昨年出した論文がBiophysics and Physicobiology Editors' Choice Award 2023を受賞しました!
Phenotypic systems biology for organisms:Concepts, methods and case studies
より一層励みます。 https://t.co/K5fAX6wTEc
"The relationship between earthquakes and the deep subsurface ecosystem will be the focus of future scientific drilling projects."
Our paper investigating the physiological role of diatom rhodopsin has been published!
- Light-driven Proton Pumps as a Potential Regulator for Carbon Fixation in Marine Diatoms https://t.co/kPFPClxlYR
珪藻の持つロドプシンの生理的役割を調べた論文が出版されました(Microbes Environ)!
Light-driven Proton Pumps as a Potential Regulator for Carbon Fixation in Marine Diatoms https://t.co/kPFPClxlYR
”Japanese farmers previously noted a relationship between the annual abundance of lightning and rice crop yields, and referred to this lightning as “Inazuma” (the housewife for rice crop growth)”
Wrote a review article in Japanese.
https://t.co/UuNPhLIbTS https://t.co/4Z2NMWy9LV
Study on the thermostable Na+-pumping rhodopsin of thermophilic bacterium by Prof. Sudo's group @ Okayama Univ., Prof. Yoshizawa @ AORI, Univ. Tokyo, and Prof. Sakai @ Okayama Univ. Sci. Congratulations! ✨
J-STAGE - Diversity and Composition of Microbial Communities in an Eelgrass Bed in Tokyo Bay, Japan https://t.co/dr6jA6GpTw
Sola new paper: Araki et al., Characteristics of Atmospheric Environments of Quasi-Stationary Convective Bands in Kyushu, Japan during the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event, SOLA, 2021,VOL.17, 8-15, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-002, https://t.co/42h4ZiWYBx https://t.co/QTyHPVeXrt
Araki et al. 2021: Characteristics of Atmospheric Environments of Quasi-Stationary Convective Bands in Kyushu, Japan during the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event. https://t.co/KsZG0v1g8P https://t.co/OZW0fYsWOe
Bacterium Lacking a Known Gene for Retinal Biosynthesis Constructs Functional Rhodopsins https://t.co/IXrx65GZhQ