青山 彩子
犯罪と非行 (ISSN:03856518)
no.149, pp.17-33, 2006-09
畑 彩子
短歌 (ISSN:13425625)
vol.45, no.4, pp.74-75, 1998-04

1 0 0 0 OA 邪宗門

北原白秋 著
安 哉宣
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2018, 2018

1. はじめに<br><br> 日本におけるインバウンド観光は2020年に2000万人という目標値を5年も早く達成し、2020年・4000万人という新たな目標値が示されるほど急成長を遂げてきた。並行して観光の形態や対象は多様化しており、旅行者を取り巻く環境も変わりつつある。日本各地では外国人旅行者への受け入れ環境の整備や体制づくりが課題となっている。訪日韓国人旅行者数は、2016年に過去最高値(約500万人)となり、わずか2年間で約2倍近くの増加を見せた。その際,「沖縄」が新たな訪問先として注目されている。沖縄への韓国人旅行者数は2016年に約43万人となり、これは2011年比約20倍以上の値である。この要因として航空路線の新規就航とLCCの増便が挙げられる。韓国から沖縄への定期便(直行便)は2011年に週8便であったが、2016年には週28便、2017年には週61便となった。本報告では、この急増した沖縄への韓国人旅行者を対象とし、アンケート調査に基づき、沖縄における韓国人旅行者の観光行動および受け入れ環境への評価を把握することを目的とする。アンケート調査は2017年8月に実施し、回答者数は130名(女性79名、男性51名)であった。<br><br>2. 韓国人旅行者の特性による観光行動<br><br> 沖縄への韓国人旅行者は、日本旅行の経験者が約74.2%であったが、沖縄旅行を初めて経験する者が92.4%を占めた。沖縄旅行のきっかけは「観光地の魅力(42.7%)」、「家族、友達、知人からのおすすめ(29.0%)」、「LCC航空(8.4%)」であった。恋人・夫婦(30.3%)及び家族旅行者(47.0%)が多く、未就学児同伴の旅行者も約22.7%を占めていた。旅行日程の多くは3泊であり滞在日数はそれほど長くなかった。主な観光スポットは那覇市内の国際通り、美浜アメリカンビレッジ、万座毛周辺、沖縄美ら海水族館,古宇利島などに集中していた。レンタカー利用者が半分以上であるが、公共交通利用も約28%を占めている。海外個人旅行者(FIT)のうち、旅行会社のオプショナルツアーへの参加者は19.7%であった。主なツアー内容は、シュノーケリング(38%)、日帰りバスツアー(35%)、ダイビング(21%)などである。沖縄の魅力として自然景観(21.3%)、海(22.7%)、海水浴(12.3%)、マリンレジャー(8.7%)であった。これらの移動にレンタカーを利用する者が多いものの、沖縄の観光魅力としてドライブが占める割合は3.6%と高くなかった。<br><br>3. 訪沖旅行者の受け入れ環境への評価<br><br> 沖縄への韓国人旅行者の約76%は今回の沖縄旅行に対して満足していると答えていた。しかし、21.3%がFIT観光客に向けた環境整備が必要であると指摘した。「良くない」と評価されたものとして、道路標識・案内板の外国語表記(26.2%)、公共交通利用の便利さ(23.1%)、無料Wi-Fi環境(18.1%)、公共交通機関の外国語表記・案内(16.7%)、レストラン及び観光施設での外国語表記・対応(15.8%)がみられた。沖縄におけるインバウンド観光客の受け入れ環境を充実させるために、交通システムの整備や多言語対応の改善・強化が必要となっている。交通面については、自由回答において、北部エリアまでの直行便、バス本数の増便、利便性の高い公共交通フリーパスの設定など、レンタカー利用せず観光できる交通インフラ整備・拡充の改善が求められていた。この背景として、駐車場、交通渋滞による観光時間のロス、韓国とは異なる交通ルールが沖縄観光の不満足の存在が挙げられる。一方の多言語対応に関しては、韓国人観光者はマリンレジャーに対するニーズは高いものの、まだ外国語対応ができる事業所は少ない状況にある。体験観光分野における外国語対応スタッフの拡充は沖縄魅力の分散・拡散、沖縄での長期滞在へのアプローチにもなりうると考えられる。<br><br>4. おわりに<br><br> 以上のように、外国人観光客の急増する沖縄では、観光スポット間の周遊を促す公共交通移動面の利便性やアクセス改善、外国語対応といった受け入れ環境の整備が求められている。
日経エレクトロニクス (ISSN:03851680)
no.853, pp.171-175, 2003-08-04

