澤村 貞昭 田中 和生 古賀 泰裕
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.73, no.10, pp.1054-1063, 1999-10-20 (Released:2011-02-07)
11 11

無菌マウスに腸管出血性大腸菌O157: H7 (以下0157) 1×105CFUを感染させると感染が成立し, 感染8~9日後にマウスは全例死亡した.この感染動物実験系を用いてO157感染症に対する抗生物質療法の有効性を検討した.KM, DOXY, MINO, CP, CCL, AMPC, FOMおよびMFLXの8剤についてMICを測定し, 嫌気的条件下で低いMIC値を示したFOM, NFLX (FOM, 0.78;NFLX, 0.10μg/ml) をO157感染無菌マウスに投与した.O157感染3時間後よりFOM (500mg/kg/day) 或いはNFLX (50mg/kg/day) を1日2回, 連日5日間投与したところ, 生残率はそれぞれ83.3%, 100%と著明に改善し, いずれの抗生物質を投与した群でも糞便中にはべ口毒素は検出されなかった.次にFOMの投与開始時間を感染3, 6, 12, 24時間後にしたところ生残率はそれぞれ100, 100, 0, 0%であった.即ち, FOM, NFLXは感染早期に投与を開始するとべ口毒素を放出する事なく0157を除菌する事が明らかとなった.
田中 和男 Kazuo Tanaka
社会科学 = The Social Science(The Social Sciences) (ISSN:04196759)
vol.41, no.2, pp.1-29, 2011-08-26

渡辺 一彦 飯倉 洋治 田中 和子
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.61, no.3, pp.368-376, 2001-06-28 (Released:2010-09-09)

1982年から97年の間に魚アレルギーを70例経験した.魚アレルギーは近年増加しているが, その内訳は非即時型アレルギーの増加であった.魚アレルギーの患児には広範な食物ないし吸入抗原のアレルギーが合併していた.発症の好発時期は生後半年から1歳台である.起因魚種は4種類以内が多いが, 非即時型の例には殆どの魚に反応すると考えられる症例もあった.起因主要魚種は即時型, 非即時型でもタラ, サケ, ホッケ, サンマ, カレイ, イワシだった.誘発症状は即時型ではじんましんや口腔アレルギーが主であるが, 一部に喉頭浮腫, 喘鳴を呈する例もあった.非即時型の誘発症状は紅斑や丘疹の出現であり, その症状はアトピー性皮膚炎の患児に出現し, その中には母乳を介した例もあった.そこで魚アレルギーはアトピー性皮膚炎の病因にもつながると推察された.
小澤 純一 中村 友美 塚谷 桐子 山田 汐里 堀 裕一 小林 義文 高島 浩昭 竹内 ゆかり 宮崎 昌代 田中 和徳 三村 夏代 恩田 めぐみ 杉下 泰明
vol.27, pp.159, 2011

