福沢 仁之 FUKUSAWA Hitoshi 加藤 めぐみ KATO Megumi 山田 和芳 YAMADA Kazuyoshi 藤原 治 FUJIWARA Osamu 安田 喜憲 YASUDA Yoshinori
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
vol.9, pp.5-17, 1998-03 (Released:2010-05-18)

第10回名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(平成9 (1997)年度)報告 「最新型タンデトロン加速器質量分析計(加速器年代測定システム)による高精度・高分解能14C年代測定の利用分野・方法の開拓(II)」
林 裕子 門間 正子 井瀧 千恵子 木口 幸子 森 康子 辻 紀代子 山田 惠子
札幌医科大学保健医療学部紀要 = Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University (ISSN:13449192)
vol.6, pp.9-17, 2003-03

本研究は、札幌市内の看護系大学および専門学校に在籍する女子学生180名(平均年齢20.2±1.6歳)を対象に、自覚的健康状態と健康に関わる食生活について調査した。朝食欠食の有無によって自覚的症状や食品の摂取内容、栄養バランスに差があるかどうかを知る目的で、対象者を昼食や夕食の欠食の有無に関わらず、毎日朝食を摂取している者(以下、朝食群)と朝食を欠食する者(以下、朝食欠食群)の2群にわけて解析を行った。対象者の61.8%が朝食群であった。朝食群の23.1%、朝食欠食群の41.2%の者が「風邪をひきやすい」、朝食群の67.3%、朝食欠食群の82.4%が「頭が重い感じがある」と回答し、これらの症状を持つ者は朝食欠食群で多かった(p<0.05)。朝食群と朝食欠食群共に6割以上の学生が食事に関心を持っていた。朝食群の肉類、魚類、緑黄色野菜、乳製品の摂取割合は朝食欠食群より多く、卵、大豆製品の摂取割合は逆に低かった。朝食欠食者のインスタント食品の摂取割合も朝食群より高く、食品摂取バランスも悪いことが示された。以上の結果から、朝食欠食が健康に与える影響について考察した。The subjective health condition and dietary habits of 180 female students aged 18 through 24 were investigated in a self-evaluation questionnaire survey. The subjects were divided into two groups, one eating breakfast regularly and the other not. A total of 61.8% of subjects ate breakfast regularly and 23.1% and 67.3% of them answered, "I am susceptible to colds" and "my head feels heavy", respectively, whereas 41.2% and 82.4% of those not having breakfast answered, "I am susceptible to colds" and "my head feels heavy", respectively. About 60% of total subjects were interested in dietary habits. Subjects who ate breakfast regularly had a higher frequency of intakes of meat, fish, green and yellow vegetables and dairy products than that who did not have breakfast. Subjects who did not have breakfast also ate much fast food. The result of our questionnaire survey clearly shows that not eating breakfast had a bad influence on the health of female students.
小山田 日吉丸 河内 清光 石橋 弘義 中西 重昌 戸田 正義 丸岡 富実夫 野田 勇
Japan Radioisotope Association
vol.23, no.9, pp.516-522, 1974

われわれは実用的な全身スキャナを開発し, すでに日常の診療にたいへん有益なデータを提供しているので, ここにその機構の概要と数例の具体的画像を報告する。<BR>基本構造は, 上下2対向の検出器をもち, 従来のものとほぼ同様であるが, 画像縮尺率は1/5, 3/11/1の3段階で, フォト・スキャンのスリットの大きさは縮尺率とスペーシングとの相関関係によって最適なものが自動的にセットされる。スキャンと同時にプロフィル像を描くことができるが, そのほかプログラム・スキャン装置をもち, 任意の区域のみをスキャンすることが可能で, その間のtotal countも表示される。また, コンビュータ用のoutput機構をもちoff-lineではあるがdigital imageも描出可能である。現在scalloping correctionも行なつている.得られた実際のシンチグラムもきわめて鮮明で, 臨床上の利用価値はたいへん大きい。
山田 正己
バイオフィリア リハビリテーション学会
バイオフィリア リハビリテーション学会研究大会予稿集 第14回バイオフィリアリハビリテーション学会予稿集 (ISSN:18848699)
pp.51, 2010 (Released:2010-12-30)