鈴木 孝憲 黒川 公平 岡部 和彦 伊藤 一人 羽鳥 基明 今井 強一 山中 英寿
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.82, no.11, pp.1742-1747, 1991

雄雑種犬の骨盤内血管, 特に前立腺血管と椎骨静脈系との関係を, レントゲン撮影にて観察した.<br>腹大動脈は第6腰椎の高さで外腸骨動脈を左右に分岐し, 第7腰椎の高さで内腸骨動脈を左右に, また正中の位置で正中仙骨動脈を分岐していた. 仙腸関節の中央部で内腸骨動脈より分岐した尿生殖動脈は, 頭側に後膀胱動脈を, 尾側に前立腺動脈を分岐していた. 前立腺動脈は前立腺被膜部で分岐し, 尿道の中心部に向かうように実質内に入り, 網状に分岐分布していた.<br>前立腺静脈は実質内では網状に分布し, 動脈と並走し, 被膜部で合流し, 後膀胱静脈と吻合後尿生殖静脈へ流入していた. 尿生殖静脈は内腸骨動脈へ流入し, 外腸骨静脈と合流後, 総腸骨静脈, 後大静脈へと流入していた.<br>骨盤内静脈と椎骨静脈系との吻合は椎間静脈により行われていた. 椎骨静脈系との交通は, 後大静脈, 総腸骨静脈, 内腸骨静脈および内陰部静脈に観察された.
浜田 祐次 佐野 健志 藤田 政行 藤井 孝則 西尾 佳高 柴田 賢一
公益社団法人 日本化学会
日本化学会誌(化学と工業化学) (ISSN:03694577)
vol.1993, no.7, pp.879-883, 1993

曽村 充利
英米文化 (ISSN:09173536)
vol.26, pp.27-39, 1996

Charles Cotton was a close friend of Izaak Walton and wrote the second part of The Compleat Angler. It is not surprising that Walton and Cotton shared the common political belief and religious faith, royalist and Anglican. In this paper, it will be suggested that Cotton quite possibly was connected with the Great Tew Circle, an Anglican latitudinarian group, some of the chief members of which were Walton's close friends. Friendship between Walton and Cotton seems to have been long and strong, and the evidence of it is found in Cotton's verse, their epistles, and the second part of The Compleat Angler. Cotton was quite explicit about his zealous royalist opinions in his verses, and celebrated the King's return and the Restoration. Three members of the Great Tew Circle can be mentioned in relation to the life of Cotton. Clarendon, a member and the most influential politician of the Restoration England, was a friend of Cotton's father. Cotton also wrote that he had 'been favoured' by another member of the circle, Sheldon, who was a post-Restoration Archbishop of Canterbury. Lastly, in one of his poems, Cotton severely criticized Edmund Waller, an ex-member of the circle, for writing a panegyric on Oliver Cromwell.
川勝 正治 手代木 渉 八木橋 元一
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.17, no.1, pp.34-41, 1967-02-01

In this paper, the vertical distribution of freshwater planarians in Hirosaki City, the Mt. Iwaki district (Lat. 40°30′N. to 40°50′N. and Long. 140°15′E. to 140°30′E.) and in the Juniko district (Lat. 40°32′N. to 40°35′N. and Long. 139°56′E. to 140°00′E.), all in the western part of Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, is reported. Mt. Iwaki (altitude, 1625 metres) is an extinct volcano of the Chokai Volcanic Zone and is situated at the south-western corner of the Tsugaru Plain. The Juniko district near the seashore of the Sea of Japan is characterized by many ponds or marshs. The main river systems in the area surveyed are the Iwaki and the Narusawa. The surveys were made in the summer of 1965 and in the spring and summer of 1966. In the area surveyed, five species of freshwater planarians, Dugesia japonica ICHIKAWA et KAWAKATSU, Phagocata vivida (IJIMA et KABURAKI), Phagocata teshirogii ICHIKAWA et KAWAKATSU, Polycelis auriculata IJIMA et KABURAKI and Bdellocephala brunnea IJIMA et KABURAKI, were found. D. japonica and Bd. brunnea were found to be common in many springs in Hirosaki City. Small populations of Ph. vivida and of Ph. teshirogii were also found in some of these springs. In the other districts of the area surveyed, D. japonica, Ph. vivida and Pol. auriculata were widely distributed. D. japonica was found in the stations below the altitude of about 525 metres (inhabitable water temperature range, 9.0〜25.0℃). Ph. vivida was found in the stations within the altitude range from about 40 to 620 metres (5.0〜15.0℃) above sea level. It is however clear that Ph. vivida is the species of nondominance in the western part of Aomori Prefecture. Pol. auriculata was common in the stations within the altitude range from about 200 to 1320 metres (5.0〜14.5℃). The type of the vertical distribution in the area surveyed is shown as J-JV-JVA-VA-A (J : D. japonica ; V : Ph. vivida ; A : Pol. auriculata). The geographical distribution and the breeding of Bd. brunnea were also discussed. According to the best of our knowledge, this species is distributed in Middle and North Honshu (from Kyoto City in the Kinki Region to the Shimokita Peninsula in the northernmost part of the Tohoku Region). In general, their active breeding season was from early February to mid-May. In one breeding period one worm laid one cocoon of 2 to 2.5mm in diametre. The hatching of the cocoons was observed within 23 to 37 days after the laying. In the laboratory cultures, 3 to 12 jveniles were released from one cocooon.
Yudong Wang Gregory Cheng George Lau
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Global Health & Medicine (ISSN:24349186)
pp.2021.01075, (Released:2021-08-13)