【目的】<BR> 脳血管障害,腫瘍,変性疾患などによる小脳障害患者は,その病巣部位により上下肢運動の協調性の欠如,立位・座位・起立歩行障害,姿勢調整障害,眼球運動障害,構音障害などがみられる.近年,新しい小脳性運動失調の評価スケールとしてSchmitz-Hubschらにより,Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia(以下,SARA)が提唱された.その信頼性について,International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale(以下,ICARS)やBarthel index(以下,BI)等との有意な相関が報告されている.<BR> 日本においても,厚生労働省難治性疾患克服研究事業「運動失調に関する調査研究班」において日本語版SARAが作成された.SARAは全8項目(歩行,立位,坐位,言語障害,指追い試験,鼻指試験,手の回内回外運動,踵すね試験)から構成された簡便な評価スケールであり,評価者内,評価者間共に高い信頼性や内的整合性が報告されている.<BR> 今回,SARAと歩行に関連した機能的バランスとの関連性について検証し,理学療法評価法としての信頼性・妥当性について検討した.<BR>【方法】<BR> 対象は,平成21年4月から平成22年3月の間に当院に入院し,理学療法を実施した小脳性運動失調の患者である.認知症および高次機能障害などにより,検査実施に支障のある患者は除外した.また,対象者に対しては,事前に目的や方法等の研究内容について説明し,同意を得た上で行った.<BR> カルテより基本情報(年齢,性別,疾患名等),小脳性運動失調の重症度評価スケールとしてSARAを使用して評価を行った.あわせて,ADL評価としてBI,歩行関連の機能的バランステストとして10m最大歩行速度(以下,10m歩行),Timed up and go test(以下TUGT)と重心動揺解析システムG‐6100(アニマ社製)を使用してつま先接地足踏みテスト(Toe-touch gait test,以下足踏みテスト)を実施した.<BR> 統計処理は,SPSSVer.15.0を使用し,SARAと各評価項目との相関についてはスピアマン順位相関係数により検討した.統計学的有意水準は5%とした.<BR>【結果】<BR> 対象者数は,30名(平均年齢62.7±12.5歳,男性26名,女性4名)であり,小脳梗塞28名,小脳出血2名であった.発症より検査日までの経過期間は28.77 ±27.10日であった.SARAスコアは6.53±2.43点 ,BIは86.83±10.95点,TUGT15.41±4.36sec,10m歩行8.58±2.06secであった.足踏みテストは,総軌跡長:276.43±78.23cm,単位時間軌跡長:27.66±7.84cm/sec,単位面積軌跡長:4.66±1.37cm,外周面積:66.47±31.13cm)cm<SUP>2</SUP>であった.<BR> SARAスコアと各変数間の相関はBIでは弱い相関(r=-0.42)であったが,TUGT(r=0.53)と10m歩行(r=0.57)では比較的強い相関であった.また,足踏みテストの各指標(総軌跡長:r=‐0.26,単位時間軌跡長:r=‐0.25,単位面積軌跡長:r=‐0.1,外周面積:r=‐0.1)との間では,有意な相関は認められなかった.<BR>【考察】<BR> 小脳性運動失調の総合的な評価法として,SARAは半定量的な評価が可能であり,重症度や治療効果の判定に有用なツールである.評価手法も,一般的な神経学的評価手技を用いているため,同一評価者内および評価者間での評価のばらつきが少ないことが報告されている.また,ICARSの評価項目が19項目であるのと比較するとSARAは8項目と少なく,臨床的にも簡便に使用可能な評価尺度といえる.今回,SARAと歩行に関連した機能的バランスとの間で比較的強い相関が認められた事から,基準関連妥当性の一部が確認され,理学療法評価尺度として有用であると考えられた.しかし,BIや足踏みテストについては低い相関しか確認できなかった.BIに関しては,今回の対照群がある程度の立位・歩行が可能な比較的重症度の軽い対象者を多く含んでいたためとも考えられる.足踏みテストについては,各対象者の歩行の際の姿勢調整機構の特徴を足底圧中心のみの評価ではとらえきれないためと考えられた.<BR>【まとめ】<BR> 本研究において,歩行に関連した機能的バランスとSARAとの間で,比較的強い相関が一部確認されたことから,小脳性運動失調患者の重症度把握や理学療法の治療効果の判定等の評価手法として有用であることが示唆された.
猪又 明子 小縣 昭夫 多田 幸恵 長澤 明道 湯澤 勝廣 安藤 弘 久保 喜一 高橋 博 海鉾 藤文 田中 和良 中嶋 順一 鈴木 淳子 植村 望美 守安 貴子 渡辺 大介 石原 恵 宇佐美 孝 亀井 学 河野 安昭
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.8, pp.1005-1015, 2017-08-01 (Released:2017-08-01)
1 1