伊藤 健一 宮原 英隆 氏家 亨 武島 俊達 横山 信吾 中田 弘太郎 永野 哲志 佐藤 努 八田 珠郎 山田 裕久
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.11, no.4, pp.255-271, 2012 (Released:2012-11-15)
8 11

In the radiation dosimetry of radiocesium in Iitate, Fukushima, the level of radiocesium around the environment did not exceed the criteria in liquid phases such as puddle water, but was distributed in solid phases such as some soil types and organic matter. On the other hand, retting of the cut bamboo grass and hemlock fir in water allowed the release of radiocesium, about 230 Bq/kg exceeding the criteria for a bathing area. The flow-thru test using zeolite showed the removal of radiocesium from the liquid phase. The wet classification test was performed for 3 types of radiocesium-contaminated soil. According to the results of wet classification, radiocesium was detected and its level exceeded the cropping restriction level in almost all classified particle fractions. The decontamination effect of wet classification on radiocesium contamination was smaller than that on heavy metal contamination. Specifically, the wet classification could not induce volume reduction. Accordingly, preprocessing and intermediate treatments such as dispersion or attrition by vibration or mixing in the wet classification process were devised and examined as improved processing techniques. As a result, the effectual volume reduction of the radiocesium-contaminated soil was confirmed by adding an intermediate process such as the surface attrition in the vibrator.
西銘 大喜 遠藤 聡志 當間 愛晃 山田 孝治 赤嶺 有平
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
vol.32, no.5, pp.F-H34_1-8, 2017

<p>Facial expressions play an important role in communication as much as words. In facial expression recognition by human, it is difficult to uniquely judge, because facial expression has the sway of recognition by individual difference and subjective recognition. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the reliability of the result from recognition accuracy alone, and the analysis for explaining the result and feature learned by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) will be considered important. In this study, we carried out the facial expression recognition from facial expression images using CNN. In addition, we analysed CNN for understanding learned features and prediction results. Emotions we focused on are "happiness", "sadness", "surprise", "anger", "disgust", "fear" and "neutral". As a result, using 32286 facial expression images, have obtained an emotion recognition score of about 57%; for two emotions (Happiness, Surprise) the recognition score exceeded 70%, but Anger and Fear was less than 50%. In the analysis of CNN, we focused on the learning process, input and intermediate layer. Analysis of the learning progress confirmed that increased data can be recognised in the following order "happiness", "surprise", "neutral", "anger", "disgust", "sadness" and "fear". From the analysis result of the input and intermediate layer, we confirmed that the feature of the eyes and mouth strongly influence the facial expression recognition, and intermediate layer neurons had active patterns corresponding to facial expressions, and also these activate patterns do not respond to partial features of facial expressions. From these results, we concluded that CNN has learned the partial features of eyes and mouth from input, and recognise the facial expression using hidden layer units having the area corresponding to each facial expression.</p>
志保田 務 山田 忠彦 Tsutomu SHIHOTA Tadahiko YAMADA
vol.27, no.3, pp.223-264, 2002-03-01

Ryunosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927), one of the major novelists in modern Japan, is also famous as an adapter who learned from other writers in Japan and abroad. His works are considered bookish. Therefore, we assumed that he read many writers' works in his day, and we tried to prove the causality and we attempted to show how these works affected his own writing. In this work we would show some materials of the above facts consisting on the records of "A bibliography of writers who were read by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, based on Akutagawa Ryunosuke Zenshu, published by Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1977-1978, 12 volumes". At next time we will analyze the materials above mentioned. By the way, the bibliography was issued in the March 1996 edition of this journal, vol.21, no.3. Each entry in this index has three items: the writer's name, the title of the work, and the date when Ryunosuke Akutagawa would have read the work. Entries are ordered according to the writer's name in the Japanese syllabary because this index deals with Japanese, Chinese and Korean writers only.
山田 真紀子 加我 宏之 下村 泰彦 増田 昇
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.65, no.5, pp.753-758, 2002-03-30
3 1

