本間 運隆 神野 雅宏 佐藤 孝二 安藤 昭弘
公益社団法人 日本畜産学会
日本畜産学会報 (ISSN:1346907X)
vol.39, no.8, pp.348-352, 1968 (Released:2008-03-10)

Imperfect and perfect albino Japanese quail, originating from a commercial breeder in Toyohashi, were subjected to genetical analysis. The imperfect albinism is caused by a simple sex-linked recessive gene (sw) that appears to be homologous to the al gene assigned for albino mutants by LAUBER4) and SITTMANN et al.6)Growth of the imperfect albinos was not inferior to that of the wild-type when the albinos were raised in a box protected from sudden temperature decline. Bilateral eye defects (cheesy cataracts) are common in aged imperfect albinos, but this condition does not seem to affect reproductive performance.The perfect albino sire mated to imperfect albino dams resulted in only dark progeny indicating that perfect albinism is a genetically distinct character from imperfect albinism. The high mortality in the progeny of perfect albino is caused by certain lethal factor associated with the perfect albinism.Unusual retardation of growth was observed in female double mutants carrying Y1) and swgenes. After 2 weeks of age, identification of the genotype of such albino mutants was possible by examination of the pattern and intensity of the ghost barring character.
亀山 宗彦 佐藤 孝紀 谷本 浩志 小川 浩史 角皆 潤 山下 洋平

風間 一洋 佐藤孝治
vol.1995, no.19(1994-MUS-009), pp.21-26, 1995-02-24

松崎 誠司 芝野 貴希 諸冨 允延 佐藤 孝吉
vol.124, 2013

佐藤 孝幸 仁科 雅良 須賀 弘泰 篠原 潤 増田 崇光 髙橋 宏之 磯谷 栄二
一般社団法人 日本救急医学会
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.24, no.11, pp.971-975, 2013-11-15 (Released:2014-01-07)

斎藤 晶 佐藤 孝夫
no.50, pp.26-35, 1981 (Released:2011-03-05)
佐藤 孝則
天理大学おやさと研究所年報 (ISSN:1341738X)
no.18, pp.47-61, 2011

現在、EU を構成する国は27 カ国で、そのうち、1989 年11 月9 日の「ベルリンの壁」崩壊を契機に社会主義体制を放棄し、資本主義体制を受入れた国および新たに生まれた国は10 カ国(旧東ドイツを除く)である。これらの国々は2004 年以降にEU に加盟した中東欧諸国で、加盟にあたっては厳しい環境基準や環境対策、関連法の整備が必須条件だった。そのため、「黒い三角地帯」で起きたような社会主義政権時代の著しい環境汚染や自然破壊を改善させる必要があった。本論では、EU を構成する中東欧諸国の社会主義体制崩壊の頃の環境対策がどのような状況だったかについて、各国ごとに紹介する。とくに大気汚染、水質汚染、土壌汚染、自然破壊の視点から当時の環境汚染の実態について言及した。そのさい、ハンガリーの環境保護運動が旧東ドイツ市民をオーストリアの国境から逃がした「汎ヨーロッパ・ピクニック」の実現、東西ドイツの統一へと導いたと考えた。Today the European Union is comprised of 27 nations, ten of which (excluding former East Germany) either abandoned socialism to adopt capitalism or were newly founded following the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. Located in Central and Eastern Europe, these nations joined the EU in or after 2004. The membership required them to set up strict environmental standards, planning, and laws. They were obliged to improve terrible environmental pollution and natural destruction like those that occurred in the "Black Triangle" under their socialist governments. This paper discusses how each of these EU members in Central and Eastern Europe dealt with their environmental problems when socialist regimes were collapsing. It describes each nation's state of environmental pollution at the time with regards to air, water, and land pollutions, and natural destruction. It contends that the environment protection movement in Hungary led to the realization of "Pan-European Picnic" (Páneurópai piknik), which allowed former Eastern Germans to flee through the Austrian border, and to the unification of East and West Germany.
佐藤 孝己
比較文学 (ISSN:04408039)
vol.6, pp.30-39, 1963