We developed a new inhalation exposure method to evaluate effects of synthetic cannabimimetics that are being distributed as new, unregulated drugs in the Tokyo area. We selected the commercial product “SOUTOU” containing AB-CHMINACA and 5F-AMB as the test drug and dried marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) leaves as the negative control. A half cigarette packed with dried marshmallow leaves or SOUTOU was ignited, then mainstream smoke from each was delivered to five mice in an exposure box. After the cigarettes were fully consumed, neurobehavioral observations and a catalepsy test were performed at 15, 30 and 60 min after exposure. The effluent air from the exposure box was poured into impingers containing acetonitrile (first impinger) and dimethyl sulfoxide (second impinger). The resulting solutions were analyzed to assess decomposition of the synthetic cannabimimetics. Mice exposed to SOUTOU smoke showed many excitement behaviors and some suppressive behaviors at 15, 30 and 60 min. These clearly included cannabimimetic specific pharmacological actions. Negative control mice also showed some suppressive behaviors at 15 min but these were attenuated at later times, nearly disappearing at 60 min. In addition, the behavioral effects observed in controls were less pronounced than those in SOUTOU exposed mice. The inhalation exposure method developed in our study would be effective for determining cannabinoid specific pharmacological effects of illegal drugs, as well as for assessing the presence of active compound(s) by comparing the test substance with a negative control.
渡邊 裕子 赤星 千絵 関戸 晴子 田中 幸生 田中 和子 下条 直樹
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.53, no.2, pp.98-104, 2012

全卵・卵白・卵黄を用いた菓子・肉団子・パスタ・プリンモデル食品を作製し,調理による卵タンパク質の検出値の変化を,抽出液にトリス塩酸緩衝液を用いたELISAキットにより測定した.菓子,肉団子では揚調理が最も低下し,肉団子はレトルト処理によりオボアルブミン(OVA)は検出限界以下(<1 μg/g)となり,オボムコイド(OVM)も最も低下した.ゆえに,調理温度とともに均一な加熱処理が加わる調理方法が卵タンパク質の検出に影響した.また,卵黄使用の肉団子レトルト処理とパスタでは,いずれの卵タンパク質も6 μg/g以下となり,さらに患者血清中のIgE抗体によるウエスタンブロット法では,OVA,OVMは検出されなかった.一方,抽出液に可溶化剤を用いたELISAキットでは,前述のキットに比べ定量値が上がり,加熱処理したタンパク質が検出された.
新谷 俊一 田中 和広
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.118, no.3, pp.340-349, 2009-07-07
3 12

&emsp;Mud volcanoes are structures formed as a result of the emissions on a land surface or the sea floor of argillaceous material, which is composed of erupting remobilized mud, petroliferous or magmatic gases, and high-salinity water. Recently, large constructions have been planned deep underground besed on the expectation of geological stability. Therefore, it is important to study the origin of erupted mud and groundwater and the depths from which they ascend when evaluating long-term stability. Three active mud volcanoes and a passive mud volcano are found in the Tertiary Shiiya Formation distributed in Tokamachi City, southern part of Niigata Prefecture. Detailed descriptions of the mud volcanoes are provided by Shinya and Tanaka (2005). However, the origin of erupted mud and the formation mechanism of abnormal pore water pressure have not yet been identified. The authors measured the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratio of groundwater and vitrinite reflectance of coal fragments separated from erupted mud of an active mud volcano to investigate the origin of erupted mud, particularly the depth of the origin, and the formation mechanism of abnormal pore water pressure. As a result, &delta;<sup>18</sup>O and &delta;D values of erupted water are 1.2&permil;, -5&permil; respectively, showing good agreement with those of the Nanatani Formation distributed at a depth of 3400 m in depth in the studied area. Vitrinite reflectance (Ro) shows a bimodal distribution (<i>i.e.</i>, 0.3-1.2% and 1.5-1.8%). Ro value of coal fragments sampled from the Shiiya Formation at the outcrop in the studied area are 0.3-0.45%. High Ro (1.5-1.8%) values of coal fragments are obtained in core samples at a depth of 4000 m in the Gimyo SK-1 oil well, which was excavated 2 km NW from the mud volcano. As a result of an investigation of erupted materials at the mud volcano, they were found to have originated at depths of from 3400 m to 4000 m in the studied area. Geothermal temperature of underground at depth of 3400 m to 4000 m in the in the studied area is estimated to be about 120&deg;C to 150&deg;C. Estimated temperature is high enough to cause diagenetic transition from smectite to illite. Transition from smectite to illite results in the release of a large volume of pore water into the sediment. It is concluded that dehydration due to mineral transition might be the major reason for abnormal pore water pressure formation at depths of 3500 m to 4000 m in the study area.
岡崎 紀俊 田中 和夫 三品 正明
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.35, no.4, pp.375-388, 1990-12-28

