清島 亮 小柳 和夫 中川 基人 永瀬 剛司 岡林 剛史 田渕 悟 小澤 壯治 金井 歳雄
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.43, no.9, pp.990-995, 2010-09-01 (Released:2011-12-27)
1 1

食道癌根治術後の難治性頻脈性不整脈は頻度の高い合併症の一つである.我々は食道癌術後上室性頻脈性不整脈に対して短時間作用型β1選択的遮断薬(塩酸ランジオロール)を投与し有効に作用した5症例を経験した.いずれも術前の心電図や心臓超音波検査で異常は認めなかった.頻脈性不整脈は術後2ないし3日目に発生した.塩酸ランジオロール投与は2例目まではジギタリス製剤もしくは塩酸ベラパミル投与の無効症例に,その後の3例は第1選択として使用した.投与開始量は,1例目は20 μg/kg/分,2例目からは2 μg/kg/分で,適宜増減した.脈拍数はいずれの症例も塩酸ランジオロール開始数分後に減少し,投与中に収縮期血圧は低下しなかった.塩酸ランジオロールは半減期が短く調節性に優れており,食道癌術後の頻脈性不整脈に対しても有用であると考えられた.
大金 さや香 城間 将江 小渕 千絵
vol.58, no.1, pp.60-68, 2015

要旨: 軽度から重度までの補聴器 (HA) 装用者13名と人工内耳 (CI) 装用者12名に対し, ピアノ音による2~12semitone の幅の2音のピッチ弁別検査と12曲の文部省唱歌の旋律識別検査を実施し, 両者の違いについて比較検討した。 この結果, HA 装用者では, 軽中等度例でピッチ弁別, 旋律識別共に良好であったが, 聴力程度が重度になるほど両者の成績が低下する傾向を示した。 一方, CI 装用者では, 1オクターブのピッチ弁別も困難な例が多いにも関わらず, 旋律識別率では10~90%と個人差が大きかった。 ピッチ弁別が困難な重度の HA 装用者や CI 装用者でも, 既知の曲であればトップダウン処理により識別できる場合があるため, 音楽知覚の可能性が示唆された。
金谷 めぐみ 植田 浩司
西南女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:13426354)
vol.22, pp.59-70, 2018-03-01

キリシタン音楽、カトリックの讃美の歌声が日本から消えて200 有余年(鎖国・禁教時代)、ペリーの来航(1853)を機に、幕末・明治の開国の時代を迎えた。明治新政府は、キリスト教禁止の幕府政策を継承したが、明治6年に禁教令を廃止し、信教の自由を認めた。来日したカトリック教会と正教会、そしてプロテスタント教会の宣教師たちは、西洋文明を伝え、キリスト教の伝道と教育活動を展開し、日本の社会はキリスト教とその音楽に再会した。 日本における礼拝を執り行うために、また日本人が讃美するために、各教会は聖歌集および讃美歌集を出版した。とくにプロテスタント教会の讃美歌の編集では、日本語と英語の性質の異なる言語において、五線譜の曲に英語を翻訳した日本語の歌詞をつけて、曲と歌詞とのフレージングとアクセントを合わせることに努力が払われた。 本総説において、著者らは、明治時代に日本で歌われたカトリックの聖歌と正教会の聖歌、そしてプロテスタント教会の讃美歌について楽譜付讃美歌が出版された経緯を記し、文献的考察を行った。
山口 昇一郎 金子 和典 川島 幸子 竹村 陽 増本 憲考 笠正 二郎 舟橋 弘晃 吉岡 耕治
日本養豚学会誌 (ISSN:0913882X)
vol.54, no.4, pp.155-160, 2017-12-21 (Released:2018-03-14)

浅井 幸子 黒田 友紀 金田 裕子 北田 佳子 柴田 万里子 申 智媛 玉城 久美子 望月 一枝
日本教師教育学会年報 (ISSN:13437186)
vol.27, pp.110-121, 2018-09-29 (Released:2020-07-06)

