田中 淳
研究紀要 (ISSN:03871355)
vol.37, pp.61-77, 2000-09

日本経済の大きな転換点は, 1973年の第一次石油ショックによる高度成長期の終焉であった.終身雇用(長期雇用)慣行を前提とした新卒採用は, 高度成長期に確立したが, 近年の低成長では長期雇用慣行の維持が困難である.長期雇用慣行を中心としながらも, 必要な時に必要なだけ労働力を調達するフロー型雇用も増加する.その中で新卒採用は, 多くの学卒未就職者を出すなど社会的に問題を残している.特に若年層のフリーター志向は, 将来の日本経済の発展に暗影を落としている.現在の失業の構造を把握しながら, 若年層の職業意識を高める施策が必要である.
寺田 進志 前河 泰正 永野 翔大 田中 淳
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies (ISSN:09153586)
vol.36, no.2, pp.35-53, 2023-01-31

The purpose of this study is to identify and resolve problems and issuesfrom student teacher evaluations and general reviews in order to improve andenhance the teacher training course in the Health and Physical Education courseat Osaka International University. To achieve this, we reviewed the overallevaluations of student teachers from 2019 to 2021 and analyzed general reviewswith AI text mining. It was determined that we should improve the knowledgeand ability of the Health and Physical Education course and student guidance tomeet a prescribed standard. Student teachers should be instructed on improvingtheir material development and teaching practice, and be encouraged to teachwith enthusiasm, earnestness, and be more involved with their students.
田中 淳

現在、世界中で猛威を振るっている新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)は、エアロゾルによる感染のリスクがあるためP3施設にて細心の注意をもって取り扱う必要があり、その研究には多くの制約と危険を伴う。SARS-CoV-2の研究を P2施設で安全に行うことが出来る実験系を樹立することで抗ウイルス薬、ワクチン開発をより多くの研究施設で進めることが可能になる。本研究は、これまで応募者らが独自に開発、使用してきたアルファウイルス遺伝子発現ベクターをプラットフォームとし、SARS-CoV-2シュードウイルスベクターや、ウイルス様粒子(VLP)発現ベクター等を作製しP2施設で使用可能な実験系を構築する。
吉田 秀 遠藤 平仁 田中 淳一 飯塚 進子 木村 美保 橋本 篤 田中 住明 石川 章 廣畑 俊成 近藤 啓文
一般社団法人 日本臨床リウマチ学会
臨床リウマチ (ISSN:09148760)
vol.20, no.4, pp.302-309, 2008-12-30 (Released:2016-11-30)

A woman of 50 years of age who had a 13-year history of hypothyroidism was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with butterfly rash, leukopenia, positivity of antinuclear antibody, anti-DNA antibody and anti-Sm antibody. Two years later, she developed nephritis (WHO type IV) and remitted with corticosteroid pulse and intermittent intravenous cyclophosphamide pulse therapy (IVCY). Four years after the onset of SLE, she relapsed with proteinuria and leukopenia when she was taking 9 mg/day of prednisolone (PSL) but she stopped all the medication of her own accord. Four months passed without any therapy, she was admitted to our hospital with disturbance of consciousness and anasarca. Laboratory findings showed pancytopenia (WBC 1300/μl, RBC 233×10⁴/μl, Hb6.9g/dl, Plt3.6×10⁴/μl), aggravation of lupus nephritis and hypothyroidism. Chest X-ray and ultrasonography demonstrated pleural and pericardial effusion and the absence of hepatosplenomegaly. She was also diagnosed with myelofibrosis upon bone marrow inspection. Three instances of corticosteroid pulse therapy, oral corticosteroid (PSL was tapered from 50 mg/day) and supplement therapy of levothyroxine improved every symptom and pancytopenia. The second bone marrow biopsy showed reduced fibrosis and recovery of bone marrow cells. These findings implied the secondary myelofibrosis caused by SLE because the myelofibrosis came along with aggravation of SLE and corticosteroid therapy was effective. This is a rare case of SLE in which myelofibrosis improved by high-dose corticosteroid therapy, which was confirmed by bone marrow biopsy and suggests the pathogenic mechanisms for myelofibrosis.
宇田川 真之 三船 恒裕 定池 祐季 磯打 千雅子 黄 欣悦 田中 淳
災害情報 (ISSN:13483609)
vol.17, no.1, pp.21-30, 2019 (Released:2021-04-01)

宇田川 真之 三船 恒裕 定池 祐季 磯打 千雅子 黄 欣悦 田中 淳
一般社団法人 地域安全学会
地域安全学会論文集 (ISSN:13452088)
vol.36, pp.83-90, 2020-03-27 (Released:2020-12-03)

