門谷 茂
沿岸海洋研究 (ISSN:13422758)
vol.43, no.2, pp.151-155, 2006-02-28

山田 一隆 丹羽 清志 鮫島 隆志 春山 勝郎 桂 禎紀 長谷 茂也 石沢 隆 島津 久明
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.23, no.12, pp.2777-2782, 1990 (Released:2011-06-08)

直腸癌の術後排尿・性機能障害とストーマ障害についてアンケート調査を行い, 回答を得られた73例の成績を分析した.排尿困難と残尿感は肛門括約筋温存術式より直腸切断術後に多く発生し, 腸骨動脈領域郭清例での発生率はそれぞれ38%, 34%であり, 非郭清例の8%, 8%に比べ高頻度にみられたが, 自律神経温存手術では認められなかった.また, 男性に比べ女性で排尿障害の出現率が低い傾向が認められた.性機能障害は前方切除術よりも直腸切断術および貫通・重積術式で多く認められた.男性の人工肛門造設例での性生活障害の出現率は87%であり, 非造設例の44%に比べ多く, また女性の症例でも同様の結果が得られ, 心因性の障害の関与が推測された.年齢層別では高齢者ほど性機能障害の出現が高頻度に認められた.ストーマ障害では, 位置異常の訴えは3%と少なく, 周囲皮膚障害は24%と比較的高率に認められた.
松谷 茂樹
一般社団法人 日本応用数理学会
vol.13, no.1, pp.48-60, 2003

In 1691, James Bernoulli proposed the following problem called elastica problem : "What shape of elastica, an ideal thin elastic rod in a plane, is allowed ?" Euler essentially solved the problem in 1744 by developing studies of variation problem and elliptic function theory. Their studies are regarded as prototypes of harmonic map theory, nonlinear differential theory, soliton theory, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, theory of moduil of elliptic curves and so on. In this article we mention their mathematical meaning with their historical background from viewpoint of pure and applied mathematics : Their studies started from concreteness to abstractand they applied constructed abstract theory to the concrete problem. We also introduce a current study of statistical mechanics of elasticas, which might be settled by knowledge of hyperelliptic function theory.
松谷 茂樹
一般社団法人 日本応用数理学会
応用数理 (ISSN:24321982)
vol.13, no.1, pp.48-60, 2003-03-25 (Released:2017-04-08)

In 1691, James Bernoulli proposed the following problem called elastica problem : "What shape of elastica, an ideal thin elastic rod in a plane, is allowed ?" Euler essentially solved the problem in 1744 by developing studies of variation problem and elliptic function theory. Their studies are regarded as prototypes of harmonic map theory, nonlinear differential theory, soliton theory, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, theory of moduil of elliptic curves and so on. In this article we mention their mathematical meaning with their historical background from viewpoint of pure and applied mathematics : Their studies started from concreteness to abstractand they applied constructed abstract theory to the concrete problem. We also introduce a current study of statistical mechanics of elasticas, which might be settled by knowledge of hyperelliptic function theory.
川谷 茂樹
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2004, no.55, pp.155-166,27, 2004-04-01 (Released:2009-07-23)

Was fur eine Tätigkeit ist es, die Formen in der Philosophie zu erforschen? Welche Eigentümlichkeit haben die Formen, die durch eine solche Erforschungen entdeckt werden? Was fur eine Tätigkeit ist die transzendentale Philosophie über-haupt?In diesem Aufsatz versuche ich eine adäquate Antwort auf die diese Fragen zu geben, indem ich Kants Argumente in seinen metaphysisch und transzendental genannten zwei "Deduktionen der Kategorien" interpretiere.In der metaphysischen Deduktion kann Kant das Programm seiner Argumentation eigentlich nicht ausfuhren, ohne abhängig von der blossen Tatsache zu sein, dass wir stets durch die zwölf Urteilsformen (Kategorien) urteilen (denken). Fol-glich wird unseren Kategorien ein Merkmal des Faktizität zugefügt. Auch kann die transzendentale Deduktion eine "Alternativenlosigkeit" nicht beweisen. Aber mit diesen Dedktionen können wir argumentieren, dass unsere Kategorien transzendental sind.Letztlich kann man sagen, dass die transzendentale Faktizität unserer Kategorien in Kants zwei "Deduktionen der Kategorien" eine ultimative Grenze erreicht hat. Aber der problematische Begriff dieser Faktizität deutet auf die "unmögliche Moglichkeit" (Th. M. Seebohm) hin, dass unsere Kategorien, die als transzendentale Formen festgestellt werden, entstehen, sich verändern und auch verschwinden können.Die transzendentale Philosophie ist (1) die Tätigkeit, die den ursprünglichen Widerspruch aufweist, die transzendentale Formen, die die Fakta möglich machen, als das Faktum zu setzen, (2) die Bewegung, die schon vom Widerspruch (Aporie) als einem negativen Ursprung ausgeht.
牧野 秀成 若林 伸和 矢野 吉治 塩谷 茂明
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.125, pp.191-197, 2011
2 2