This study introduces a case of school reform in a public elementary school, hereon named “A-school”, in the city of O, Japan, in which all teachers engaged in the challenge to share their responsibility for all students in the school. The study analyzes how the teacher-community at A-school developed through the school reform. It is noteworthy that the teacher-community at A-school was uniquely developed by teachers’ sharing about their “inabilities” rather than “abilities”. The study, then, focuses on this unique sharing culture to analyze how individual teachers in A-school had experienced their school reform by using a narrative inquiry approach. Considering A-school as a narrative community, we interviewed several teachers and school staff, and analyzed their narratives from three viewpoints; “personal story”, “community narrative”, and “dominant cultural narrative”. As a result, we found out the following: (1) The narrative based on the dominant culture in ordinary elementary schools tends to emphasize individual classroom teacher’s responsibility for students in his/her own class. Such narrative makes it difficult for ordinary elementary schools to achieve the goal “All teachers should be responsible for all students in a school.” (2) Counter to the dominant narrative emphasizing individual responsibility, teachers in A-school positively disclosed their “inability” to share their responsibility for their students. The principal took the initiative to disclose her own “inabilities”, which then provided veteran teachers in A-school a safety to share their own “inabilities”. Those principal’s and veterans’ narratives then encouraged young teachers in A-school to also disclose their “inabilities”. (3) The teachers in A-school realized that being aware of one’s own “inability” and asking for others’ help do not mean giving up one’s own responsibility. Instead, the teachers found that they pursued their own responsibility through continuous questioning of their “abilities” needed for their students’ education.
小曽根 惠子 金山 彰宏 小曽根 努
ペストロジー学会誌 (ISSN:09167382)
vol.10, no.1, pp.32-36, 1995-10-31 (Released:2019-07-11)

金田 みずき 苧阪 直行
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.23, no.1, pp.20-29, 2004-09-30 (Released:2016-11-22)

This study investigated the role of the central executive in the use of long-term memory, and in particular examined semantically encoding verbal stimuli using long-term information. A dual-task method was adopted. The primary task was an immediate serial recall which used two types of verbal stimuli, nonwords and words. It has been reported that the recall of words is better than the recall of nonwords because nonwords contain a phonological code without any semantic information, whereas words involve both types of information. The main analysis compared the performance of the recall of nonwords and words when secondary tasks were performed simultaneously. The secondary tasks were articulatory suppression and verification of simple arithmetic that imposed a burden on the phonological loop and central executive, respectively. The recall performance of the nonwords was disrupted by the same amount by each of the secondary tasks. However, the recall performance of the words was effected more when an arithmetic task was performed. These results confirmed the assumption that the central executive plays an important role in semantically encoding verbal information.
金村 英秋 佐野 史和 反頭 智子 杉田 完爾 相原 正男
一般社団法人 日本小児神経学会
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.47, no.1, pp.18-22, 2015 (Released:2015-03-20)

【目的】小児てんかん児の発作間欠期頭痛に対するtopiramate (以下, TPM) の有効性について検討した. 【方法】対象は頭痛の訴えを表出できる患児85名 (5~15歳). Valproate (以下, VPA) 内服群42名, carbamazepine (以下, CBZ) 群34名, 併用群6名, 他剤群3名であった. 発作間欠期頭痛の有無, 頻度, 程度{1 (支障度 : 小) ~3 (同 : 大) }による治療開始後6カ月時点でのTPMの有用性を検討した. 頻度50%以上の減少または程度50%以上の軽減を反応群とした. TPMは0.5mg/kg/dayで開始, 症状に応じて3mg/kg/dayまで増量可とした. 【結果】反復する発作間欠期頭痛を認めた児は18名 (21%) であった. VPA群8例, CBZ群6例, 併用群3例, 他剤群1例であった. けいれん発作は頭痛 (-) 群で年平均0.9回に対し, 頭痛 (+) 群では2.6回と高頻度であった. TPM反応群は13名 (72%) (VPA群4例, CBZ群6例, 併用群2例) であり, 頭痛の完全消失を6例 (33%) に認めた. TPMの投与量 (mg/kg/day) は非反応群2.7に対し反応群は平均1.1と低用量であった. なお, 反応群におけるTPM投与後の発作頻度は年平均2.2回と有意な減少を認めなかった. 【結論】てんかん児の頭痛に対してTPMは積極的に試みるべき薬剤と考えられる. TPMは発作と関係なく頭痛への有効性が認められたと考えられる. さらにその有効性は必ずしも用量依存性ではなく, 一定の投与量 (2mg/kg/day) で無効な場合は他剤の使用を考慮すべきと考えられる.

