山本 泰幹 半野 久光 藤野 陽三 矢部 正明
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集A (ISSN:18806023)
vol.66, no.1, pp.13-30, 2010 (Released:2010-01-20)

大山 伸幸 岩見 友司 山本 哲也 町田 智 樋口 隆英 佐藤 秀明 佐藤 道貴 武田 幹治 渡辺 芳典 清水 正賢 西岡 浩樹
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.97, no.10, pp.510-518, 2011-10-01 (Released:2011-10-01)
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JFE Steel Corporation developed the hydrogen-based gas fuel injection technology for sintering machines to improve sinter quality without increasing coke breeze ratio. With the technology, it is possible to extend the temperature zone between 1200°C and 1400°C by injecting the gaseous fuel from the top surface of the sintering machine as a partial substitute for coke breeze. Theoretical and experimental studies were carried out to verify the effect of the gaseous-fuel injection technology on pore structure in the sinter cake with the X-ray CT scanner and sintering pot test.It is important to hold the temperature between 1200°C and 1400°C in order to produce high strength and high reducibility sinter. The liquid phase ratio can be increased with extending the proper temperature zone by applying the gaseous fuel injection technology. The increase in liquid phase ratio promotes the combination of pores (1–5 mm) and sinter strength is improved. At the same time, the pores over 5 mm growth are promoted and the permeability is improved in the sintering bed. Moreover, the low-temperature sintering process depresses the iron ore self-densification. Micro pores under 1 μm remain in unmelted ores and improve sinter reducibility. As a result, the technology enables to improve the pore structure in the sinter cake and sinter quality.The technology was put into commercial operation at Keihin No. 1 sinter plant in January 2009 and stable operation has continued up to the present. As a result, the energy efficiency in the sintering process is greatly improved, and it has been achieved to reduce CO2 emissions by a maximum of approximately 60000 t/year at Keihin No. 1 sinter plant.
村尾 明紀 柏原 佑介 大山 伸幸 佐藤 道貴 渡壁 史朗 山本 耕司 福本 泰洋
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.102, no.11, pp.614-622, 2016 (Released:2016-10-31)
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Increased gas utilization and improved permeability have been desired in order to achieve low RAR (Reducing Agent Rate) operation of blast furnace. Coke mixed charging in the ore layer is one effective measure for realizing these improvements. A burden distribution control technique for mixing small coke at a blast furnace with a parallel type and center feed type bell-less top were developed and investigated in an experiment with a scale model of an actual blast furnace at JFE Steel. The scale model consists of an ore bin, a coke bin, a surge hopper, belt conveyers, a bell-less top and a model furnace to simulate the charging system of the actual blast furnace. The mixed coke ratio at the furnace top was controlled by the discharge pattern of mixed small coke and ore, and mixing position. The optimum patterns were founded to discharge the small coke from the coke bin after the ore discharged from ore bin in center feed bell-less top, and to discharge the small coke on the ore at front of quarter part overlapped in parallel type bell-less top. These patterns were applied to the actual blast furnace, and the improvement of permeability in a furnace was confirmed by the effect of increase the mixed small coke yield into ore layer.
山本 隆彦
公益社団法人 日本分析化学会
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.36, no.10, pp.592-596, 1987
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袴田 智子 谷中 拓哉 山本 真帆 設楽 佳世
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.5, pp.12-22, 2020

The purpose of this article was to introduce fitness testing for Japanese para-athletes conducted at Japan Institute of Sports Sciences (JISS). Additionally, current challenges we face and our approaches for those challenges will be explained. Since 2015, fitness check-up for para-athletes have been carried out at JISS. The accumulated knowledge from scientific researches and know-how for supporting the Olympic sports for long time at JISS have been applied for Paralympic sports. Therefore, main fitness check-up services provided for the para-athletes have been similar to the Olympic athletes, which include body composition measurements, muscle strength tests, and aerobic and anaerobic capacity tests. However, the test protocols are modified and customized based on physical characteristics, or the types and degree of disabilities of each para-athlete. Their fitness levels and skills needed for their sports are assessed through tests that are specific to the sports. Our next challenges are to develop a testing method that can be customized for various types of disabilities for every sport and to establish fitness testing method with high accuracy for para-athletes.
山本 通
経済貿易研究 = The Studies in economics and trade (ISSN:03865193)
no.45, pp.37-81, 2019

