鈴木 安恒 長田 光博 渡辺 昭
International Society of Histology and Cytology
Archivum histologicum japonicum (ISSN:00040681)
vol.23, no.5, pp.431-446, 1963

In addition to lung and gill respirations, there is a specific type of respiration in the <i>Misgurnus anguillicaudatus</i> which is generally called 'Loach's intestinal respiration' and is considered to be of as large as one third of the total respiration volume.<br>Many experimental and physiological studies about the intestinal respiration have been made (SUYEHIRO 1933, KOYAMA 1958 etc.), yet no one has made any morphological study up to the present.<br>After our cytological and electronmicroscopical studies of matured loach's intestines it has been confirmed that the respiration is carried out by straight intestine (lower intestine) and especially that columnar cells each are to play an active part in it. Furthermore comparative studies have been made between lung epithelium (LOW 1952, BARGMANN and KNOOP 1956, KARRER 1956 and GRONIOWSKI and DJACZENKO 1961) as well as gill epithelium (HAYEK 1960, MIZUHIRA et al. 1962) and loach's lower intestine epithelium from the respiratory functional view point.<br>The results obtained are summarized as follows;<br>Material and methods: Matured loachs (<i>Misgurnus anguillicaudatus</i>) were sacrificed after one day's starvation, and upper intestine (coiled intestine) and lower intestine (straight intestine) were extracted and fixed in LEVI'S solution, ZENKER-formol and 10% formalin. For the electron microscopy, small pieces of both intestines were fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide adjusted to pH7.4 with phosphate buffer, dehydrated through a series of alcohol, and then embedded in styrene and n-butyl methacryrate (1:1), epon, and new epoxy resine 'epok 533' recommended by KUSHIDA's method. Thin sections were cut on a PORTER-BLUM microtome with glass knives, stained with uranyl acetate, and examined in a HITACHI's HU-10 electron microscope and a NIPPON DENSHI's JEMT-6 electron microscope at magnification of 1, 000-10, 000.<br>1. The epithelium of the intestinal mucous membrane is composed of one layer of columnar cells. Villi are well developped in the upper intestine where columnar cells form a great majority of the intestinal epithelial cells, and goblet cells are recognized scatteringly. These columnar cells take slender columnar form and have striated border. The nuclei are round or oval in shape and are found at the basal part of the cell. Mitochondoria are of a short thread shape or a short bacilli-form and mostly gather at the apical portion of the cell. Small arteries and capillaries are observed in the lamina propria of the mucous membrane.<br>2. In the lower intestine (straight intestine), no villi are observed and yet goblet cells are found in comparatively great numbers. What especially differs from the upper intestine (coiled intestine) is the fact that blood capillaries get into intercellular spaces of the columnar cells from the lamina propria, and widen their space and swell toward the intestinal lumen. As a result the surrounding columnar cells remarkablly transform themselves because of the pressure of the capillaries, turn into a thin layer and lose their striated border.<br>These phenomena are recognized in almost all parts of the lower intestine and are particularly remarkable about the anus.<br>However, as far as goblet cells are concerned, their form differs according to the mass of the mucous contents as in the upper intestine, and the above said insertion of the capillaries has practically no deforming effect upon their form. Furthermore, they open into the intestinal lumen with a small stoma, and do not cover the intestinal side of capillaries.<br>Consequently it is the columnar cells that perform the respiration, while goblet cells only assume charge of producing mucus for the smooth discharge of feces through the intestinal cavity.<br>No PANETH's cells and no chromaffin cells are found.<br>The intestinal muscle layers consist of inner circular and outer longitudinal layers
野村 圭太 谷口 義明 井口 信和 渡辺 健次
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.58, no.3, pp.672-682, 2017-03-15

渡辺 裕
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NS, ネットワークシステム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.3, pp.71-76, 2009-04-09

MPEGはMoving Picture Experts Groupの略称であり,ISO/IEC JTC1におけるオーディオビジュアル符号化標準の開発機関及び規格の両者を意味する.MPEGビデオ規格の代表的なものにMPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4,MPEG-4 AVCがある.このうち,MPEG-2はDVDとHDTVに,MPEG-4 AVCは携帯端末用ワンセグ放送,BD用映像符号化,YouTubeなどで用いられている.本稿では,ネットワーク帯域の消費量が大きいと考えられるMPEG-2のビデオ符号化方式を中心に,圧縮されたビットストリームの生成及び転送の仕組みについて解説する.
渡辺 優
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
no.30, pp.49-66, 2012