Surveys of magnetic total intensity and gravity were conducted to reveal the underground structure of Medake, one of the central cones in the cadera of Akita-Komaga-take Volcano, from which about 1.42 million m^3 of lavas flowed in the period of 1970-1971 eruption. Magnetic and gravity anomalies obtained show some characteristic features suggesting the subsurface structure. Long wave length magnetic anomalies show that Me-dake is composed of uniformly magnetized volcanic rocks, lavas and scoriae, On the other hand, short ones found at the summit of Me-dake indicate there is a body with reversal or weaker magnetization than the surroundings. The distribution of the Bouguer anomalies is characterized by a narrow area of higher values of anomalies at the summit and a trend of higher values in northwest of Me-dake and lower ones in southeast. The latter suggests the basement structure of the caldera. The former implies an exislence of more dense intrusive rocks under the ground surface. Both centers of short wave length magnetic anomaly and of the narrow area of higher value of gravity locate at the same place about 100 m northeast of the 1970 crater on the summit. Judging from the topographic features, this place is one of the old craters. To interpret magnetic and gravity anomalies, numerical analyses for demagnetization model and for more dense intrusion model with various shapes were carried out independently. Finally, magnetic anomalies can be expained by a demagnetized vertical pentagonal prism, of which size is 80 m in N-S, 150 m in E-W and 300 m in thickness and of which top is at the depth of 5-10 m. Gravity anomalies can be interpreted by a more dense vertical rectanglar prism, of which size is 30 m×110 m×300 m and the top is at 15 m deep. The zones of high ground temperature and fumaroles are found at the surroundings of the 1970 crater and the area of the higher gravity anomalies. The fumarolic area preceding the 1970 eruption was found at north of the crater. We can infer the processes of the 1970 eruption by using the interpreting subsurface model of Me-dake and the distribution of fumaroles. At the first stage of eruptive activity in 1970, magma intruded into northeast of the 1970 crater. At the second, most of magma passed through the vent conncted with the crater and flowed out. Small quantity of magma remained in the narrow part at northeast of the crater make the present magnetic and gravity anomalies and fumaroles.
佐藤 豊三 小野 剛 田中 和明 服部 力
日本微生物資源学会誌 = Microbial resources and systematics (ISSN:13424041)
vol.32, no.2, pp.163-178, 2016-12

長谷川 昭 堀内 茂木 植木 貞人 西澤 あずさ 松澤 暢 海野 徳仁 堀 修一郎 稲盛 隆穂 松本 聡 浜口 博之 高木 章雄 田中 和夫 鈴木 将之 末広 潔
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.42, no.2, pp.161-169, 1989-06-24 (Released:2010-03-11)
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A seismic refraction experment was carried out around the Bandai volcanic area, the southern part of the Tohoku District, by using a large capacity (9 liter air chamber) marine airgun. Shallow crustal structure (down to about a 4km depth) obtained along the 30km-length profile shows the swelling of the second layer with P-wave velocity more than about 4.0km/s just beneath Bandai volcano in parallel to the surface topography. The swelling of the second layer by about 1km is in good agreement with that of the basement estimated from the Bouguer anomaly.Seismic signals from the surrounding telemetered stations of Tohoku University at epicentral distances from 10km to 230km, are continuously recorded during the airgun experiments. In the stacked records we can detect the clear first P arrivals from the airgun shots at the stations with distances ranging up to 150km, which shows the usefullness of the marine airgun for studying the crustal structure on land. Anomalously late P arrivals or unclear P arrivals are observed for the ray paths which cross active volcanoes. This result and the shallow crustal structure obtained along the refraction profile suggest the existence of the anomalous zone beneath Bandai volcano at depths deeper than about 4km.
中田 毅 桜井 康雄 田中 和博
一般社団法人 日本フルードパワーシステム学会
日本フルードパワーシステム学会論文集 (ISSN:18803121)
vol.39, no.1, pp.13-18, 2008 (Released:2009-08-28)