This study examined factors which influence the intention of evacuation behavior. We expected that the behavioral intention of evacuation is determined by six cognitive factors; perceived risk, response-efficacy, self-efficacy, response cost, descriptive norm, injunctive norm.We conducted a survey using a standard questionnaire in Kochi prefecture and identified the six factors. The standard questionnaire revealed that the factors affecting the intention of evacuation behavior differed depending on the residence and residence period.And srveys in multiple regions have the same result that the influence of subjective norms was large.
宇田川 真之 田中 淳
no.26, pp.21-22, 2010-06

Tsunami information was announced with the Chile earthquake on February 28, 2010. In some municipalities, those information was delivered to the cellular phone together by using "Area mail" service of NTT DoCoMo. The evacuation order was announced to public for the first time by using "Area mail". We executed the local hearing investigation and the resident questionnaire survey.
星野 洪郎 清水 宣明 大上 厚志 藤木 博太 田中 淳

アジア地域でのHIV-1感染症の特殊性をタイのチェンマイ大学を共同研究の拠点として解析を行なった。タイには既に60万人の感染者がおり、その内2万人は子供である。HIV感染児では、大人より病気の進行が早く、治療効果の判定や薬剤の副作用の判定が早くできることがある。チェンマイ近郊には、HIVに感染した孤児を世話している国営の施設があり、経過観察や治療は、もっぱら国立病院やチェンマイ大学で行っている。文橡者の定期的な検査とその病態の関連をウイルス学的に解析してきた。このようにHIV感染小児の病態を解析しやすい体制を整えることができた。抗酸化物質にヒトのがんの発症を抑制する働きがあることが、多くの疫学的論文で報告されている。一方酸化ストレスやTNFαが、HIV-1感染症などの慢性感染症でウイルスを活性化させ、病気の進行を促進すると考えられている。抗酸化作用を持ち、TNFαを阻害する緑茶抽出物やアスタキサンチンなどの抗酸化剤は、HIV-1感染症の進行を抑える可能性が考えられる。これらについて介入的疫学研究を行う準備をしている。我々は、HIV-1感染の新しいコレセプターとして新しいコレセプターを同定し解析した。日本人感染者、タイの感染児の抹消血を用い、経時的に解析し、新しいコレセプターの臨床的、疫学的の意義を明らかにした。すなわち、HIV-1感染の新しいコレセプターとして、D6,CCR9b, XCR1およびFML1を同定し、解析を始めた。D6は、日本人血友病患者由来のsubtypeBのdual-tropic HIV-1、FML1はタイ、ベトナム由来のsubtypeAEおよびCのウイルスで利用した。これまでの研究期間の間に、タイの規則が厳しくなり、タイ人の試料は,許可なしには持ち出せず、国外持ち出しの手続きに長時間かかるようになった。緑茶抽出物をHIV感染者に投与するには、チェンマイ大学の倫理委員会に書類を提出しなければならないが、審査を受けるのに非常に時間がかかることが明らかとなった。現在手続きを進めている。
田中淳 吉井 博明
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
no.21, pp.79-94, 1999-01-01

In this paper, the effects of a probabilistic estimation of earthquake occurrence on the awareness of disaster prevention are discussed. In May 1998, the Research Committee on Earthquake Disaster, founded by the Japanese government, estimated the probabilities with which several earthquakes would occur and announced them. According to the committee, the probability of an occurrence of the next Tokai Earthquake within 30 years was 36 percent. This probabilistic and long-term estimation is an revolutionary trial in earthquake prediction efforts, but there remain many problems. One of these problems is whether residents can evaluate such estimations properly and put them to practical use. Findings in psychology show consistently that people can't make full use of probabilistic information. In order to shed light on how residents accept such information and evaluate it, a mail survey was conducted in Shizuoka city in September 1998. The main results are as follows. On average, the citizens of Shizuoka estimated the occurrence probability of the next Tokai Earthquake at 60 percent by intuition. They felt that an earthquake was impending if they were told the disaster would occur with more probability than 30-50 percent. Consequently they took the estimation by the Research Committee as lower than their own. However, they thought that they had had better promote disaster measures as well as or more than their present level. And they didn't think that 30 years was too long to judge whether they should take disaster measures or that such probabilistic expression was too difficult to understand, making the announcement of this estimation insignificant. They also claimed that any information should be announced to residents but national and/or local governments should also tell citizens how to take the proper actions, adding to those information. Being based of these findings, some implications were discussed.\n 1995年1月17日に発生した阪神・淡路大震災は、人的にも物的にも甚大な被害をもたらしたが、それ故に我々に様々な教訓を残した。そのひとつに、災害環境に対する適切な知識の普及は極めて重要だというものがある。阪神・淡路大震災の被害が激甚であったことは、直接には地震が神戸市直下で発生し、揺れが強かったことによる。しかし、家屋の構造の弱さやその後の厳しい被災生活の幾ばくかは、地震に対する事前対策の低さに起因する。そして、その背景には神戸には地震が来ないという神話も指摘しうる。 阪神・淡路大震災以降、様々な災害情報が公表され、マスコミ等を通じて広く伝えられるようになった。その中に政府の地震調査研究推進本部が試算、発表している長期確率評価がある。この情報は、発生が予想される地震について、一定の期間内に発生する可能性を確率表現で示すものである。それまでの「大地震が発生する可能性がある」という表現から、定量的な表現に踏み込んだ点で画期的と言いうるが、新しい試みであるだけに問題も残されている。そのひとつに「30年以内」という期間の長さや「36%」あるいは「3.5%」という確率表現を、受け手である地方公共団体や住民がどう理解するのか、という問題である。30年というのは対策を実施するにはあまりに長期に過ぎる、「3.5%」では発生の可能性が小さく安心情報と受け止められる、といった恐れもあるからである。また、心理学の知見によれば、人間は事前確率の無視など確率的な情報処理は不得手であるとされている。 そこで、本研究では、長期確率評価の公表を住民がどのように受け止め、どのように評価しているのか、を明らかにすることを目的としている。「今後30年以内に発生する可能性は36%」と推定された東海地震を取り上げ、もし地震が発生した場合には大きな被害を受けると予想される静岡市民を対象としたアンケート調査に基づき、長期確率評価が防災意識に及ぼす効果を分析する。
高坂 祐樹 扇田 いずみ 清藤 真樹 田中 淳也
日本水産工学会誌 (ISSN:09167617)
vol.55, no.3, pp.199-204, 2019

