中井 智博 三橋 俊高 鈴本 宜之 舟橋 宏樹 後藤 亮吉 後藤 俊介 鈴木 ゆき 杉本 健治 星田 尚子 轟木 孝浩 松井 史子 酒井 順子 鈴木 ふみ子 河合 恵美子 早川 富博
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.58, no.1, pp.4-12, 2009-05-30 (Released:2009-07-13)

介護保険制度の導入当初から,訪問リハビリテーションが漫然と在宅療養における介護サービスとして提供されることは適切ではないとされてきた。しかし,一方では利用者の目標設定をするために必要な評価方法が不十分であるのも現状である。機能的自立度評価法 (FIM) やBarthel Index (BI) を評価として取り入れるように推奨されているが,これらは「している活動」の評価であり,利用者の最大能力である「できる活動」を把握しなければ目標を設定するのは困難である。そこで,私たちは2005年に「できる活動」と「している活動」をそれぞれ同じ項目で評価し,点数化した生活機能スコア (functioning score: FS) という評価法を考案した。今回,2005年10月から2006年9月までの1年間で訪問リハビリの利用者を対象に評価を試行し調査した。「している活動」の合計得点は前回の44.1±13.7から今回の47.8±14.2へと有意に増加し (p<0.05),また「できる活動」の合計得点は前回の49.6±13.2から今回の51.6±13.5へと有意ではなかったが,増加傾向を示した。新しく考案した評価法で「できる活動」と「している活動」の差を明確にすることで,利用者のどこに問題があるのか的確に把握ができ,介護サービス事業者が共通の目標を設定できたと考えられた。
後藤 禎 江口 隆夫 古賀 毅 青山 和浩
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.76, no.771, pp.2754-2763, 2010-11-25

For the development of high-functional and complex mechatronics products, it is becoming necessary to manage the design process considering multi-domains such as electrical, mechanical and software specialties. However, at present, in the process of embedded software development, the software developers often have to spend their time and efforts by wasteful and unnecessary design iterations because that they don't understand the original requirements and previous designing intentions exactly. The authors predict that the mechanical designers in previous processes, don't describe the reasons, how to analyze and why to adoption technologies insufficiently. In this paper, the authors propose that the requirement model should be introduced in development process, because all designers can understand "what to make" precisely. In reference of the studies of various requirement definitions, especially object-oriented approach, the authors studied that the procedure of description in the requirement model, which is suitable for the development of high-functional and complex mechatronics products. An intelligent crane system is designed as an example to examine the possibilities of description using SysML. In conclusion, proposed requirement model is confirmed that it can surely describe the product requirement of the mechatronics product.
江口 隆夫 後藤 禎 古賀 毅 青山 和浩
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.76, no.771, pp.2772-2781, 2010-11-25

This paper proposes a method of impact analysis of the design change from the initial design stage. In author's previous work, a hierarchical requirement model is proposed in order to define the requirement of the complex mechatronics product. The product requirement is decomposed into three aspects: mechanical, electrical, and software. A hierarchical functional structure is proposed to represent the functional component in each design layer. The states and actions is designed as an activity diagram, and decomposed into the activity diagram in the next design stage. A constraint diagram is proposed to assign behavior elements and technical specifications. A decomposition process of the states, actions, and values is visualized using dependency structure matrix. The design change propagation analysis is proposed based on matrix between components, object flows, states, actions, and values. The proposed method is developed as a proto-type system based on SysML specifications and using Rhapsody. An intelligent crane system is designed as an example. A design change of the required behavior and actions is tested. The design result indicated that the proposed method surely can provide an affected components, parameters, and technical specifications with the change of requirement behavior.
後藤 貴史 石川 博基 佐伯 哲 猪狩 成彦 福田 麻里子 田浦 直太 西村 大介 市川 辰樹 濱崎 圭輔 中尾 一彦 江口 勝美
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.47, no.6, pp.298-303, 2006 (Released:2006-11-28)

肝炎後再生不良性貧血の2例を経験した.症例1は35歳男性,2003年4月中旬より全身倦怠感出現し,4月20日にT-Bil 6.2mg/dl, AST 1900IU/L, ALT 3020IU/Lと肝機能異常を認めPT 68%と低下していた.A∼E型の肝炎ウイルスは陰性で各種自己抗体陰性,薬剤の関与も否定的であった.徐々に肝機能は正常化したが,同年7月14日にWBC 3000/mm3, Plt 7.4万/mm3と2系統の血球減少が出現し,7月25日に再入院となった.骨髄は低形成性を呈しCD4/CD8比は0.207と低下していた.症例2は26歳男性,2003年6月下旬より全身倦怠感出現し,7月1日にT-Bil 13.2mg/dl, AST 1748IU/L, ALT 2924IU/Lと肝機能異常を認めPT 62%と低下していた.各種ウィルスマーカーは陰性で肝炎の原因は不明であった.徐々に肝機能異常は改善したが,7月中旬より血球減少が出現した.骨髄は低形成性でありCD4/CD8比は0.335と低下していた.2症例とも免疫抑制剤等の治療により汎血球減少は改善した.若年者の原因不明の肝炎後に再生不良性貧血を合併する事があり注意が必要と思われた.
平田 雅之 柳澤 琢史 松下 光次郎 Shayne Morris 神谷 之康 鈴木 隆文 吉田 毅 佐藤 文博 齋藤 洋一 貴島 晴彦 後藤 哲 影山 悠 川人 光男 吉峰 俊樹
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.21, no.7, pp.541-549, 2012-07-20

