にかかわるものであった。新宗教の矛盾や葛藤に満ちた歴史のなかに研究者が介入し、多様な信仰、多様な経験に秩序を与え、そのざわめきを鎮めていくことは、来るべき信仰や実践のありように規範を提示していくことでもある。大本内部で平和運動を推進する出口栄二や事業に参加した歴史学者は、近代日本の支配体制に対抗する異端として、また一貫した平和主義的宗教としての大本の「本質」を創造していた。 彼らによって構築される「本質」は、そこに回収されきらない多様な歴史的経験を排除するか、副次的なものとして劣位に置くことになる。だが、古参の信徒が抱えるそうした歴史的経験や、史料の読解よりも「本質」を優先させる物語の過剰にたいする若手研究者の反発は、首尾一貫した滑らかな歴史が内包する暴力性を浮き彫りにするのである。 協働表現の意義は、おそらく成果として出来上がった歴史叙述そのもののなかにではなく、その過程で生起する自己変容の経験、越えがたい差異の経験、そして他者を前にして自分の行使する暴力に気付かされる経験のなかにこそある。もっともこうした経験は、当事者によってはうまく分節化できないこともある。協働の場に介入する分析者の役割は、そこに沈殿した経験の意味を開示し、さらにそれを公共的議論へと接続することなのだ。
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.85, pp.185-204, 2014-07-31

In this paper, I will specifically and objectively identify critical opinions on the mass media that have developed on the Internet about a report giving the real names of the Japanese victims of the hostage crisis of January 2013 in Algeria, and consider the structural factors of such criticism. The targets of this analysis are 1262 cases of opinions output from highly-ranked Web pages displayed on a search engine listing using fixed criteria. 7.1% of the opinions supported the news report, 68.5% of opinions did not support it, with other opinions accounting for 24.4%. The results of an analysis of opinions that did not support the report by using a text-mining approach did not necessarily indicate criticisms of the report that used the real names of the victims, but were an accumulation of various feelings of distrust against the mass media expressed on the Internet that were triggered by this news report. In addition, opinions that did not support the report were formed using language structures peculiar to the Internet; namely, a cyber-cascade that began at the point where people critical of the mass media became sympathetic and radicalized as unclear information spread on the Internet.