田中 淳
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.393, pp.61-78, 2008-01-28

This review considers three recent retrospective exhibitions that featured the arts of three painters whose oeuvres span the early Shốwa era from the Second Sino-Japanese War through World War II through the contemporary age.1. Kojima Zenzaburô, Tsuruoka Masao, Ai-Mitsu This section presents a review of three retrospective exhibitions and their catalogues seen by the author in June and July 2007. "Pastoral Splendor-KOJIMA Zenzaburo 1893-1962," Fuchû Art Museum, Tokyo "TSURUOKA Masao A Centenary Retrospective," Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura "AI-MITSU," National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo These exhibitions allowed visitors to consider how each of these painters experienced the war time years as a "simple soldier," particularly as seen in a work exhibited in the Tsuruoka exhibition, Turned Head (1950, bronze).2. The Novelist Hino Ashihei as the same kind of "soldier" Hino Ashihei (1907-1959) was born in 1907, the same year as Tsuruoka (1907-1979) and Ai-Mitsu (1907-1946). The three men were all drafted in the same year and the novelist Hino was sent to the Chinese continent as a "simple soldier." During his time in the military Hino was awarded the Akutagawa Prize and then transferred to the army press corps where he wrote and published his work whose title can be translated as Wheat and Soldiers. This record of his time in the military quickly became a best seller in Japan. However, the text published at the time was censored by the military and many sections were removed. After the war, the author restored it to its original form, including the final section about the execution of prisoners. Reading Hino's work provides an opportunity for consideration from a different vantage point of how an artist experienced war as a "simple soldier."3. Lost Lives, Lost Works I found out something I did not know at the Ai-Mitsu exhibition. This was the existence of a doctor named Kurokawa Setsuji who supported artists such as Ai-Mitsu in Ai-Mitsu's hometown of Hiroshima. Kurokawa ran a clinic and collected art as an art aficionado. Part of his collection was evacuated from the city just a week before the bomb was dropped and remains extant today. Kurokawa himself, and his clinic, were at ground zero in Hiroshima and Kurokawa lost his life when the bomb was dropped. On the other hand, I did know that the younger brother of Kawakami Ryôka (1887-1921) lived in Hiroshima and preserved the works created by his late brother. Just as Ryôka's works were being assembled for evacuation, they were lost to the bomb. How, indeed, should we consider these quirks of fate, both human fate and the fate of art works. This review thus includes critiques of the retrospective exhibitions of three painters, while also considering the effects of war on artists and their works.
高松 操 川原 啓孝 伊藤 裕道 宇敷 洋 鈴木 信弘 佐々木 純 大田 克 奥田 英二 小林 哲彦 長井 秋則 坂尾 龍太 村田 長太郎 田中 淳也 松坂 康智 立野 高寛 原 正秀 岡﨑 弘祥
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.15, no.1, pp.32-42, 2016 (Released:2016-02-15)