External forces of marine weather, such as waves, currents and wind flows, affect the course and speed of a ship under way. As a result, marine accidents, such as collisions or grounding, may occur, particularly in inshore areas. On coasts where earthquakes and tsunamis occur frequently, such as the Japanese coast, a tsunami that advances into a bay from the open sea is influenced by the submarine topography. It grows into a huge wave that could cause tremendous damage to ships under way and at anchorage. A massive earthquake occurred in the Tohoku and Kanto regions of Japan on 11 March 2011. In response, a tsunami alert, a tsunami warning and an advisory were issued for the entire Pacific coast region. This research investigates the evacuation behaviour of ships by AIS data in Tokyo bay and Osaka bay after the tsunami warning was issued. The unusual behaviour observed was attributed to the emergency evacuation of ships. In addition, the propagation direction of the tsunami was clarified by analysing the drift situation of each ship.
堤 裕昭 岡村 絵美子 小川 満代 高橋 徹 山口 一岩 門谷 茂 小橋 乃子 安達 貴浩 小松 利光
海の研究 (ISSN:09168362)
vol.12, no.3, pp.291-305, 2003-05-05

九州西岸の有明海奥部海域において,近年夏季に発生する底層水の貧酸素化現象および頻発する赤潮の発生メカニズムを解明するため,2001年8月より2002年2月まで毎月1回,水質調査を行った。本調査期間中,8月上旬に底層で貧酸素水塊が,11月に珪藻赤潮がいずれも大雨の後に発生し,その発生過程を次のようにまとめた。1.夏季の貧酸素水塊 梅雨期の大雨→河川からの大量の淡水の流入→表層の塩分低下による成層構造の発達・夏季の気温上昇に伴う水温の成層構造の発達→底層水の貧酸素化 2.秋季の珪藻赤潮 秋季の大雨→河川からの大量の淡水の流入・大量の栄養塩の供給→低塩分・高栄養塩濃度の表層水の形成→赤潮の発生 1998年以降,秋季の赤潮は大規模化する傾向が認められる。有明海奥部海域では,塩分や水温による成層構造が発達した時に,海水交換に大きな変化が生じ,海水が滞留しがちになることで赤潮が発生している可能性が指摘される。
吉田 徹 堤 健 栗栖 美由希 岩井 俊介 三上 翔平 吉田 稔 若竹 春明 北野 夕佳 桝井 良裕 藤谷 茂樹 平 泰彦
日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 (ISSN:0287301X)
vol.40, no.3, pp.221-225, 2019-12-31 (Released:2019-12-31)

向精神薬によるARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) の報告は限られており, また, ARDSや薬物中毒に対してECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) の有用性が指摘されている。【症例】20歳代女性。うつ病等で精神科通院中。フェノチアジン系抗精神病薬, ベンゾジアゼピン系催眠鎮静薬, オレキシン受容体拮抗薬, ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬の過量服薬を行い, 服用後約5時間で救急搬送された。来院時意識レベルE3V5M6, その他バイタルサインに大きな所見はなかった。入院後に低酸素血症出現, 胸部単純X線で肺水腫の所見を認めた。人工呼吸管理を施行するも心停止し, VA-ECMOを導入した。頭部・上肢の酸素化不良に対しVVA-ECMOとした。第6病日にVVA-ECMOを離脱, 第32病日に転院した。【考察・結語】本症例は, ARDSから心停止, VVA-ECMOを必要とした。過量服薬した原因薬剤のうち, フェノチアジン系抗精神病薬以外は今までARDSの報告はなく, 注意が必要と考えられた。
垂谷 茂弘
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.5, pp.78-95, 1988 (Released:2018-03-15)

The “individuation” is the process of breaking away from “participation mystique.” The participation mystique is based on “identity,” an a priori oneness of subject and object, which can be thought of as the ‘unconscious’ itself. The process of individuation is, finally, the separation of subject from object. Then the problem is whether the identity between subject and object disappears when one realizes his whole personality (the self). Jung himself thinks we cannot become conscious of the entire unconsious. So, the identity must remain even in self-realization. We can sublate (aufheben) the inner and outer worlds only through symbolism. Even then we must preserve the distinction between them. However, there ought to be something fundamental that underlies the two worlds. Then the suspicion will arise that symbolism, especially that pertaining to synchronicity, is a movement back to the participation mystique. I try to prove the individuation is not the work of a single individual, but the dialectical cooperative work of the consciousnesses and the unconscious of “I and thou.” The foundation of this work is the identity, which in clinical psychology is treated as the problem of transference. In chapter 2, I investigate the union of the self and the “unus mundus,” following Jung’s final line of thought with regard to the question of the identity. I demonstrate, however, that Jung wouldn’t go beyond the psychological framework. Thus, I find the foundation of Jung’s thought in the concept of “numinous” experience and the “world-creating significance of the consciousness”.
川谷 茂樹
Japanese Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (JACAP)
Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (ISSN:18834329)
no.4, pp.65-78, 2012-11-26