This paper deals with the proposal of an electric-pneumatic hybrid drive system composed of an AC servomotor and a pneumatic cylinder type actuator, and its control methods. The rotational movement of the AC servomotor is transformed into the linear movement through a ball screw that is placed in the piston, and this hybrid drive system can be operated in the direction of gravitational force. Three control methods such as a pressure compensated control, a torque control and a hybrid control that combines both control methods are proposed from the view point of the reduction of the driving torque of the AC servomotor. The basic characteristics of the hybrid drive system are investigated by the experiment relating to the three control methods when the inertial mass moves vertically upwards and downwards during one cycle. Each control method is effective in reducing the driving torque of the AC servomotor and the views on the reduction of the driving torque of the AC servomotor in each control method are described.
豊田 輝 田中 和哉 平賀 篤 佐野 徳雄 菅沼 一男 西條 富美代 安齋 久美子 渡辺 長 相原 正博 渡邊 修司 青栁 達也 新永 拓也 中山 彰博
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.36, no.4, pp.657-664, 2021 (Released:2021-08-20)

大島 洋志 徳永 朋祥 宮島 吉雄 田中 和広 石橋 弘道
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.37, no.4, pp.351-358, 1996-10-10
1 6

Data on various hydrological and geochemical fluctuations caused by the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake were accumulated. We reported fluctuations of the relatively shallow groundwater at the Nuruyu area, the Northern Awaji Islands, and those of the deeper one at the regional (about 300km&times;300km) scales. Then, we briefly reviewed the precursory geochemical changes in groundwater.<BR>Groundwater gushed out soon after the earthquake at around the Nuruyu and Nojima-Tokiwa areas, which are situated to the east of the Nojima fault, and then has dried up within the several months. There has been no sign of the recovery of groundwater level in wells one year after the earthquake. The water springing out at the hanging wall side along the Nojima fault seemed to be moved from the eastern mountainous area where groundwater has dried up.<BR>Groundwater in deep underground also fluctuated by the earthquake and their spatial distribution seemed to be related to the distance and the direction from the epicenter of the earthquake. Temperature increase at several hot springs has also been observed after the earthquake.<BR>The investigation of the groundwater fluctuations is important not only for the prediction of earthquakes but also for the engineering geological activities, such as planning water supply for the mountainous villages, monitoring and solving groundwater pollution problems, and evaluating long-term stability of deep underground environments. We proposed several plans to monitor and manage data on groundwater fluctuations both in usual times and at earthquakes. We also showed the recommended countermeasure for the fluctuations of hot springs, and pointed out the importance to prepare water supply plans for the places where the drops of water levels have been observed by the previous earthquakes.
田中和幸 河原好孝 古市昌一
vol.2014, no.1, pp.555-556, 2014-03-11

2011年に発生した東日本大震災では,津波による被害者の数が膨大であった.災害時,多くの避難民はどこに避難すれば良いのか判断することが困難である.そこで,本研究では地震や災害発生時に避難民が効率良く逃げることのできるような方法を,地方自治体等の担当者が検討するために用いるツールとして,災害シミュレーションシステム(Agent for Disaster Simulation System,以下ADSSと称す)の構築を提案する.ADSSでは避難民をエージェントとして再現し,国土地理院の数値地図25000を用いるとともに,既存のハザードマップを入力として用い,各条件の違いによる避難民の被害度の違いを結果として得ることができる.