In the experimental fast reactor “Joyo”, it was confirmed that the top of the irradiation test subassembly of the material testing rig named “MARICO-2” was broken and bent onto the in-vessel storage rack as an obstacle, damaging the upper core structure (UCS). In this paper, we describe the in-vessel repair techniques for UCS replacement, which are developed in Joyo. The UCS replacement was conducted in the following four stages: (1) jack-up of the existing damaged UCS, (2) retrieval of the existing damaged UCS, (3) installation of the O-ring, and (4) insertion of the new UCS. Since the UCS replacement was not anticipated in the original design, the work conditions at Joyo were carefully investigated, and the obtained results were applied to the design of special handling equipment. The UCS replacement was successfully completed in 2014. In-vessel repair techniques for sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) are important in confirming the safety and integrity of SFRs. However, the techniques demonstrated in the actual reactor environment with high temperature, high radiation dose, and remaining sodium are insufficient to secure the reliability of these techniques. The experience and knowledge accumulated in the UCS replacement provide valuable insights into further improvements of in-vessel repair techniques for SFRs.
大原 美保 地引 泰人 関谷 直也 須見 徹太郎 目黒 公郎 田中 淳
生産研究 (ISSN:0037105X)
vol.61, no.6, pp.1055-1060, 2009 (Released:2010-02-23)

2008年岩手・宮城内陸地震は, 主要動の到達の前に緊急地震速報が発表された初めての地震であるとともに, J-ALERT(全国瞬時警報システム)を介して防災行政無線から緊急地震速報が放送された初めての事例でもあった.本研究では, J-ALERTにより緊急地震速報が放送された山形県東田川郡庄内町を対象として, 緊急地震速報放送の効果に関するアンケート調査を行った.防災行政無線放送で緊急地震速報を聞いた人は, テレビで見聞きした人の2倍以上となり, 広く情報を伝えるには防災行政無線が有効であることが確認された.しかし, 放送後に身を守る行動を行った人は少なく, 今後は望ましい行動に関する周知が必要であると考えられた.[本要旨はPDFには含まれない]
田中 淳
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.398, pp.52-81, 2009-08-31

Introduction The magazine Seitô (Bluestockings) was first published in September 1911 by a group centered on Hiratsuka Raichô. It was the first magazine in the history of modern Japan to assert women's liberation through literary works. At the time, the term “atarashii onna,” literally “new woman, ” was popular in Japan, largely in journalism. The aim of this research note is to test the hypothesis that Yorozu Tetsugorô had this “new woman” image and the new expressive form of Italian Futurist paintings in mind when he created his work entitled Woman with a Balloon.1. A meeting at a Zen center, Ryobôan: Yorozu Tetsugorô and Hiratsuka Raicho This article indicated that, at the very least, Yorozu Tetsugorô and Hiratsuka Raichô knew each other's faces, even if they had not actually met, thanks to having both attended a Zen center in Tokyo called Ryobôan for a few months in 1906.2. The “New Woman” as visual image Yorozu exhibited his Landscape with Chimney featuring a dazzling sun in the Fusain Society exhibition held in October 1912. Hiratsuka Raichô and her fellow Seitô members went to see this exhibition and undoubtedly saw Yorozu's entry. While Hiratsuka layered images of the sun with images of women, Yorozu, influenced by Van Gogh and others, painted a glittering sun. Further, Hiratsuka' s statement at the time likened herself and her magazine fellows as “balloons” created by journalism and like those balloons, they would float away in many different directions. The article indicates that amidst such influences, Yorozu linked the image of “new woman” with that of “balloons.”3. From Italian Futurists to Woman with a Balloon In June and July 1913, two major general magazines of the day, Taiyo and Chûô Kôron, both featured special issues on the question of “the female problem” which evoked great reaction. Around that time “the new woman” was created as both a social issue and as a visual image. Concurrently, the painter Yorozu's interests turned from his earlier focus on Post-Impressionist painting to the early 20th century Italian Futurists and Cubism. Yorozu was also interested in the theater and he provided the stage decoration for Matsui Sumako's theater group in September 1913. Indeed, “actresses” could be seen as one form of “new woman.” The article concludes that Woman with a Balloon was a symbolic expression of an unidentified “new woman” created by Yorozu at that time in the “new expression” of contemporary European art.
田中 淳 上石 有吾 佐藤 威臣 横溝 和則
日本緑化工学会誌 (ISSN:09167439)
vol.44, no.1, pp.245-248, 2018-08-31 (Released:2019-05-10)

壮齢ヒノキ林に本数間伐率50%(材積間伐率35%)を実施した。また,間伐後の下層植生を評価するために外来牧草を播種し,植被率の変化を調査した。播種した範囲の相対照度は平均15.4%となり,間伐を実施する前と比較して,11.6%上昇した。播種した外来牧草の植被率は,播種1 ヶ月後には50%程度となったが,播種2 ヶ月後から衰退し始め,4 ヶ月後には10%未満となった。間伐を実施しない対象区の相対照度は平均4.1%であり,播種後3 ヶ月後にはほぼ枯死した。地表面侵食防止のための森林整備方法として,下層植生を早期に健全に生育させるためには,より強度の間伐を実施するか,耐陰性の高い草種の選定が必要である。