<p> For some twenty years since the Restoration of Japan (the Meiji Ishin),Japanese showed crazy enthusiasm toward English. Even after that it has been taught at most schools as the first foreign language. Surveying the literature and translations of Hawthorne in Japan, I found that the English Instruction since the Meiji Ishin played the part of medium to introduce Hawthorne.</p><p> In the Meiji Era American textbooks were used at schools. Among them were Wilson, Sanders' Union, Longman, New National and Swinton, Readers. Some of them gave several pieces of Hawthorne's Stories, which were necessarily taken from his juvenile books. They were "Benjamin West" taken from <i>Biographical Stories for Children</i> (<i>New National Readers</i> V), "The Pine-Tree Shillings" from <i>The Whole History of Grandfather's Chair</i> (<i>Sanders' Union Readers</i> IV),"Ben Franklin's Wharf" from <i>Biographical Stories for Children</i> (<i>Swinton's Fourth Reader</i>) and "Oliver Cromwell", from <i>Biographical Stories for Children</i>, "Worth Her Weight in Silver" from <i>The Whole History of Grandfather's Chair</i>. (<i>Swinton's Fifth Reader</i>).</p><p> The condition urged the publication of other stories of Hawthorne in his juvenile books as supplementary readings. Hawthorne's juvenile books have their own merits. Each of the stories seems to be told in a casual way but it implicates something important to life. Therefore, teachers and pupils were apt to read the moral part of Hawthorne's works, even in reading <i>Twice-Told Tales</i>.</p><p> Now I will show the list of his short stories in the order of frequency in translation.</p><p> 1 "David Swan"</p><p> 2 "The Ambitious Guest"</p><p> 2 "The Great Stone Face"</p><p> 4 "Doctor Heidegger's Experiment"</p><p> 4 "The Vision of the Fountain"</p><p> 6 "A Rill from the Town Pump"</p><p> 6 "The Minister's Black Veil"</p><p> 8 "Fancy's Show Box"</p><p> In surveying Hawthorne in Japan we should never forget Peter Parley's <i>Universal History</i>. Nowadays it is widely recognized that Hawthorne wrote the book with the help of his sister Elizabeth. The book was one of the historical books that commanded a wide audience for the first half of the Meiji Era. In this case we notice again that the book was introduced to many boys and girls through the medium of schools.</p>
濵中 晃弘 蘇 発強 板倉 賢一 髙橋 一弘 佐藤 孝紀 児玉 淳一 出口 剛太
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.134, no.7, pp.81-90, 2018-07-31 (Released:2018-07-31)

Underground coal gasification (UCG), a technique used to recover coal energy by the in-situ conversion of coal into gaseous products, enables recovery of coal energy from the potential coal resources abandoned under the ground for either technical or economic reasons. However, it might be difficult to adopt conventional UCG systems in Japan because of geological conditions that are complicated by the existence of faults and folds. Additionally, it is difficult to control the combustion/gasification area during UCG process because the process is invisible. Therefore, a co-axial UCG system that is compact, safe, and flexible to adopt is suggested with monitoring system by means of acoustic emission as an alternative UCG system. This UCG system has superiority in terms of applicability compared to the conventional one, but the recovered energy from the coal is relatively low because the gasification area in a co-axial system is limited around a well. In order to develop co-axial UCG system with high efficiency, the model UCG experiment with a large-scale simulated coal seam were conducted. It has been shown that 1) the gasification period can be extended by adopting proper oxygen inflow, 2) it is possible to control the combustion/gasification area and the product gas quality by controlling the position of oxygen inflow, 3) acoustic emission monitoring is an effective technique to evaluate the combustion/gasification area.
入口 晴香 森 勉 甲斐 裕介 長田 真由美 大垣 敏弘 佐藤 孝臣
vol.2009, pp.214, 2009

