小川 一美 Ogawa Kazumi
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.47, pp.173-183, 2000-12

In the development of any interpersonal relationship, impression formation in the early stages is crucial. The current research focused on the initial encounter will examine the variables of the dyadic balance in the amount of speech exchanged, and the impression of the partner, as well as the conversation. The major findings were as follows : (1) better impressions of both the partner and the conversation were seen in dyads which were characterized by a good balance in disclosure; (2) better impressions of the partner were seen in dyads in which equal time at questioning each other were made, and in dyads in which the subject made more verbal reinforcement than the partner; (3) a positive correlation between the perception that the partner disclosed more than the self, and the desirability of the impression of the partner were seen; (4) a positive correlation between the impressions formed during the conversation and the anticipation of future exchanges were seen.
笠原 良太 嶋﨑 尚子
vol.13, pp.1-35, 2018-04-20

中嶋 哲彦 NAKAJIMA Tetsuhiko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.1-32, 2020-03-31

From April 1998 to March 2020, I have been engaged in research and education on education administration, school law, and education policy at the Graduate School of Education and Development Sciences, Nagoya University. At the same time, he served concurrently as a member of Inuyama City Board of Education from October 2000 to September 2008, served as the chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Faculty and Staff Union of Japanese Universities (Zendaikyo) from July 2009 to June 2015, and served the Principal of Nagoya University Affiliated Upper and Lower Secondary Schools from April 2017 for two years. In addition, in April 2010, we joined the establishment of Nationwide Network for “End Child Poverty.” Through the activities of this civil association, I encouraged the Diet to enact and revise the Act on the Promotion of Poverty for Children, and to make connections between local citizens and local governments. Some people think that education and research in university should be distinguished from labor and social movements, but for me they all are on the same horizon. Has also participated. It may be a distinction between college education and research and the work and social movements, but for me they are all on the same horizon. I believe that the essence of learning lies in expanding oneself through the acquisition of new knowledges. Self-expansion is not about setting boundaries with others, but about creating a new self that incorporates others. Understanding others is also creating a new self. And a self that incorporates others is nothing but a self that loves others and can get angry for others. Also, I think that those who engage in social science have a responsibility to discover the social problems to be solved, analyze their essence, and propose solutions. By fulfilling this responsibility, academics can be socially recognized for their raison d’etre and secure their social and material existence base. In this paper, “1. Approach to Social Science” outlines the path that I have taken before reaching the social sciences, limited to before entering graduate school. I will introduce photos that represent my efforts from junior high school to university. And in “2. Modern Capitalist State and Neoliberal State Reform”, I sketch the understanding of the essence of the modern capitalist state and its neoliberal reform in the background of my pedagogical research. This part is part of the introduction included in my book “State and Education: Personality Formation for Love and Anger” (Seido-sha, March 2020).
島田 弦 SHIMADA Yuzuru
国際開発研究フォーラム (ISSN:13413732)
vol.38, pp.55-69, 2009-03-24

Adat law (customary law) studies in the Dutch East Indie (Indonesia) under the colonial rule were not only academic research, but these had strong influence to the formation of Indonesian state, on the other hand, adat law study can be seen as a transplant of Dutch jurisprudence to Indonesian legal system. From this point, this article focuses on the relation between Dutch legal theory in 19th century and van Vollenhoven, Dutch scholar, who established adat law study. At first, the relation between colonial management and its legal policy is considered, and then, the influence of the Historical School in the 19th century Netherlands to van Vollenhoven is discussed. In the first half of the 19th century, Dutch government maintained traditional authority based on adat law in the colony in order to implement kultur-stelsel (literally, cultivation system, or forced and monopolistic agriculture system) that had brought vast benefit to the Netherlands. Then, however, as private enterprises grew and kultur-stelsel declined, the pressure for free economy and abolishment of adat law that blocked modern transactions increased. In contrast, humanitarian group advocating the welfare of indigenous people (inlanders) requested the extension of European law to inlanders in the kultur-stelsel period. However later humanitarian group changed their standpoint, and claimed to protect adat law in order to prevent capitalistic exploitation. Van Vollenhoven’s adat law study could be included to humanitarian thought at this period. Dutch legal study had been under the Frenchman influence because of French rule from the end of 18th century. Since middle of 19th century, however, German Historical School became influential. Vollenhoven highly evaluated Dutch historical law works by, for example, Thorbecke and Oppenheim. So Vollenhoven rejected the introduction of foreign law to indigenous society, and advocated the protection of adat law. But the concept of the people’s law in colony where the ruling Europeans and the ruled non-Europeans coexist would lead weak legal protection for inlanders and discriminative legal system between European and non-European.
浪岡 新太郎 NAMIOKA Shintaro
vol.39, pp.35-62, 2011-03-30

現在,フランスには約370 万人のムスリム系移民出身者が定住している。彼らは,そのイスラームへの帰属意識を理由としてフランスへの帰属意識をもつことができないのではないかと疑われている。市民の平等や政教分離といったフランスの基本的価値が,政教一致や男性優位主義のような「イスラームの基本的価値」と矛盾するのではないかと主張された。こうした状況を背景に,彼らのフランスへの帰属意識を強めようと,フランスの基本的価値を教え込むためのシティズンシップ教育の強化が主張されている。本稿は,①彼らにとってフランスの基本的価値は,その排除や差別の経験から実感されておらず,②実際にはシティズンシップ教育で教えられる基本的価値はマジョリティに優位に機能しており,③彼らにとってイスラームへの帰属意識は,排除や差別にもかかわらずフランスの基本的価値を遵守することを可能にする点でシティズンシップ教育の役割を担っていることを明らかにした。
侯 乃禎
研究論集 (ISSN:13470132)
vol.18, pp.1-10, 2018-12-26

市川 禎治
vol.5, no.2-3, pp.101-121, 1931
山本 卓
金沢大学教育学部紀要.人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:02882531)
vol.48, pp.15-26, 1999-02-01

田村 建一
北海道言語文化研究 (ISSN:18826296)
vol.9, pp.125-140, 2011-03-30

本稿は、ドイツの大学で行われている日本語教育のひとつの事例として、トリーア大学日本学科を採りあげ、その教育内容や登録学生数、修士号取得者数などを紹介し、さらに日本学主専攻用の「日本語1」の受講者に対するアンケート調査の結果を報告するものである。アンケートは2007 年1 月から2 月にかけて行われ、主として日本語を学ぶ理由や日本に関する興味の対象を訊ねた。計72 人から得られた回答を分析した結果、「日本語を学ぶ理由」としては、「日本や日本人あるいはその文化に対する関心から」と「言語に対する関心から」の回答がそれぞれ70%を超え、両方をともに挙げた回答も約50%あった。「興味の対象」に関しては、当初の予想に反して「漫画やアニメ等のポップカルチャー」を挙げた回答(26%)はそれほど多くなく、むしろ「歴史」(32%)や「言語」(25%)を挙げた回答がポップカルチャーと同程度の比率を示すのは意外であった。日本学を専攻する学生数の急増が必ずしも社会における流行現象からのみ説明できないように思われる。なお、本調査は、トリーア大学の人文科学系の専攻にバチェラー・マスター制度が導入される以前の、伝統的なマギスター制度のほぼ最後の時期に行われた。