高野 忠 山田 隆弘 周東 晃四郎 金川 信康 田中 俊之
宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集 (ISSN:02859920)
vol.28, pp.1-10, 1991-03

1990年1月24日に打ち上げられた「ひてん」OBC(搭載コンピュータ)を用いたフォールトトレランス実験の概要及び結果について報告する。本実験は, (1)人為的に発生させた誤りへのシステムの対応, (2)軌道上での稼働状況を見るものである。人為的に発生させた誤りに対してはシステムは設計仕様通り動作することを確認した。軌道上での稼働状況監視については, 誤り発生を記録する機能を打ち上げ後にOBCへのリモートローディングにより追加した。この機能により7月5日14 : 16(UT)から8月3日10 : 05(UT)の28.86日間に, RAMでSEUによって8回の1ビット誤りが観測された。このうち7月26日02 : 09 : 14(UT)にCell Cで発生したSEUは, 7月25日22 : 00&acd;7月26日01 : 51(UT)に発生した重要度2Nの太陽フレアの影響と見られ, 他のSEUは太陽フレアとの相関は認められず, 銀河宇宙線に由来するものと考えられる。
藤原 雅子 笠井 新一郎 今給黎 禎子 中山 翼 山田 弘幸
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.9, pp.107-112, 2008-03

Infant health screenings are offered as part of public child health services all over Japan. However, there are regional differences in the contents of health screenings. Here, the problems with the current health screening system are discussed by presenting two children with developmental disorders who went undetected, despite exhibiting low birth weight. The results suggest that the current health screening system is flawed, as screened items and methods allow children with some developmental disorders to be overlooked. Other problems included poor assessment perspectives and no follow-up procedures after consultation. Extreme low birth weight is a type of developmental disorder that can be corrected with early therapy. Because one of the objectives of infant health screenings is early detection and therapy for children with disabilities, it is necessary to identify and monitor children who may have disorders. When taking into account the necessity of early detection and therapy for childhood disorders, and the importance of follow-up visits after screenings, it is necessary for speech therapists to be actively involved.
武藤 毅 近藤 隆史 柴田 拓伸 曽根 大紀 藤田 達也 桐生 稔 木越 英夫 小鹿 一 山田 靜之
vol.37, pp.230-235, 1995

Constituents of the Japanese sea hare Dolabella auricularia collected in Mie Prefecture, Japan were examined by using bioassay, and new cytotoxic depsipeptides, dolastatins G (1) and H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) were isolated. Dolastatin G (1) showed cytotoxicity against HeLa-S_3 cells with an IC_<50> of 1.0μg/mL. On the basis of 2D NMR technique, dolastatin G (1) has proved to be a 35-membered cyclic depsipeptide which consists of a hexapeptide and two new hydroxy acids. The absolute stereochemistry of the hexapeptide moiety was determined by the chiral HPLC analysis of amino acids obtained by acidic hydrolysis of dolastatin G (1). The absolute stereochemistry of two hydroxy acid parts was determined by the enantioselective synthesis of two corresponding fragments obtained by degradation of dolastatin G (1). For the purpose of confirming the stereostructure of dolastatin G (1), synthetic studies on dolastatin G (1) have been carried out. Three subunits, 7, 10, and 11, were synthesized, coupling of which gave seco acid 13. The synthesis of dolastatin G (1) from seco acid 13 is in progress. A 1:1 mixture of dolastatin H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) showed potent cytotoxicity against HeLa-S_3 cells with an IC_<50> of 0.00381μg/mL. On the basis of spectroscopic data, dolastatin H (14) has proved to be a linear tetrapeptide which contains two unusual amino acids and is esterified at the C-terminus by the primary hydroxyl group of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. Isodolastatin H (15) is the structural isomer of dolasatin H (15), in which the tetrapeptide is esterified at the C-terminus by the secondary hydroxyl group of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. The absolute stereochemistry of dolastatin H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) was unambiguously determined by the enantioselective total synthesis.
武藤 毅 近藤 隆史 柴田 拓伸 曽根 大紀 藤田 達也 桐生 稔 木越 英夫 小鹿 一 山田 靜之
vol.37, pp.230-235, 1995