1 0 0 0 OA 胆嚢結核の1例

吉武 明弘 金井 歳雄 高林 司 中川 基人 川野 幸夫 向山 小百合 鳥海 史樹
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.34, no.9, pp.1415-1418, 2001 (Released:2011-06-08)

症例は73歳の男性. 主訴は右季肋部痛. 画像検査で胆嚢底部の著しい拡張と胆嚢結石を認めたため, 開腹手術となった. 術中所見では, 胆嚢体部のくびれと底部の著しい拡張と腹壁への浸潤を認めたため, 腹直筋の合併切除を伴う胆嚢摘出術を施行した. 底部の内溶液は米のとぎ汁状で, 培養検査で結核菌が証明された. 術後1年間の抗結核剤の投与を行った. 本症はきわめてまれであるが, 結核を疑うことが診断に結びついた.
金木 俊也 中村 佳博 纐纈 佑衣 向吉 秀樹
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Carbonaceous material (CM) is widely distributed in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, and its thermal maturity and crystallinity have been used as an indicator of burial and metamorphic temperature history. The relationship between maturity and temperature history of CM has been documented by various analytical techniques, including X-ray diffraction measurements, vitrinite reflectance measurements, transmission electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Among these, Raman spectroscopy is increasingly being used because of its rapidness and usefulness, as well as it is normally non-destructive technique (Henry et al., 2019).A typical Raman spectrum of CM exhibits two distinct peaks of D (around 1350 cm–1) and G bands (around 1580 cm–1) (Tuinstra & Koenig, 1970). Various spectral parameters, which is associated with the thermal maturity of CM, are reported; e.g., intensity ratio and full-width at half maximum (FWHM) of D and G bands. Importantly, there are mainly two types in these spectral parameters: (1) parameters calculated from raw data, or (2) parameters calculated by performing spectral fitting. One of the representative parameters of the latter was proposed by Beyssac et al. (2002). Because it is argued that their R2 ratio (area of G band / area of D1+D2+G bands) is closely related to the CM maturity, numerous studies adopted the R2 ratio as a representative parameter of Raman spectra of CM (e.g., Kouketsu et al., 2014). On the other hand, Henry et al. (2018) suggested that spectral fitting should not be performed because it leads to unnecessary errors, and recommended to focus on the parameters that can be calculated from the raw spectrum without spectral fitting.In the light of these backgrounds, the final goal of this study is to investigate whether spectral fitting of Raman spectra of CM is useful to evaluate its thermal maturity. As a first step toward this purpose, we developed a Python script that automatically perform spectral fitting of Raman spectra of CM. Analytical procedures of the script mainly consist of 5 parts: (i) smoothing by Savitzky-Golay filtering method, (ii) background correction with 1st or 3rd order polynomial function, (iii) normalization, (iv) setting of initial spectral parameters, and (v) non-linear spectral fitting with pseudo-Voigt function. We analyze the published data of Raman spectra of CM by Kouketsu et al. (2014), Mukoyoshi et al. (2018), and Nakamura et al. (2019), and compared the calculated parameters with the reported values of vitrinite reflectance. We will show preliminary results of our attempts in this presentation.
田沢金吾 編
vol.〔本編〕, 1933
田沢金吾 編
vol.図録, 1933
清杉 孝司 巽 好幸 鈴木 桂子 金子 克哉 中岡 礼奈 山本 由弦 羽生 毅 清水 賢 島 伸和 松野 哲男 菊池 瞭平 山口 寛登
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions that discharge more than 40 km3 of Si–rich magma as pyroclastics are rare but extremely hazardous events (eruption magnitude >7). Estimating the eruption volume of pyroclastics and the magma discharge rate in caldera–cycle is essential in evaluating the risk and cause of catastrophic caldera–forming eruptions. For this reason, we took sediment cores with Hydraulic Piston Coring System (HPCS) and Short HPCS (S-HPCS) of D/V Chikyu at Kikai volcano in January 11–14, 2020. Kikai volcano (Kikai caldera) is located about 45 km off southern Kyushu