山本 重樹
日経コンピュ-タ (ISSN:02854619)
no.723, pp.101-106, 2009-02-15

山本 清
大学論集 (ISSN:03020142)
no.50, pp.223-237, 2018-03

The 2017 scandals that the Education Ministry continued to seek new jobs for retiring senior officials, despite its being banned by the National Public Service Law, caused a greater decline of trust in the Ministry. An Investigation team in the ministry found that many bureaucrats moved to private universities after retirement from the ministry through the intermediation of a retired official having close relationships with the ministry's personnel department. The report also made clear that quite a large number of senior officials obtained a director and secretary general of national university corporations through temporary transfer from the ministry. National universities are now legally independent from the Education Ministry and the President has authority of appointing the Director at his or her own discretion. These findings indicate some possibility that the Ministry might influence universities whether public or private through its personnel management. Therefore the contents of the investigation report, the publications on reemployment of retiring senior officials by the Cabinet Office, and the annual reports of national universities were analyzed. As a result, it was determined that the personnel system expanding the recruitment, transfer, promotion, and after-retirement worked as an informal network contributing to make education policy successful and effective other than keeping high loyalty of officials to the ministry. At the same time, it must be said that the system had shortcomings in impartiality and transparency of public policy, especially on subsidies and regulations to universities.
山本 譲 粟屋 敏雄 小城 香緒里 森田 真樹子 川守田 早紀 神崎 郁代 小川 聡 板垣 祐一 大滝 康一 山本 久仁子 田﨑 嘉一 松原 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.1, pp.34-42, 2012-01-10 (Released:2013-01-10)
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Shortage of physicians is a serious social issue in Japan. It has become an urgent challenge to support busy physicians. While the number of anesthetists is remarkably insufficient, the number of operations has increased in many hospitals after Diagnosis Procedure Combination (DPC) is implemented. Drugs used in operation rooms include many narcotic analgesic and poisonous drugs, which medical staff are required to strictly control. From the viewpoint of medical safety management, pharmacists should be involved in the management of these drugs. We have started preparation of injections in the operation rooms aiming mainly at supporting anesthetists. Pharmacists make up the anesthetic sets according to anesthetists' order by the evening of the previous day. The pharmacists carry the sets from the pharmacy to the operation room on a wagon. On the early morning of the operation day, two pharmacists mix the injection drugs, fill the syringes, attach the labels, assemble the routes, and check the completed sets in each operating room according to the list. All pharmacists in our pharmacy department engage in this service. We have conducted opinion surveys of pharmacists and anesthetists on this service. Although the workload of pharmacists increased, most pharmacists thought it was worthwhile. Most anesthetists evaluated that this service has improved medical safety. However, there were many requests that the pharmacists should be further involved throughout the entire operation. It is important to support physicians with services such as this by the pharmacist based on pharmaceutical knowledge. This service has a beneficial impact on healthcare professionals.
山本 洋司 渡辺 広希 高田 祐輔 梅本 安則
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.47, no.6, pp.615-623, 2020 (Released:2020-12-18)

【目的】脳卒中患者に対する早期離床を発症後48 時間以内の起立と定義し,有効性および安全性について検証すること。【方法】対象は脳卒中患者とし,早期離床導入前群(以下,導入前群)と早期離床導入後群(以下,導入後群)に分けた。主要アウトカムは退院時のBarthel Index ならびにmRS とした。副次項目は不動関連の合併症ならびに神経学的有害事象とした。【結果】導入前群110 名,導入後群93 名であった。Barthel Index は導入前群と比較して導入後群で有意に高かった。mRS(0–1) に該当する者は導入前群と比較して導入後群で有意に多かった。不動関連の合併症は導入前群と比較して導入後群で有意に少なかった。神経学的有害事象は両群間で有意差を認めなかった。【結論】発症後48 時間以内の起立と定義した早期離床は,脳卒中患者においてテント上病変ならびに保存的治療例で安全に実施可能で機能的予後を良好にし,不動関連の合併症を減少させる。
矢部 博 成島 康史 M. Al-Baali 五十嵐 夢生 稲葉 洋介 大谷 亮介 小笠原 英穂 加藤 惇志 小林 宏 菅澤 清久 中谷 啓 中村 渉 中山 舜民 林 俊介 原田 耕平 平野 達也 柳田 健人 山下 浩 山本 哲生 渡邉 遊

三上 信雄 安藤 亘 石岡 昇 大隈 篤 山本 秀一 北野 倫生
公益社団法人 土木学会
海洋開発論文集 (ISSN:09127348)
no.23, pp.925-930, 2007

To promote utilization of Okinotorishima island and its surrounding areas mainly in the fishery field, fishery resources and environmental conditions were surveyed in and around the coral reef of the island. Corals were widely distributed in the lagoon. Some useful fishery species were caught through the wide range from the surface to the deep water around the reef. Their preys such as eggs, juveniles and young of some small sized fish species were also observed there. Therefore, it may be possible to utilize the island as a good fishing ground with an artificially increased primary production. To develop this potential, some ideas and their issues to be solved in the future were discussed in this study.