【はじめに】<BR> 左片麻痺を呈しながらも主婦として家事全般に取り組んでいる女性(以下、A氏)と出会った。A氏は高い能力を持ちながらも、生活や人生に対して悲観的であり、背景に「効率の良い家事ができていない。」という質に対する不満を抱いていることが伺えた。<BR> そこで、家事動作の質の向上を目標とした環境作りや心身機能の促進を行い、活動・参加の質の向上に繋げることができた。さらに、このことが希望を持って前向きに生きるきっかけとなり、様々なことに挑戦を始めるという良い循環を作ることができた。以下、経過をふまえ事例報告をする。<BR>【事例紹介】<BR> 60代女性。H20.2脳梗塞を発症し左片麻痺を呈する。K病院、Y病院を経てH20.7自宅退院。要介護1の認定を受け、H20.9より当施設利用開始(2回/週)。夫・息子と3人暮らしの現役主婦。以前より多趣味で洋裁・踊りなどをしていた。地区の民生委員を務めるなど社会参加も活発であった。<BR>【利用開始時評価】<BR> BRS(Rt):下肢-上肢-手指:VI-VI-II。Mental:認知症なし。感情失禁あり。「誰とも会いたくない」「迷惑がかかる」と悲観的な思考・発言多い。移動は両側金属支柱付き短下肢装具・T-cane使用にて自立だが立位・歩行時の不安定さあり。5m歩行:23.59秒。3m折り返し歩行:24.59秒。立ち上がり10回:24.59秒。握力:右18.5kg。FIM:107/126点。<BR>【経過と変化】<BR> 利用初期より意図的に、脳卒中後遺症を呈する主婦や障害受容の進んでいる利用者と過ごし意見交換、共感、叱咤激励を受けられるよう環境設定をした。そのような環境の中で、A氏は徐々に自己の障害と向き合い、希望を口にするようになった。同時に立位・歩行の安定性向上を目指した運動を取り入れ、まずは家事動作においての上肢の自由度向上に繋げることを目標とした。半年後、身体機能に関しては5m歩行:9.44秒。3m折り返し歩行:18.4秒。立ち上がり10回:10.63秒。握力:右25kg。と向上し、屋内移動が両側金属支柱付き短下肢装具使用での独歩自立となり、立位・歩行も安定した。上肢の自由度も増し家事における速度や効率が向上し、「皿洗いがしやすくなった。」「中腰で草取りをしている。」などの報告が聞かれた。更に現在、発症以前に行っていた洋裁、友人との散歩などを楽しまれている。また、「今後したいこと」として自らの生活をまとめた冊子作り、ミシンがけなどが挙げられている。<BR>【考察】<BR> 今回A氏は、まず利用者との関わりで希望を持つきっかけができた。加えて、活動性の向上により、実際の家事場面において効率が上がったことを実感した。そして現在、生活の多岐に渡り工夫を凝らしながら前向きに取り組み、できることを増やしつつある。今後、A氏との出会いによってまた新たな希望が生まれていくことを期待している。A氏の生活の質の向上が、脳卒中片麻痺を呈する主婦の方々の希望となることがA氏の望みでもある。
鈴木 伸 佐藤 孝一 谷口 正仁 宮川 浩一 小嶋 正義 土肥 靖明 上田 龍三
The Japan Geriatrics Society
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.35, no.6, pp.444-450, 1998

リウマチ性弁膜症が減少してきているなか, 動脈硬化との関連が示唆される老人性変性大動脈弁に遭遇する機会が増加してきている. 近年, 心血管系の独立した危険因子とされ, 動脈硬化性病変との関連について注目されているリポプロテイン(a)[Lp(a)]と大動脈弁硬化との関係について, 特に65歳以上の老年者を対象とし検討した. 1995年10月から1996年12月に当院で心臓超音波検査を施行した65歳以上の症例は265例であった. リウマチ性弁膜症や大動脈二尖弁などの9例を除いた256例のうち, Lp(a)を含む血清脂質, 血糖, 血圧などを測定した97例 (65~106歳, 平均77±7歳, 男性48例, 女性49例) を本研究の対象とした. 断層心エコー法において, 大動脈弁に硬化が認められた群 (硬化群) は63例 (平均78歳, 男性24例, 女性39例), 硬化を認めなかった群 (非硬化群) は34例 (平均74歳, 男性24例, 女性10例) に分けられた.単変量解析で硬化群と非硬化群に差が認められたのは, 年齢 (p=0.0090), 性差 (女性) (p=0.0023), Lp(a)(p=0.0124)であった. Lp(a)が60mg/dl以上であった9例全例に大動脈弁硬化が認められた. 血圧, 総コレステロール, HDL-コレステロール, LDL-コレステロール, 中性脂肪, 空腹時血糖には両群間で差は認められなかった. 大動脈弁硬化の有無について多変量解析である判別分析を行ったところ, 女性 (λ=0.9038, =0.0020), Lp(a)(λ=0.8316, p=0.0053) と関連が認められた. 以上の結果から, 老人性変性大動脈弁では血清Lp(a)が高い傾向を認めた.
春日 紀子 高橋 宏之 坂梨 洋 安藤 大吾 小林 利道 増田 崇光 篠原 潤 佐藤 孝幸 磯谷 栄二
東京女子医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00409022)
vol.83, no.1, pp.50-50, 2013-02-25