Island, Japan. Except two islands (Satsuma Iwo-Jima Island and Take-Shima Island) on the northern part of the caldera rim, most of the caldera structure is under the sea. At Kikai volcano, three ignimbrites are known; the 140 ka Koabi ignimbrite, the 95 ka Nagase ignimbrite, and the latest 7.3 ka Koya ignimbrite.Sediments were recovered from 5 sites about 4.3 km off the northeastern side of Take-Shima Island. Each drilling site was separated by 10–20 m from any other site. The sediment was not consolidated. Bioturbation was not observed. The sediment sequence, from the top of the cores, consists of gravel unit, ill-sorted lapilli unit, reddish tephra unit, sandy silt unit, and white tephra unit. The sedimentary facies of these sediments is as follows.Gravel unit: The presence of this unit in the upper part of the sequence is suggested by gravels which fell in the drilling holes and recovered with the sediments of the lower sequence. The gravels are consist of white tuffaceous rock, obsidian, gray volcanic rock, reddish altered volcanic rock, gray pumice and altered pumice. They are angular to sub-angular in shape and varying in size up to 5 cm in diameter.Ill-sorted lapilli unit: This deposit consists of ill-sorted lapilli size light yellow colored pumices and lithics of dark volcanic rock, gray volcanic rock, and obsidian. The maximum grain size of the pumice is more than 5 cm, whereas the maximum grain size of the lithic is about 4 cm. The abundance of the pumice component varies with depth. The thickness of the unit is more than 7 m at the drilling sites. The color of the pumice suggests that this unit may be a secondary deposit of underlying Koya ignimbrite deposit.Reddish tephra unit: It consists of layers (maximum thickness at least 40 cm) of slightly reddish to orange ill-sorted pumice lapilli and thin layers (~1 cm thick) of relatively well-sorted ash. The thickness of the deposit is more than 5 m at the drilling sites. The characteristic color of pumice suggests that this unit is the deposit of Koya ignimbrite. Formation of relatively thin layers of lapilli and ash may be due to the deposition under the sea.Sandy silt unit: It consists of very fine fragments of black volcanic rock. The sediment contains small fragments (~5 mm) of sea shells and other organic materials. Foraminifars were also contained in this deposit. The thickness of this unit is at least 20.36 m.White tephra unit: This deposit mainly consists of ill-sorted white pumice lapilli and relatively well-sorted ash. The maximum pumice size is at least 11 cm. The thickness of the deposit is at least 30 m. The deposit is characterized by the presence of crystals of quartz, which is known as a remarkable feature of the Nagase ignimbrite deposit to distinguish it from the other tephra at Kikai volcano. Especially, the middle part of the recovered Nagase ignimbrite deposit (63–64 m below the seafloor) shows unique sedimentary face: it consists of only crystals of quartz (<2 mm in size), orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (<1 mm in size), and magnetite (<2 mm in size). Formation of the sedimentary face may be due to the deposition of hot ignimbrite under the sea.Description of these sedimentary units is essential to distinguish the ignimbrite deposits and understand their flow behavior in the sea. We will show the detail of these sedimentary facies in the presentation.
金子 文成 速水 達也
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.35, no.3, pp.186-190, 2011 (Released:2016-04-15)

運動感覚は,位置覚,運動覚,力覚等の統合的な感覚であり,運動感覚の形成には,主として筋紡錘からの求心性入力 が関与することが明らかにされている.筋紡錘からの求心性入力は,筋長の変化速度や筋長そのものの状態に応じて変化する.そのため,運動感覚は,筋収縮の状況に影響を受ける.本稿では,これまでの報告に基づき,筋収縮が運動感覚に対してどのような影響を及ぼすかについて解説する.
金井 昌二 垂沢 千秋 藤原 信幸
公益社団法人 自動車技術会
自動車技術会論文集 (ISSN:02878321)
vol.44, no.2, pp.381-386, 2013 (Released:2018-01-25)