The aim of this paper is to reconsider the relation between victory or defeat in a contest or a game of sport and athletic superiority of the participants and to make clear the implication that the former decides the latter. In his noted essay related to the same topic, Nicholas Dixon regards victory or winning as "an operational definition" of athletic superiority of an athlete or a team. Our examination of his argument clarifies the point that it would bring about a kind of skepticism with respect to any decision of athletic superiority by winning of contest. This kind of skepticism results in the failure to decide that any winner is superior and its practical effect to our ordinary concept of sport would obviously be very destructive. If we are to avoid such kind of skepticism and such conclusion, then we must think that the particular contest of sport creatively decides athletic superiority of an athlete or a team. Athletic superiority of an athlete or a team wouldn't exist preceding a contest or independently of it as such, but be generated through it for the first time. When victory or defeat in a contest is determined legitimately or according to the rules of the game, therefore, we must admit that athletic superiority of the participants in it could be decided legitimately as well, that is, "the winner is superior". The ethos of sport, in other words, the intrinsic goal of sport can be thought as "the decision of athletic superiority in terms of victory or defeat" and it could have the four different following decisions, though partially implicitly: 1/the decision that it is precisely through victory or defeat of a contest that athletic superiority of the participants could be decided, 2/the decision how victory and defeat of a game are to be decided (the decision of the rules of the game), 3/the determination of winning and losing in terms of the rules, 4/the decision which player or team is superior.
谷 茂
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
地震工学研究発表会講演論文集 (ISSN:18848435)
vol.26, pp.61-64, 2001

川谷 茂樹
Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-11, 2004 (Released:2010-04-30)

This study begins with the following questions. Why should athletes keep rules of sport? What occurs in sport when cheaters break the rules?In relation to these questions, which explore basis or foundation of the rules, there are some precedent theories. Those are 1) rule absolutism or game formalism, 2) contextual contractualism, 3) externalism. Through my research on 1) and 2), a very important issue, namely, the ethos of the game rose. That is, an internal purpose of the game achieved as a result of realization of the game, and at the same time the basis of the rules. Furthermore, with regard to 3), it is not able to point out the basis of the rules because of denying the existence of this ethos: “internal purpose of sport”.All things considered, the ethos of game is to make a decision of victory or defeat. Therefore, a norm “Keep rules” itself is not always an absolute command, a categorical imperative, but a relative one, a hypothetical imperative. Consequently, all cheating, rule breaking, doesn't act on the game destructively. The rules of sport is fundamentally restricted by the ethos of sport under all circumstances. In other words, only this ethos: “the spirit of the sport”, forms the basis or foundation of the rules of sport.
神谷 茂保
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学 (ISSN:02857685)
vol.28, pp.309-318, 1992

この小論の目的は, 日本の代表的な19の河川(図1に位置を示す)の実験的フラクタル次元, 分岐比を求め河川の様相などとの関連についての調査の結果を報告することである。本調査のためには, 昭文社発行の全日本道路地図を用いた。また私たちが直接得たデータ以外は, 理科年表(1987年版)及び文献中のデータを使用した。
井尻 篤木 吉木 健 根本 洋明 田中 浩二 嶋崎 等 前谷 茂樹 峯岸 則之 中村 晃三 森本 陽美記 堀 あい 米富 大祐 中出 哲也
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 (ISSN:09165908)
vol.41, no.2, pp.53-57, 2010 (Released:2011-04-09)

櫻本 秀明 卯野木 健 白坂 雅子 田本 光拡 佐藤 智夫 大内 玲 佐土根 岳 藤谷 茂樹
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.27, no.5, pp.429-432, 2020-09-01 (Released:2020-09-01)

鎮静・鎮痛・せん妄・睡眠管理およびICU diaryに関する実践を明らかにすることを目的に,Webアンケートによる実態調査を実施した。ICU/high care unit(HCU)看護師からの227件の回答を分析し,鎮静目標が明確な施設は66.1%,目標鎮静設定を毎日見直すは22.9%であった。ほぼ全ての施設で定期的に鎮静評価が行われていた。客観的疼痛評価はbehavioral pain scale(BPS)37.4%,critical-care pain observation tool(CPOT)38.3%で行われていた。せん妄評価ツールを全く使用していない施設は13.7%にとどまった。睡眠促進は,明るさの調整(84.6%),モニター音の調整(48.5%)であった。ICU diaryを全く使用していない施設は77.5%に上った。重症患者に対する鎮静・鎮痛・せん妄評価,睡眠の促進は広く普及しつつあるが,ICU diaryも含めるといまだ十分とはいえず,今後も適切な普及に組織的に取り組む必要性が示唆された。