第347回東京女子医科大学学会例会 平成25年2月23日(土) 総合外来センター5階 大会議室
佐藤 孝雄
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.107, pp.119-165, 2003-03-31

For an archeologically discussion of the establishing process of Ainu's animal cult, including the “sending-off” ceremony for bears, it is first necessary to investigate modern Nusa sites, places where outdoor sacred altars were built, that have ethnographic information available and to organize the characteristics and remains of animals there so as to compare them with other archaeological evidence. However, only a few attempts have been made for Nusa sites in the mountains, far from an Ainu settlement, called a kotan. In particular, the species and characteristics of animal remains at a kotan's Nusa site important due to its relationship with the “sending-off” ceremony for reared bear cubs, called an iomante, have effectively not been studied.As far as I know, the Nijibetsu Shuwan Kumaokriba Site in Shibecha-town, east Hokkaido, is the only remains that is appropriate for the investigation of animal remains. The History Study Group of the basin of the River Kushiro excavated the Kumaokuriba Site in 1976 and 1978 with an about 5mm mesh sieve for collecting fine samples, and recovered over 18,000 pieces of animal body fragments from the Site, it is said that Mr. Kotaro Hashibami, a neighbor of the Site, sent off 200-300 bears from late 19th century (early Meiji era) to 1939 at the site, which is also famous for being the site of the last iomante (December 1939) that was observed by Dr. Takemitsu Natori and his colleagues. However, although these animal remains have a high academic significance, they have not been analyzed in detail.I scrutinized the animal body remains between December 1996 and January 1998. As a result, a statement of the details and characteristics of the animal body remains can be summarized as follows:・ The excavated species were 15 in total including wild animals such as brown bear (Ursus arctos yesoensis), fox (Vulpes vulpes schrencki), river otter (Lutra lutra), sable (Martes zibellina brachyura), deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis), Blackiston's fish owl (Ketupa blakistoni), and large eagles (Haliaeetus sp.); as well as boar (Sus scrofa, of course, which has a possibility of pig) and domestic animals such as dog (Canis familiaris), sheep (Ovis domesticus), cattle (Bos taurus), and horse (Equus caballus), which originally did not inhabit Hokkaido and is unknown as a cult object.・ At least 59 mandibular bones of brown bears were detected, including 11 cubs (<2 years old) that are the objects of the iomante. Beside, bones of extremities, those of trunks, which are rarely observed at rock shelter Nusa sites in the mountains, were also found, though their quantity was lower than 30 % of the mandibular bones on a population basis.・ Cranial bones were more marked in the excavated bones of small terrestrial animals (rabbit, fox, river otter, and otter) than in those of brown bears. One hundred, 49, and 7 mandibular bones of rabbit, fox, and river otter, respectively, were found. Small amounts of bones of extremities and trunks that were derived from one individual had been excavated. Moreover, only 3 sable mandibular bones were found; no sable otter bones were observed.・ The deer specimens were derived from only 2 individuals; this may be attributable to the hunting with bow or trap, and hunting by chasing animals being banned in the early Meiji era, and a reduced population size due to heavy snowfalls.・ The Blackiston's fish owl specimens obtained were derived from at least 3 individuals, with nearly entire body pars being excavated. These findings indicate the possibility of a “sending-off” ceremony for owls, something that is poorly researched in ethnographic information, and will be valuable for archeological study of the establishing process of that ceremony.
金田 吉弘 小野寺 拓也 坂下 将 高階 史章 佐藤 孝 伊藤 慶輝 保田 謙太郎
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.83, no.6, pp.681-686, 2012-12-05