Constituents of the Japanese sea hare Dolabella auricularia collected in Mie Prefecture, Japan were examined by using bioassay, and new cytotoxic depsipeptides, dolastatins G (1) and H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) were isolated. Dolastatin G (1) showed cytotoxicity against HeLa-S_3 cells with an IC_<50> of 1.0μg/mL. On the basis of 2D NMR technique, dolastatin G (1) has proved to be a 35-membered cyclic depsipeptide which consists of a hexapeptide and two new hydroxy acids. The absolute stereochemistry of the hexapeptide moiety was determined by the chiral HPLC analysis of amino acids obtained by acidic hydrolysis of dolastatin G (1). The absolute stereochemistry of two hydroxy acid parts was determined by the enantioselective synthesis of two corresponding fragments obtained by degradation of dolastatin G (1). For the purpose of confirming the stereostructure of dolastatin G (1), synthetic studies on dolastatin G (1) have been carried out. Three subunits, 7, 10, and 11, were synthesized, coupling of which gave seco acid 13. The synthesis of dolastatin G (1) from seco acid 13 is in progress. A 1:1 mixture of dolastatin H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) showed potent cytotoxicity against HeLa-S_3 cells with an IC_<50> of 0.00381μg/mL. On the basis of spectroscopic data, dolastatin H (14) has proved to be a linear tetrapeptide which contains two unusual amino acids and is esterified at the C-terminus by the primary hydroxyl group of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. Isodolastatin H (15) is the structural isomer of dolasatin H (15), in which the tetrapeptide is esterified at the C-terminus by the secondary hydroxyl group of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. The absolute stereochemistry of dolastatin H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) was unambiguously determined by the enantioselective total synthesis.
山田 真裕
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.62, no.2, pp.2_52-2_69, 2011

This paper is a case study of organizational transformation in a prefectural party unit of Japans Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Ibaraki prefecture was one of the bulwarks of LDP dominance and the prefectural organization ("kenren") had been proud of own strength. But, at the defeat in the 2009 gubernatorial election, many conservative local politician and interest organizations were against the "kenren" and supported the incumbent governor, Masaru Hashimoto, and let him win. The defeat broke the previous regime at the "kenren", and the Ibaraki-kenren was forced to rebuild its organization and to try transforming itself from being a prefectural member-centered organization to becoming a more inclusive organization. <br>  The purpose of this article analyzes the process of the gubernatorial defeat and the organizational reformation in the kenren following that defeat, to claim the necessity of further accumulation of analysis about local organizations of political parties, not only from perspective of national level confrontation among parties, but also local conflict among local politicians and interest organizationswith a peculiar dynamism.
山田 園子
広島法学 (ISSN:03865010)
vol.40, no.1, pp.290-267, 2016-06

This paper provides an overview of the studies of John Locke's works in postwar Japan. Among his works, the Second Treatise of Government attracted much interest because of its social contract theory. Anticipating the development of democracy in Japan, post-war studies of the Second Treatise often disputed whether Locke's political theory provided an applicable model and raised the issue of whether Locke's theory of "trust" should be examined in relation to his idea of the English legal tradition.