荻野 千鶴子 古川 智恵子 加藤 恵子 後藤 喜恵
名古屋女子大学紀要 (ISSN:02867397)
vol.17, pp.27-39, 1971-03-15

後藤 邦夫
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.10, pp.77-118, 1996-01-30

"Science and Technology." We are accustomed to accept this phrase as a single integrated concept, though the words "science" and "technology" have rather independent meanings in history. This is one of the remarkable characteristics of our time, now in a big transition. Since the 1970s, a newly emerging research area, science and technology studies, or science, technology and society, say "STS", has become evident. Scholarly activity in this area is increasing, but it is not yet as clearly defined as many established disciplines. Some of this research is likely an expression of critical concerns about contemporary science and technology and its social consequences, while others are often policy studies linked with government administrations. But, in any case, the important and actual concern of studies concentrates on the study of science and technology in a social context, or in social relations. As early as the 1930s, some important works had appeared to study the politics of science and technology. During World War II, wartime mobilization of scientists and engineers gave a new social character to science and technology. As a result, the social relations of science became an important issue among many scientists. Nevertheless, the recent increase of interest in STS has some special meanings. The situation is much different from the past, when the corresponding research was supported by a few scientists with their personal endeavors. On the other hand, while STS studies came to be accepted by the scientific community as a newly established discipline, the conception of science and technology has changed from those views prevalent in the 1930s and 1940s to the current conceptions; i. e. from an enlightened view to a relativist view. Thus, there are very diverse views on the nature of the progress of science and technology, in contrast to older views, in which progress was automatically accepted as good. This very diversification is bringing a kind of fancy goods store, or an intellectual climate of "anything goes", into the research. While this situation is an expression of activity in the emerging state of learning, some improvement will be necessary in the further development of these new studies. Once, this writer has published a monograph, "Science, Technology, and Society: a Japanese Perspective, 1993, IC2 Institute University of Texas at Austin", to express his opinion on these problems. He also proposed a framework to promote research activity in this important area. This series of articles composes an improved Japanese version of the monograph. This writer would select two parts from the four in original English version, and would complement them with some expla-nations for readers who are not always belonging to any science and technology community. Part one of this series offers a general outlook for STS and a proposal for a framework for the integration of existing ideas and methods to give a fundamental methodology of STS. Part two is to comprehend twentieth century science and technology as an application of that methodology. This is not a description of twentieth century science and technology itself, but a research program for further investigation. This article has first two chapters of the series: Chapter one addresses the need for STS and the key question of the integration of science and technology. Characteristics of modern science are transferred into the modern technology, and with thus acquired features of science and technology the modern society has been largely influenced. This is a particular condition of contemporary STS research. Chapter two summarizes the results of STS research including some historical description. History, philosophy, and sociology provide core methods in most STS studies in programs of universities in the United States and Europe. But these disciplines are widely diversified. The problem is in deciding what parts of these vast areas of knowledge are essential. Efforts to integrate multidisciplinary achievements are also discussed.
早川 裕二 大津 史子 矢野 玲子 三輪 一智 後藤 伸之
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.33, no.6, pp.488-495, 2007 (Released:2009-02-02)
2 1

The purpose of this study was to identify drugs with a risk of causing Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS),toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS) and the risk factors involved.From the CARPIS (Case Reports of Adverse Drug Reactions and Poisoning Information System) database,which contains 40,000 case reports of adverse drug reactions,we determined 258 cases (case group) matching the criteria for SJS/TEN/DIHS stated by the Japanese Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare.We also selected 774 control cases (control group) which were sex- and age- matched (±1)with the case group.Next,various data were compared between the case group and the control group and the results analyzed statistically.In this regard,logistic regression analysis identified 2 drugs - carbamazepine (odds ratio : OR=5.21,95% confidence interval : 95% CI=2.68-10.06)and acetaminophen (OR=3.41,95% CI=1.12-10.51)that were associated with a significant elevation of the risk of SJS and TEN.Further,mexiletine hydrochloride (OR=205.48,95% CI=28.04-2330.89)and diaminodiphenylsulfone (OR=981.56,95% CI=94.84-25212.82),were found to be associated with a significant elevation of the risk of DIHS.By identifying certain risk factors for SJS,TEN and DIHS,the results of the present study would be useful in preventing severe drug reactions.