With the introduction of effective directly acting antiviral agents (DAAs) therapy, control and elimination of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is becoming a feasible goal. In Hong Kong, HCV prevalence in general population is 0.3%-0.5% over the past decades. However, like other high-income areas/countries, high prevalence of HCV infection has been found in several population groups, such as people who inject drugs (PWID), patients undergoing dialysis, and human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) patients. Based on the epidemiological study using data retrieved from the Hong Kong HCV Registry from January 2005 to March 2017, the estimated territory-wide diagnosis rate and treatment rate of HCV infection were only 50.9% and 12.4%, respectively. Although these rates was comparable to many developed countries/areas, the performances remained substantially below 90% and 80%, the 2030 targets proposed by World Health Organization (WHO). In recognition of the challenges, the Hong Kong Government set up the Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis (SCVH) which formulated the Hong Kong Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2020-2024. The Action Plan adopts four key strategies, as described in the WHO framework for global action, namely, awareness, surveillance, prevention and treatment. With the effective implementation of the Action Plan, especially in targeted screening of high-risk populations and more generalized use of the highly efficacious DAAs for all diagnosed HCV subjects, the goals of reducing HCV transmission and HCV-related morbidity and mortality can be achieved in Hong Kong by 2030.
Ko Ko Tomoyuki Akita Masahiro Satake Junko Tanaka
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Global Health & Medicine (ISSN:24349186)
pp.2021.01069, (Released:2021-08-13)

Although HCV infection was the main cause of HCC in Japan contributing 70% over two decades after its first cloning in 1989, it was markedly decreased to 49% in 2013 and expected to decrease continuously. Based on blood donor national database, the new incident cases were 0.4/100,000 person-years, the prevalence was 0.13% and the total number was 890,902-1,302,179 in 2015. Establishment of blood donor screening with anti-HCV measurement and nucleic acid test introduced by Japanese Red Cross as pioneer, high-level medical and surgical care, and the government's policy under the Basic Act on Hepatitis Control have changed its epidemiology and outbreak trend and also enforced the disruption of potential transmission cascades. HCV prevalence among the younger generation was extremely low in all regions, and the predominant age for HCC has shifted to over 60 years old population. Considering such changes, HCV induced HCC occurrence is supposed to be ultimately suppressed in the near future. However, taking into account society changes, regulating intravenous drugs users and monitoring high-risk groups such as tattoos, and men who have sex with men are indeed required in Japan. Understanding the epidemiological changes in HCV is important in assigning, modifying, and designating effective response systems. Selective or national action plans, strategic approaches, and cooperation between government sectors have a positive impact on HCV prevention and control. A dramatic decrease in total number of HCV carriers, increase in number of people treated with highly effective DAA, and subsequent high SVR indicates Japan might achieve WHO's target of HCV elimination by 2030.
Po-Lin Chan Linh-Vi Le Naoko Ishikawa Philippa Easterbrook
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Global Health & Medicine (ISSN:24349186)
pp.2021.01065, (Released:2021-08-13)

Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infection is a major global public health threat and in 2019 there were an estimated 58 million infected globally and 290,000 deaths. Elimination of viral hepatitis B/C as a public health threat by 2030 is defined as a 90% incidence reduction and a 65% mortality reduction. The Western Pacific region is one of the most affected regions with 10 million people living with HCV, one-fifth of the global burden. We review progress towards HCV elimination in the Western Pacific region since 2015. Key developments in the region, which comprises of 37 high-and-middle-income countries, include the following: 20 countries have national hepatitis action plans, 19 have conducted recent disease burden and investment cases, 10 have scaled-up hepatitis services at primary health care level, and in 11 countries, domestic financing including social health insurance support DAA costs. We highlight six countries' experience in navigating the path towards HCV elimination: Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, and Viet Nam. Future initiatives to accelerate elimination are expanding access to community-based testing using HCV point-of-care tests among at-risk and general populations; adopting decentralized and integrated HCV one-stop services at harm reduction sites, detention settings and primary care; expanding treatment to include children and adolescents; address stigma and discrimination; and ensuring sustainable financing through domestic resources to scale-up testing, treatment and prevention. The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on hepatitis response across the region on community and facility-based testing, treatment initiation, monitoring and cancer screening, which is projected to delay elimination goals.
Zhiye Ying Li Gong Chunyang Li
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
Intractable & Rare Diseases Research (ISSN:21863644)
pp.2021.01027, (Released:2021-06-01)

Over the past few years, China has paid greater attention to the topic of rare diseases. The Chinese Government has made considerable efforts to gradually improve the situation of patients with rare diseases in terms of diagnosis and treatment, access to medication, and affordability of care. The National Health Commission implemented a raft of measures, including the first Catalog of Rare Diseases, establishment of a rare diseases alliance, establishment of the Network for Collaboration in Rare Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, formulation of the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Diseases, sharing of diagnostic and treatment information, and creation of expert committees, to ensure the standardization of rare disease diagnosis and treatment and to promote the improvement of rare disease diagnosis and treatment capabilities nationwide. In order to encourage the research, development, and production of drugs to treat rare diseases, the National Medical Products Administration has drafted a series of policies to accelerate the review and approval of drug registration and to support the research and development of drugs to treat rare diseases. The Ministry of Finance has also helped to implement tax incentives for drugs to treat rare diseases, to encourage the marketing and importation of drugs to treat rare diseases, and to reduce the cost of drugs for patients with rare diseases. Through adjustment of the List of Drugs Covered by National Medical Insurance, the National Healthcare Security Administration has covered an increasing number of drugs to treat rare diseases under basic medical insurance. It has also negotiated to reduce the price of some drugs to treat rare diseases, further reducing the economic burden on patients with rare diseases.
Jiahao Hu Lin Zhu Jiangjiang He Dingguo Li Qi Kang Chunlin Jin
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
Intractable & Rare Diseases Research (ISSN:21863644)
pp.2021.01091, (Released:2021-07-30)

Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) are a group of rare diseases that cause progressive physical dysfunction and organ failure, which significantly affected patients' quality of life. The objective of this study was to explore the characteristics and usage of Enzyme Replacement Treatments (ERTs), which is the only specific therapy for LSDs, of patients with the four different LSDs (Gaucher, Fabry, Pompe disease and Mucopolysaccharidosis) in Shanghai, and then evaluate the economic burden and quality of life of these patients. A total of 31patients, involving 5, 14, 4 and 8 patients with Gaucher, Fabry, Pompe disease and Mucopolysaccharidosis, respectively, were included in analysis. The result showed that only five Gaucher disease (GD) patients in Shanghai used Imiglucerase in 2019, while the other 26 patients with the other three LSDs did not receive ERTs. The total health expenditure of GD patients was 2,273,000CNY on average mainly resulted by the high cost of Imiglucerase. The total health expenditure of the other 26 patients was 37,765CNY on average. Though the cost-sharing mechanism between basic medical insurance, charity fund and patients had been explored for Gaucher disease in Shanghai, the out-of-pocket part, which was 164,301 CNY, still laid a heavy economic burden on the patients and their families. The mean EQ-VAS score of GD patients was 76.4 ± 15.5, which was higher than that of the other three LSDs. It is recommended that the scope of drug reimbursement list and the reimbursement level should be further expanded and raised to help improve the living conditions of patients with LSDs.
Cui Xiaoni Wang Pengxiang Wei Zhun
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics (ISSN:18817831)
pp.2021.01064, (Released:2021-07-19)

In December 2019, the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) caused the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the resulting pandemic has caused widespread health problems and social and economic disruption. Thus far in 2021, more than 4 million people worldwide have died from COVID-19, so safe and efficacious vaccines are urgently needed to restore normal economic and social activities. According to the official guidance documents of the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccines based on four major strategies including mRNA, adenoviral vectors, inactivated viruses, and recombinant proteins have entered the stage of emergency use authorization and pre-certification evaluation. The current review summarizes these vaccines and it looks ahead to the development of additional COVID-19 vaccines in the future.