論文/Articles"If God predestines me to be damned, nevertheless I would love Him." The polemic centered on this formula of "pure love," that is to say the "impossible supposition," constitutes one of the most complicated and rich issues in the history of religious ideas in modern France. Our discussion is principally based on fundamental differences regarding currents of thought we discover in controversies on the doctrine of pure love. This problematic of pure love, which draws a line between the crepuscule of modern mysticism and the dawn of the Enlightenment, seems equally fruitful for the genealogical examination of the modern understanding of religion. From this historical point of view, we deal especially with the spiritual texts of François de Sales, Fénelon, Madame Guyon, Bossuet and Pierre Nicole. In the first section, we look into the way the "impossible supposition" is set out as an essential proposition in the doctrine of pure love articulated by François de Sales and Fénelon. In the next, we confirm that this doctrine is a crucial response to the problems of evil and salvation which were radically provoked in early modern times by Augustinianism and predestination. That is how we can qualify this doctrine systematized by Fénelon as a therapeutic doctrine giving a spiritual signification to his own spiritual suffering caused by an obsession with damnation. Moreover, it will also give rise to some thoughts on how Fénelon's doctrine of pure love paradoxically shows an egocentric character despite the fact that it preaches the abandonment of all of one's own interests. The subject in section three is the interpretation of the doctrine of "dark night" of the soul, an essential notion that dates back to the mystical doctrine of John of the Cross. Which differences are there in the way of understanding it according to a position that is for or against the doctrine of pure love? John of the Cross regarded the "dark night" as a succession of ordeals such as an interior dryness. Fénelon and Guyon consider the darkness by which the soul is seized rather positively, whereas it is negative for Bossuet and Nicole, for whom human nature must seek happiness. Such a distinction comes from a fundamental difference in the conception of faith or that of love. Covering thoughts on these matters from François de Sales to Fénelon, after recognizing the doctrine of pure love as one outcome in the latter, we will return to the former. The ultimate aim of our discussion is to throw light on another style of mystical love that is different from the pure love of Fénelon's doctrine.
渡辺世祐 校
vol.第1, 1940
渡辺 和行 ワタナベ カズユキ Watanabe Kazuyuki
国際公共政策研究 (ISSN:13428101)
vol.18, no.1, pp.1-13, 2013-09

The object of this paper is to examine the historiography of the French Popular Front since 1960. It is possible to distinguish three phases of Popular Front studies after 1960. In the first phase (1960-80), the academic study of the Popular Front had started by 1965. Many books and articles were written using an anti-fascist approach. In the second phase (1980-2000), the study of the Popular Front changed due to four factors. Many researchers studied the aspects of the Popular Front in terms of cultural studies and political representation. In the third phase (2000- ), it is necessary to synthesize the methods of the first two phases. We should write the history of Popular Front by way of three approaches: anti-fascism, response to economic crisis and cultural revolution. In addition to these approaches, we should not neglect the existence of the Radical Party that formed part of the Popular Front. Therefore, concerning the study of the Popular Front in the 21st century, we need to integrate three analytic methods of the three parties that made up the Popular Front: Communist Party, Socialist Party and Radical Party.
長澤 槙子 渡辺 知恵美 伊藤 貴之 増永良文
情報処理学会研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2007, no.37, pp.69-76, 2007-05-11

近年MP3プレーヤの流行により,多くの人がたくさんの楽曲を聞く機会が増えてきている.楽曲には様々な音楽的特徴があり,楽器の種類,ハーモニーの変化,コード進行,リズムパターン,モチーフなどが挙げられる.そこで我々は,これらの音楽的特徴と作曲者,年代,ヒットチャートとの関係や,あるユーザの好みの楽曲の音楽的特徴の関係やユーザ同士の好みの楽曲の音楽的特徴の関係といったマイニングを行う.本稿では,以上に述べたことのマイニングを行うために,ポピュラー音楽を対象としたコード進行に着目した楽曲クラスタリングシステムを提案する.コード進行の類似度に関して,我々は音楽理論にて定義されている近親調をもとに定義した.Recently we have more chances to listen to a lot of music due to the spread of MP3 players. There are various features in music, including musical instruments, harmony, chord progression, ryhthm patterns, and motifs. Target of our study is mining of relativity among various features of music and their attributes, such as composers, date of release, ranking of hit charts, and among features of listeners' favorite music. In this paper we propose a music clustering system focusing on the chord progression of popular music for mining of the above relativity. We define similarity of chord progression according to relative keys defined by music theory.
太田 健吾 島 康洋 渡辺 研一
水産増殖 (ISSN:03714217)
vol.58, no.2, pp.225-231, 2010

小型種苗に有効な外部標識を開発することを目的に,アンカー部分とチューブの長さを短く改良したスパゲティーアンカータグ標識を作製した。平均全長50~80 mm サイズのオニオコゼに装着して,生残率,成長および標識の残存状況から有効性と識別可能期間を検討した。その結果,平均全長50 mm サイズの小型の種苗でも標識の脱落は認められず,標識残存率は100%を示した。また,同サイズでは装着作業のみに起因する死亡も認められなかった。平均全長60 mm サイズで装着した標識は少なくとも装着後2年間は脱落せず,外部からの識別が可能であることが判った。しかし,20%の個体では装着500日以降,標識の一部が魚体中に埋没し,改善が必要と考えられた。